Stem-Cell Biologist Bruce comes from the realm of science. He's a stem-cell biologist who had been cloning stem cells for over 40 years now, long before anyone ever heard of stem cell. His world was in the academe as a biology professor and in his lab where he experimented on cells.
His discovery that environment and consciousness over-ride genetics was such a radical deviation from conventional science where genes are the end-all and be-all of our identity. Presenting this to his colleagues caused ridicule, eye-roll and alienation. Science wasn't ready for this, even though his experiments were repeatable with predictable results.
As a professor, he was also conflicted. Here he was, teaching his students the conventional medical dogma which he has already proven to be false.
Instead of caving-in to the ridicule and pressure, he left the academe to launch his crusade about this new paradigm. While the academe rejected him, he found a new audience who embraced him - the swelling tide of conscious people who embrace the divinity that resides within them and build upon the energy that connects everyone together. He has been a familiar figure in the talk and lecture circuit as he pontificates this new philosophy to an audience who can't get enough of him.
Epigenetics He discovered that genetically identical cells, when subjected to different environments develop differently from each other - even though they were all genetically the same. Conclusion? It's not so much genetics that prescribe how cells become, but the environment. Also with the placebo effect, he was drawn to conclude that the mind provides the cure more than the medication. This new science is called Epigenetics(meaning, 'above genetics').
Turn on, Tune in, Drop out When I saw his early interviews, he looked like a regular guy who came out of a lab and talked cells and biology. Fast-forward to his latest interviews and he looked a little shaggier with a longer unkept hair wearing a hippie top. This time, he was talking spirit, self-love and consciousness. I was amazed at the way he evolved his ideas from petri dish culture to hippie counter-culture. I was reminded of the LSD guru, Timothy Leary, an academe member who popularized the phrase, turn on, tune in, drop out, that became the rallying cry of the hippies during the heady days of the 1960s.
Ending Thoughts I must have devoured every interview he gave out - thank god for technology. I was breathing and living 'Bruce Lipton' in the last week. Everytime I listen to Bruce, I feel his sincerity and passion. He's got balls too, exposing the true nature of pharmaceuticals and the medical establishment for what they really are. In him, I see an evolved crusader who unrelentingly continues to preach his gospel.
I come away with lasting and profoundly powerful insight about some of what Bruce said:
environment transcends genetics - cells that were cloned from a single cell are genetically the same. But depending on what culture they are subjected to in a petri dish, these genetically identical cells could develop into bone, muscle or fat. Lesson? Environment, and not the genes, plays a bigger factor in determining how cells develop. Ramification? We can have cancer genes but in the right environment, we don't necessarily have to end up with cancer.
bad environment - When cells are put into a bad environment, they get sick. What to do? Remove them from the bad environment and put them into a good environment and they start becoming healthy again. Ponder on this - we are not a single person - we are a community of 53 trillion cells. The lessons about cells in a petri dish apply to us! If we are put into a bad environment (abusive relationship, stressful situations, polluted habitat, etc.), we get sick (that's why so many die of cancer). Stress suppresses our immune system! What should we do? We should remove ourselves from that environment and go to one where we are at ease and in harmony. But what do we actually do in reality? We continue to stay in that harmful environment and we go see a doctor to prescribe pharmaceuticals for us. No wonder so many of us are propped-up by medication just to function in a dysfunctional society. Lesson? Don't medicate...remove yourself from whatever bad environment you are in and find a place/situation where you resonate. Then your well-being is restored.
placebo effect - we are all familiar with this already. But the powerful lesson here is, it's not the drug that cures us but the belief that we are being cured. It is our consciousness that provides the cure. The cure resides within us...not with the doctors and not in their prescribed medication.
subconscious programming - no matter how much we want to change, we keep falling back to the same vicious loop of discontent (e.g. - a woman who keeps falling for the wrong guy in an abusive relationship). This is because our will resides in the conscious mind and does not reach the subconscious. But it is in the subconscious where transformational change happens, simply because we operate on the subconscious 95% of our waking time - we don't even have to think about it. The key is to take the positive message deep into the subconscious. How? Bruce presents many modalities - self-hypnosis, meditation, being mindful and aware, repetition until it becomes a habit, and on the cutting edge of new science, it's energy psychology where it only takes minutes to send the message to the subconscious. Really? I followed the links to find out more, but I got stumped coz that's when I had to pay for the information.
identity - our identities are not contained in our cells. The cells simply take instructions from the Field which resides outside our bodies. The set of instructions are acted upon by our genes. We are not our genes and we are much more than our bodies. In Bruce's words, "I cannot die!"
I am inspired and transformed by this guy. Bruce, you are such a blessing to humanity. Live long and prosper so you may reach more people who benefit from your wisdom.
Natalia Natasha The Moon (June 24,2019) So nicely put together. Thank you Gigit for reminding me of this beautiful moment of my life meeting this incredible human being!
TheLoneRider (June 24,2019) ...envious that you actually met and even interviewed Bruce Lipton !!!
Suzi (June 24,2019) Thought you might like this page from "the Lipton guy" - The Biology of Belief Rosemarie (July 8,2019) i read that book. Thoroughly enjoyed. Have you read it or just seen interviews?
TheLoneRider (June 24,2019) ...just interviews, but nearly all of them to a point where it was already sounding repetitive. Powerful stuff that gave me more dots to connect in seeing the greater role consciousness plays 🙂
Alan +❤ HeartMath SA
(June 24,2019) There is only consciousness... 🙂 And yet there is no agreed upon clear definition of what consciousness is 🙂
By Dr. Incognito - theoretical physicists propose a hypothesis for a programmable universe, citing evidence of a computer code to be found in nature and we, together with everything we perceive around us, are just expressions of a code
The World As Hologram
Leonard Susskind, professor at the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics discusses the indestructability of information, the nature of black holes and the world as a hologram
A Thin Sheet of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram (Full)
By Johanan Raatz - an open discussion at the 2011 World Science Festival featuring Nobel Laureate, Theoretical Physicist Gerard't Hooft, Theoretical Physicist, Author Leonard Susskind, Physicist Raphael Bousso, and Theoretical & String Physicist Herman Verlinde
VideoThe Holographic Universe (Part One)
By StuOH - a 5-part workshop that ties up many theories in quantum physics into a unified theory centering on the holographic universe
Part 1
Part 2 The Elegant Universe
Hosted by Bryan Greene - This is the ground-breaking video that caused a shift in paradigm about classical physics.
(June 25, 2019) Rocketman is a musical-bio of Elton John that revealed what most of the public don't know about him - a homosexual, bulimic, alcoholic, and a druggy. It talked about relationships - with longtime lyric writer Bernie Taupin, his narcistic manager, his condescending father and his dispproving mother. Toss stardom into it and it's a train wreck.....more »»
(July 15, 2019) Fun-filled morning picnic in the park with good friends for Alan and Nicola's Chiang Mai's farewell...but they'll be back !!!....more »»
(Mar 6, 2023) The more I desire an outcome, the increased likelihood it will happen. And it has, on so many occassions. I'm drawn to conclude that consciousness influences the way reality unravels. But what if we kick it up a notch? What if consciousness actually creates reality?..more »»
Chiang Mai Map
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Bus Station Train Station Chiang Mai International Airport Nong Buak Hard Park - free yoga classes daily
Arun Dara Villa - 7 exclusive rooms, 1 swimming pool for every room, grand opening
Nawa Sheeva Hotel - big rooms, high ceiling, salt-water pool, restaurant, cafe
Nawa Saraan Hotel - low density (4 spacious rooms), stone garden setting, Koi fish pond, Old City location
Arun Suite - 3 bedrooms in a 3-storie guesthouse within Old City, ideal for families
Tawan Bike - motorcycle rental | +66 91 635 2863 | Si Phum, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50200
Chiang Mai FYI / Tips
crop-burning season in Chiang Mai is between late Feb to early April. But laws change everytime. This year, 2019, there is a 61-day ban on burning so the farmers started burning early. When my plane was approaching Chiang Mai on Jan 24, 2019, there was already a thick blanket of smog covering the entire city (and beyond). But within the city itself, you won't feel it (but that doesn't mean the air is healthy). To monitor air conditions in real time, refer to site: Chiang Mai Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index (AQI)
hot season begins March and lasts until June
wet season begins July and lasts until September
best time to visit Chiang Mai is mid-September to mid-February - after the monsoon and before the burning
you have to try Khao Soi, this is north Thailand's culinary staple
the tourist area where most of the hotels, restaurants, ticket offices, tour operators are, is located in the Old City
to exchange your dollars to Thai Baht, the Super Rich Money Exchange give the best rates. There are many branches scattered around Chiang Mai
get a red cab (songthao) outside the train station for Baht 50 (instead of paying B100 if inside the train station) to Old City - if you haggle nicely enough...I did!
shared red taxi (songthao) - B30 standard fare plying all over Old City
for only B50/day, best to rent a bike to go around the Old City - it's a 2.5km2 with lots to discover
FREE daily yoga classes from 9:00am to 10:15am at Nong Buak Hard Park (southwest corner of Old City). Resident and passing-through teachers take turns conducting yoga classes.
Blues/Jazz Bars in Chiang Mai
North Gate Jazz Coop - at Chang Phueg Gate, great Tuesday jam session, Blues on Sundays at 11pm by the Chiang Mai Blues band
Boy Blues Bar - at the Night Bazaar. Mondays at 9:30pm is open mic
My Secret Cafe - near Wat Phra Singh. Tuesdays at 7:30pm for the changing front-act and 9:00pm for the Panic Band
Taphae East - 88 Thapae Rd. (just north of Night Bazaar). Fridays at 9:30pm by Chiang Mai Blues Band
Chiang Mai Cost Index
B60 Chiang beer
B250 1 hour drop-in yoga session
B200 one hour Thai body massage at WAYA Massage(highly recommended)
B50 noodle soup with meat
B50 coffee
B40 pad thai
B30/kilo wash-only laundry
B50/kilo wash+iron laundry
B100-150 dorm bed/night
B250 fan room/night
B30 internet cafe/hour
B170-190 Movies Sat-Sun and public holidays
B130-150 Movies weekdays
B100 Movies Wednesdays (movie discount day)
B750 1/2 day Thai cooking lessons
B900-1000 1 full day Thai cooking lessons
B400 Muay Thai boxing ticket
B2500 starting room rate at the luxury hotel, Nawa Sheeva(highly recommended)
B450 bus, Chiang Mai to Bangkok
B160-180 bus, Chiang Mai to Pai
B1250 bus, Chiang Mai to Luang Prabang
B1650 slow boat, Chiang Mai to Luang Prabang
B210 bus, Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai, 3-4 hours
B360 Green VIP bus, Chiang Mai to Mae Sai (Thai border town for visa run to Tachileik, Myanmar)
B50 bicycle rental, 24 hours
B200 motorbike rental, 24 hours
B273 #51 sleeping train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai
Book Online - direct booking with State Railway of Thailand. Best to register first. If going to BKK from CNX, click "Northern Line".
note -- big difference between booking direct with the State Railway and booking with an online 3rd party agent. 12GO was charging B1330 for the same trip that only cost me B941 with the State Railway.
note -- Oct 2022, I took the #10 Train from CNX to BKK, upper berth, 2nd class, a/c, sleeper, B941. The train was clean, fast, comfortable and modern. If you have heavy luggage that will cost more money in flight checkin, I would suggest this train. Otherwise, the flight now is so much cheaper it doesn't even make sense to take the bus or train.
Bangkok to Chiang Mai by Train from Bang Sue Train Station
10:22pm - #51 Train, arrive Chiang Mai 12:10pm, sleeper, 3rd class B270 (non sleeper), 2nd class B438, B728 upper deck, B798 lower deck
Loei to Chiang Mai by Bus
From Loei town center, take a tuk-tuk ride to the bus station, B30. There is only one bus station.
As of June 28, 2020 (still on Covid schedule), there are only 3 night trips: 8:30pm, 9:30pm and 12 midnight. 9 hours, B470.
The bus makes the following stops at the following times from a 9pm Loei departure: Phu Ruea (9:50pm), Phitsanulok (12:40am), Uttradit (2:20am), Lampang (4:35am)
Final bus stop is at the Red Bus Arcade, Chiang Mai, 9 hour-trip, arriving 6am (from 9pm Loei departure).
Take a red songthaew to Old City, B50. They'll try to charge you B100, but they'll take B50 (just assure the driver you won't tell the other passengers).
How to Get a 60-Day Thai Tourist Visa and then Extend by another 30 Days
This process is BEFORE Covid 19. Not sure what it is now.
60-Day Thai Tourist Visa
NOTE: There is no need to go back to your country to get the Thai tourist visa. Any major city with a Thai Embassy will do. Apparently there is also no need to have an invitation from a Thai establishment to justify the visa.
Bring the following to the Thai embassy:
a) proof of money (bank statement will suffice)
b) flight booking to Thailand
c) onward flight back to your country from Thailand
d) filled-in tourist visa form
e) 2 passport pictures
f) hotel booking in Thailand (they didn't ask me for this but better be safe)
g) passport with at least 6 months validity
After handing over all the documents, they will ask you to come pick your passport with the visa the following day from 4 to 5pm. That's it!
NOTE: after 2 successful attempts, I was already questioned the 3rd time.
30-Day Extension
NOTE: When your 60-day visa is close to expiry and you want to extend your stay. No need to leave Thailand.
bring the following to the Immigration Office:
a) passport (make sure your Tourist Visa hasn't expired yet)
b) Baht 1900
c) photocopy of your passport + visa duration date stamp + TM6 card (white immigration card) and sign all the copies
d) completed TM7 visa extension form (available at the Immigration Office)
e) one 4cmx6cm passport picture
submit the above to the Front Desk. They will give you a stub with your number on it. Take a seat and wait for your number to be called
when your number is called, your picture will be taken. Then go back to your seat. They will call you again.
when they call you again, they'll give you your passport with your extended visa. That's it!
when there are no lines, the whole process can take only 10 minutes
arrive early - in case there is a snag (visa snag, documentation snag, transport ticket snag, etc.), you will have ample time to troubleshoot the problem if you arrive early (to the airport, to the bus terminal, etc.)
put detailed itinerary on the Calendar apps of your smart-phone according to timelines - this is where you do all your thinking and planning. Once written down, you don't have to think anymore while you are on the just follow the steps. This frees your mind for something else that might happen while you are already en route
avoiding scams - as a general rule, I ignore the touts or anyone I don't know who call out to me. The calling comes in many forms - "Hi! Where are you from?", "Excuse me! Excuse me!", "Where are you going?". I don't look them in the eye and I remain non-verbal with them. If you reply to them, you just gave them an 'in' to hound you. In order not to look rude, I smile and wave the 'not interested' hand to them, without looking at them.
power bank - hand-carry your power bank. Do not check it in. You can be called in when you are already inside the plane to go all the way to the loading dock so you can personally remove the power bank...and chances are, you'll have to surrender it to them. And you might delay the plane departure!