a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

Quantum Mechanics

Series: Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics is such a powerful concept that when creatively applied to day-to-day life, the result can be de-cluttering and empowering.

-- Gigit (Nov 27, 2018)

Blogs on Quantum Mechanics

  1. Consciousness Creates Reality? Mar 6, 2023
  2. Bruce Lipton: Epigentics to Transcend Genes June 24, 2019
  3. The Universe Provides Dec 8, 2018
  4. Tapping into the Holographic Universe Jan 22, 2017
  5. A Quantum Conversation Nov 14, 2011
  6. String Theory April 10, 2006
  7. Quantum Mechanics June 29, 2005

Quantum Mechanics Videos

Eric Weinstein: failure of String Theory

Weinstein calls out the failure of String Theory to deliver its promise after decades of using the most brilliant minds in physics - on the Joe Rogan podcast

The Simulation Hypothesis

By Dr. Incognito - theoretical physicists propose a hypothesis for a programmable universe, citing evidence of a computer code to be found in nature and we, together with everything we perceive around us, are just expressions of a code

The World As Hologram

Leonard Susskind, professor at the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics discusses the indestructability of information, the nature of black holes and the world as a hologram

A Thin Sheet of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram (Full)

By Johanan Raatz - an open discussion at the 2011 World Science Festival featuring Nobel Laureate, Theoretical Physicist Gerard't Hooft, Theoretical Physicist, Author Leonard Susskind, Physicist Raphael Bousso, and Theoretical & String Physicist Herman Verlinde

Michael Talbot

An interview with author Michael Talbot about synchronicity and the holographic universe

Part 1

Part 2

The Holographic Universe (Part One)

By StuOH - a 5-part workshop that ties up many theories in quantum physics into a unified theory centering on the holographic universe

Part 1

Part 2

The Elegant Universe

Hosted by Bryan Greene - This is the ground-breaking video that caused a shift in paradigm about classical physics.


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