a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

Country > Switzerland



Switzerland is squeeky clean, expensive, highly civilized, and famous for its Alpine scenery, luxury watchmaking industry, Swiss chocolates, Army knives, efficient public transport, it's bunkers and its neutrality.

Switzerland is home to cosmopolitan cities and natural wonders

Switzerland Blogs
    Geneva GENEVA



  1. Geneva, Switzerland - Manila, Philippines May 22, 2004
  2. Goodbye Geneva May 21, 2004
  3. Geneva: Spring, Boat Tour, Absinthe, Swiss Army knife May 20, 2004
  4. Back to Geneva May 19, 2004
  5. Day 8: Carouge, Plainpalaise, Cathedral de St. Pierre, Bresse Chicken May 8, 2004
  6. Day 7: Red Cross Museum, Museum Ariana, Swiss fondue May 7, 2004
  7. Day 6: Old Town, Clock Flower, Bresse Chicken May 6, 2004
  8. Day 5: UP Democratization Program May 5, 2004
  9. Day 4: Astral projection May 4, 2004
  10. Day 3: UN, Mentors, City Walk May 3, 2004
  11. Day 1-2: Goodbye Toronto, Hello Geneva May 1, 2004
Switzerland Map

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