a seeker in search of Easter Eggs



Cambodia has been the seat of the once powerful Khmer Empire with its capital in Seam Reap, site of the world-famous Angkor Wat. The reach and expanse of this empire can only be described by the articulated, majestic and grandeur of Angkor Wat - taken over by the dense jungle for 900 years until its rediscovery in 1860 by a French naturalist in search of exotic insects.

Far from its glory days, Cambodia has suffered a genocide in the early 1970s that wiped out nearly 20% of its best and brightest. The ultra-communist Khmer Rouge headed by the ruthless Pol Pot reigned over Cambodia's darkest age.

Now, almost 50 years since its liberation, Cambodians continue to feel its pain as though the genocide just happened recently. Nearly every event and activity is a remembrance of what took place.

Cambodia Blogs by TheLoneRider

  1. Battambang Revisited May 18-24, 2015
  2. Vipassana 7: Serving in Battambang May 5-17, 2015
  3. Exploring Battambang Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2014
  4. Umbrella Monk Oct 1, 2014
  5. Big Top Circus at Battambang Sep 29, 2014
  6. Riding the Bamboo Train Sep 28, 2014
  7. The Mountain Temples of Phnom Sampeuv Sep 28, 2014
  8. Vipassana 6: Serving at Battambang, Cambodia Sep 17-28, 2014

  10. Coming Back to Kampot, Cambodia Apr 12-28, 2015
  11. Tour of Bokor Mountain, Kampot, Cambodia Nov 1, 2014
  12. Exploring the Pepper Capital of Asia, Kampot Oct 26-Nov 4, 2014
  13. Arcadia Backpackers - Into the Heart of Backpacker Culture Oct. 26-28, 2014

  14. KEP KEP
  15. Fried Crab on Kampot Pepper Sauce in Kep, Cambodia Nov 2, 2014

  17. Island Life in Koh Rong Island Oct. 24-26, 2014

  19. Stopover in Phnom Penh May 25, 2015
  20. The Killing Fields of Phnom Penh, Cambodia Nov 5-6, 2014
  21. Exploring Phnom Penh, Cambodia Nov 4-9, 2014

  23. 19 days in Siem Reap...Thank you and Goodbye Apr 9, 2016
  24. One Day Yoga-Pranayama-Meditation Retreat at Angkor Zen Mar 30, 2016
  25. Catching the Phare Circus in Siem Reap Mar 29, 2016
  26. Yoga at Ahimsa Yoga Academy (Siem Reap) Mar 27, 2016
  27. Pak Chong (Thailand) En Route to Siem Reap (Cambodia) Mar 20-21, 2016
  28. Exploring Angkor Wat Oct 5, 2014
  29. Roaming Around Siem Reap Oct. 2-6, 2014
  30. Overnight in Siem Reap Sep 16-17, 2014

  32. Exploring Sihanoukville, Cambodia Oct 20-24, 2014

General Travel Tips
  1. arrive early - in case there is a snag (visa snag, documentation snag, transport ticket snag, etc.), you will have ample time to troubleshoot the problem if you arrive early (to the airport, to the bus terminal, etc.)
  2. put detailed itinerary on the Calendar apps of your smart-phone according to timelines - this is where you do all your thinking and planning. Once written down, you don't have to think anymore while you are on the just follow the steps. This frees your mind for something else that might happen while you are already en route
  3. avoiding scams - as a general rule, I ignore the touts or anyone I don't know who call out to me. The calling comes in many forms - "Hi! Where are you from?", "Excuse me! Excuse me!", "Where are you going?". I don't look them in the eye and I remain non-verbal with them. If you reply to them, you just gave them an 'in' to hound you. In order not to look rude, I smile and wave the 'not interested' hand to them, without looking at them.
  4. power bank - hand-carry your power bank. Do not check it in. You can be called in when you are already inside the plane to go all the way to the loading dock so you can personally remove the power bank...and chances are, you'll have to surrender it to them. And you might delay the plane departure!
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