a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

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Religion Religion
Even as a high school kid, I've always pondered about religion. I'm fascinated by its iron-grip over the population's hearts and minds. What an ingenious way to control people. Even if God never existed, some genius would have to invent him - if only to craft a fiction called religion. I define religion as weaponized spirituality - do anything in the name of your God and you can slaughter a population, plunder a city and colonize a country and enslave its people. Why do people buy this narrative that a middleman (clever men of the cloth) must liaise between you and your omnipotent/omnipresent God? That never made sense. I guess I can say that I am spiritual but not religious. The time I become religious is the time I give up critical thinking.

-- Gigit

  1. The Talk at United Church of Christ April 2, 2023
  2. What's Your Religion? Mar 6, 2018
  3. A Life of Suffering? I Disagree Apr 24, 2017
  4. Keeping It Simple March 18, 2017/
  5. Evolution and Existence Without God Mar 5, 2012
  6. Be Honest Even If... March 29, 2011
  7. The Bible Code December 3, 2010
  8. Zeitgeist: Christianity September 13, 2009
  9. Gospel of Judas May 1, 2006
  10. Who Missed Sunday School? July 30, 1970


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