a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

Chiang Mai, Thailand


Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chiang Mai is a sprawling mountain city with the backpacker areas scattered within the Old City where remains of 30 ancient temples were preserved. The city is more laid back and placid compared to Bangkok - but a vibrant city nonetheless! The most animated time to come is in mid-April for the Songkran Festival - and be prepared to get wet for 3 days! The Night Bazaar is an experience...get lost inside equipped with good bargaining skills. Walk into different neighborhoods and discover a great eating place! Chiang Mai is also the gateway to Thailand's north - Chiang Rai, Pai, the Golden Triangle, etc.

Chiang Mai Blogs by TheLoneRider

Goodbye Chiang Mai lucid

Goodbye Chiang Mai

(Jan 24, 2019 - Oct 10, 2022) After nearly 4 years of staying here at the charming Nawa Saraan Hotel, it felt like I would be staying here in Chiang Mai forever. Despite my repeated expectation to leave, Covid-visa extension kept getting extended, 2 months at a time, with every issuance being 'the last'. But finally, Immigration stopped the extension and it came time to say goodbye.....more »»

Chiang Mai Peoplescape people

Chiang Mai Peoplescape

(Oct 10, 2022) From a dizzying 8 classes/week with 4 students with customized sequencing on every single class, it came down to one class. It got me time to catch up with my writing and catch up with friends as well - coffee, bread and yes, pancakes too. People who left are now back, and new people have come into my social orbit. Of course, the regulars are there providing a semblance of anchorage and rooting...more »»

Siamaya Chocolates chocolate

Siamaya Chocolates

(Oct 2, 2022) At first, it was Siamaya Chocolate's catchy art on the packaging that caught my attention. But diving into this syrupy chocolate rabbithole gave me a glimpse of unbridled passion, out-of-the-box innovation, exacting production tolerances and adherence to perfection. Abstract? Just buy any Siamaya Chocolate bar and you'll know what I mean.....more »»

Sep Snapshots snapshot

Sep Snapshots

(Sep 30, 2022) Out-Of-Place things readily capture attention...and worth capturing in pixels....more »»

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Carrot Cake recipes

Carrot Cake

(Sep 12, 2022) I panicked when my eyes got so strained after being in front of my laptop for 2 rainy days, that I started seeing double. Immediately, I went to buy 5 kilos of carrots for some mega-dozes of Beta Carotein. But after being inundated with carrot juice, what do I do with all the pulp? I still have enough carrot bread stored in the freezer! Hmmmm...carrot cake!....more »»

Making Coconut Bread recipes

Making Coconut Bread

(Sep 3, 2022) Making my first coconut bread was only incidental because I wanted to make coconut pancake and had a lot of desicated shredded coconut meat left. But that bread was surprisingly great! I had to do another batch. First, I have to go to the fresh market for some hua kati!....more »»

Aug  Snapshots snapshot

Aug Snapshots

(Aug 31, 2022) Slice of life in Chiang Mai. Life reveals itself in our day-to-day surroundings - the poetry, the abundance, the grace, etc. But only if you're mindful enough to capture the moment in pixels....more »»

Yoga Nidra with Chunyah and Tom yoga

Yoga Nidra with Chunyah and Tom

(Aug 18, 2022) Chunyah and Tom are my good friends - we hang out together over coffee, pizza nites, yoga and icebaths. Chunyah is on her 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Tom is an accomplished yoga teacher. I have attended a lot of his classes. I was surprised and deeply flattered when both of them asked me to conduct a private yoga nidra class for Chunyah, with Tom being there as well to see her through...more »»

Coconut Pancake recipes

Coconut Pancake

(Aug 11, 2022) I tasted See's amazing homemade Thai coconut pancake and it excited me. So I went to Chang Phuek Market the following morning to buy freshly grated coconut meat and 'hua kati', the coconut cream extracted from the coconut meat. With that, I was Rambo with a spatula.....more »»

July Snapshots snapshot

July Snapshots

(Jul 31, 2022) Slice of life in Chiang Mai. Life reveals itself in our day-to-day surroundings - the poetry, the abundance, the grace, etc. But only if you're mindful enough to capture the moment in pixels....more »»

Chiang Mai Peoplescape people

Chiang Mai Peoplescape

(Jul 31, 2022) I seldom invite people over my place anymore. Usually, it's a coffee gathering at My Moka Coffee instead. Neither do I feel the need to invite friends when I'm not with one. I'm more selective and the first sign of someone being psychologically unbalanced or emotionally disturbed, I simply walk away from. My existential cave simulaton continues. Still, I often find myself with tested friends, and continue to meet new ones. It all works out and I'm better off for it.....more »»

Jason, Max and Elizabeth Pizza Nite Pizza

Jason, Max and Elizabeth Pizza Nite

(Jul 28, 2022) Jason just arrived back in Chiang Mai, I just met Max, and quite recently, I also just met Elizabeth. These are good people whose company I enjoy. This is all the excuse I need for another Pizza Nite! more »»

Yakiniku Dinner with Max and Jason food Peoplescape

Yakiniku Dinner with Max and Jason

(Jul 25, 2022) A recently acquainted friend, Max, invited me to his birthday dinner together with our common friend, Jason, at Seichi Yakiniku restaurant. I didn't think much of the place or the dinner itself, but I was happy to be with these 2 great guys. I was in for some surprise!....more »»

Icebath at Nawa Saraan yoga

Icebath at Nawa Saraan

(Jul 6 - Oct 5, 2022) Walking away from the breathwork/icebath at Alt_Chaingmai opened up my Wednesdays for icebath with friends. I've done it before and it was fun. Resuming the practice also means sustaining the ice therapy and reaping its benefits.....more »»

June Snapshots snapshot

June Snapshots

(Jun 30, 2022) Slice of life in Chiang Mai. Life reveals itself in our day-to-day surroundings - the poetry, the abundance, the grace, etc. But only if you're mindful enough to capture the moment in pixels....more »»

Tom, Chunyah and Simona Pizza Nite Pizza

Tom, Chunyah and Simona Pizza Nite

(Jun 23, 2022) I'm friendly and social. I meet people everyday - I'm a people-guy. But there are moments I just want to be with old friends I'm already comfortable with. They feel like a broken-in leather glove that just feels right.....more »»

Yoga Class Pizza Nite Pizza

Yoga Class Pizza Nite

(Jun 15, 2022) June has been a crazy month for many things, especially yoga. This period saw a handful of individuals who came to see me expressing their desire to learn my unique style of yoga. They are devoted to the practice and committed to their transformation. In celebration of these unwavering yogis and their journey, we gather for Pizza Nite!....more »»

Pranayama with Nicha yoga

Pranayama with Nicha

(Jun 14, 2022) Nicha is a strong yogi. So when she asked me to conduct a one-on-one pranayama class for her, I had to design a challenging sequence befitting such fitness level. We went through practically uninterrupted sets of abdominal asanas, high-intensity cardio-vascular routine, and a wide array of pranayama complemented with energy locks, breath-holds, visualization, and explosive releases...more »»

May Snapshots snapshot

May Snapshots

(May 31, 2022) Slice of life in Chiang Mai. Life reveals itself in our day-to-day surroundings - the poetry, the abundance, the grace, etc. But only if you're mindful enough to capture the moment in pixels....more »»

Lover's Quarrel Caption This

Lover's Quarrel

(May 26, 2022) It was after yoga class at one nimman when a video shoot was staged between 2 lovers having an intense emotional outburst. I had to stop whatever I was doing to get a snapshot of the scene and make my own comic captioning. And that was the genesis of this Caption This section...more »»

Getting Lost on a Hike verbatim

Getting Lost on a Hike

(May 25, 2022) In a friendly coffee gathering at My Moka Coffee after the breathwork/icebath at Alt_Chiangmai, Tom was describing his awesome hike. Derrick was all ears when Tom said they got lost...more »»

Biohacker Meetup at 'Living with The Spirit' community

Biohacker Meetup at 'Living with The Spirit'

(May 22, 2022) The monthly meetup of the Biohackers Thailand was held 25 kms northeast of Old City in Doi Saket at this rustic farmland, 'Living with The Spirit'. Our gracious hosts, Sara, Simba and Mark prepared a lavish spread of delectable vegan dishes, icebath, and a dip in their dug-out pond. They gave us a tour of their farm and conducted a spiritual swordfight workshop followed by an exchange of ideas and protocols at their alfresco gazebo hut.....more »»

Music and Magic at Paapu House Music

Music and Magic at Paapu House

(May 5, 2022) With Chiang Mai reeling back to normalcy and live music once again fills the music lounges, cafes and bars, the town comes alive. It's always fun, but some night are just more fun than others. For friendly laid-back community and electrifying music, Thursday nights at Paapu House come to mind.....more »»

Breathwork + Icebath @ Alt_Chiangmai yoga

Breathwork + Icebath @ Alt_Chiangmai II

(Apr 20, 2022) With icebath + breathwork resuming after Songkran, I cranked up the breathwork to be progressive in time and scope. With 7 people showing up, 6 bags of ice were used. Tom and Chunyah even showed up. It was all good and fun...more »»

April Chronicles 2022 lucid

April Chronicles 2022

(Apr 30, 2022) Life in April in Chiang Mai has been rolling on a steady hum...nothing explosive, a few turns on the revolving door with its peoplescape, yoga, icebath, live music, pizza and blogging. And yeah, I got another visa extension.....more »»

Pizza Nite with Jerry, Paolo and Abby Pizza

Pizza Nite with Jerry, Paolo and Abby

(Apr 9, 2022) All friends who came were Pizza Nite virgins - their first time into my fun culinary tradition. We had the gluten-free dough, the biga dough and my poolish dough. Vegan pizza, seafood pizza, quattro formaggi pizza...simply delectable. But all that was exceeded by the joyous and engaging atmosphere that went on from 5:30pm to about midnight. Friends, pizza, storytelling and a load of laughs...Chiang Mai...Chiang Mai!....more »»

Tom Maher's Muay Thai Fight people

Tom Maher's Muay Thai Fight

(Apr 8, 2022) Tom left for the US when the lockdown was lifted, but now he's back in Chiang Mai. He attended my ABS Class once and he just disappeared. Weeks later, I got a message from him, 'I’ve been training hard and have my first fight this Friday, come by and watch if you’re free! It will be at the new Decathlon'. Whoa!....more »»

Breathwork + Icebath @ Alt_Chiangmai yoga

Breathwork + Icebath @ Alt_Chiangmai

(Apr 6, 2022) With Kevin's departure, I was the default guy to take over Jason's Wednesday Zen Strength Breathwork & Ice Bath at Alt_Chiangmai. 5 people showed up. I adhered to the established routine but only on the first round of breathing. After, I shifted gear into hacking the Wim Hof protocol to instill my yogic hacks. Something wonderful happened to me after my icebath!....more »»

Yoga with Leo yoga

Yoga with Leo

(Apr 5, 2022) Leo was referred to me by a former student, Nana. Leo is in his mid-30s, smart, savvy but out of shape and needs to lose weight. He's smart enough to take action on this and decided his route will be through yoga. He is focused and motivated.....more »»

MAR [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Peoplescape people


(Mar 31, 2022) As my departure came closer, more people seemed to crowd into my peoplescape, mostly from the breathwork biohacker community, one nimman yoga community, crypto community. Some of them mature, carrying with them knowledge, life experience and insight - wonderful people I wish I met sooner.....more »»

Chiang Mai's Recovering Music Scene Music

Chiang Mai's Recovering Music Scene

(Mar 31, 2022) The opening of My Bar with live music Fridays and Saturdays, Chiang Mai's bar music scene seems to be in full swing now. Boy Blues Bar is open most days of the week with Sunday as its open mic jam. My Secret Cafe is back to 2 bands now on Tuesdays. North Gate has long opened with Thapae East as well...more »»

Street Photo art

Street Photo

(Mar 31, 2022) Every once in a while I become aware of my surroundings and take notice of what's in my visual frame. Some scenes beckon and I simply have to stop on my tracks and attempt to capture the image in pixels.....more »»

Yoga and Fitness yoga

Yoga and Fitness

(Mar 26, 2022) I'd been a regular at one nimman - free yoga with good teachers on Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays. Tuesdays would be Body Combat. Saturdays would of course be my teaching day where I employ ABS-asanas, Wim Hof breathing, HIIT and meditation.....more »»

Friday Bitcoin Meetups learning

Friday Bitcoin Meetups

(Mar 18, 2022) I've remained on the fence with Bitcoin - neither immersing myself into the scene nor walking away from it. Even with no coin in my wallet, I find it alluring. In keeping with the frantic pace by which the industry is evolving, I tried attending the Friday night Bitcoin meetups at Sababa Hummus Resto. Maybe I find new perspective to make some gains.....more »»

Pizza Nite with Aida and Sophie Pizza

Pizza Nite with Aida and Sophie

(Mar 14, 2022) With Aida and Sophie making a quick stop in Chiang Mai, Pizza Nite beckoned. Poor Sophie had a tooth extraction and didn't really enjoy the food. But it was a good catch-up with Aida, and perhaps the last hurrah as well before my departure...more »»

Pizza Nite with Kevin, Jamie and Kris Pizza

Pizza Nite with Kevin, Jamie and Kris

(Mar 10, 2022) With Kevin/Jamie's looming departure for Canada, and my eventual departure too in a few weeks, it was more of a last-hurrah Pizza Nite. With Kris joining us, it was a night of biohacker talk, previous lives talk (DJ, metal-head), with so much pizza coming out of our ears!....more »»

In Search of Genetic Immortality Lucid Thoughts

In Search of Genetic Immortality

(Mar 5, 2022) My neighbor cares for her plants - she waters them regularly, and now they are tall and flowering. BUT, the plants chose to reach over to my side of the fence to bloom their flowers. The seeds will fall and germinate on my side of the fence. Their genetic immortality is assured, but perhaps in a more nurturing environment...more »»

February Chronicles 2022 lucid Peoplescape

February Chronicles 2022

(Feb 28, 2022) Since Jan 2, 2019, except for occassional visa-runs and Covid stranding (in Nong Khai), Chiang Mai has been home - my oasis, my paradise, my Shangrila. These last 3 years felt like a lifetime of abundance, introspection, evolution, growth and an unexpected transformational struggle. But like everything else, it cannot last forever. I had to tie up loose ends and brace myself for the next chapter.....more »»

Palm-Feeding Wild Birds snapshot

Palm-Feeding Wild Birds

(Feb 26, 2022) It started off seeing a Youtube video of a girl who attracted wild birds onto her balcony by feeding them. Before long, different birds would stop by bringing their friends with them. At some point, they started feeding off her palm. It was fascinating. One day, I noticed 2 birds who regurly feed off my garden. What happened next is predictable...more »»

Cuckoo verbatim


(Feb 16, 2022) While toasting to all the crazy cuckoos of the world, one teacher specified to whom we were toasting for. My jaw dropped and I rolled down laughing on the floor.....more »»

Tell John verbatim

Tell John

(Feb 16, 2022) In an icebath event hosted by Biohacker Jason Ryer, Kevin was nearing his 7-minute threshold when Jason told him something about John (whoever John is).....more »»

Pizza Nite with Kris, Simona and Mary food Pizza

Pizza Nite with Kris, Simona and Mary

(Jan 24, 2022) With my visa extension coming to an end, there is now a sense of urgency in everything - Pizza Nite included! The more Pizza Nites, the better. In a way, it's also a goodbye to the friends I'll be leaving behind.....more »»

Pizza Nite with the Chiang Mai Boyz food Pizza

Pizza Nite with the Chiang Mai Boyz

(Feb 6, 2022) Pizza Nites in Chiang Mai have always been dominated by female friends. Now, it's an all-male revue from yoga and the biohackers group. All of them Pizza Nite virgins!....more »»

Welcoming the New Year lucid

Welcoming the New Year

(Jan 31, 2022) 2021 started off bright and promising but ended up on a melancholic note of reflection and re-alignment. I un-Friended most of my Chiang Mai 'woke' friends and ultimately left Facebook, happy to just have a few but trusted friends. This created a void that seems to be filled in with the onset of 2022.....more »»

Jan  Snapshots snapshot

Jan Snapshots

(Jan 31, 2022) Slice of life in Chiang Mai. Life reveals itself in our day-to-day surroundings - the poetry, the abundance, the grace, etc. But only if you're mindful enough to capture the moment in pixels....more »»

ABS Fitness Challenge fitness

ABS Fitness Challenge

(Jan 16 - Apr 16, 2022) Reeling-in from the holidays, getting back to shape is in order. This ABS Fitness Challenge is an ideal concept to kick-start the New Year. Sound abs mean mindful eating, healthy habits and consistency with workout.....more »»

Pumpkin Tahini Recipe recipes

Pumpkin Tahini Recipe

(Jan 3, 2022) Pumpkin Tahini is an experiment. I don't know if such a dish already exists, so I'm simply calling it Pumpkin Tahini. After making baba ganoush and hummus, which were both incredible, and both based on tahini, what then if I simply substitute something else to eggplant or chickpeas? Immediately, pumpkin came to mind....more »»

2021: A Year in Review lucid

2021: A Year in Review

(Dec 31, 2021) 2021 was a full year of being in Chiang Mai, spanning its full spectrum from abundance to social survival. Living in a boutique hotel closed from Covid, I had the whole place to myself with no rent or utilities payment - Mike wouldn't take whatever money I earned to give him. I hosted regular coffee sessions with friends and new acquaintances. Towards the end of the year, I was blind-sided as victim of Cancel Culture.....more »»

Tahini Salad Dressing recipes

Tahini Salad Dressing

(Dec 27, 2021) Tahini is a very versatile condiment that is cheap and easy to make. You can make baba ganoush and hummus with it. As a salad dressing, it can stand on its own together with all the other staples. You can prepare it ahead of time and freeze. When an occasion shows up for its use, you're already half-way there.....more »»

Baba Ganoush Recipe recipes

Baba Ganoush Recipe

(Dec 23, 2021) Baba Ganoush is a globally popular Lebanese dip made with eggplant and tahini. The smoky flavor imparted by the grilled eggplant is great for dipping bread as an appetizer. Better if you also make hummus concurrently because it's essentially the same ingredients but hummus uses chick peas instead of eggplant.....more »»

7 Universal Laws lucid

7 Universal Laws

(Dec 20, 2021) Matias de Stefano claims that in whatever time, dimension or space you are in, the universe is governed by these 7 laws. No one can escape it and it applies to everyone - no exception. When you are in compliance to those laws, you'll realize your full potential.....more »»

Sacred Circuitry meditation

Sacred Circuitry

(Dec 18, 2021) Bashar gave a special gift from his world to ours - the sacred circuitry. It's a series of 15 glyphs representing states of being, that when meditated on the proper way, can rewire our brain neurons to realize that which we desire to be.....more »»

Cave-Living in a Boutique Hotel in Chiang Mai meditation

Cave-Living in a Boutique Hotel in Chiang Mai

(Dec 14, 2021) Immersed lately in my readings about Tibet and its yogis, I feel envious of some characters who spent their lives in caves - as a residence, a place to meditate or both. Cave living is very different from what a Westerner might think of. Feeling a void that I am unlikely to get that chance, an Aha Moment just hit me.....more »»

Tummo Yoga + Wim Hof Breathing + Full-Body Muscle Contraction yoga

Tummo Yoga + Wim Hof Breathing + Full-Body Muscle Contraction

(Dec 13, 2021) Lately, upon waking up, I've combined a few elements of my practice to make it more challenging than it already is. It combines the Wim Hof breathing method, Tummo vase-breathing, isometric asanas, sankalpa, and emptiness meditation. It's intense that leaves me getting 2 more hours of sleep when I go back to sleep after the practice. I'm not sure if it triggered my vertigo, but I'm posting it here for future reference.....more »»

Monk Chat verbatim

Monk Chat

(Dec 10, 2021) Temples usually offer a 'monk chat' where lay people get to talk to monks. It gives the public an insight into monastic life and it also trains the monks to learn and practice English. Not one to ask mundane questions, I crossed the line asking relevant and compelling questions, but nonetheless, irreverent.....more »»

Making Tahini and Hummus recipes

Making Tahini and Hummus

(Dec 8, 2021) I don't go out of my way for hummus, but I enjoy every time it's on my plate. Two friends have prepared hummus in my kitchen and I thought maybe I should give it a try. To prepare hummus, I have to prepare tahini first.....more »»

Watering the Plants Hands-Free teaching

Watering the Plants Hands-Free

(Dec 2, 2021) If you need to be away for a few days and cannot find someone to water your plants, here's a simple way to keep the plants watered and happy.....more »»

Vietnamese Phin Coffee Filter coffee

Vietnamese Phin Coffee Filter

(Dec 2, 2021) Given the myriad of coffee brewers out there from French press, the ibric, espresso machine, Moka, etc., the most versatile perhaps is the modest and unassuming Vietnamese Phin....more »»

Tummo Yoga yoga

Tummo Yoga
Codified Practice

(Dec 1, 2021) When I fist heard of Tibetan yogis drying a wet towel wrapped on their bare backs as they were exposed outdoors in the dead of winter, I could hardly believe it. I didn't even know what yoga they were practicing. I learned it was Tummo Yoga. But where do I get research materials for it? It wasn't easy, but I found one. Time to roll up my sleeves and generate some heat. My litmus test? Melt the ice on my ice bath and even turn the water warm or even hot.....more »»

The Bliss of Inner Fire books

The Bliss of Inner Fire
Book Summary and Review

(Dec 1, 2021) Getting credible materials on Tibetan Buddhist yoga is very hard to come by, let alone being authored by a renowned lama from a long lineage dating back from Tilopa. The Bliss of Inner Fire, better known as Tummo Yoga, is the first of the Six Yogas of Naropa - a tantric yoga practice where internal heat is generated to develop bliss and wisdom in pursuit of enlightenment. This is a powerful DIY practice but quite challenging to understand and follow....more »»

Chiang Mai 'Must Experience' Cafes coffee

'Must Experience' Cafés of Chiang Mai

(Nov 30, 2021) Nearly all cafes have attitude - that's part of their charm. Here is a list of cafes that I think best represent the personlities they exude from charming, pedestrian, rustic, stylized, opulent and simply over-the-top!....more »»

British Hobnob Cookies recipes

British Hobnob Cookies

(Nov 22, 2021) Looking for a cheesecake recipe by Jamie Oliver, I stumbled upon his Banoffee Cheesecake that required Hobnob cookies and a dulce de leche. Ironically, I ended up doing Hobnob Cookies from scratch and dulce de leche, but not the banoffee cheesecake.....more »»

New York Cheesecake recipes

New York Cheesecake

(Nov 22, 2021) Instead of buying a block of Mozzarella cheese for my pizza, I decided to buy a block of cream cheese instead, not knowing what I'd do with it. Simona mentioned New York Cheesecake. Ha-ha, time to roll-up my sleeve and make my first ever, cheese cake.....more »»

Dham's Poetry art wealth building

Dham's Poetry

(Nov 14, 2021) My neighbor's son was writing poetry on his hotel porch as part of school work. I explained to the Mom that it would be a good idea if the son's art works throughout his school life can be preserved and be searched according to time, place and activity. To make my vision understandable, I created a placeholder webpage for the son.....more »»

Pizza Nite with Simona and Nat food Pizza

Pizza Nite with Simona and Nat

(Nov 11, 2021) Pizza Nite came to a halt as I was fighting a Cancel Culture attack. Now that things are quiet, it was time to resume this culinary gathering amongst dear friends. Who's on the shortened short list? Only people who matter, starting off with Simona and Nat.....more »»

Stepping Forward / Reaching Out people

Stepping Forward / Reaching Out

(Oct 31, 2021) With tourism down, Chiang Mai's peoplescape fairly remained constant - not too many tourists and the remaining faces becoming more familiar. I lost 2 of my good friends and thought I lost a best friend. As if that wasn't bad enough, I was savagely attacked online by an angry mob over fabricated allegations that was manipulated by a vindictive group admin.....more »»

Cancel Culture Attack lucid

Cancel Culture Attack

(Oct 31, 2021) These are crazy times and a neo-McCarthyism called Cancel Culture is warping the US social landscape and finding it's way across the oceans and into Thailand. But what exactly is the Cancel Culture?....more »»

Mantra Primer meditation

Mantra Primer

(Oct 20, 2021) Mantra is a sacred sound. It is not defined by words to describe it. Its vibrational frequency is its own meaning. Mantra is an evocative sound and have subtle, yet powerful and penetrating effects on the mind and body, reaching every fibre of one's being....more »»

Spinal Mobility yoga

Spinal Mobility

(Oct 7, 2021) We are only as young as our spine is flexible. A yoga class with choc-full of forward bends, side bends, back bends and twists.....more »»

Swedish Cinnamon Rolls [Kanelbullar] recipes

Swedish Cinnamon Rolls [Kanelbullar]

(Oct 4, 2021) My first dabble in cinnamon rolls was in New York when someone gave me a Cinnabon - a multi-national chain selling the very popular cinnamon rolls. Like stollen bread, it was epiphany - love at first bite. Somehow, none of the subsequent cinnamon rolls I've tasted compared to Cinnabon. That was my benchmark. Now, since I'd been on a baking roll here at my digs at Nawa Saraan in Chiang Mai where I have a fully functioning bakery at my disposal, I'm rolling up my sleeve to sink my teeth into that Swedish tradition, Kannelbullar, or cinnamon rolls.....more »»

Just Bring 2 Chinese verbatim

Just Bring 2 Chinese

(Oct 3, 2021) You have to see this video by US Senator Graham Allison about the way things are done in China, to fully appreciate this remar, 'just bring 2 Chinese'....more »»

Sep  Snapshots snapshot

Sep Snapshots

(Sep 31, 2021) Slice of life in Chiang Mai. Life reveals itself in our day-to-day surroundings - the poetry, the abundance, the grace, etc. But only if you're mindful enough to capture the moment in pixels....more »»

Pizza Nite with Nut, Monika and Yuki food Pizza

Pizza Nite with Nut, Monika and Yuki

(Sep 27, 2021) It was Nut's last full day in Chiang Mai before heading back to Chonburi. It has already been a full day of Vinyasa Yoga at One Nimman and a bone-chilling ice bath. But hey, there's no such thing as a full day when it's all about Pizza Nite.....more »»

23-Minute Ice Bath yoga

23-Minute Ice Bath

(Sep 27, 2021) After a 23-minute ICE BATH, I thought I would just come out shivering like all my other ice baths. I wasn't prepared for what happened next. 24 hours after, I'm still recovering...feeling fragile from that ordeal.....more »»

Pizza Nite with Nut, Simona and Malee food Pizza

Pizza Nite with Nut, Simona and Malee

(Sep 23, 2021) With Nut's visit to Chiang Mai from Chomburi, it was Pizza Nite waiting to happen. I missed Malee's spunk and snap - she had to be there. With Simona an increasing constant in my peoplescape, it wouldn't be complete without her. With 3 bottles of wine, it was fireworks of food, fun and pizza!....more »»

Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) yoga

Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep)

(Sep 23, 2021) Tall claims about Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) have been made by realized masters including Vipassana guru, S.N. Goenka and Tibetan Buddhist, Lama Thubten Yeshe, who authored Bliss of Inner Fire (Tummo Yoga). What exactly is Yoga Nidra? more »»

Making Cornbread recipes

Making Cornbread

(Sep 15, 2021) Pamela started talking about her younger years in Alabama where her Mom used to make the best cornbread on the planet. That was it! My next project was cornbread. I also have fond memories of cornbread at Kenny Roger's resto chain. Cornbread it is!....more »»

Kombucha: 2nd Batch recipes

Kombucha: 2nd Batch

(Sep 11, 2021) The first fermentation from a gifted scoby went like clockwork with a minor tweak. It was time to transfer the kombucha to individual bottles for the 2nd fermentation, and to make another batch.....more »»

Making German Stollen Bread recipes

Making German Stollen Bread

(Sep 9, 2021) When I was in Danang, Vietnam in 2018, I came upon a German deli selling the traditional German Christmas bread - Stollen Bread. It was love at first bite. The taste resembled a fruit cake, but this one was sweeter and breadier. I left Danang since, but Stollen Bread never left me. Frustrated over its scarcity and perhaps price, and considering I now live in a hotel with a fully functioning bakery, I embark on making my own Stollen Bread!....more »»

Pizza Nite with Jackson, Goi and Paapu food Pizza

Pizza Nite with Jackson, Goi and Paapu

(Sep 6, 2021) I just met Jackson while kayaking on the Ping River. I haven't hung-out with Paapu in a while. Goi felt like a resurgence. They don't know each other. Individually, they're all good energy. Together, how will the synergy work out?....more »»

Chiang Mai Peoplescape Aug 2021 people

Chiang Mai Peoplescape Aug 2021

(Aug 31, 2021) The last 2 months have seen upheaval and turbulence. We're still on Covid-scare Zeitgeist with bars and movie houses still closed. With personal relationships of friends including my own, I've seen unexpected turns - some for the better, some not so.....more »»

Making Homemade Kombucha recipes

Making Homemade Kombucha

(Aug 30, 2021) Kombucha, which is widely known as a pro-biotic fermented tea with a lot of beneficial health attributes, has been called the Elixir of Life. It is expensive when store bought, but cheap and perhaps even healthier when made at home - and it's not that difficult.....more »»

Wrong Question to Ask This Crowd verbatim

Wrong Question to Ask This Crowd

(Aug 29, 2021) It was a friend's birthday celebration and in the gathering, while I was having a conversation with one of his guests, he interjected and pontificated condescendingly about the validity of my question. The problem was, he didn't even know what the question was.....more »»

Pizza Nite with Tom, Chunyah and Goi food Pizza

Pizza Nite with Tom, Chunyah and Goi

(Aug 20, 2021) Tom and Chunyah are a pleasant couple to spend time with - on the yoga mat, at their lovely home or here at Nawa Saraan. Goi has long been invited for coffee and bread at Nawa Saraan but somehow too busy to make it. Finally, I get all three of them together for a pizza-making brunch and friendship.....more »»

Pizza Nite with Moms and Kids food Pizza

Pizza Nite with Moms and Kids

(Aug 15, 2021) It started out as an invite for regular Pizza Nite with the neighbors across the street. I'm being a good neighbor. But they wanted a different format and even suggested who I should invite. Hmmm. I said yes, curious to how things would unfold.....more »»

Bahya Kumbhaka (breath-hold on the exhale) yoga

Bahya Kumbhaka (breath-hold on the exhale)

(Aug 14, 2021) Bahya Kumbhaka (breath-hold on the exhale) is an advanced form of Pranayama (yogic regulated breath). This can be attempted when the yogi is already proficient in asana (physical postures) and pranayama. This class is a primer.....more »»

Vanillekipferl (German Vanilla Crescent Cookies) recipes

Vanillekipferl (German Vanilla Crescent Cookies)

(Aug 11, 2021) I was enjoying a cookie with a German friend at a Doi Pui cafe when she started talking about her favorite Christmas cookie - Kipferl. After my ice cream making odyssey, I was looking for a 'next project'. That was it - Kipferl Cookie!....more »»

Fighting Infection through Yoga yoga

Fighting Infection through Yoga

(Aug 3, 2021) When my face got swollen from a tooth infection, I employed everything I knew in yoga to reverse the infection - no anti-biotics, no dentists and no surgery. It took a few days of tug-of-war between my resolve and the infection.....more »»

Homemade Rum Raisin Ice Cream recipes

Homemade Rum Raisin Ice Cream

(Jul 30, 2021) Lately, I had been contemplating about Rum Raisin ice cream - my favorite. I already found a few specialty ice cream shops selling them - but for an arm-and-leg, starting around Baht 40/scoop. For that kind of money, I'd rather get me a Khao Soi meal. But my nice next-door neighbor handed me their new old-fashioned ice cream maker. Whoa!!!....more »»

Manifesting: Epicurus' Pursuit lucid

Manifesting: Epicurus' Pursuit

(Jul 31, 2021) With my continuing Covid-19 visa extension in Thailand, my continuing stay at Nawa Saraan Hotel with all its amenities, I am able to host Pizza Nites with friends, do Slack Lining, chill on a hammock and even dip into an ice bath with friends. I realized I'm living the life of a Greek philosopher, Epicurus, who once remarked that being with friends is one of the requisites to happiness.....more »»

Ice Bath at Nawa Saraan Healing Space chill

Ice Bath at Nawa Saraan Healing Space

(Jul 25, 2021) There was a big and idle blue drum at the hotel, and Alan suggested I do my own ice bath with it. The idea fermented. I cleaned up the drum and ordered 2 sacks of ice. I was testing the system but the neighbors joined in and so did some friends from yoga. The scene resembled a party.....more »»

Pizza Nite + Slack Line + Hammock food Pizza

Pizza Nite + Slack Line + Hammock

(Jul 23, 2021) When Monika offered to give me a free Thai massage as part of her training, I could only say Thank You by way of Pizza Nite. When Nanthi wanted to go Slack Lining, I said bring your Pizza ingredients as well. Christine and I already planned on this tentatively. Yuki was a new acquaintance whose reserved Japanese demeanor was eye catching. The rest is Pizza Nite III.....more »»

Yin-Yoga & Hypnosis with Christine Thiel yoga

Yin-Yoga & Hypnosis with Christine Thiel

(Jul 20, 2021) Traditional yoga has been paired with many other activities ranging from the questionable (SUP Yoga), ridiculous (Beer Yoga), lofty (Aerial Yoga), intense (Hot Yoga), and bare (Naked Yoga). Now comes another one - Hypnosis Yoga. How does it measure up?....more »»

Pizza Nite with James and Nat food Pizza

Pizza Nite with James and Nat

(Jul 19, 2021) When friends were invited to Pizza Nite, they said it was 'complicated' bringing in everything they need to make a pizza. But two daring souls unflinchingly stepped-up to the plate. Let's see what pizza magic they have!....more »»

Moving and Cashing-Out Bitcoin learning

Moving and Cashing-Out Bitcoin

(Jun 2 - Jul 11, 2021) Now that you have a Bitcoin Wallet with some Bitcoin in it, how do you move it around the system? Your're not cashing out yet - you're just moving it within the system.....more »»

'The Bow' Yoga yoga

'The Bow' Yoga

(Jul 7, 2021) By its very name, Hatha Yoga is a duality of male/female, sun/moon, fight/restoration, sympathetic nervous system/para-sympathetic nervous system, etc. How can we leverage from this concept to regain control of our response to stress, tension and recovery? more »»

Yoga Classes with Calum yoga

Yoga Classes with Calum

(Mar 27 - Jul 4, 2021) Calum didn't appreciate the competitive nature he felt in the yoga studios he's been to. Thus the one-on-one classes. I already forgot what we talked about in our initial meeting at the Tuesday Vegan Dinners, but I guess I talked about yoga and perhaps he liked what he heard.....more »»

Hike to Wat Pa Thammachat Waterfall mtn

Hike to Wat Pa Thammachat Waterfall

(Jul 2, 2021) It was still a 2km hike through the brushy forest to reach the waterfall. The trail was sketchy, sometimes disappearing. Finally, there it was - waterfall, plunge pool and even a rocky outcropping where you can sit as the water come down on you. It was a perfect meditation spot!....more »»

Pizza Brunch with the Yogis Pizza

Pizza Brunch with the Yogis

(July 1, 2021) It's been ages since my last pizza nite....waaay back from a previous life in Toronto. Now that I live in a boutique hotel with full-on functional bakery including 2 industrial-strength ovens, pizza has been my staple meal. But then it hit me, why not another pizza nite?....more »»

Continuing Friendships in Chiang Mai people

Continuing Friendships in Chiang Mai

(Jun 30, 2021) New faces, familiar faces, continuing friendships, building bridges, setting up boundaries, promising beginnings, dead ends, my shifting peoplescape in Chiang Mai. A continuing (monthly?) narrative of who and what matters...more »»

On the Brink of Hunger, the ENABLERS Come to Light sliceoflife

On the Brink of Hunger, the ENABLERS Come to Light

(Jun 21, 2021) The last time I was problematic about money was the entire 2018. This year, it has hung precariously low. This June, I came down to my last few meals in the fridge. Worried? NO! It got me excited. How will my benevolent universe save the day for me the way it has unwaveringly done so in the last 9 years I had been traveling? The suspense was killing me.....more »»

Hatha Vinyasa Yoga with Katharine Day yoga

Hatha Vinyasa Yoga with Katharine Day

(Jun 17, 2021) She's not a model attending a yoga class - she's the teacher! Looking lean and strong like an Ashtangi, having a commanding presence on the mat, articulated cuing with that unmistakable British accent, she can only be Kate - one of my favorite yoga teachers here in Chiang Mai.....more »»

Pranayama Basics II yoga

Pranayama Basics II

(Jun 16, 2021) This class is a continuation of last week's Pranayama Basics class. We simply pick-up where we took off. The intention is to do as few breaths as possible within the given 3 minutes on a particular pranayama, without straining. Asana is interspersed with pranayama to modulate the flow of prana. The class ends with meditation....more »»

36-Hour Love Life sliceoflife

36-Hour Love Life

(Jun 11, 2021) It was a case of 2 friends who spent too much time with each other, liked each other a little more than they should, and ended up exploring possibilities. All it took was a few red flags in the first 36 hours to realize it wasn't viable. Like 2 intelligent adults, we both decided to cut our loses while we were still ahead of the game.....more »»

Pranayama Basics I yoga

Pranayama Basics I

(Jun 9, 2021) Getting established in breathing properly from the first and previous class, this 2nd class formally begins basic pranayama - the yogic art of breathing.....more »»

Biohackers Meetup in Chiang Mai fitness

Biohackers Meetup in Chiang Mai

(Jan 25, 2003) I've always been a biohacker before I even knew the word. I think biohacking is a state of thinking. You have this uncanny ability to connect the dots inside your head from diverse disciplines, with an intuitive hunch on the outcome. In more ways than one, the only way to find out if it works is to try it on your body - you become the guinea pig. When Jason organized a biohacker meetup, I just had to show up.....more »»

Learning How to Breathe yoga

Learning How to Breathe

(Jun 2, 2021) This was the first of a series of progressive pranayama yoga classes I taught at the park as a free public offering of Yoga in the Park - Chiang Mai. We're not even touching pranayama which is the yogic regulated breathing method. This class is as basic as learning how to properly breathe. Why? Because few people know how to breathe right.....more »»

Not the Usual Day-to-Day Life sliceoflife

Not the Usual Day-to-Day Life

(May 31, 2021) After 2 years staying at Nawa Saraan in Chiang Mai, I have developed my daily routine. But every once in a while, something out of the usual happens.....more »»

Morphing Peoplescape of Chiang Mai people

Morphing Peoplescape of Chiang Mai

(May 31, 2021) Still reeling from Covid lashback, life continues to hum nicely along this slice of paradise on God's green earth....wih warm company from dear friends.....more »»

Breathwork & Ice Bath with Jason Ryer of Zen Strength yoga

Breathwork & Ice Bath with Jason Ryer of Zen Strength

(May 23, 2021) I was pleasantly surprised to learn that there is another guy in Chiang Mai hosting ice baths - Jason Ryer of Zen Strength. Hmmmm. Last time I did an ice bath at the Draper Startup House, I stayed on for 12 minutes. How long can I hold it this time?....more »»

It's Raining Bell Peppers food

It's Raining Bell Peppers

(May 7, 2021) Bell peppers were once again on sale at Mueang Mai Market - Baht for a huge bushel! Possibilities? Bell pepper juice, bell pepper bread, stuffed bell pepper, bell pepper pizza, etc. Time to roll-up the sleeves in the kitchen.....more »»

Yoga Classes with Nana yoga

Yoga Classes with Nana

(Apr 20, 2021) Nana realized that she needed to start healthy habits. Seeing me do my yoga practice prompted her to give up smoking and get a bicycle to begin a yoga practice with me. The goal was beyond being healthy, but being strong, resilient from disease, forever young (an obvious metaphor) and mentally unruffled.....more »»

You Want to be Wonder Woman? verbatim Yoga

You Want to be Wonder Woman?

(Apr 8, 2021) My new hotelmate wanted me to teach her yoga. I asked her to give up 2 things to show she's serious. She kept negotiating. Finally, I told her something about being Wonder Woman that got her attention.....more »»

Private One-on-One Yoga Classes with Doriana yoga

Private One-on-One Yoga Classes with Doriana

(Feb 17 - Mar 14, 2021) Doriana was a complete stranger until I met her at Ollie's and Ceylin's picnic at the CMU pond. I saw her put eye drops on her eyes. I said there is a better, natural and cost-effective way to moisturize the eyes through yoga. She asked that I do it, and not just explain. So, on the spot, I conducted trataka shatkriya, surya pradarshini mudra and sambhavi mudra. She felt an immediate relief. Only then did she ask me to teach her how to gain flexibility and strength through yoga.....more »»

Transformational Life Events lucid thoughts in Chiang Mai, Thailand slice of life in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Transformational Life Events

(Mar 13, 2021) While trading stories with Cherry, she found my life adventures interesting and asked if I could make a short presentation of the turn of events that led me to my present lot - a nomadic life in quest of spirituality.....more »»

Guess Who's Coming to Bread Day? Nong Khai, Thailand

Guess Who's Coming to Bread Day?

(Mar 1, 2021) Alan, Nicola and I were all protective about our dynamics on our Monday Bread Day. So far, no one has been allowed unanimously for fear of disruption. But then, Christine came along.....more »»

Mula Shodhana (anal cleansing) yoga

Mula Shodhana (anal cleansing)

(Feb 27, 2021) To westerners, this practice of cleaning your rectum with your finger is gross. But it gives great benefit in increasing digestive fire, preventing constipation, cures indigestion, and diseases caused by deposits of toxic undigested food in various parts of the body. The body begins to glow.....more »»

Are You My Queen? slice of life in Chiang Mai, Thailand Chiang Mai's people, Thailand

Are You My Queen?

(Feb 25, 2021) When I saw her enter the music bar, I was already glued. Didn' talk to her though. When I saw her leaving, I felt panicked sense of urgency to chase after her, "Wait!...I would feel horribly bad if this evening passed by without me meeting you. My name is Gigit." She gives me her name smilingly. "Let's be friends on Facebook.", I said. She takes her phone out and adds me. I said, "I will invite you for coffee. I hope you'll say yes." She smiles and goes away.....more »»

Breaking the 5-Minute Breath-hold Barrier yoga

Breaking the 5-Minute Breath-hold Barrier

(Feb 25, 2021) After a few days of rest from Wim Hof's breathing method, I resumed with little expectation, specially after failing to reach the 4 minute mark which I broke in Feb 7. And then, when looking at my stop watch, I was already at 5 min: 14 secs!....more »»

Kirtan with Chiang Mai's Khun Thai Seekers music

Kirtan with Chiang Mai's Khun Thai Seekers

(Feb 7, 2021) It was a evening of devotional songs led by lovely couple Kay and Dao at Cherry's scenic garden by the banks of the Ping River. Food, friendship and music flowed like water. It was a night to remember.....more »»

Breaking the 4-minute Breath-hold yoga

Breaking the 4-minute Breath-hold

(Feb 7, 2021) The Wim Hof breathing method starts you off with a 45-sec breath-hold after doing 3 rounds of 30 deep and fast full breathing. I steadily pushed my breathing with more rounds and more reps, and held my breath longer. This morning, after doing 5 rounds with 50 reps followed by an antara kumbhaka, I reached the 4-min mark with sensations I've never felt before.....more »»

Pranayama Primer yoga

Pranayama Primer

(Feb 2, 2021) This gentle yoga class incorporates asana, pranayama, kumbhaka, mudra, visualization, mantra, and nada meditation. It cleanses the nadis, moves prana vayu, heals the body, and stills the mind.....more »»

Heartbreak in every Song verbatim Peoplescape

Heartbreak in every Song

(Jan 24, 2021) Talking about love life, I was telling NOK that as you age, you get more selective about having a partner and falling in love becomes fleeting and happens far in between. I didn't expect the retort she gave me.....more »»

The Silent Killer is Baaack! sliceoflife

The Silent Killer is Baaack!

(Jan 12, 2021) Three years ago, after landing on my face from a 22-foot cliff dive to the ocean, I suffered from vertigo - a sensation where everything around me was spinning. I recovered, but my doctor warned me that it may come back. It just did!....more »»

Learning the Thai Language learning

Learning the Thai Language

(Jan 9, 2021) I love Thailand and I'd been here for over 2 years now. I've always talked about learning the local language but always put it aside. There is no excuse. Now that 2021 has started, I'm attempting to learn it one more time through online materials - pdf, video, translators, etc. Maybe I can make feeble attempts at actual conversation with Thai people. I'll give this an honest 1 hour/day effort. Let's see where it takes me.....more »»

Hike to Huay Keaw Waterfall mtn

Hike to Huay Keaw Waterfall

(Dec 20, 2020) Having stayed here in Chiang Mai for over 2 years now, and I didn't even know there was a waterfall within city limits. When James organized this hike, I got excited.....more »»

Yoga Mat verbatim

Yoga Mat

(Dec 19, 2020) In an attempt to assuage a jealous boyfriend from having other thoughts about where his girlfriend was, I gave him a full play=by-play conveying full transparency of what happened. His reply was unexpected.....more »»

Hiking to Wat Pha Lat along the Monk's Trail hiking

Hiking to Wat Pha Lat along the Monk's Trail

(Dec 19, 2020) With the start of the burning season in Chiang Mai and the unpredictability of my visa situation, joining Nicola's hike crew had a sense of urgency to it. But of course, it's all about being with wonderful people I'd like to spend time with - yoga people but hanging out outside the mat.....more »»

Am I Psycho? lucid

Am I Psycho?

(Dec 9, 2020) All the psychos I've come across with don't know they are psychos and even go about describing other people as psychos. This left me thinking, what assurance do I have I'm not?....more »»

Muffin Man sliceoflife

Muffin Man

(Dec 8, 2020) We were a gathering of 8 old and new friends at a music bar. Muffin Man rises up his chair and gives everybody a piece of his muffin - everybody except me. Hmmm. How to deal with this brush-off in a way that gets my point across but not create discord?....more »»

Polyamory lucid


(Dec 4, 2020) Polyamory - consensual, ethical, and responsible non-monogamy. Definitely counter-instinctive and an intellectual construct with logic as its building block. While discreetly practiced under wraps, it's far from mainstream. Perhaps viable over the short term, but questionable over the long term. Even with moderate success, it seems to hang precariously on slippery slope. In my yoga parlance, it's like doing a Tree Pose. How long can you manage it before you lose balance?....more »»

The Wim Hof Ice Bath meditation

The Wim Hof Ice Bath

(Dec 3, 2020) I'd been doing the Wim Hof breathing method with remarkable results. Part of that method is to immerse in a ice bath. When I learned of an ice bath here in Chiang Mai, I didn't waste time in signing-up. How long can I sustain it?....more »»

Lalana (soft palate chakra) yoga chakra

Lalana (soft palate chakra)

(Nov 30, 2020) Lalana Chakra is a little-known chakra closely associated with the Vishuddhi chakra. Amrita (nectar of life) coming down from the Bindu Chakra is deposited first in the Lalana Chakra where its flow is regulated down to the Visuddhi Chakra. Depending on the person's spiritual state-of-being, it is in the Lalana where the amrita can manifest as dark energy or energy of light.....more »»

RSVP Slice of Life


(Nov 25, 2020) I privately messaged a friend, inviting him together with other friends for an intimate coffee gathering. He saw the invite, no RSVP and a no-show. Aside from removing him from my short list, how do I deal with this?....more »»

High Intensity Interval Yoga (Yoga + HIIT) yoga

High Intensity Interval Yoga (Yoga + HIIT)

(Nov 14, 2020) This class combines traditional yoga asana, pranayama and meditation, together with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for a cardio-vascular benefit to strengthen the heart and increase stamina (and lose weight)....more »»

Cleansing the Nadis (Energy Pathway) yoga nadi

Cleansing the Nadis (Energy Pathway)

(Nov 13, 2020) In yoga, nadis are etheric energy pathways within the body - they are not physical. Prana (energy or life force) flows through the 72,000 nadis that exist in the body, similar to nerve impulses moving through the network of nerves within the autonomic nervous system. When nadi is blocked, prana cannot flow through and results in illness. Nadis converge in the chakras (energy hubs). There are 3 major nadis in the body - ida, pingala and sushumna.....more »»

Yoga for a 360-degree Core yoga

Yoga for a 360-degree Core

(Nov 6, 2020) This online Yoga for Core Development class selects asanas designed for the core and also includes established gym core practices. They are fused together with pranayama and meditation to bring about a fortified core (abs, obliques and lower back muscles), a state of stillness and increased awareness.....more »»

Edward Witten: 'the smartest living physicist' Nong Khai, Thailand

Edward Witten: 'the smartest living physicist'

(Nov 4, 2020) When the most brilliant physicists on the planet call you 'the smartest living physicist', by no small measure, you are beyond brilliant. When he talks, the most acclaimed of them all shut-up and listen, hanging by his every word. When the most distinguished award in mathematics (Fields Medal) is given to a physicist, and not to a mathematician, you have to be none other than Edward Witten.....more »»

Srinivasa Ramanujan: Mathematician of the Divine Nong Khai, Thailand

Srinivasa Ramanujan: Mathematician of the Divine

(Oct 27, 2020) I accidentally stumbled upon Ramanujan years ago. I already forgot his name but he was quoted saying that mathematical expressions don't interest him unless it was the thought of God. That quote never left me. It would recur every now and then - it was almost haunting. Finally, I decided to act on my excitement and learn more about this genius whose source is divine. But first, I had to find out who he was again.....more »»

Bashar as Channeled by Darryl Anka people

Bashar as Channeled by Darryl Anka

(Oct 26, 2020) If you can get passed the channeling aspect of Bashar, and instead listen to what is being said, you'll find a treasure trove of insight that are logical, urgent, relevant, and a call to action. This is more compelling than what most cryptic gurus are saying.....more »»

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 7, Movement 2 music

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 7, Movement 2

(Oct 22, 2020) The first 3 minutes of Symphony 7 Movement 2 has the precise vibrational frequency that empowers you to let go - let go of sorrow, grief, negativity, and anger so that you can move on in life. It allows you to forgive - forgive yourself and others. It's a way to free yourself from stuck energies. By clearing the clutter, you create new space to attract everything you need....more »»

Vinyasa Krama and Ashtanga Yoga with Aida Yoga yoga

Vinyasa Krama and Ashtanga Yoga with Aida Yoga

(Oct 18, 2020) Aida's yoga classes exude years of dedicated practice and devotion. They are grounded and well-intentioned at the outset, challenging but doable with intelligent sequencing, clearly cued and well paced,, seamless and fluid, and capped by an angelic rendition of Gayatri Mantra.....more »»

Deepak Chopra: author, lecturer, healer Chiang Mai, Thailand

Deepak Chopra: author, lecturer, healer

(Oct 12, 2020) Deepak has been one of the front runners in the New Age wellness era where he fusions science, ayurveda, yoga, mysticism and esoteric teachings into a viable and comprehensible healing modality that is relevant to the modern conscious seeker.....more »»

Facebook Friends verbatim

Facebook Friends

(Oct 1, 2020) I thought I was funny fantasing on a prank to a jealous boyfriend. When I came home, I realized the joke was on me.....more »»

Biggest Stone in his Shoe verbatim

Biggest Stone in his Shoe

(Sep 1, 2020) Boy and Girl are good friends, but Boy likes the Girl, and Girl already has a boyfriend. Boy and Boyfriend know each other and don't really like each other. Boy talks to Girl about her boyfriend.....more »»

Chiang Mai Peoplescape Aug-Sep 2020 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chiang Mai Peoplescape Aug-Sep 2020

(Sep 30, 2020) Like a revolving door, Chiang Mai's peoplescape continues to revolve bringing-in new arrivals while those who were stranded were finally able to leave. This begins a new chapter in the mosaic making up the faces that adorn Chiang Mai....more »»

Siddhis (yogic super powers) yoga siddhi

Siddhis (yogic super powers)

(Sep 30, 2020) Siddhis are yogic super natural powers that develop involuntarily as the yogi's practice goes deeper and more focused. There are 64 minor siddhis and 8 major siddhis ranging from clairvoyance to levitation.....more »»

Learning the Import/Export Trade learning

Learning the Import/Export Trade

(Sep 4, 2020) A simple request to look for a programmer who can develop a database for a shipping company turned into learning the essentials of the shipping business....more »»

Music and Magic at Justin's Birthday Bash chill

Music and Magic at Justin's Birthday Bash

(Sep 3, 2020) Not sure how I made the grade, but I got on the shortlist of Justin's birthday bash at Sherloft Home & Hostel together with select friends which mostly came from Chiang Mai's conscious community. Bliss, love and harmony simply overflowed.....more »»

Abandoned thoughtbubble


(Aug 25, 2020) The girl broke up with her boyfriend. A few days later, he received a message from his ex-girlfriend asking him why he abandoned her.....more »»

Intelligent Romantic Break-up lucid

Intelligent Romantic Break-up

(Aug 25, 2020) Romantic break-ups are usually characterized by emotional hysteria, bitterness, anguish and regret. But when expectations are managed between two evolved people who understand the law of nature, impermanence and detachment, breaking-up can very well be an educated move, borne out of logic and grounding.....more »»

Dad-Zoned verbatim


(Aug 18, 2020) Inside Tien Sieng Vegetarian Foods, a 27-year old farang (white foreigner) girl and her gray-haired Asian partner were cozy. The guy thought he knew what the others were thinking.....more »»

Public Display of Affection verbatim

Public Display of Affection

(Aug 9, 2020) When the last of their friends alighted from the songthaew, the 27-year old farang girl wrapped her arms around her late 50s Asian boyfriend. Overhearing their conversation, apparently they were not on the same page.....more »»

Shifting Peoplescape of Chiang Mai people

Shifting Peoplescape of Chiang Mai

(July 31, 2020) Chiang Mai has been resuming normalcy from the Covid lockdown. Events are back and people are beginning to come out. Yoga in the Park is now daily. Chiang Mai Blues Band is now gigging at My Bar and Thaphae East. I saw old friends who managed to stay intact during the lockdown. Some were stuck somewhere else awaiting for Thailand's borders to open up again. The first order of the day was to let old friends know I was back. I've already invited a few for a catch-up at Nawa Saraan or just around the bend at EM16 Bar.....more »»

Yoga Class for Strength and Muscle yoga

Yoga Class for Strength and Muscle

(Jul 30, 2020) Yoga was never designed to build muscles. But if you already practice yoga and want to build strength and muscles at the same time, then why not combine the best of both worlds? Building muscles while practicing yoga does not necessarily mean compromising the goal of yoga.....more »»

Yoga Class for Optimum Digestion yoga

Yoga Class for Optimum Digestion

(July 29, 2020) If you eat 3 meals a day and don't poop 3 times a day, you are constipated. Yoga has a system to cleanse the digestive system, increase digestive metabolism and enhance absorption of nutrients.....more »»

Yoga Class for Healthy Eyes yoga

Yoga Class for Healthy Eyes

(Jul 27, 2020) Our eyes are muscles that can be exercised for clearer vision and strength. This class uses traditional yoga eye exercises and conventional vision therapy to enhance eyesight and bring back that glow.....more »»

Hippie Night at Nawa Saraan Healing Space chilling-out in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Hippie Night at Nawa Saraan Healing Space

(July 24, 2020) Making the most of my stay in Chiang Mai, which could abruptly end by July 31, depending on extended visa exemption, I thought I'd come out of the hippie closet and host a fun-filled night with friends. Why not call it a Hippie Night?....more »»

Alan Strydom Chiang Mai, Thailand

The Podcast Series: Alan "Heart Math" Strydom

(Jul 17, 2020) In a Zeitgeist of emergent mind-expansion modalities, Heart Math comes along with the endorsement of 2 biggies in the conscious landscape - Gregg Braden and Dr. Joe Dispenza. How is Heart Math different from all the rest? Who needs Heart Math? To get the low-down, I sat down with Heart Math Director, Lead Trainer, and Master Coach Alan Strydom....more »»

Prana Vayu Adhitthana Yoga Class yoga

Prana Vayu Adhitthana Yoga Class

(July 11-12, 2020) An advanced yoga class consisting of breath-holds (kumbhaka) and locks (bandha) to move energy (prana vayu) and challenging asana-holds to strengthen the mind (adhitthana)...more »»

Shifting Peoplescape of Chiang Mai people

Shifting Peoplescape of Chiang Mai

(July 31, 2020) Chiang Mai has been resuming normalcy from the Covid lockdown. Events are back and people are beginning to come out. Yoga in the Park is now daily. Chiang Mai Blues Band is now gigging at My Bar and Thaphae East. I saw old friends who managed to stay intact during the lockdown. Some were stuck somewhere else awaiting for Thailand's borders to open up again. The first order of the day was to let old friends know I was back. I've already invited a few for a catch-up at Nawa Saraan or just around the bend at EM16 Bar.....more »»

Coming Back to Chiang Mai traveling

Coming Back to Chiang Mai

(Jun 29, 2020) Not unlike Odysseus (of the Iliad) who spent the next 10 years trying to reach home after the Trojan War, so were my frustrated attempts at coming back to Chiang Mai after the burning season - but my sojourn only lasted 2 months. Because of the Covid lockdown, it wasn't possible. In a stroke of luck, I came upon a bus trip for Chiang Mai without me even looking for it.....more »»

Goodbye Chiang Mai Thailand

Goodbye Chiang Mai

(Jan 23, 2020) I thought Chiang Mai would be a perpetual honeymoon - a roof over my head, change in my pocket, food in my tummy, time for my yoga practice, and a peoplescape to immerse my life into. But many signs on the wall give a compelling narrative. Time to pack -up and see what lies ahead.....more »»

Prasnopanishad: Understanding Prana yoga

Prasnopanishad: Understanding Prana

(Jan 17, 2020) Prasnopanishad is one of the 10 major sections of the Upanishads that talk about prana where the teacher and the students are engaged in an enquiry into the nature of the universe.....more »»

Hiking the Monk's Trail mountaineering

Hiking the Monk's Trail

(Jan 15, 2020) The most doable and most popular hike in Chiang Mai is the Monk's Trail, starting from the outskirt of the city, up the mountain path, into Wat Pha Lat. I had to do this before I finally leave Chiang Mai.....more »»

Chaturanga verbatim


(Jan 10, 2020) It was full house at yoga in the park. With the teacher's clearly articulated cueing, we were on a meditative vinyasa until he uttered those famous lines that got me chuckling all the way to Savasana.....more »»

You Spooned Me verbatim

You Spooned Me

(Jan 3, 2020) I introduced myself to a lady in the park after the yoga class. She said, 'We've already met. You spooned me.'....more »»

2019: A Year in Review traveling

2019: A Year in Review

(Dec 31, 2019) 2019 was definitely a year of abundance, of non-struggle, of ease, of peoplescape immersion, of settling down, of deepening my yoga practice, and of not being poor.....more »»

Friends, Coffeemates and Breadmates (Dec 2019) people

Friends, Coffeemates and Breadmates (Dec 2019)

(Dec 31, 2019) With the yuletide season in high gear, people who have left during the burning season, the scorching summer and the rainy days, have come back. And they bring with them their kinetic energy and good vibe. All good as I stumble upon them, one story at a time...over bread, coffee and friendship.....more »»

Visiting Mae Sot traveling

Visiting Mae Sot

(Dec 27-30, 2019) With Suzi's re-visit to Chiang Mai, I was invited to travel with her to Mae Sot, the place where she devoted a few months of volunteer service to an NGO for the welfare of the Burmese refugees. Of course I said Yes!....more »»

Let's Make it About You - an Epiphany lucid

Let's Make it About You - an Epiphany

(Dec 17, 2019) 'Let's make it about you' is my new and powerful mantra to eradicate struggle, frustration and imbalance. Amazing how life throws you an Easter Egg when you need one.....more »»

Shut-Up! verbatim


(Dec 7, 2019) It was during Laughter Yoga, while in Savasana while the teacher was cueing her relaxation instructions when someone could be heard talking. What came out of her lips were too funny, I didn't have to fake my laugh.....more »»

Roasted Red Bell Pepper Puree recipes

Roasted Red Bell Pepper Puree

(Dec 3, 2019) I usually roast bell pepper for salad and pizza topping. But a chef suggested puree-ing it with paprika for a multi-purpose condiment - dip, sauce, topping. The thought got me excited.....more »»

Coffeemates and Breadmates (Nov 2019) people

Coffeemates and Breadmates (Nov 2019)

(Nov 30, 2019) Chiang Mai's revolving door continues to bring-in wonderful souls who shape its animated peoplescape. Good fortune has it that some come to chance Nawa Saraan Healing Space for coffee, bread and friendship.....more »»

Coffeemates and Breadmates (Oct 2019) at Nawa Saraan Healing Space people

Coffeemates and Breadmates (Oct 2019)

(Oct to Nov 5, 2019) At Nawa Saraan Healing Space, yogis-reikis-shamans-meditators-DJs-ecstatic_dancers and kindred souls gather for friendship, community, good energy, homemade carrot bread, homemade Thai peanut butter and Vietnamese coffee.....more »»

Point-Of-Failure Birthday Workout fitness

Point-Of-Failure Birthday Workout

(Oct 22, 2019) To celebrate my birthday, I do a point-of-failure workout to reset the benchmark. Can I still do the same things I used to do? Do I still have the juice? Only one way to find out!....more »»

Learning Thai with Cee teaching

Learning Thai with Cee

(Oct 13, 2019) Learning Thai from a white guy? Yes, and it couldn't be better. Cee knows and speaks Thai by heart with even a local accent. But as a fluent English speaker, he can articulate the nuances of the Thai language and answer our questions in a way a Thai teacher (with limited English) cannot...more »»

Visa-Run to Tachileik, Myanmar traveling

Visa-Run to Tachileik, Myanmar

(Sep 28, 2019) It's that recurring episode again - the visa-run. Where to go? What if I get denied entry? Worse, what if I'm blacklisted? My last visa-run to Hanoi proved difficult and there was no reprieve on the horizon as far as Thai Immigration was concerned.....more »»

Eye-Gazing at Heart Space cc

Eye-Gazing at Heart Space

(Sep 20, 2019) I was first told that you can fall in love just by eye-gazing. Really? That got my attention. When I attended Gab's Cacao Ceremony with a brief eye-gazing moment, it got me uncomfortable. It was too intimate. Now, I get to finally do the real thing.....more »»

Prana Vayu (Pranic Wind) yoga

Prana Vayu (Pranic Wind)

(Sep 20, 2019) Vayu (or Prana Vayu) is not widely known in yoga, but I keep encountering this word as I do my readings in yoga and pranayama. It seems to be an energetic wind element that is both powerful and obscure. Time to roll up my sleeves and find out more about it.....more »»

2-Week Yoga Challenge by Agnese Erba yoga

2-Week Yoga Challenge by Agnese Erba

(Sep 17, 2019) Agnese just arrived in Chiang Mai with a 2-week time frame. What to do? Without missing a day, she initiated a 2-week daily yoga challenge at Nong Buak Hard Park for anyone interested in taking up the challenge. Whoa! What derring-do!...more »»

Sunday Vinyasa Flow with Marina Forster yoga

Sunday Vinyasa Flow with Marina Forster

(Sep 8, 2019) It was Marina's debut yoga teaching class. Definitely a big step in the right direction. Steeped in athletics and classroom teaching, she was fit and able to articulate clear instructions with a little chutzpah to wit....more »»

The Conscious Peoplescape of Chiang Mai peoplescape

The Conscious Peoplescape of Chiang Mai

(Aug 31, 2019) Returning from Hanoi from a visa-run, I resumed my life back in Chiang Mai and consequently take part in its shifting peoplescape...familiar faces, new ones and distant ones....more »»

The 9 Jhanas of Buddha meditation

The 9 Jhanas of Buddha

(Aug 22, 2019) The story has it that in Buddha's quest for enlightenment, he reached up to the 9th Jhana but still came short of liberation. This word Jhana kept coming up in my readings. Curious, I devoted quality reading time to learn more about Jhana.....more »»

Full Moon Ceremony at Heart Space meditation

Full Moon Ceremony at Heart Space

(Aug 15, 2019) The theme for this monthly ritual is to let go of everything that held us back and open ourselves in surrender to the bigger forces at play. The rite was done through sharing, chanting, fire ceremony with every participant in a highly interactive and safe space with no judgement.....more »»

Yin Yoga - Water Element by Martina Barabas yoga

Yin Yoga - Water Element by Martina Barabas

(Aug 15, 2019) Martina's Yin Yoga sank us into the pose in complete surrender, allowing ligaments and connective tissues to get a full stretch to restore a fuller range of motion. It was a perfect harmony of asana and meditation.....more »»

Hatha Mix Yoga with Christin yoga

Hatha Mix Yoga with Christin

(Aug 13, 2019) It was Christin's debut yoga class as a teacher, which was attended to by myself and Nadja. The threat of continuing rain detered others who would have joined. While she referred to her notes on a few occasions, her class was heartfelt and authentic. It was obvious she loved yoga and wanted to impart her practice and level-up her teaching...more »»

Boy Blues Bar Rocks Chiang Mai music

Boy Blues Bar Rocks Chiang Mai

(Aug 5, 2019) Frank, a street musician I met at yoga in the park suggested I check out a "Blues bar on the second floor of the Night Bazaar" on a Monday night for the open mic jam. That changed my life in Chiang Mai!....more »»

Back to my Beloved Chiang Mai traveling

Back to my Beloved Chiang Mai

(Aug 1, 2019) After a disruptive 5-day visa run to Hanoi, I'm glad to be back again at Nawa Saraan Hotel in my beloved Chiang Mai. As a seasoned traveler, I didn't think I'd feel this way about a place, but given a new lease on life I have here in Chiang Mai, it's one place I'd love to call home.....more »»

Kaleidoscope of Chiang Mai's Peoplescape people

Kaleidoscope of Chiang Mai's Peoplescape III

(July 27, 2019) As I continue my new lease on life here in beautiful Chiang Mai, I take ringside seat to a kaleidoscope of its wonderful denizens as we cross paths - some for the here-and-now, and hopefully, some for the long term.....more »»

Secret Sunrise: Water counter culture

Secret Sunrise: Water

(July 3, 2019) What makes Secret Sunrise special is for once, I am taken out of my head and into my heart - just feeling the freedom, feeling the good vibe and feeling good about everything. Here, there is no intellectualizing and no rationalizing. The clever mind is simply out of place. Thus, it takes a back seat and let the heart take its rightful place...more »»

Hotel Review: Arun Suite hotelreview

Hotel Review: Arun Suite

(June 27, 2019) Arun Suite just opened up and I'm the first guest in the room I've occupied. It's more like a well-appointed house with 3 bedrooms in a 3-storie building. It has a living room with flat screen tv, dining table, full kitchen and a sizeable outdoor bathtub. Every thing is new and functional.....more »»

Bruce Lipton: Epigenetics to Transcend Genes people

Bruce Lipton: Epigenetics to Transcend Genes

(June 24, 2019) Bruce Lipton is a stem cell biologist who discovered that we are not trapped within the limitation of our genes - contrary to conventional science. He proves through repeatable experiments that environment and our thinking can transcend our biology. This paradigm opens up the floodgates on how we can architecture not just our health, but reality itself.....more »»

Optimizing Life thru Heart Math quantummechanics

Optimizing Life thru Heart Math

(May 8, 15 and 22, 2019) I've always made decisions from an intellectual perspective, often times neglecting input from the heart. While I know I'm right, sometimes, it doesn't feel right. What am I missing? When Alan Strydom, coach trainer for Heart Math, invited me to try the Heart Math approach, I signed-up, curious to where it may take me......more »»

Connective Cacao and Sound Journey meditation

Connective Cacao and Sound Journey

(June 12, 2019) I first heard of a cacao ceremony in Ubud, Bali. I was curious but never had the chance. Here in Chiang Mai, Heart Space offers the ritual on a regular basis. Now, I finally get my chance to see what it's all about.....more »»

Chiangmai BLUES music

Chiangmai BLUES

(June 6, 2019) Chiang Mai is the 2nd largest city in Thailand so you would think there's more than a few guys playing Blues music. Maybe before. But now, only one guy is single-handedly taking care of the Blues scene here - Mai!....more »»

Hatha Slow Flow with Neil Jefferson yoga

Hatha Slow Flow with Neil Jefferson

(June 3, 2019) Neil's knowledge of anatomy became increasingly clear as we dived deeper into the stretches - no power asanas or Warriors or one-legged balancing asanas. Just carefully articulated slow flow, as Neil kneaded all our muscle groups as he inched his way into our bodies part by part, asana by asana...more »»

Meditating with One Million Meditators Movement meditation

Meditating with One Million Meditators Movement

(June 1, 2019) June 1 celebrates One Million Meditators Day that happens simultaneously across the planet. The goal is to have at least one million people meditate from the corner of the world as collective in shifting consciousness. Here in Chiang Mai, this event was hosted by Gabrielle Nagy of Heart Space.....more »»

Vinyasa Happy Flow Series by Vaida yoga

Vinyasa Happy Flow Series by Vaida

(May 31, 2019) Vaida is the newest teacher who came into Chiang Mai with her unique brand of yoga. As a fitness personal trainer with a dance background, she conducts her classes with unmistakable elements of fitness and dance...more »»

Muay Thai at the Chiang Mai Boxing Stadium traveling

Muay Thai at the Chiang Mai Boxing Stadium

(May 30, 2019) You simply cannot visit Chiang Mai and not see a Muay Thai fight. Muay Thai is simply part of Thai culture and a must-see for travelers. One venue close to Old City is the Chiang Mai Boxing Stadium where you see Muay Thai fighters deliver punches, elbows and knees....more »»

Yoga Flow Through the 7 Chakras by Sabrina Pilz yoga

Yoga Flow Through the 7 Chakras by Sabrina Pilz

(May 30, 2019) Sabrina has been conducting a series of yoga classes themed on the 7 chakras - or energy centers of the body. Both body and mind go into a Vinyasa flow underscoring the individual chakras from head to foot. She incorporates guided meditation and affirmation in the 90-minute practice.....more »»

The Outsiders people

The Outsiders

(people you need to push out of your sacred circle)

(May 31, 2019) The world is full of magnificent lives that have enriched my life - fascinating people who make up my peoplescape as I cover ground in my travels. As a general rule, everyone is a friend I haven't met yet. But inevitably, I also come across those who need to be pushed out of my sacred space to keep my peace and bliss...more »»

Fascinating Peoplescape of Chiang Mai II people

Fascinating Peoplescape of Chiang Mai II

(May 22, 2019) Chiang Mai's peoplescape continues to be shaped by people who come in and out of Chiang Mai, much like a revolving door. As old people leave, new ones come in, painting a vibrant picture of this wonderful place many call home.....more »»

World Meditation Day at Heart Space meditation

World Meditation Day at Heart Space

(May 21, 2019) Heart Space celebrated World Meditation Day by offering free meditation to the public. In attendance were people mostly from the Conscious community of Chiang Mai. Gabriella Nagi hosted the event and led the meditation instilling a profound sense of connection with everyone within the circle.....more »»

Abs Yoga by Gigit yoga

Abs Yoga by Gigit

(May 12, 2019) Core is widely coveted but seldom achieved. A well developed core is not only pretty on the beach, but also functional. I conducted my usual yoga practice into the class with more emphasis on a 360° core....more »»

Kundalini and Vinyasa Yoga with Nicola Symons yoga

Kundalini and Vinyasa Yoga with Nicola Symons

(May 10, 2019) Odd, but I only attended 2 classes by Nicola - Kundalini and Vinyasa. But those were enough to leave a lingering impression that reminded me of the rock star yoga teachers in Ubud, Bali. No, it's not about Hollywood but being up in your game to command the stage and be globally in demand.....more »»

Secret Sunrise Interactive Dance cc

Secret Sunrise Interactive Dance

(May 9, 2019) Secret Sunrise is an outdoor interactive dance where people wear headphones while a DJ guides them through the session as the music plays. Participants dance their hearts out but only they hear the music. To the curious onlookers, they could only speculate what the madness is all about.....more »»

Tok Sen Massage from Ying massage

Tok Sen Massage from Ying

(May 8, 2019) Tok Sen is an unusual massage Thai practice that uses a wooden hammer and wedge from the tamarind tree. The wedge is rhythmically tapped into energy lines of the body (Sen lines) to promode healing and restoration. I had such therapy from Ying who has been doing this for over 10 years.....more »»

Bruschetta: Nawa Saraan Style recipes

Bruschetta: Nawa Saraan Style

(Apr 22, 2019) Bruschetta is a long held Italian tradition - plum tomatoes, olive oil, basil, garlic and baguette. But here at the Nawa Saraan kitchen, things are done with a little flair for innovation....more »»

Thai Cooking at Pra Nang Thai Cookery School food

Thai Cooking at Pra Nang Thai Cookery School

(Apr 20, 2019) One of the touristy offerings of Thailand is to learn Thai cooking. Many cooking schools offer a hands-on experience in preparing Thailand's staple dishes - pad thai, khao soi and tom yum soup. I tried the Pra Nang Thai Cookery School to see how I could surprise friends with authentic Khao Soi....more »»

Bonding with the Elephants in Chiang Mai traveling

Bonding with the Elephants in Chiang Mai

(Apr 11, 2019) Riding elephants, because of the cruelty in training them, has been taboo in the tourism trade. This time, elephant tours consist of feeding, bathing and petting the elephants which were claimed to be rescued from shows and labor camps. I tried one of them.....more »»

Getting Thai Massage from Chiang Mai's Best (Lar Thanakrit Khamtanong) massage

Getting Thai Massage from Chiang Mai's Best (Lar Thanakrit Khamtanong)

(Mar 21, 2019) When I heard a senior Thai massage teacher that she was going to receive a massage from Lar (Lar Thanakrit Khamtanong), one of Chiang Mai's best massage therapist, my immediate question was, 'how good can you be to be the masseuse of the massage teachers?'. My question would soon be answered by going to the end of a long list to get such treatment from Lar.....more »»

Being the Soul of Nawa Saraan Hotel lucid thought

Being the Soul of Nawa Saraan Hotel

(Feb 18, 2019) Among the hotels of the Nawa hotel chain, Nawa Saraan comes closest to my heart. I've stayed here 3 years ago and I keep coming back here every time I stay in Chiang Mai. So, when the owner and friend told me that Nawa Saraan needed a soul, I thought to myself that I could be that...more »»

Peoplescape of Chiang Mai people

Peoplescape of Chiang Mai

(Jan 24 - Mar 13, 2019) Once again, being in Chiang Mai brought me back to good friends and introduced me to new people who drifted into my peoplescape as I begin to settle down and make a new life.....more »»

Curing Cancer with Yoga? yoga

Curing Cancer with Yoga?

(Feb 21, 2019) A lady who once did yoga with me approached me again for a series of daily private one-on-one practice during her entire stay in Chiang Mai. Apparently, she liked my yogic philosophy and approach entailing asanas, calisthenics, pranayama, meditation and Thai massage. But in our conversation, she also intimated that she has cancer and was hoping that my brand of yoga would supplement her treatment. I lost my Mom from that same cancer she's afflicted with. Hearing that changed my game plan...more »»

International Training Massage School (ITM): LEVEL I: Foundation of Thai Massage massage

International Training Massage School (ITM): Level 1

(Feb 11-15, 2019) Thai Massage is world-famous and there's no better place to learn it than at Chiang Mai's most prestigious massage center, the International Training Massage School. This is my first day to earning my Level 1 Certification Course in Thai Massage. 30 hours altogether. Time to roll up my sleeves.....more »»

Sandesch Album Launch by Christoph Joerg chill

Sandesch Album Launch by Christoph Joerg

(Feb 13, 2019) Yoga teacher Christoph Joerg invited me to Sandesch, his album launch at Heart Space. I didn't really know Chris was also a singer. Whoa! I didn't know what to expect, but I went, curious. It would be my first time at Heart Space.....more »»

Reiki Share at the Mastermind Brain Spa meditation

Reiki Share at the Mastermind Brain Spa

(Jan 26, 2019) I saw a posting on Facebook about a free Reiki Share and got curious. I've received reiki twice but I don't know much about it. As a self-healer, I wanted to know more. Perhaps there would be elements I could integrate into my self-healing practice.....more »»

Resuming Life in Chiang Mai traveling

Resuming Life in Chiang Mai

(Jan 24, 2019) With a proper tourist visa to stay in Thailand, I am back in Chiang Mai (from Hanoi) to start a 60-day mini-life. It will be a different life from most of what I experienced in 2018. This time, I have sufficient cash for a few months (instead of landing on a country with only $50) and a rood over my head. These are 2 of my most pressing concerns - but now, I can put those worries away and be more open to other things that land on my plate.....more »»

4 Days in Chiang Mai at Nawa Saraan Hotel traveling

4 Days in Chiang Mai at Nawa Saraan Hotel

(Jan 2-6, 2019) After Pai, Mike and I headed to Chiang Mai where he checked me in at his luxurious Nawa Saraan Hotel. With 4 days before my Thailand visa expiration, I had to plan out my next move. Mike suggested I apply for a 60-day tourist visa with Thai Embassy in Hanoi and I could stay at a room in Nawa Saraan. Whoa!....more »»

Mike Chong people

Mike Chong

(Aug 8, 2018) There are people who will kill you with kindness. But you don't meet these kinds of people everyday. Indeed, they happen once in a blue moon. I am lucky to have come across one - Mike Chong...more »»

Kneaded and Pampered at Zira Spa traveling

Kneaded and Pampered at Zira Spa

(Aug 4, 2018) A few days ago, I feigned an excuse to a B150 foot massage with some friends to conserve my cash. But I wanted a Thai massage in Thailand! My white knight (my universe!) comes to the rescue and gives me (and Mike) a luxurious B2,400 spa package at Chiang Mai's most prestigious spa resort - Zira Spa....more »»

Laughter Yoga with Saffiya Arnous yoga

Laughter Yoga with Saffiya Arnous

(July 31, 2018) Laughter Yoga with Saffiya Arnous is a combination of laughter, breathing, and just being silly. Laughter is the best medicine to heal, recover and to be happy. This class gets you started on that path...more »»

Yoga with Adam at Hidden House Yoga, Chiang Mai yoga

Yoga with Adam at Hidden House Yoga, Chiang Mai

(July 29, 2018) Hidden House Yoga was the new kid on the block in Chiang Mai after having opened just a year ago. Adam conducted an Evening Yoga Flow that was challenging and well articulated with a slow enough cadence to sink into the pose.....more »»

2 Weeks in Chiang Mai traveling

2 Weeks in Chiang Mai

(July 25 - Aug 7, 2018) When I landed in Bangkok, I thought I would spend my entire 30 days there. As a general rule, I do a 30-day mini-life in any destination before I move on. But Mike offered his hotel in Chiang Mai for 2 weeks. On top of that, I couldn't find an extension in Bangkok beyond my 15 days. The die was cast for Chiang Mai. Why? Only one way to find out.....more »»

A First Timer in Chiang Mai traveling

A First Timer in Chiang Mai

(Apr 9-23, 2016) I long heard about Chiang Mai as the mountain town of Thailand where the air is cool and crisp. Somehow, images of Sagada came to mind. Finally, upon arrival, it was a surprise awakening for me. Chiang Mai is a big city!....more »»

Chiang Mai's Amazing Peoplescape people

Chiang Mai's Amazing Peoplescape

(Apr 9-23, 2016) A place's energy resonates with the people it keeps. This holds especially true for Chiang Mai. What can I say? Great place to visit, great people...for just these 2 alone, it's enough reason to come back and revisit.....more »»

Dance Mandala in Chiang Mai at The Yoga Tree yoga

Dance Mandala in Chiang Mai at The Yoga Tree

(Apr 19, 2016) When I asked The Yoga Tree studio owner, Areeradh, if I can teach free yoga in her studio, she invited me instead to attend the Dance Mandala...didn't have a clue what that was, which got me even more excited. This would be my first in Chiang Mai....more »»

Songkran Waterfight Festival in Chiang Mai traveling

Songkran Waterfight Festival in Chiang Mai

(Apr 13-15, 2016) Thailand celebrates its New Year with Songkran Festival - a 3-day wet-and-wild mayhem that is sure to bring out the child in you. While Songkran is celebrated in all of Thailand, Chiang Mai is ground-zero. Be there or be square!....more »»


Chiang Mai Map
Google Map

Chiang Mai, Thailand

important places in Chiang Mai IMPORTANT PLACES
Chiang Mai Bus Station Bus Station
Chiang Mai Train Station Train Station
Chiang Mai airport Chiang Mai International Airport
Nong Buak Hard Park Nong Buak Hard Park - free yoga classes daily

hotels in Chiang Mai HOTEL
Chiang Mai Arun Dara Villa Arun Dara Villa - 7 exclusive rooms, 1 swimming pool for every room, grand opening
Chiang Mai Nawa Sheeva Hotel Nawa Sheeva Hotel - big rooms, high ceiling, salt-water pool, restaurant, cafe
Chiang Mai Nawa Saraan Hotel Nawa Saraan Hotel - low density (4 spacious rooms), stone garden setting, Koi fish pond, Old City location
Arun Suite, Chiang Mai Arun Suite - 3 bedrooms in a 3-storie guesthouse within Old City, ideal for families

birds nest restaurants in Chiang Mai RESTAURANT
La Pizza Chiang Mai La Pizza Chiang Mai - Italian pizza, pasta, wine, dessert, coffee
Chiang Mai birds nest restaurant Natural Bird Nest by Burapa - authentic bird's nest soup

Thai massage in Chiang Mai WELLNESS
ITM – International Training Massage School ITM - International Training Massage School - Chiang Mai's most prestigious massage school
Float Chiang Mai Float Chiang Mai - sensory deprivation float pod
Chiang Mai, Royal Thai Lanna Massage Zira Spa - upscale authentic Thai massage and spa treatment

motorcycle rental in Chiang Mai MOTORBIKE RENTAL
Chiang Mai birds nest motorcycle Tawan Bike - motorcycle rental | +66 91 635 2863 | Si Phum, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50200

Chiang Mai FYI / Tips
  • crop-burning season in Chiang Mai is between late Feb to early April. But laws change everytime. This year, 2019, there is a 61-day ban on burning so the farmers started burning early. When my plane was approaching Chiang Mai on Jan 24, 2019, there was already a thick blanket of smog covering the entire city (and beyond). But within the city itself, you won't feel it (but that doesn't mean the air is healthy). To monitor air conditions in real time, refer to site: Chiang Mai Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index (AQI)
  • hot season begins March and lasts until June
  • wet season begins July and lasts until September
  • best time to visit Chiang Mai is mid-September to mid-February - after the monsoon and before the burning
  • you have to try Khao Soi, this is north Thailand's culinary staple
  • the tourist area where most of the hotels, restaurants, ticket offices, tour operators are, is located in the Old City
  • to exchange your dollars to Thai Baht, the Super Rich Money Exchange give the best rates. There are many branches scattered around Chiang Mai
  • get a red cab (songthao) outside the train station for Baht 50 (instead of paying B100 if inside the train station) to Old City - if you haggle nicely enough...I did!
  • shared red taxi (songthao) - B30 standard fare plying all over Old City
  • for only B50/day, best to rent a bike to go around the Old City - it's a 2.5km2 with lots to discover
  • FREE daily yoga classes from 9:00am to 10:15am at Nong Buak Hard Park (southwest corner of Old City). Resident and passing-through teachers take turns conducting yoga classes.
Blues/Jazz Bars in Chiang Mai
  1. North Gate Jazz Coop - at Chang Phueg Gate, great Tuesday jam session, Blues on Sundays at 11pm by the Chiang Mai Blues band
  2. Boy Blues Bar - at the Night Bazaar. Mondays at 9:30pm is open mic
  3. My Secret Cafe - near Wat Phra Singh. Tuesdays at 7:30pm for the changing front-act and 9:00pm for the Panic Band
  4. Taphae East - 88 Thapae Rd. (just north of Night Bazaar). Fridays at 9:30pm by Chiang Mai Blues Band
Chiang Mai Cost Index
  • B60 Chiang beer
  • B250 1 hour drop-in yoga session
  • B200 one hour Thai body massage at WAYA Massage (highly recommended)
  • B50 noodle soup with meat
  • B50 coffee
  • B40 pad thai
  • B30/kilo wash-only laundry
  • B50/kilo wash+iron laundry
  • B100-150 dorm bed/night
  • B250 fan room/night
  • B30 internet cafe/hour
  • B170-190 Movies Sat-Sun and public holidays
  • B130-150 Movies weekdays
  • B100 Movies Wednesdays (movie discount day)
  • B750 1/2 day Thai cooking lessons
  • B900-1000 1 full day Thai cooking lessons
  • B400 Muay Thai boxing ticket
  • B2500 starting room rate at the luxury hotel, Nawa Sheeva (highly recommended)

  • Transportation
  • B450 bus, Chiang Mai to Bangkok
  • B160-180 bus, Chiang Mai to Pai
  • B1250 bus, Chiang Mai to Luang Prabang
  • B1650 slow boat, Chiang Mai to Luang Prabang
  • B210 bus, Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai, 3-4 hours
  • B360 Green VIP bus, Chiang Mai to Mae Sai (Thai border town for visa run to Tachileik, Myanmar)
  • B50 bicycle rental, 24 hours
  • B200 motorbike rental, 24 hours
  • B273 #51 sleeping train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai
  • B638 #7 a/c train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai
  • B50 red taxi fare from point to point
  • B100 red taxi fare from train terminal to city

  • Tours
  • B2000 full day elephant sanctuary
  • B750 Chiang Rai one-day tour
  • B1500 mountain biking scenic ride
Chiang Mai Trains by
  1. Chiang Mai trains for Bangkok - 2 day trains, 3 night trains, daily schedule
  2. Train 14 to Bangkok - departs 5pm daily, arrives BKK 6:15am, 1st class and 2nd class sleeping accomodation, Special Express
  3. Chiang Mai trains to other destinations -
Chiang Mai to Bangkok Trains source:
  1. Check Train Schedule & Fares
  2. Book Online - direct booking with State Railway of Thailand. Best to register first. If going to BKK from CNX, click "Northern Line".

    note -- big difference between booking direct with the State Railway and booking with an online 3rd party agent. 12GO was charging B1330 for the same trip that only cost me B941 with the State Railway.

    note -- Oct 2022, I took the #10 Train from CNX to BKK, upper berth, 2nd class, a/c, sleeper, B941. The train was clean, fast, comfortable and modern. If you have heavy luggage that will cost more money in flight checkin, I would suggest this train. Otherwise, the flight now is so much cheaper it doesn't even make sense to take the bus or train.
Bangkok to Chiang Mai by Train from Bang Sue Train Station

For more train info: Bangkok to Chiang Mai trains - departing from Hua Lamphong - MRT (Bangkok)

(I'm using Bang Sue as a starting point because I was closer to it, but you may be closer to the Hua Lamphong station)

  1. take the MRT train to Bang Sue Station. Take the #1 Exit to the north provincial trains
  2. Proceed to Counter 2. You will see an information booth, a train schedule chart and the ticket counter. Choose the train and pay at the ticket counter.
  3. daily train schedule:
    • 8:48am - #7 Train, arrive Chiang Mai 7:30pm, not sleeper, B638
    • 2:06pm - #109 Train, arrive Chiang Mai 4:05am, sleeper
    • 6:31pm - #9 Premium Train, arrive Chiang Mai 7:15am, sleeper, B938 upper deck, B1038 lower deck
    • 7:56pm - #13 Train, arrive Chiang Mai 8:40am, sleeper, B768 upper deck, B838 lower deck
    • 10:22pm - #51 Train, arrive Chiang Mai 12:10pm, sleeper, 3rd class B270 (non sleeper), 2nd class B438, B728 upper deck, B798 lower deck
Loei to Chiang Mai by Bus
  1. From Loei town center, take a tuk-tuk ride to the bus station, B30. There is only one bus station.
  2. As of June 28, 2020 (still on Covid schedule), there are only 3 night trips: 8:30pm, 9:30pm and 12 midnight. 9 hours, B470.
  3. The bus makes the following stops at the following times from a 9pm Loei departure: Phu Ruea (9:50pm), Phitsanulok (12:40am), Uttradit (2:20am), Lampang (4:35am)
  4. Final bus stop is at the Red Bus Arcade, Chiang Mai, 9 hour-trip, arriving 6am (from 9pm Loei departure).
  5. Take a red songthaew to Old City, B50. They'll try to charge you B100, but they'll take B50 (just assure the driver you won't tell the other passengers).

Travel Tips for Thailand

How to Get a 60-Day Thai Tourist Visa and then Extend by another 30 Days

This process is BEFORE Covid 19. Not sure what it is now.

    60-Day Thai Tourist Visa

    NOTE: There is no need to go back to your country to get the Thai tourist visa. Any major city with a Thai Embassy will do. Apparently there is also no need to have an invitation from a Thai establishment to justify the visa.

  1. Bring the following to the Thai embassy:
    a) proof of money (bank statement will suffice)
    b) flight booking to Thailand
    c) onward flight back to your country from Thailand
    d) filled-in tourist visa form
    e) 2 passport pictures
    f) hotel booking in Thailand (they didn't ask me for this but better be safe)
    g) passport with at least 6 months validity
  2. After handing over all the documents, they will ask you to come pick your passport with the visa the following day from 4 to 5pm. That's it!
  3. NOTE: after 2 successful attempts, I was already questioned the 3rd time.

    30-Day Extension

    NOTE: When your 60-day visa is close to expiry and you want to extend your stay. No need to leave Thailand.

  1. bring the following to the Immigration Office:
    a) passport (make sure your Tourist Visa hasn't expired yet)
    b) Baht 1900
    c) photocopy of your passport + visa duration date stamp + TM6 card (white immigration card) and sign all the copies
    d) completed TM7 visa extension form (available at the Immigration Office)
    e) one 4cmx6cm passport picture
  2. submit the above to the Front Desk. They will give you a stub with your number on it. Take a seat and wait for your number to be called
  3. when your number is called, your picture will be taken. Then go back to your seat. They will call you again.
  4. when they call you again, they'll give you your passport with your extended visa. That's it!
  5. when there are no lines, the whole process can take only 10 minutes
Book Train Tickets in Thailand

Book Train Tickets in Thailand Online by

General Travel Tips
  1. arrive early - in case there is a snag (visa snag, documentation snag, transport ticket snag, etc.), you will have ample time to troubleshoot the problem if you arrive early (to the airport, to the bus terminal, etc.)
  2. put detailed itinerary on the Calendar apps of your smart-phone according to timelines - this is where you do all your thinking and planning. Once written down, you don't have to think anymore while you are on the just follow the steps. This frees your mind for something else that might happen while you are already en route
  3. avoiding scams - as a general rule, I ignore the touts or anyone I don't know who call out to me. The calling comes in many forms - "Hi! Where are you from?", "Excuse me! Excuse me!", "Where are you going?". I don't look them in the eye and I remain non-verbal with them. If you reply to them, you just gave them an 'in' to hound you. In order not to look rude, I smile and wave the 'not interested' hand to them, without looking at them.
  4. power bank - hand-carry your power bank. Do not check it in. You can be called in when you are already inside the plane to go all the way to the loading dock so you can personally remove the power bank...and chances are, you'll have to surrender it to them. And you might delay the plane departure!
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