The Channel
The first time I stumbled upon Bashar, I was taken by the compelling relevance, logic and sense of urgency of what he was saying. It was after the talk when I realized that he was an alien from the future channeling through Darryl Anka. I was completely turned-off and even embarrassed, having listened to what I thought was a fruitcake. But then, I came back to my senses. The message is sound, so why should I let the messenger nullify the message? From that point on, I began listening to him. His message is really simple and can be summed up in a short sentence:
"Act on your excitement to the best of your ability without any expectation of outcome."
Let's break that down:
Powerful Lessons from Bashar
When Bashar was still building up a base, his videos were long, informative and comprehensive. Now that he has 'arrived', his videos have become short snippets largely marketing the next pay-for event. Yes, the channel, Darryl Anka decided to monetize his increasing popularity. It's hard to find those long videos anymore. Luckily, some third party channels on Youtube (some of them using Chinese characters) have preserved them for viewing. I am posting those videos here. No guarantee how long they will stay up since nearly all the past links no longer work.
Nearly all the long videos of Bashar are gone and have been replaced by long interviews of Darryl Anka. Now, the rock star is Darryl and not Bashar. Is this an ego-move by Darryl? Before, he was just the channel...an instrument for the messenger. Now, he is the messenger and the spotlight is on him. Another "guru" gone rouge? In fairness, Darryl does not deviate from Bashar's message.
Ending Thoughts
Of course, Bashar doesn't stop at self-transformation. He talks about other 'woowoo' stuff like alien life, indigo (crystal) kids, unlimited energy, non-linear time, etc. Do I believe them all? Let's put it this way. Everything he has said so far that I could verify is true. So, I will have to consider those 'out there' stuff as noteworthy of pondering. Why is this? To disbelieve him is to believe the mainstream (as controlled by very powerful and influential entities or groups) version that there are no UFOs, no alien life, etc. But these are the same entities who have lied to us all these years - Gulf of Tonkin incident (that never took place) that started the Vietnam War, weapons of mass destruction (that were never found) to start the invasion of Iraq, Building 7 (collapsed without being hit by a plane on 9/11). Moreover, as of this writing, the Pentagon officially came out that UFOs really exist, and they are corroborated by high ranking military officials with videos, audio and pictures. So, this is another admission that the mainstream lied to us - they simply cannot be trusted. Going back to Bashar. Yes, until proven to be false, I would consider his message as noteworthy and warrants consideration.
--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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