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Bashar Blogs

First Contact (2016) October 13, 2024

First Contact (2016)

Rating: star star star star star (3 stars out of 5)
Cast: Darryl Anka, Bashar, Ken Belsky, Zachary Dean, Dan Leech
Director: Darryl Anka
Writer: Darryl Anka
Genre: Documentary, Extra Terrestrials
Run Time: 1h 35m
Premiere Date: September 16, 2016
Country: USA

I first stumbled upon Bashar before this film so I knew what to expect. This film is essentially a summary of what he has been saying all the years Darryl Anka has been channeling Bashar. Again, it doesn't matter to me who the messenger is, but what the message is. And the message is always spot-on given my life experience, and when the message is not verifiable, it still makes sense to an open mind.

First Contact (2016)
the triangular spacecraft Darryl saw

This movie is also a DIY life-hacking and explainer of who Bashar is, his intentions and lots of FAQs. This was conveniently broken down almost in bullet points:

  1. Origin - back in 1973, Darryl encountered a UFO sighting and then again a week after. No contact, but this changed his life
  2. Channeling - this is a state of being where concentration is so intense you don't notice time. e.g. you paint and you thought 5 minutes went by but it was 4 hours. This is the Gamma brain wave at 45 Hz. Darryl went to a channeling class and somehow, an alien entity, Bashar, communicated mentally to him saying that they once agreed that Darryl would channel for Bashar. This started Darryl's channeling career in 1984. The UFO encounter 10 years earlier was a prelude to this. Darryl's brain wave was tested with an EEG, baseline vs channeling. Darryl's neural resonance fluctuated to a precise frequency hertz during channeling - something that cannot be done consciously. This means he's not acting - something is really happening to change his brain wave.

    When Darryl channels Bashar, Darryl's vibration has to be increased to match Bashar's. This demands preparation and practice. Analogy: before you can release a new fish (still in its plastic container) into a new aquarium, you have to put the plastic container into the aquarium so the that 2 water temperatures eventually match. And that's when you release the fish - otherwise, the fish could die of thermal shock. So, when Darryl's and Bashar's frequency matches, Bashar's thought transmissions (Bashar doesn't communicate in English...just thoughts) can be translated by Darryl in English to his audience.
  3. Why Aliens Haven't Made Full Contact - aliens have a higher vibration than humans. Analogy: aliens are like cogs turning at a fast rate. Humans are slower. When they come in contact, the gears will strip. Humans need to increase their frequency to match the aliens. Then they can come into contact and the gears will mesh perfectly
  4. How Humans can increase their Vibration - this is Bashar's manifesto that he consistently hammers in through the years, "Follow your excitement to the best of your abilities without expectation of outcome"
  5. Purpose in life - pursue your passion. This is the way the universe talks to you, blazing a trail for you to realize whatever reason for being you might have
  6. Five Laws of Creation - this holds true in every place, time, reality and dimension all throughout creation. Physics as we know it, only holds in this dimension.
    1. You exist (everything else is an illusion)

    2. Everything is here and now (there is no past or future)

    3. One is the all and all is the one (at the end of the day, it was just you...everything was just an illusion)

    4. What you put out is what you get back (think hate and your life is about anger)

    5. Everything changes except the above 4
  7. Physical Reality - this has no objective existence - it's not real. Reality is simply a reflection of your consciousness. If your consciousness is imbalanced, then you perceive physical reality as harsh and cruel. You can shift your reality by shifting your consciousness - don't change your reality if you're not happy with it. Change your consciousness instead
  8. Why we are here - if we remain pure consciousness, we won't know the taste of chocolate. We won't know what it's like to fall in love and be heartbroken. In human existence, we experience all that. We learn in the process (aside from experiencing a magical roller coaster ride)
  9. What is Time? - like reality, time is also an illusion. All aspects and versions of reality co-exist simultaneously including the ones we think are in the past and future. There is only here and now. Depending on the 'state of being' of our consciousness, our consciousness goes through the different dimensions of reality consistent with our 'state of being'. We go through these dimensions of reality billions of times per second so we experience reality within a time frame to simulate movement - but every dimension to reality is actually static. Analogy: a film strip goes through a projector at 64 frames/sec creating the illusion of movement even though these are just static picture frames that exist all at the same time. In reality though, the frames don't move - you are the one moving at billions of times per second through all the frames consistent with your 'state of being' - thus creating the illusion of movement
  10. Physical Reality Tool Kit

    1. act on your excitement - your excitement (passion, aha moments, synchronicity) is how life talks to you. Follow your excitement but no expectation of the outcome

    2. choose your reaction - All events are neutral. It's your reaction that makes it negative or positive. Even the death of a loved one is neutral. You can cry and be sad. Or you can be happy that he had a chance to have a human existence. It's up to you. e.g. your phone was stolen. You get angry, sad and disheartened. Or, you could pause and say, this is calling my attention. What can I learn from this experience? How can I deal with this loss in a productive way? You might choose to believe that the thief needed your phone more badly than you do, and it didn't really break the bank. Or, you could say it simply had to happen to pave way for something else to manifest. Again, it's really up to you how you want to react

    3. act - between acting on what you NEED to do and what you WANT to do, act on what you NEED to do first. By doing what you need to do first, you cover your bases
    4. abundance - this is a given. LACK is a fictitious roadblock you created. No money? Because somehow, you thought that you LACKed money. You went into a 'state of being' of LACK - thus reality reflected that LACK by actually stopping the abundance of money. Fix your 'state of being' first and reality adjusts itself. Any notion of LACK is a self-created belief system - trash it and the abundance flows again
  11. Homo Sapien to Homo Galacticus - interacting with whales and dolphins would help humanity deal with open contact with aliens because whales and dolphins are aliens. They have their own language and have been interacting with humans
  12. Contact - open contact will happen in stages during 2025 - 2033 (hmmm...2025 is just 2.5 months away). Aliens won't just make a surprise landing on the White House. The crafts will be the boomerang and triangular shapes (other shapes are from different aliens). At some point, humans will be a space-faring species. Humans will be the UFOs of other worlds

Ending Thoughts
For this movie to make sense, you must have an open mind, thinking that until the electromagnetic spectrum was discovered, we thought reality was everything we simply saw with our naked eyes. The lessons contained here are quite universal. Yoga says just about the same thing if you take away the aliens. Do I believe in aliens? I think it would be arrogant not to. The current conventional thinking is actually manufactured by the powers that be for whatever agenda they want to push. I also believe that we are not the first civilization that existed on this planet. We have had 6 existential catastrophes that practically put the planet on reset. The latest one was 65 million years ago which rendered the dinosaurs extinct. Earth is 4.5 billion years old. 122 years ago, there was no human flight. Now, we have hypersonic jets flying at 2.5 times the speed of sound. Think about it...just 122 years ago. Can you imagine what could have come before us in the 4.5 billion years of the planet? And perhaps they got extinct due to asteroid hits, solar flares, or even their own arrogance in developing weapons of mass destruction. It's healthy to keep an open mind about these things.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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