Out of the Usual After more than 2.5 years staying at Nawa Saraan in Chiang Mai, I have developed my daily routine. The day is almost predictable, but every once in a while, something out of the usual happens.
Nightly Toothache This began on the last day of April where I was awakened by what felt like a toothache on all molars on the left side of the mouth. It's probably not a tooth issue but nerves in that area. But what could have caused it? It recurs several times at night, every night, and it leaves me in stoic pain. Since I'm not one for medication or going to a dentist, I had to deal with it the yogic way - sitting on meditation, observing pain with an equanimous mind and not reacting to it. I can only do it so long until I cave-in and call upon my guides and the universe to help me. The pain has become manageable, but what I really want is a new set of teeth (I have to hack my biology for this).
The Fish Pond After researching on how ponds work, cleaning up the pond and installing filters, and having all 21 adult koi die on me, the pond has been a high-priority. I replaced the fish with 25 baby koi. I regularly clean the filters, developed clever ways to filter-out the bottom algae, and free the pond with mating frogs (which I capture with nets and throw back to the moat). Maintaining the pond and looking after the koi are becoming a part of my daily landscape.
70s Music Playlist Since I heard "I Go Crazy" by Paul Davis on one of the vegan nights, I started researching on the mellow hits during that time that brings back powerful memories for me. I used Shazam to identify songs and Spotify to create a playlist. I would often loop this for days on end. After hearing those songs endlessly, they no longer carry that much weight, but I still put it on every once in a while.
Gymnastics Basics Phu Khao talked about Chris Sommers, 40-year gymnastics coach and coach of the US Jr National Team. I was intrigued and looked him up. This guy knows his shit. I started adding mobility(flexibility and strengthening) to my connective tissues in my workout. I even bought a terra-band for rotator cuff strengthening and shoulder opening. His message is simple: don't rush it (transformation takes time), strengthen the foundations before tackling the big job (don't do the rope climbing without the basics).
When asked what the very basic workouts give the best bang:
hanging leg lifts - shows abs strength, mobility of hamstring
wheel - flexibility of upper and middle back are essential, not so much the lower back
pike pulses - from legs parallel to the ground, the marginal angle to lift the legs are not easy
Jefferson curl - usual aches and pain go away
press handstand -
vertical rope climbing - do the foundation first (rows, pull-ups, multi-plane pulling) or you develop an elbow tendonitis
Mud-Slinged It came to my attention that someone I gave a massage to, after she complained of a back issue, told common friends I gave her a creepy massage. She failed to mention it was done in a very public place in full view of everyone there, and that it was a loud chopping barber's massage. Neither did she show discomfort or say No. But given her attention-seeking behavior and always playing the victim card, I didn't even bother to post my play-by-play account of what really happened. I just left the group and told them to talk to any of my friends about my character. At the end of the day, I'm just glad I'm not in her space.
This was also a wake-up call to me. Am I too 'out there'? Am I too accessible? Do I need to establish stronger boundaries with acquaintances (not referring to established friends)?
Breath-Hold Resumption When I experienced body tremors outside my practice and nightmares as a result of my increasing Wim Hof breath-holds, I took it as a warning and took it easy. Wim Hof breathing is still a staple in my practice, but I no longer try to make 5-minute breath-holds.
However, in a conversation with Oy, where she was also experiencing such symptoms, she referred to the process as a DNA-activation that would soon go away as the body-mind-spirit settle down. It wasn't a bad thing after all. Thus, I resumed my increasing breath-holds.
Ice Bath With my full-on Wim Hof resumption, I participated in another ice bath, this time hosted by Jason Ryer. It was validating to break into the 13-minute threshold at 8°. My yoga practice of Aditthana(strong determination) has fortified my mind not to react to pain, suffering and panic, but to simply observe sensation with a calm and equanimous mind.
Bike Crash I'm usually fairly aggressive with my riding on city streets, including riding side-by-side with a car because I was curious what that "thing" was inside. Before I knew it, the road curved and I hit a curb that sent me crashing down the pavement. Nothing serious, I got bruised up, but that was the first time I felt my age in a long time.
GMA Interview about Bitaugan Whirlpool From out of nowhere, I got a message from Coleen of GMA(a leading television network in the Philippines) requesting me for an interview about my adventure 8 years ago at the deadly Bitaugan Whirlpool. It wasn't an easy logistical preparation with Messenger, 2 video cameras, WeTransfer, etc. all working together. When it was time, Coleen called me to say plans changed. So no interview after all. As I would often say, "C'est la vie". I will be within my bounds to demand payment next time.
Vaccine Nonsense May was hit hard with increased Covid cases. I have 2 friends who got it. Needless to say, by virtue of contracting Covid and recuperating, they have already developed their immunity, thereby negating the need for a vaccination. When I pointed out what vaccination alternative they show on a border crossing, they replied that their doctor said they'll still get vaccinated after 3 months.
This Covid bullshit is getting more and more obvious and blatant, but at this point, the public has already been numbed and desensitized. Others have submitted to resignation. No one is even crying, "Foul!" at this point.
Ending Thoughts Even though things are slow in Chiang Mai given the closure of cinemas, parks, blues bars and yoga, a few things happen here and there to take the doldrums out of the void. Towards June, things are opening up again as Covid statistics dwindle down. I think it's short-lived though. Another wave should be coming, and this will repeat itself until the global vaccination imperative has been realized. I keep thinking, "How do I bypass the mandatory vaccination and be able to cross borders when they open up?" That remains the question.
(Jun 2, 2021) This was the first of a series of progressive pranayama yoga classes I taught at the park as a free public offering of Yoga in the Park - Chiang Mai. We're not even touching pranayama which is the yogic regulated breathing method. This class is as basic as learning how to properly breathe. Why? Because few people know how to breathe right.....more »»
(Jun 11, 2021) It was a case of 2 friends who spent too much time with each other, liked each other a little more than they should, and ended up exploring possibilities. All it took was a few red flags in the first 36 hours to realize it wasn't viable. Like 2 intelligent adults, we both decided to cut our loses while we were still ahead of the game.....more »»
Chiang Mai Map
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Bus Station Train Station Chiang Mai International Airport Nong Buak Hard Park - free yoga classes daily
Arun Dara Villa - 7 exclusive rooms, 1 swimming pool for every room, grand opening
Nawa Sheeva Hotel - big rooms, high ceiling, salt-water pool, restaurant, cafe
Nawa Saraan Hotel - low density (4 spacious rooms), stone garden setting, Koi fish pond, Old City location
Arun Suite - 3 bedrooms in a 3-storie guesthouse within Old City, ideal for families