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Bohol Yoga Festival

Country > Switzerland > Geneva
Date > 2004 > May
Activity > Astral Projection | Traveling

Astral Projection Traveling

Series: Geneva, Switzerland

Day 4: Astral projection May 4, 2004

Day 4: Astral projection

Location Google Map: Geneva, Switzerland

Astral projection
While sleeping, I had a sleep paralysis...a trigger for out-of-body experience. I was well aware of this, considering my dismal failures in the past. For the first time, I felt myself hovering close to the ceiling. But it was pitch black. I couldn't see anything. I spun myself like a top and seemed to be unable to leave the room. I then gradually returned back to my body and continued my sleep. I didn't bother to wake up. However, the experience was still vivid even in the morning when I woke up. As vivid as it was, I could not ascertain if it was indeed an out of body experience or just a dream. I'll never know unless I have means to measure it my usual deck of cards that I can use for verification. This is a good sign. The last sleep paralysis I had, I struggled hard to separate but could not. The intense struggle was what woke me up.

Jet Lag
I woke up at 2pm, obviously still having a 6-hour jet lag. The body felt different. I didn't even bother leaving the hotel room. I just finished my curriculum vitae , resume and the blurb for the LoneRider posting. I've decided to just be lazy this day.

Chinese Dinner
I was invited to join Ginny, Kishore and Eibe for dinner at this Chinese restaurant. Eibe was buying. It was a pleasant conversation touching off on human rights, art and global affairs. According to Ginny, they represent (together with Joe and Milune), the hardcore group of the committee.

Love of Country
Returning back to the hotel after dinner, Ginny and I talked again about stuff...anting-anting, love of country (which I still find abstract), etc. It was close to 3am again and it was time to go to sleep.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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Astral Projection Videos

Charlie Morley: The Lucid Dreamer

Spirit Science: The Basics of Astral Projection

Robert Monroe: Journeys Out of the Body

Binaural beats and Isochronic Tones for Lucid Dreaming

3 Steps to Lucid Dreaming

Websites about Lucid Dreaming

  1. lucidology 101 - a website devoted to astral travel through lucid dreaming with focus on Exit techniques
Astral Projection Tips
  1. do it early morning like 5am when the Seratonin is high instead of at night when you are tired and likely to fall into normal sleep
  2. do not attempt to Exit during the vibration phase. Stay relaxed and let it settle down. When it gets quiet, that's the time to induce the Exit
  3. OOBE is likely to happen if you sleep in your normal position - it doesn't have to be on your back. You can sleep on your side
  4. keep the room completely dark and quiet
  5. meditate for about 10 minutes before going to bed. This relaxes the body and mind and allows better sleep
  6. while going to sleep, visualize the environment you want to be in...see the colors, feel the texture, smell the air. Or, read your dream journal and relive your previous night's dream. Tell your mind this is not real and that you are already in a lucid dream. Give yourself permission to live your fantasies - fly, stay under water, etc. As you fall into sleep, keep saying that you will have a lucid dream.
  7. set up an alarm around 4am. Wake up and do some work for about 20 minutes and go back to sleep. This return to sleep hastens lucid dreaming.

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Next Astral Projection story: Resuming Astral Projection astralprojection
Resuming Astral Projection
(Jan 17, 2017) Having this golden 30 days in Camotes Islands frees me to go back and resume a lot of things I wanted to pursue but had to put on hold due to constant movement. One of them is astral travel. If there is such a thing, then it's another way to travel and another destination to explore - but yes, of a very different kind.....more »»

Next Traveling story:

Day 5: UP Democratization Program Traveling

Day 5: UP Democratization Program

(May 5, 2004) Ginny and I talked about UP and how the academic standard has diminished because of the democratization program. Students from some obscure barrio garners enough points as a minority and gets into UP but doesn't really have what it takes. Ultimately, he drops out. Meanwhile, students from Ateneo are not able to get in. He is penalized in effect for being privileged. Everybody loses....more »»

Geneva Map



  • Geneva, Switzerland - Manila, Philippines May 22, 2004
  • Goodbye Geneva May 21, 2004
  • Geneva: Spring, Boat Tour, Absinthe, Swiss Army knife May 20, 2004
  • Back to Geneva May 19, 2004
  • Day 8: Carouge, Plainpalaise, Cathedral de St. Pierre, Bresse Chicken May 8, 2004
  • Day 7: Red Cross Museum, Museum Ariana, Swiss fondue May 7, 2004
  • Day 6: Old Town, Clock Flower, Bresse Chicken May 6, 2004
  • Day 5: UP Democratization Program May 5, 2004
  • Day 4: Astral projection May 4, 2004
  • Day 3: UN, Mentors, City Walk May 3, 2004
  • Day 1-2: Goodbye Toronto, Hello Geneva May 1, 2004
  • »» back to Astral Projection
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