Location : Camotes Islands (municipality), Cebu (province), Philippines
A Different Kind of Traveling
Having this golden 30 days in Camotes Islands frees me to go back and resume a lot of things I wanted to pursue but had to put on hold due to constant movement. One of them is astral travel. If there is such a thing, then it's another way to travel and another destination to explore - but yes, of a very different kind.
As far as science goes, there is no such thing - it's an esoteric claim by mystics and sages that cannot be proven by empirical data, therefore, it remains simply an anecdotal claim. In my humble opinion though, how much does science really know about reality and the universe at large? .0001%? And science tries to explain the world within the context of that .0001%. If it doesn't fit the mold, it's dismissed. Yes, I am skeptic about scientific disclaims - specially after learning that it also disclaims a cure for cancer when the big pharmaceutical companies could not patent natural cures and therefore cannot make money on it. In short, scientific disclaims can be influenced by who funds the project - and could therefore be suspect.
First-Hand Experience
The only way for me to ascertain the existence of the astral plane is to actually make the journey and come back to validate and write about it. It's not easy, otherwise everyone would have an astral projection story to tell. Oftentimes, it happens involuntarily during a near-death experience, an accident or during meditation. But experts in the subject have spent years with countless experimentations to develop and refine various techniques to induce astral travel. I rely on these experts in mapping out my journey.
Binaural Beats
This is perhaps the latest incarnation of techniques to aid in astral projection. Binaural beat is a non-existent sound created and 'heard' by the brain as a result of listening on the headphone with one channel on a certain frequency and the other channel just a few frequencies below or above (e.g. - 100 hertz on the left and 104 hertz on the right). The brain somehow tries to reconcile the phase difference and creates a third beat, the binaural beat, at 4 hertz - a frequency that does not exist on either of the 2 sounds. The brain now resonates to the binaural beat at 4 hertz which induces it to perform activities in the Theta range. It is this brain action that changes how it behaves and it is claimed that in the Theta range, the brain aids in deep meditation and lucid dreaming which results in astral projection.
It is important though to learn meditation first because it is in deep meditation that binaural beats work best. With my background in Vipassana Meditation, I could readily relax my body as I listen to binaural beats on my ear phones before going to sleep.
Body Asleep, Mind Awake
When we sleep, the mind falls asleep first and the body follows. The basic trick to astral projection is to let the body sleep first while the mind remains awake, lucid and vigilant. It comes to a point when the mind is aware of the sleeping body. At that point, some Exit technique can be activated on to trigger the Exit of the astral body from the physical body. On this note, I have never successfully induced astral projection from a waking state using this technique.
Lucid Dreaming
To the extend I have done an out of body experience (OOBE), it would be through lucid dreaming. To most people this is a traumatic experience as it is equated to a nightmare when the dreamer thinks he's dying in his sleep. Lucid dreaming is accompanied by sleep paralysis - you wake up inside your dream feeling this vibration that renders you paralyzed and in fright. Nearly everyone tries to break free from the paralysis out of panic. Most people have gone through this experience at one point in their lives.
Riding the Dream Paralysis
But what if you don't panic? What if you simply observe what happens during that episode as you ride it through? That's what I did back in the day, not knowing if I could come out of it alive. The journey was like a frightening roller coaster ride that eventually stopped - and I was still intact! After that, I had the assurance I would not die so I remained calm and collected next time it happened, aware of what I needed to do to Exit the body.
Out of Body
So this evening, I meditated to put my body in a very relaxed mode while listening to binaural beats. Using the rope technique, I tried to pull my astral body, but nothing happened. I just fell asleep in the process. The binaural beat continued to play as I put it on a loop. While asleep, I had lucid dreaming...the familiar shaking and near-fright feel. Collected, I tried to pull on the imaginary rope again but failed. When I let go, that's when I felt lifting up into a black environment illuminated only by a futuristic-looking lit dome with ancient markings.I became concious of my flight and plummeted down. It really felt like I was going to smash down like a pumpkin, but somehow, I regained controll and swooped back up. When I looked back, I saw an entire (city) of white domes, very elegantly laid-out...then I woke up. But I remember everything like it actually happened. But it was too short!!!
Ending Thoughts
I know for certain that I had a lucid dream as I woke up inside my dream, but I'm not sure if I actually had an OOBE as I didn't see my body from where I was. It happened so fast and short before I could make sense of it. I am drawn to a few conclusions based on what happened:
With my 30 days left, I can commit myself to the pursuit of this phenomena. I hope to have more OOBEs and gain more control as I deepen my immersion. I already have a few places to go to in the astral plane when I can actually exercise full control. I am more than excited!
--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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Tapping into the Holographic Universe
(Jan 22, 2017) People ask me how I manage to live my life the way I do, and get away with it. For a guy who is homeless, little money, no job, no property, I get to travel extensively non-stop, meet magnificent lives, eat sumptuous food and seem to land in the right place at the right time to manifest my other desires. In the last few days, I believe I have stumbled on a conceptual background to explain the phenomena - the enigmatic hypothesis of a holographic universe, as presented by the leading quantum physicists, neuro-biologists and theoretical physicists.....more »»
Inducing a Lucid Dream
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Tapping into the Holographic Universe
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Inducing a Lucid Dream
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