The beginning of a long Conversation
I met this free-thinking guy, Fritz, while staying at Harolds Mansion in early August 2011. Our initial acquaintance got us immediately engaged in deep and prolonged conversation which continues to this day. He is now back home but that hasn't stopped us from continuing the conversation.
A Horribly Nice Man
Fritz is one of a kind - eccentric to most, learned, articulate, poetic and intelligent (he unapologetically boasts that his IQ finds its mark within the 160 range). He loves to talk, and will challenge your ideas for the sheer delight of engaging you in a debate. He spans a broad range from signing off with "tiny moaning sounds" to a friend's girlfriend, to describing in excruciating detail, the personally intimate act of crapping - "thick, deadly smells squeezing through the gaps around the door". As one common acquaintance once remarked, he is a "horribly nice man".
Sep 8, 2011 (posted on Yahoo Answers)
TheLoneRider: Is there a scientific theory that is mathematically supported but already known to be false in reality?
Nov 8 (email)
Fritz: ...pretty much most of them. Take Pythagoras' theorem: Einstein proved that a2 x b2 = c2 + Lambda
TheLoneRider: What you offered is a mathematical dispute on a mathematical equation. It doesn't matter to me so much which is right. My question is, how does your math stack up to reality? What does reality support? Pythgora? Einstein? neither? As far as I'm concerned, if I get a triangle and apply Pythagora's, it works.
I guess what I'm looking for is a sound and viable mathematical equation that is debunked by reality. Your insight is most appreciated.
Fritz: All scientific theories in history, even where based on mathematics, have been proven 'wrong' by now, except the very latest! This is because ALL theory (and all supporting math) is only the latest approximation...
If your triangle is small enough, Pythagoras works. But on larger scales, where space is bent, Pythagoras proves wrong or simply too narrow in scope.
This is why I'm not that interested in the 'latest scientific evidence for this and that... My path to truth is not interested in approximation. I need to see the truth beyond the viewing-glasses of my time, my culture, and Einstein's limited math... Where God does not play dice!
TheLoneRider: Your reply begs more questions.
>>If your triangle is small enough, Pythagoras works. But on larger scales, where space is bent, Pythagoras proves wrong or simply too narrow in scope<<
I will then assume that a triangle with a hypotenuse of say, 12 inches is small enough for Pythagorean theory to work. But using your own perspective-based viewpoint as an observer (according to you), what if you are reduced to a quantum size and you observe that same triangle, would that same triangle be big enough to be bent? If so, then the triangle bends or not, not based on its intrinsic property, but based on the size of the observer. In this case, reality debunks both theories.>>My path to truth is not interested in approximation. I need to see the truth beyond the viewing-glasses of my time.<<
A noble statement indeed. But what is your basis for that truth, if not for the accumulated works of brilliant minds who collectively laboured nearly all their lives, generations upon generations (from Newton to our modern-day quantum physicists) in pursuit of their concluded truth? And how can you also qualify the infallibility of your truth? What benchmark are you using to validate your truth?He-he, I could imagine we can indefinitely be doing this exchange. I know at some point it will be tiresome, but for now, I'm engaged.
Nov 14 (email)
TheLoneRider: Your poetic truth is both elegant and graceful. I am reminded of what Maurice Healy, a most-famous wine writer, said about a magnificent Volnay Burgundy:
"I took one sip; I closed my eyes, and every beautiful thing that I had ever known crowded into my memory. In the old fairy tales the prince drinks a magic potion, or looks into a magic crystal, and all the secrets of the earth are revealed to him. I have experienced that miracle. The song of armies sweeping into battle, the roar of the waves upon a rocky shore, the glint of sunshine after rain on the leaves of a forest, the depths of the church organ, the voices of children singing hymns, all these and a hundred other things seemed to be blended into one magnificence....Yes, I, a devotee of Bordeaux, solemnly declare that the three greatest bottles I have ever tasted were all from Burgundy."But lyrical as it is, I once again frame it against my original question. What mathematical equation does that truth debunk?
Of course not. Our perception of truth, one that is unique to the individual, one that I fondly call our relative truth, is a function of our life experience, our cognitive reasoning, sensitivity, genetic predisposition, etc. But we all share an evolving truth - and we must factor-in the leaps and bounds collectively hurdled by the genius of those who came before us. From a flat world, we have now pierced the innermost sanctum of the atom and approximated the size of our known universe. Surely, you must agree with me that there is validity in all that.
Nov 15 (email)
Fritz: Is there validity in 'piercing the inner sanctum' of the atom or in approximating the size of the universe? It must be to the 'relative truth' of some idiot scientist... I personally think there is NO validity in splitting the atom!!
And to measure the universe in km or light-years does not AT ALL reveal its nature! It only tells us how stuck we are with quantitative measurements!!
To ask questions like 'what IS the universe', we must discard all those 'geniuses' who keep asking only quantitative questions based on materialist world view and idle numbers. As long as we keep asking questions as we did yesterday - we can never approach the answers.
Science presumes that answers are inventions of man and always relative.
In Truth the answers are possible and out there objectively. Like - Is there a God? - No amount of measuring and looking to old 'geniuses' will help there... The answer is that there either IS a god or NOT. Either of those alternatives is an objective and final Truth, whether science knows it or not.
No, only trying out your bottle of Bordeau yourself works and you best forget what anybody else told yo else reckons...
I do much appreciate you asking such questions at your age and understanding the significance of nature on the search for Truth.
TheLoneRider: Thank you for your insight.
In closing, let me just say that yes, I agree with you that there is no validity in splitting the atom - only a madman will do that.
But to gain an understanding of the building blocks of our universe, down to the smallest particle that could ever exist in nature, transcending mass until you're only left with a band of energy, benignly referred to as 'string'...I find that a validation of our collective struggle in understanding ourselves and the world around us. An idiotic folly, perhaps, but it's in compliance to our inquisitive nature - same instinctive zeal that makes people climb mountains and explore the sea depths.
I bid you adieu, my friend as I continue my search for the answer to this question - is there a scientific theory that is mathematically supported but already known to be false in reality?
Blame it on String Theory
How did this conversation start? It started with my fascination about the string theory - a highly excitable branch of quantum physics. The brilliant quantum theorists of our time have developed a mathematical equation that explains the theory of everything known in our universe - the unified theory that seamlessly weaves the once-mutually exclusive domains of the galactically-huge theory of relativity against the infinitesimally small world of quantum mechanics.
The problem is this:
The mathematical equation cannot be proven. To traditional scientists, anything that cannot be proven is not science but philosophy. Neither can the equation be proven false. But mathematically, it's sound and viable (with mind-blowing ramifications - parallel universes, 11 dimensions, etc.) I got curious now. Was there ever any widely-accepted and sound mathematical equation that has been debunked or proven wrong in reality (by an actual experience or experiment)?
(although this did not happen) Let's say that during the age when everybody thought the world was flat, someone actually developed a flawless mathematical equation that supported the idea that the world was indeed flat. The math was impeccable with no anomaly - it supported the flat-world theory and everybody took it as gospel.
But later on, we sent man to space and saw that the world was round - not flat. So, a real actual experience (not another math) proved the equation to be wrong. Has this ever happened before? I've already asked a lot of people this question, and so far, I haven't received an acceptable positive answer.
--- TheLoneRider
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Reader Comments:
With this, I can see the fallibility of String Theory even with its anomaly-free math. I just don't know how reality will support or debunk it when experiential proof becomes accessible. But honestly, I"m biased. I love the elegance of the string theory. And if Eastern mysticism is to be given credit, I would say that String Theory has already been validated - experience in altered states during deep meditation, when you start dissolving flesh until you become a spec of consciousness...a vibrating band of energy oscillating a billion times a second.
I somehow found closure. Thank you for putting this issue to rest, Faz.
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