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As I was watching a podcast between Sir Roger Penrose and Federico Faggin about Quantum Physics and consciousness, a few words were bounced around - quantum field, wave function collapse, Special Relativity and quantum gravity. I have a vague sense of what they are, but to pin them down? I had to ask AI and embark on a new learning curve about the quantum realm.
Quantum Field Theory (Quantum Field Theory)
Quantum Field Theory is a theoretical framework combining Quantum Mechanics (reality at the sub-atomic level) with Special Relativity (electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear force - gravity is not included). Quantum Field Theory successfully predicts the behavior of the fundamental forces (electromagnetism, strong/weak nuclear force) through its interaction with the Field - this is the cornerstone of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. In contrast, the Classical Field Theory (Classical Field Theory (Einstein)) describes forces, but does not produce particles, e.g. electromagnetic field when excited does not produce an electromagnetic particle. In Quantum Field Theory, particles arise because the Fields get excited. The Math holds up when dealing with electromagnetism and strong/weak nuclear force. But when gravity is introduced into Quantum Field Theory, anomalies and inconsistencies happen.
When gravity is treated under the Quantum Field Theory principle (as a force that produces a Graviton particle when the gravity field gets excited), the results produce an infinite number of infinities - the Math simply doesn't hold up - thus, to make the Standard Model work, gravity has to be excluded.
Special relativity
Special relativity is General Relativity without gravity (Special Relativity = General Relativity - gravity). Gravity is omitted because without gravity, the Standard Model is precise, predictable, and reliable. Once you throw gravity into the fray, the whole thing implodes. General Relativity (which includes gravity) was formulated by Einstein describing the behavior of space/time especially as they move at high speeds approximating the speed of light. Space and time are not separate but a singularity composed of 3 dimensions for space and 1 for time. Special Relativity gave rise to Time Dilation and E=MC2.
Gravity: The Rogue Particle
In General Relativity, gravity is not a particle but a result of mass/energy bending space/time (not as a particle caused by the gravitational field getting excited as per Quantum Field Theory). Another incompatibility is that in Quantum Field Theory, interactions are probabilistic (you don't know exactly the position and momentum of the particle until the Field gets excited and manifests the particle) while in General Relativity, interactions are deterministic (outcomes are computational and predictable). Quantum Field Theory only works with Special Relativity (without gravity), not with General Relativity (includes gravity). This is a fundamental problem in Theoretical Physics known as Quantum Gravity. If gravity is put in the Quantum Field Theory equation, issues come up basically because Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity have fundamental differences (Quantum Field Theory is probabilistic vs General Relativity being precisely predictable):
Environments where General Relativity is incompatible with Quantum Field Theory:
General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory Incompatibilities
1. Renormalizability
A Planck Scale is high in energy and infinitiesimally small. Infinites in a mathematical equation are essentially errors. In Quantum Field Theory, infinities happen, but they can be renormalized by tweaking the charge and mass of the particle to come up with finite predictions. But with General Relativity at these small scales, the number of infinities are infinite making the whole equation non-sensible - thus, Quantum Field Theory is not a compatible framework with General Relativity to come up with anything meaningful. The infinities resulting from Gravity at the small scale is not renormalizable.
2. Extreme Warping of Space/Time
At Planck's scale (where energies are high at a very small scale), Gravity (the curvature of space/time) is amplified so much that space/time curves extremely that the smooth/continuous Field background of Quantum Field Theory no longer holds - so everything collapses.
3. Singularities and Black Holes
In high energies, energy can be concentrated on a small region creating a mini black hole with a singularity having infinite density and gravity that it warps space/time to nullify the smooth/continuous background of Quantum Field Theory. This produces mathematical inconsistencies (non-renormalization of gravity) and physical paradoxes (black hole losing information, time being a fixed background in Quantum Field Theory but an intrinsic part of space/time in General Relativity, black hole having an infinite density in General Relativity but it warps space/time that Quantum Field Theory no longer operates) that collapse the equation. This doesn't necessarily mean the theory is wrong but it is incomplete - thus the proposal of alternate "Theories of Everything" like String Theory, Loop Quantum Gravity (quantizing space/time to harmonize Quantum Field Theory with General Relativity), and the Holographic Universe Model.
Quantum Gravity Theory
Because of the incompatibility between Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity, scientists have been searching for a theory that can include General Relativity (at higher energies and small scale) into Quantum Mechanics without any mathematical anomaly. Solving this anomaly is a big step toward the "Theory of Everything" - putting all the forces of nature in an elegant mathematical equation. There are several propositions:
Quantum Wave (Wave function)
Quantum Wave describes individual particles. It predicts where a particle might be and how it is behaving - it doesn't tell you exactly where it is nor its momentum (thus Quantum Field Theory is probabilistic). Particles have 2 features - wave-like properties or mass-like properties. Particles behave like waves but when they are observed or measured (like in the double slit experiment), the wave 'collapses' to a specific position of the particle (meaning they turn into a mass from being a wave).
What happens if the Graviton Particle is discovered?
The Graviton Particle is the Holy grail. This has been predicted but never produced. It takes high energy close to the plank energy to detect it (orders of magnitude greater than the Large Hadron Collider), if it can be produced. So far, its existence is only in theory. But when discovered, it is a game changer. If the Graviton Particle is produced by a super powerful particle accelerator, then Quantum Field Theory is validated - that gravity is a field giving rise to a particle. Does it mean that General Relativity is wrong? Does it mean that gravity is not caused by the warping of space/time (as per General Relativity)? Well, not exactly. This means that the warping of space/time is still real, but it is now caused by countless gravitons interacting with each other at the quantum level. In short, the warping of space/time (a feature of General Relativity), is an emergent phenomenon with Quantum Field Theory as an underlying principle. This means that gravity can now be explained complementarily by General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory - there is no more any contradiction. This means that General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory fall under a much bigger framework - that again would be the "Theory of Everything".
Quantum Field (QF)
QF is more pervasive because we are talking about the entirety of space (unlike wave function that only describes one particle). While QF is pervasive across space, there is a Field for each Particle Type - a proton field when excited, gives rise to a proton particle. Each Field gives rise to its particular particle e.g. the proton field, when excited, manifests the proton particle. This proton particle is the building block of reality as we see it. The Field is an energy that permeates all of reality including empty space. QF can create and destroy particles (eg photons are created and destroyed when they interact with other charged particles). In Quantum Field Theory, the Field is primary and the basic element - not the particles. Particles are just the excited state of the field - quanta.
Quantum Field (QF) vs Hilbert Space
On the surface, they both seem synoninous. Particles reside in a quantum field and a particle emerges when that part of the quantum field gets excited. Quantum Field is a space. Hilbert Space is a mathematical space describing all possible states of all particles within that quantum field. So it doesn't sound like a space but a calculation of what all probabilities lie within - it's like calculating all the possible moves in a chess game. While the chess pieces and the chess board are all contained in the Quantum Field.
If the Graviton is detected, General Relativity merges with Quantum Field Theory. Does that solve the "Theory of Everything"?
NO. Discovery of the Graviton is a monumental breakthrough. It puts gravity in the Standard Model of Particle Physics, but there are still incompatibilities between General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory at high energies (black holes and big bang) and small scale (Planck Scale).
Quantum objects remain quantized until measured, then the wave function collapses and the object becomes localized. But what are the ways to measure a quantum object?
Particle Location: Quantum Mechanics vs Quantum Field Theory
Although both disciplines are parallel and overlap, they still have minor differences. Where is a particle located? Both give nuanced answers.
When the Wave Function Collapses, does it always manifest a particle?
It depends on what you are measuring. If you are measuring the location, then a particle appears. If you are measuring energy, then an energetic state appears. If you are measuring momentum, then a wave with a specific wave length apperears. If you are measuring spin, the wave function collapses into a spin orientation (spin up, spin down with values like -1/2 or +1/2)
Ending Thoughts
It took me 4 days to wrap my head around General Relativity, Quantum Field Theory, and Special Relativity. Whoa! I've asked AI more questions with every answer it gave me. I kept drilling down until I got a comfortable level of understanding. It was a deep rabbit hole and I was only at the opening. I could have gone deeper, but I have other things to do.
What's my takeaway? Well, it gave me insight on the deeper substrates of reality far beyond our human perception. Collapsing the wave function by the sheer presence of my mind gives me an idea how consciousness relates to reality. Or how reality could be architectured through consciousness. It made me wonder what lies beyond the limits of our human perception. Many things began to race in my mind. Once you ponder on them, you see reality beyond the daily grind. Reality has many layers to it. This makes me ponder on existence, purpose and life.
Devouring knowledge about anything that interests you is very rewarding - your curiosity is satiated, you find bearing, you might even find out what role you are playing in this cosmic stage, and Sperhaps you can even see a way to make it a 'call to action' for greater productivity. All this is now possible because of AI. Before AI, my questions were left unanswered or it would have taken days of research to gain that information. It was a huge stumbling block. Now, the world's knowledge base is accessible at your fingertips - there is no excuse anymore to remain ignorant. The more I learn, the more I appreciate the richness of this universe and the more I find meaning in my human existence.
--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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Sir Roger Penrose and Federico Faggin
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