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Quantum Mechanics

Series: Quantum Mechanics

The Holographic Universe December 3, 2024 - March 1, 2025

The Holographic Universe

Author: Michael Talbot
ISBN: 0-246-13690-1
Genre: Quantum Mechanics
Pages: 338 pages
Country: United Kingdom
Publisher: Grafton Books
Publication date: 1991
Rating: star star star star star (5 out of 5 stars)

*** Bohm vs Susskind Version
It was later on while reading the book that I realized I kept equating the Holographic Universe to both Bohm and Susskind as though they were the same - that Susskind's version was a later-on evolution of the same model. Now I realized I was confused while reading the book. No, they are not the same except for the fact that default reality is a hologram. Bohm talks about the Implicate Order that explains all of life itself including the non-experimentables like consciousness, the paranormal and reincarnation. Susskind is all about high-energy physics backed by mathematical rigor. To lessen the confusion, I think it's best to call Bohm's version, the Holographic Universe and call Susskind's the Holographic Principle. So, Susskind's version is mainstream but Bohm's remains philosophical and metaphysical.

When you read anything that claims that the Holographic Universe has become mainstream, I'm talking about the Susskind version, not Bohm's. I can rewrite this article, but right now, it's just too much work. Sorry for the confusion.

Michael Talbot
Michael TalbotMichael Talbot
I have long been fascinated by Michael Talbot since I saw him in an interview by Jeffrey Mishlove. I found him intelligent, coherent, logical, compelling, spontaneous and articulate. I also agree with him. Finally, I get to read his book. It's unfortunate he didn't live long enough to see how his framework of reality has evolved with the public. Rest in Peace, Michael. -- Gigit


An interview with author Michael Talbot by Jeffrey Mishlove about synchronicity and the holographic universe

Part 1

Part 2

Background: Theory of Everything

General Relativity
There has always been an attempt to come up with a theory that explains reality. First was General Relativity of Einstein, uniting the 4 forces in nature - electromagnetism, gravity, weak and strong nuclear force. But when the quantum world was discovered, it was realized that the quantum world was not behaving in accordance to General Relativity - electrons can be in multiple places at the same time, particles can be entangled, and particles can behave as waves. It became apparent that General Relativity was an incomplete theory for all of reality. A new search for the Theory of Everything became the next quest.

Quantum Field Theory
Then the quantum folks came up with the Quantum Field Theory (Quantum Field Theory), suggesting that everything in reality is a quantum field and when a particular field is excited, it produces a particle. And this particle interacts with other particles to make up the solid reality we experience. Quantum Field Theory came up with the Standard Model of Particle Physics predicting particles carrying mass (fermions) and particles carrying energy (bozons). Everything would have been accounted for except quantum gravity. At high energies and small scale, gravity was not behaving in a way that complied with Quantum Field Theory. At high energy, gravity was creating mini black-holes with indefinite density that created singularities disrupting the smooth background field. The same thing happens in small scale - gravity was so intense it was warping time/space in a way that again ruptures the quantum field. As of this writing, there is nothing yet that comes close to the Theory of Everything - this is the Holy Grail.

Quantum Field Theory Limitations
But what if the Graviton particle was discovered at the Large Hadron Particle Collider? This is unlikely since the LHC does not have the energy level to detect a Graviton. Sure, it would complete the Standard Model, and physical reality can be explained. But there are still issues like infinities not being renormalized and singularities. The issue is far from over.

String Theory
The 1970s ushered String Theory and it became a promising candidate for the Theory of Everything. It got traction in the 1980s, being the most popular and exciting study in quantum mechanics, attracting the most brilliant minds and nearly all the resourses. It continues to this day. String Theory was a radical way of harmonizing General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory by predicting that the fundamental building block of reality are not quantum fields but infinitessimally small bands of energy resembling a string. The way these strings vibrate manifests the particles that interact together and make the visible reality we experience. But 50 years have passed and it still hasn't produced any of its predictions. It is now seeing an exodus of its once ardent believers.

Dark Matter / Dark Energy
Even if String Theory was successful, it only explains 5% of our known universe. The 95% are made up of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. They do not interact and we have no way of measuring it or knowing its nature. So much for the Theory of Everything!

Again, even if String Theory can harmonize Dark Matter and Dark Energy, does it mean we now have the Theory of Everything? NO. The physical world can be explained but what about the human archetypal experience of intuition? synchronicity? Aha moments? Psychic phenomena? Even though science cannot explain these, we simply cannot dismiss it and ignore its place in our reality. So far, none of the above theories even begin to account for these. We still need a Theory of Everything that explains all of reality...not just the physical world.

Holographic Universe
There is a theory that is so radical, so 'out there' that when it was introduced in the late 1900s, it was met with ridicule by the scientific community - it still does. But this theory was independently arrived at by 2 brilliant scientists working in different fields - so this is not some conspiracy theory hatched by a tin foil hat nutcase. This theory is what this book is all about - the Holographic Universe model.

The Holographic Universe explains all of the physical world and the paranormal - intuition, psycho-kinesis, clairvoyance, etc. When it came out in the 80s, it started out as woo-woo. But so much has happened in the last 40 years with people becoming more accepting that there is something deeper that lies beyond this gross realithy. So, it's promising.

But why is this theory so mind-blowing to start with? Well, it predicts that you and me are not exactly real - we are 3D holograms shooting out of a 2D realm beyond our space time. You'd been warned!

-- Gigit

The Book


There is evidence that reality as we experience it is an elaborate 3-dimensional hologram projected from a 2-dimensional place beyond our space and time. 2D Reality (the real reality) contains all the information about our 3D reality. It lies somewhere out there we cannot access. It projects a 3D hologram which is the reality we experience - that's right, we are just a hologram. This idea was independently arrived at by 2 distinguished scientists (David Bohm and Karl Pribram) who were working on their research in a field different from the other. The holographic model was able to explain their conundrum and even explained other mysteries beyond scientific disciplines - the paranormal (psychokinesis, near-death experience, altered states, lucid dreams, synchronicities). These 2 remarkable men have stood unwaveringly in the past to support their convictions despite the push-back (Bohm against McCarthysm and Pribram against lobotomy). Again, they have proven themselves staunch in their conclusions about the Holographic Universe despite ridicule, alienation and push-back.

David BohmDavid Bohm - Bohm was a protege of Einstein, a quantum physicist who was researching on black holes. He was dissatisfied with the inability of proposed theories in explaining all phenomena in Quantum Mechanics.

Karl PribramKarl Pribram - Pribram was a neuro-physiologist working on brain matter at Stanford. Pribram was frustrated in the way brain puzzles were conventionally explained.

The Others
The Holographic Universe model is not just one precise theory proposed by Bohm and Pribram. The subscribers, nearly all of them scientists, have different versions of it, some pushing the boundaries and some going way 'out there'. So, it's not like the Quantum Field Theory which has defined and rigorous mathematical substantiations. However, they all agree that in whatever version of Holographic Universe model they subscribe to, the core is always the same - there is a 2D source and we are living in the 3D helogram.

Even though Holographic Universe explains everything, it was far from being accepted by the mainstream. Others simply feel the need to defend their narrative at all costs - screw the evidence. Not only do they have their biases but they also have their egos invested in their work. Their belief system also treats their paradigm as religion. In speech, they tout that science is falsifiable. But in practice, they'd rather eat broken glass than be open to paranormal existence.

Michael Talbot believes otherwise because of his own personal experiences supporting the existence of the paranormal. It's one thing to read a book and believe in it and it's totally another thing to actually live the experience. The experience is the unassailable truth.

Even though Bohm and Pribram are the 2 giants who provide credibility to the Holographic Universe, this book is not just about their theories but theories of other researchers who have their own interpretation of the Holographic Universe. The Holographic Universe is still a mosaic made up of many points of view. When these are aggregated into a cohesive whole, then maybe it becomes a workable framework/theory/model. This book borrows from principles of Quantum Physics.


1. The Brain as Hologram

Karl PribramKarl Pribram was led to the Holographic Universe model during his research on how memories are stored and where they are stored in the brain. Common thinking then was that these memories were stored locally in a specific part of the brain - they just didn't know where. Penfield's experiments in the 1920s supported this. When he triggered a brain part, a specific experience of the patient was relived - but only on that part of the brain. He even stated that everything that happened to a person is recorded in his memory inside his brain - even the ones he already forgot or didn't pay attention to. Pribram subscribed to Penfield's thinking until 1946 when he worked with Karl Lashley, a neuro-phychologist, who in his 30 years of research, has not found a location in the brain for memory - in complete reversal of Penfield's findings. No matter what part of the rat's brain Lashley removed, the rat could still remember how to navigate the maze. This led Pribram to conclude that memories are not localized in a specific part of the brain, but somehow spread throughout. Pribram continued his research in Yale contending more that memories are distributed across the brain matter. No hospital patient ever lost memory even from removal of brain parts.

The Breakthrough
Pribram just didn't know the mechanism how memories could be spread out in the brain. His breakthrough came when the hologram was developed in 1960. The invention of the laser paved the way for the invention of the hologram through interference patterns - like 2 concentric waves of water interacting with each other. Laser makes a perfect medium for such interference. A hologram is produced when a laser shoots a beam of light that is split into 2. The 1st beam hits the object and the lights bounces off. The 2nd beam is shot across the bouncing of the first beam, creating an interference pattern. This interference pattern is recorded on a 2-dimensional film and a hologram is embedded on the film.

The Holographic Universe
How a laser beam is split into 2 to imprint a hologram on film

When a laser beam passes through the holographic film, a 3-dimensional image is created. You can walk around the image and even see the back side of it. It looks real, but if you touch it, your hand wafts through it. What is also remarkable about the hologram is that if the film is cut in half and a laser is beamed through it, the same picture appears in its entirety - not just half. In fact, you can cut the film is smaller pieces and every piece will contain the complete image of the object - but the smaller the film gets, the fuzzier the 3D image gets.

The Holographic Universe
a 3-dimensional hologram of a kangaroo

Applying the holographic principle to memory in the brain, it means every cell in the brain is encoded with an entire memory. This means memory is not stored in a specific part of the brain, memory is stored in every brain cell! A single brain cell contains all of a person's lifetime of memories. Finally, Pribram found a mechanism to explain the distribution of memories across the brain.

Vision is also Holographic
Vision also behaves holographically like memories. When up to 98% of a rat's visual cortex is severed, the rat can still perform tasks requiring vision. This phenomena challenges the standard understanding of vision during that time. For the next 7 years, Pribram experimented on monkeys and yielded the same conclusion - that the visual cortex has nothing to do with vision.

The Holographic Universe
the standard one-on-one vision that a sighting is represented in the visual cortex of the brain was challenged by Pribram's experiments

Pribram concluded also that the axon in the brain neuron are the ones creating that wavelike pattern as it transmits electrical/chemical signals for a dendrite to receive. So at any given time, given that the brain is densely packed with neurons, that there are continuous wave patterns happening all throughout the brain creating interference patterns that build this holographic properties of the brain for memories and vision.

Other Puzzles Explained by the Holographic Brain Model
Pribram published his research on holographic nature of the brain in 1966 and continued his research in the coming years. As other scientists picked up on this, more revelation came up as the holographic principle explained other puzzles.

The Vastness of our Memory
If all memories of a lifetime can be contained in one cell of the brain, then it means so much memory is squeezed into such a small space. This capacity is also native to a hologram. A square inch of space can store up to 50 Bibles with each recording having a unique tilt in the film.

Our Ability to Recall and Forget
When we forget a memory, it means that the 'film' is not angled right to project the memory. But the memory remains there. When it's tilted right, then we remember the memory.

Associative Memory
We all have experienced memories triggered when we bite into some food, or smell a perfume. Using the holographic principle, it's like 2 objects are hit by the same beam and their waves create an interference pattern essentially entangling both objects. Experiencing one object brings memories of the other object.

Ability to Recognize Familiar Things
When we recognize a face in a crowd of hundreds, it seems simple. But there's a complex process that happens behind the scenes. Similar objects are recorded on a holographic film and superimposes on the other. This creates 2 images familiar with each other. This allows us to spot a match between what we see and a memory we remember.

Photographic Memory
People who have photographic memories scan an object and 'record' that image on the 2D space. When they try to remember, they access a bigger area of the holographic film which make their recollection more vivid with greater details. Others who can only access a small portion of the film may remember hazy moments only.

Transference of Learned Skills
We can use our left elbow to write our name in the air. It seems simple. But there is no explanation for this in the classical tradition because this action has to be done repetitively until it is hardwired in our neurons. But with Holographic Universe, when we learn a skill, this information is transmitted throughout the whole brain in wave form. Thus, the elbow simply has to access this information anywhere in the brain to do this movement.

Phantom Limb
When an amputee continues to feel a phantom limb, what he feels is the holographic memory of the severed limb still recorded as an interference pattern in the brain.

Experimental Support for a Holographic Brain
Pribram knew that to legitimize his findings, he had to conduct many experiments with predictable results. He was able to do this through one of his earlier critics, Paul Pietsch, an Indiana University biologist. Pietsch wanted to debunk Pribram and conducted about 700 experiments himself, but all results supported Pribram"s findings - making him a convert and supporter of Pribram. He published a book, Shufflebrain, taking account of his experiments.

The Mathematical Language of the Hologram
In 1947, Dennis Gabor formulated the theories in the development of the hologram - he won a Nobel Peace Prize for it. But his main goal was to develop the electron microscope - it had nothing to do with quantum mechanics. He was able to mathematically convert images into wave forms and then back to images much like a TV camera converts images into electrical waves and then back to images when viewed on a TV set. He used the calculus approach of Fourier. What this proved was that the brain responds in frequency vibrations which supports the interference pattern to create a hologram in the brain. It's not proof but it was a strong support for the model.

The Dancer as Wave Form
Nikolai Bernstein, Russian researcher, also discovered that the brain used frequencies in learning - not step-by-step of the process, but the whole flow. He used white dots on black-dressed dancers and input the dots into Fourier's math. He discovered that the wave forms revealed the hidden pattern of the dance - and the wave forms can be computed using Fourier's math. Again this supports the Holographic Universe model.

The Reaction of the Scientific Community
Even all these findings support the Holographic Universe model, it wasn't widely supported by the scientific community. In part because there were so many theories that time on how the brain worked, and there were also supporting evidence to them. Additionally, scientists were stuck with the prevailing idea that functions are stored in specific parts of the brain in the same way cities can be identified on a map. To say that body functions are stored across the entirety of the brain was too much of a stretch for them - even though the Holographic Universe model was the most persuasive.

Pribram encounters Bohm
There was a burning question for Pribram - what was the real reality? The hologram inside our brain? Or the observer's perception of the 3D world? He realized the answer lied outside his field. This led him to meet David Bohm, who did not only agree with him, but even suggested that the entire universe is a hologram.

2. The Cosmos as Hologram

David BohmMagical Quantum World
David Bohm discovered that the universe resemble a hologram as he was delving into the quantum realm. He became interested in quantum physics at the Pennsylvania State College. In the heart of the atom, he found a wonderland more fascinating than what Columbus discovered. This infinitessimally small world behaved in a way radically different from default reality as we experience it. For example, an electron has no dimension and you cannot measure it. In default reality, everything has dimension and can be measured. A photon can behave both as a point-like particle and a formless wave (being in 2 places at one time and create an interference pattern). Physicists regarded these sub-atomic particles, neither particle nor wave, but quanta (since it has the characteristics of both). The only time quanta behave like particles is when we observe or measure them. Imagine the moon being there when you're looking at it, but it's not there when you're not looking at it. Thus, humans can never experience quantum reality because it turns into matter when we interact with it.

Bohm and Interconnectedness
Bohm realized that sub atomic events, no matter how unrelated, are all connected (quantum entanglement, what happens in part to the quantum world, affects the entire quantum whole, there is a deeper underlying reality where everything is fundamentally connected, default reality even though it looks separate should be treated as an indivisible whole because it comes from an indivisible whole, separation is an illusion, collapsing the quantum wave is not just a localized event but the unfolding of a much broader order, ). But no one gave it importance or even noticed. This is quantum entanglement because entangled particles always react to an opposite spin from its partner, no matter how far apart they are. The inner workings of the universe is one singularity. Default reality seems disconnected on the surface, but the deeper substrate, the inner universe is interconnected. In short, default reality is simply an emergent phenomenon of the inner universe. A quantum event is linked to another quantum event in a different part of the universe since the substrate is again a singularity or a holistic universe (oddly enough, this mirrors exactly what yoga is saying - that default reality is but an illusion and that the true nature of reality is one of non-duality, no separation but only oneness).

Bohm agreed with Bohr about particles, but was particularly dissatisfied with Bohr claiming that quanta does not exist because they cannot be measured. The only thing that exists are the particles when they come into being. Both Einstein and Bohm disagreed with that. They both feel that quata (quantum waves) exist even when they cannot be measured.

Einstein opposed this view of interconnectedness because it suggests that entangled particles communicate simultaneously and therefore faster than the speed of light. This could not be so - no explanation for reality can go beyond the speed of light. But because of experimental predictions, Bohr won the argument (although it was never addressed how entangled particles behave faster than the speed of light, except to say that they are but part of the same system. In short, Bohr assumed that conclusion but paid little attention why that was so).

A Living Sea of Electrons
Bohm agreed with Bohr, but he was puzzled why Bohr and his colleagues didn't pay attention as to why there was an interconnectedness of quantum events. When Bohm was working on his doctorate at the UC Berkeley, he again encountered the 'connectedness' while doing his landmark work on plasma. He noticed that individual electrons in a plasma behaved like one intelligence and made coordinated actions like they were 'alive'. In 1947, he accepted an assistant professorship at Princeton University where he continued his work with electrons in metal. He noticed the same thing, that individual electrons behaved collectively like a single intelligence in metals. It wasn't just 2 electrons being tethered, but trillions of electrons are tethered into a common task. He called these coordinated electrons as 'plasmons'. This discovery established Bohm as a physicist amongst his colleagues.

Bohm's Disillusionment
Bohm wrote a book about connectedness as a 'protest' against the current Bohr-view of quantum physics (that quantum theory is the be-all and end-all in explaining the universe - there was no deeper reality), which he found disturbing. He sent Einstein and Bohr a copy of his book. Bohr gave no reply, but it started a 6-month collaboration with Einstein. Einstein told Bohm that his explanation of the quantum world was the clearest so far, but Einstein remained unconvinced of the theory. Both found the theory excellent in predicting phenomena even though it didn't explain the structure of the world.

Bohm's book, Quantum Physics, became a classic, but Bohm remained unconvinced that the theory was the fundamental beginning of reality.

A New Kind of Field and the Bullet that Killed Lincoln
Bohm, unlike Bohr, believed that electrons exist even without an observer. He called this deeper existence, Quantum Potential, something prevasive like gravity or magneticism, but it doesn't degrade with distance. It's potency was equal everywhere (Bohm seem like describing the Quantum Field, something that hasn't been proposed during that time). He published this paper in 1952 as an alternative to Quantum Theory. This was received negatively by the community since Neils Bohr's theory had become so entrenched (that this 'field' does not exist because it cannot be interacted upon and cannot be measured, and also the currently theory was already perfect and that there was no need to challenge it). But oddly, all the arguments were philosophical in nature. Bohm suggested that nature could be infinite, therefore, no theory, including Bohr's Quantum Theory could explain anything that is infinite. He felt that science was putting too few causes to an event. Example: what caused Lincoln's death? Science would say Booth shot Lincoln with a gun. But a broader cause would interconnect all events that happened in the universe - invention of the gun, evolution of man to have a hand to pull the trigger, the birth of Booth, etc. How far do you want to go to explain causality?

If You Want to Know Where you Are, Ask the Locals
Bohm continued to refine his alternative approach to Quantum Physics. Classical science views a system as a whole instead of an interaction of its parts. But Quantum Potential suggests that the individual actions of the parts were orchestrated by the whole - this was radical. Bohr maintains that sub-atomic particles are independent and separate. Quantum Potential suggests 2 things - 1) that particles are just an emergent feature of a hidden substrate that cannot be quantified, and 2) this substrate has an indivisible wholeness to it, Bohm explained that electrons in plasma behaved like orchestrated pieces by the Quantum Potential instead of being scattered all over. The Quantum Potential was coordinating all the movements towards a common objective (like a human being), instead of herding individual cats. Quantum Potential does not specify location - it simply does not exist or its existence is scattered all over the universe because Quantum Potential permeates all of space. It's called non-locality. Non-locality addressed the quantum entanglement conundrum without violating the speed of light. Example: a fish in an aquarium with 2 cameras set at different spots. You are then looking at 2 TV screens from the 2 cameras. When one fish moves, the other fish instantaneously moves. You can think they are somehow communicating with each other, but at the deeper reality (the aquarium), they are the same fish.

At a deeper level of reality, the '2 fishes' are actually one - contained in the undivisible cosmic whole. This means all of life that seem separated and differentiated are actually manifestations of a deeper undivided whole.

John Stewart Bell
John Stewart Bell, a theoretical physicist at CERN, was fascinated by Bohm's study. He also felt that there was something missing in the Bohr-view of quantum physics. Bell also wondered if 'non-locality' could be experimented on. The Aha Moment came to him in 1964 when he mathematically 'proved' it. But doing the actual experiment required technology that wasn't in existence yet. The experiment required being finished in thousandths of a millisecond - too fast that not even light has enough time to pass between the 2 particles.

Enter the Hologram
In the 1950s, after McCarthyism, Bohm moved to Bristol, England as a researcher. There he partnered with Aharonov and came up with a paper called Aharonov-Bohm Effect - another example of non-local interconnectedness. Despite repeatable experiments, the theory still has its critics. Bohm's dilemma about the substrate of wholeness and interconnectedness was met with his inability to proceed from there. Thus, in the 1960s, he pursued Order. Order would be represented by snowflakes. Disorder would be spilt coffee beans on the floor. Bohm realized that there were levels to order. He assumed that even in the universe, there is a hierarchy of order - some more ordered than others. In the cylinder/jar experiment, a drop of ink was diffused with glycerine and could no longer be detected. But when the cylinder was moved in the opposite direction, the diffused ink formed back into a drop. Bohm concluded that even when something is in a state of disorder (the drop of ink diffused), lie hidden is its state of order (its ability to reform back into a drop). This was powerful - to aggregate back something that has already splintered and disappeared. When the hologram was invented, he realized it was the best metaphor for his idea of order-disorder-order. He began to think that perhaps the entire universe operated this way - like a hologram. His ideas crystalized and in 1980, he published a book, Wholeness and the Implicate Order - this presented a radically new way of looking at reality.

Enfolded Order and Unfolded Order
Bohm saw everyday reality as a hologram (like particles being an emergent property of excited Quantum Fields?) being an emergent feature of a deeper underlying reality which is whole and indivisible. Reality to him was divided into 2:

  1. Explicate, Unfolded Order - visible default reality where everthing looks distinct and separate. The hologram (the default reality we are in) is the Unfolded Order.
  2. Implicate, Enfolded Order - inner reality, the fundamental layer. The film containing the hologram is the Enfolded Order since we cannot see our reality there - it only looks like interference patterns. In the Enfolded Order, there is no specific location of anything...they are everywhere. This also explains why every piece of the hologram film contains the hologram - because it is not local to any location, but distributed evenly across the Enfolded Order

When the light is switched off, the hologram disappears but it is not lost. It simply reverts back into its Enfolded Order. And it can be Unfolded again.

The Undivided Wholeness of All Things
Bohm regards the Enfolded Order as a seamless holographic fabric so it seemed pointless to say that the hidden universe is made up of parts. The parts dissolve back into the Enfolded Order and can no longer be differentiated. Things only become 'parts' when they manifest as a hologram in our default universe. Einstein shocked the world when he said time and space are not separate but intricately one. Bohm levels it up by saying everything is one and part of an indivisible whole. The Enfolded Order manifests as 'things' in the Unfolded Order but they all come from the same source at the deeper layer of reality. This thinking has profound ramifications. If we are all part of a whole, then deforestation, pollution harm the whole to which we are a part of. It's like doing an amputation of the arm. We should treat the planet as an extension of our bodies. Bohm warns that such reckless behavior can lead to human extinction.

Consciousness as a More Subtle Form of Matter
Bohm rejects Bohr's idea that particles do not exist until they are observed. In his view, particles not observed still exist, but are simply in the Enfolded Order, seamlessly integrated with the indivisible whole. When it comes to consciousness observing matter, he sees the observer observing himself because consciousness and matter, in the deeper layer of reality, are but the same, coming from the same source of Enfoldled indivisible whole. For that matter, the observer, the observed, the venue, the air surrounding them, etc. are all part of the same whole. Bohm feels that consciousness pervades all matter but in a subtle way, that's why electrons sometimes behave intelligently. Bohm also believes that there is no differentiation between living and non-living matter. If life exists in the Enfolded Order, then life exists everywhere in the Unfolded Order. The property of one matter is inherent in all matter because they all come from the same source. This is profound. It means we can access the entire universe, access the Akashic records with our thoughts and intentions. Time and space are also part of the Enfolded Order. So we can view for ourselves the cataclysmic impact that ushered the Younger Dryas. Space, time and even dimensions are accessible. Every cell in our body holds the secrets to the entire universe.

Implicate, Enfolded Order = Quantum Field?
Bohm's Implicate, Enfolded Order (a fundamental layer to reality where everthing is interconnected) seems very similar to the Quantum Field in the Quantum Field Theory where particles are just emergent features of an inner non-localized substrate to reality. Are they the same? NO.

  1. Distinct quantum fields vs Indivisible whole - Quantum Field Theory predicts distinct quantum fields giving rise to its inherent particles - electron field gives rise to electrons. In the Implicate Order, the inner reality is one indivisible whole from which reality arise
  2. Physical vs Philosophical - Quantum Field Theory is a robust and precise mathematical framework while Bohm's Implicate Order is a philosophical framework (there is no math to back it up)
  3. Dynamic vs Linear - Quantum Field Theory predicts the collapse of the wave function which gives rise to particles and particles interact with other particles. In Bohm's Implicate Order, it's more dynamic - the Implicate Order creates a hologram and can collapse it and recreate it. Bohm has a broader framework.
  4. Scope - Bohm's Implicate Order goes beyong the scope of the Quantum Field Theory. Quantum Field Theory is limited to collapsing the quantum field to produce a particle - it's math. Bohm's Implicate Order talks about existence, consciousness and life - not just particles.

Bohm's Implicate Order can best be seen as a precursor to the now established Quantum Field Theory.

The Energy of a Trillion Atomic Bombs in every Cubic Centimeter of Space
If our visible universe is but the tip of a hidden iceberg (the substrate of reality), then what else is out there that we don't know of? For one, scientists claim that the universe is awash with waves of varying length. But they claim that every centimeter of any wave has more power than what's measured in the entire universe. Bohm believes that such a power is intrinsic in the Implicate Order. Scientists do not subscribe to this thinking in the same way fish in the ocean are not aware they are in the ocean. Bohm subscribes that even the Implicate Order could have an even deeper substrate that extends into deeper substrates - an infinity of substrates.

Experimental Support for Bohm's Holograhic Universe

  1. Empty space - particles are also waves. And waves crisscross each other, creating interference patterns (which is the backdrop of the Holograhic Universe)
  2. Non-local aspect - quantum entanglement is real. It either means something is traveling faster than the speed of light or these 2 particles are connected non-locally (meaning even though the entangled particles have now become localized and separated, their shared quantum states remain non-localized and continue to exist in the quantum field so their properties are correlated regardless of distance from one another. The 2 particles come from the same source, either the quantum field or the Implicate Order of Bohm). Since scientists cannot accept faster than light speed, they have to accept to non-local connection

Reactions of the Physics Community
There is a universal respect for Bohm's intelligence but they don't necessarily subscribe to the Holograhic Universe. But they find Bohm courageous and daring for presenting such radical proposal. There are however, big names supporting Bohm - Sir Roger Penrose (modern theory of the black hole), Bernard d'Espagnat (contributor to the Quantum Field Theory) and Brian Josephson (1973 Nobel Prize in physics).

Pribram and Bohm Together
With Pribram, we come up with a brain that mathematically constructs the objective reality we experience by interpreting frequencies coming from a source beyond space/time. This means our objective world does not exist - it's just a perception. Our brain is simply able to capture these waves and frequencies from the ether and interprets it to reality as know it. Without the interface of our brain, the cup is nothing but a sea of interference patterns. Which is the true reality? The cup? or the interference pattern giving rise to the cup?

Ending Thoughts on Chapter 2
I am already familiar with the Black Hole Feud between Leonard Susskind and Stephen Hawking which led to the Holographic Theory of a black hole - that the information about the volume of space in an area is the same as the surface area of that volume of space. Therefore, the 'real information' about that area is not found in its volume but on its surface. The surface functioning like the holographic plate and the volume of space representing the 3D hologram. Because of this background information, I somehow thought that Bohm arrived at the Holographic theory through his work on black holes in Quantum Mechanics. But the book never talked about black holes! This left me confused. I had to ask AI to provide clarity.

According to AI, Bohm never worked on black holes. His arrival at the Holographic Universe model was strictly confined within his work in Quantum Mechanics. He realized that while quantum objects in default reality seem discreet and differentiated, they behave in a way suggesting that there is something unknown and unseen that somehow connects them together. Examples would be quantum entanglement (non-locality), electrons that behave like a school of fish when in large numbers (like they have intelligence), every discreet part of material reality embedding information of the entire whole (like a hologram), the ink mixed-in with something until it disappeared and re-appeared when the mixing was reversed (transition from unfolded to enfolded and back to unfolded). All this led to the idea that the universe has an underlying substrate where everything is interconnected or acting as one indivisible whole, and that our default reality is nothing but a 3D hologram of this 'Implicate Order'. This model however, has no mathematical or scientific support - it was philosophical and metaphysical. Other examples that hint of an underlying substrate are synchronicities (it's too uncanny to be chance so there must be something out there orchestrating this), seeing the future or past (if the past is not lost and the future is seeable, then time is not linear and can be accessed somewhere out there).


3. The Holographic Model and Psychology 66

Carl JungCarl Jung
The Holographic Universe influenced the area of psychology with consciousness as the permeating substrate giving rise to thoughts and the mind. This is supported by Carl Jung who subscribes to the idea of the collective subsconscious - man has access to ideas beyond his own experience. There is a database of knowledge, ideas and practices 'out there' (the Implicate Order) and somehow, the brain or consciousness gets access to this (this is a good example of layered Implicate Order. The 'out there' being the main Implicate Order, the brain being the 2nd-tier Implicate Order and then the idea being the hologram). This was proven in some of his clinical studies with patients.

One schizophrenic patient while looking at the sun said the sun had a dick and as he moved his head from side to side, the dick moves and causes the wind to blow. Years later, Jung stumbled upon a 2000 year old Persian text describing a ritual exactly how the patient talked about the sun (how did he know it? It was beyond his personal experience. The ramification is again profound. It means we all have access to everthing that has come before us - similar to Bohm's contention that the Implicate Order contains all these things and that we have access to it because we come from the same source. In the Implicate Order, consciousness is also infinitely interconnected - what one knows, you can access it. The pressing question is, how do we get access? Meditation? Psychedelics?).

Even though this collective subsconscious resonates as a human archetypal experience, and even though it has been widely adopted by psychoanalysts and psychologists, there is still no experimental data to support it (if this phenomenon occured to you, you don't need experimental data to believe this. Science can only go so far in proving things. If they can't prove it, it doesn't mean it's untrue. Maybe they don't have the technology to prove it, or maybe they don't have the energy level required to prove it, or simply no resources for it. I don't place too much weight on 'science not having proven it'. Given their bias, perhaps they would rather disprove it than to prove it).

Why can't we get Immediate access to all these information?
If we are connected to the source, why don't we already know everything? One scientist claims that we only get immediate access to those that resonate with us (for me, I believe our mind cannot handle such a load. That is why even with what we see, our brain reconstructs most of what we think we see to conserve computational resource. But when effort is made to access them, they can be accessed).

Montague UllmanDreams and the Holographic Universe
Another subscriber to Bohm was Montague Ullman with his work in ESP/dream experiments. He got interested in the aspect that all of humanity are interconnected in the Holographic Universe. Experiments by Ullman concluded that in dreams, we are able to communicate with each other - it's not precise, but conclusive. Example: a test subject was made to sleep in a lab and talk about his dreams. Adjoining the room was another test subject made to randomly choose a painting on the wall. The chosen painting was the Paris skyline from a French window. The dreamer talked about everything French...which was unusual. Ullman claims that dreams provide guidance on the individual towards evolution - a mean bastard may repeatedly dream about awareness, compassion and love. Ullman takes it further by claiming that more than just connectedness, dreams are nature's way to impose self-order, perhaps with intention to preserve/protect humanity and not just the person in question.

Psychosis and the Implicate Order
Psychosis is a condition of the mind where what is real and unreal is no longer differentiated. Mystics talk about oneness with everything and union with God. From a Holographic Universe perspective, they seem to have glimpsed aspects of the Implicate Order. It is possible that psychotics experience the same thing but are unable to distinguish if they are losing their minds or simply having episodes of altered consciousness. They lose the boundaries of themselves thinking that their thoughts are no longer private. Their sense of time is no longer linear or perhaps reversing itself. Time becomes fluid (this episode is repeated in the lives of spiritual people who become enlightened without knowing it. They think they are going insane and could not function within society. This was true with Ramakrishna Paramahansa of Integral Yoga). The manic depressive dives deeper into the Holographic Universe and becomes manic as he experiences oneness - he becomes intoxicated. Upon return to reality, he becomes depressed being back in the misery of the default world. When we dream, we experience that psychedelic world that does not respond to physics but we are normal again when we wake up. Psychotics however, have to deal with these hallucinations in their awaken state.

Lucid Dreams and Parallel Universes
There has been increased interest in lucid dreams where you wake up in a dream and even able to control parts of it. It's more vivid than an ordinary dream and there is a high recollection of the details when awakened. The Holographic Universe posits that in lucid dreaming, the dreamer gets a glimpse of the Implicate Order. Being awake and dreaming are not too different - they are both expressions of the same Implicate Order. Lucid dreaming allows the dreamer to move fluidly between states which shows the interconnectedness of everthing. Since the brain acts as a decoder for the Implicate Order, it does the same thing during lucid dreaming thus, it's more vivid and real than regular dreams. Since the dreamer consciously interacts with the Implicate Order, he essentially breaches the boundary.

Hitching a Ride on the Infinite Subway

Stanislav GrofStanislav Grof
Stanislav Grof takes the Holographic Universe further by claiming that our psyche can endlessly explore the vastness of the Implicate Order. Grof has been studying if LSD has any therapeutic benefit. Grof concluded that patients undergoing LSD therapy recovered faster and permanently. They are even able to move into other areas previosly undefined by the therapy (like reliving the sensation of still being in the womb). Some LSD patients claimed to have been or gone into a reptile form and described details that only zoologists would know (unlike other recreational drugs, LSD seem to be one that allows the user to transcend the limits of human persception. Steve Jobs used to take LSD and up until his death, gave LSD the credit for waking him up. He even encouraged all his friends and colleagues to take it. After reading that, I am also now curious in taking LSD...but how do you do that?).

Other patients gave accounts of their ancestors or family members known to no one else. Others talked about being in the time of Genghis Khan and the onslaught of the Mongol hordes. Others were transported to ancient Egyptian time and discussed mummification in rich detail. From LSD use, they all seem to have accessed information from a different time and place, even from non-human intelligence not from this world, supporting the notion that there really is an Implicate Order containing data of everything (this ties up well with what the shamans of the Amazon are saying about Ayahuasca...that the plants talk to them and impart knowledge and insight). Grof was unwavering in claiming that given his 3000 LSD sessions at 5 hours/session, the understanding of science to human nature, reality and the universe is superficial, incomplete and need to be revised. He proposed the Holographic Universe as a means to this new level of understanding. Grof coined the word transpersonal for the archetypal experience of transcending the boundaries of the physical self and interconnect with the collective unconscious. Again, tapping into the Implicate Order takes an altered state of consciousness - it cannot be accessed by sheer force of will.

Holotropic Breathing
Grof's enduring legacy is the development of the Holotropic Breathing where you experience the altered state induced by LSD without taking LSD - just breathing! But the experience is every little bit, the same as taking LSD. With this, one gains access to the cosmic labyrinth that connects all aspects of existence. He wrote a separate book on this breathing method, The Adventure of Self-Discovery.

Vortices of Thought and Multiple Personalities
NY psychiatrist Edgar Levenson concluded that psychoanalytical approaches do not really cure but are simply ceremonial because there are sudden and transformative changes that happen to a patient regardless of what psychoanalytical approach is used. The change is due to something else entirely. Levenson believes that there are buried holograms within the patient that gets released and thereby cures the patient. But those holograms have always been present and within the patient.

Psychiatrist David Shainberg agrees with Bohm that thoughts are like vortices in the mind that remains unchanged or fixed, in the same way vortices in a river are stable and remain there. These vortices are akin to our deeply held beliefs and opinion. This could be bad because it shuts us from assimilating new information and experience. This belief system becomes very dominating alienating us from the rest of the world - we are locked in our echo chamber. We fail to see our wholeness. We see this often in arguments when both parties are not out in search of the truth, but out to win at all cost. It no longer matters whose argument has merit. As things flow out of the Implicate Order to our consciousness, sometimes vortices are created from this flow and our thinking gets stuck. A good example of having no vortices is a child. A child is open to learn anything and everything. He is not fixated on paradigm that impedes his growth. By listening and adapting to the merits of the other guy's argument allow us to participate in the flow of the Implicate Order.

Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)
MPD happens when there is more than one personality in one body. usually 8 to 13 personalities, but sometimes there could be hundreds, each independent of each other (even having their own brainwave pattern ) but somehow rooted to the base personality. This symptom usually shows up between 28 and 35 years old - a striking coincidence that seems like a built-in warning system. These people have no awareness of their condition and are often confused and deal with bouts of anxiety, depression, mutilaltion and panic attacks. 97% of them experienced severe trauma as children. It is hypothesized that multiple personalities are created to spread the load because the trauma is simply too much for one personality to bear. It is suggested that the 'self' is also a hologram and is replaced through the holographic process by many 'selves'.

A Flaw in the Fabric of Reality

Synchronicity happens when odd coincidences happen that are improbable and meaningful that cannot be attributed to chance. In clinical patients, it was noted that these synchronicities happen shortly before new insights come upon the patient for the cure. It would seem to herald a new beginning.

When a patient drew a damaged hospital wing and 9 years later, the hospital was bombed and it looked exactly like the drawing, what conclusion could be drawn?

1) the thought was so powerful it caused reality to comply with the vision (unlikely)

2) the patient saw the future, in which case we live in a deterministic reality (that also means there really is no free will)

3) they simply called it acausal (not a result of cause and effect), something unknown to science, or in other words, a non-local event or a holographic flow from the Implicate Order (still, it suggests deterministic outcomes)

It is surprising how an archetypal experience like premonition, very common in the human experience, can have far reaching ramification that causes cognitive dissonance (deterministic future? no free will?).

According to physicist David Peat, synchronicities are flaws in the fabric of reality because it gives us a glimpse of what lies within the Implicate Order. In a perfect world, when our mind is free from fragmentation, when it transcends the idea of separation, synchronicity should be as common as the air we breathe.

In the Holographic Universe, mind and matter are interconnected. Consciousness contains all of objective reality. The universe contains the inner processes of the mind. Anything and everything are deeply connected in the Holographic Universe (this touches deeply into my Kundalini awakening practice where I meditate and visualize the Kundalini energy rising, chakra by chakra along the Sushumna. In the Holographic Universe model, this visualization greatly enhances the manifestation of the intention. Augmenting the visualization is the addition of 'Bhavana' or the accompanying 'feeling'. So all combined, it's the physical muscle contraction for the energy lock, the visualization and the feeling that the process is already taking place).

4. I Sing the Body Holographic 89

Curing Cancer with Vivid Imagery
Frank was diagnosed with cancer. Knowing this, his weight dropped and he became weak. During chemo, Dr. O. Carl Simonton, suggested to Frank to supplement chemo with vivid imagery. Frank was to imagine that the chemo was releasing millions of bullets decimating the cancer cells. The white blood cells would then take on the offensive and finish the job, completely annihilating the cancer cells. This method worked far beyond the regular benchmark, without the side effects of chemo. In 2 months, his cancer was gone.

Dr. Simonton applied this approach to 159 terminal cancer patients who were not expected to last 12 months. 4 years later, more than half were still alive and 14 were fully cured. Simonton set up the Simonton Cancer Center in Palisades, CA. His method is the 4th sought-after in cancer therapy. Of course, he is not without the usual hired guns of Big Pharma who will denigrade any alternative approach to curing cancer.

Holographic Universe Principle is FRACTAL
The effect of vivid imagery in curing a deadly disease is explained by the Holographic Universe model. All experiences are simply neurophysiological processes taking place in the brain (that's why dreams feel so real until you wake up). The brain cannot distinguish reality from a vivid imagination especially if feeling is invoked in this imagery. Thus the brain will react exactly the same way as if what it's perceiving is the real reality or imagined (placebo effect). In the Implicate Order, imagination and reality are indistinguishable - so images in the mind can ultimately manifest in the physical body especially if they are images+feelings+intention about being cured (my holographic explanation for this is that the imagery forms the holographic plate in the brain cell, not necessarily in the Implicate Order. This brain cell shoots the hologram of a cured body and that is what is manifested, curing the disease of the body. In short, the Holographic Universe model is fractal. It works from the Implicate Order but it works on the hologram itself like the brain. There seems to be layers upon layers of holographic reality where the Holographic Universe model is present).

Targeted Vivid Imagery
Experiments done by phychologist Jeanne Achterberg also proved that imagery can be very specific. Instead of just imaging 'white blood cells' fighting the cancer cells, you can imagine a very specific white blood cell for the task. But you have to have a physical model of the cell in your mind, so you have to do research as well as to what that thing looks like and where it can be found and everything else you can find out (in my yogic imagery approach, I don't use specifics because science is falsifiable and years down the road, it can be rendered false or obsolete. eg, once, telomeres were at the cutting edge of age reversal. I could have imagined that my telomerers were not being reduced in length. But years later, science found out that cancer cells have long telomeres so they don't die. Had I envisioned having long telomeres, I could have developed cancer. So instead of envisioning specifics, I envision the intention. So if I want to reverse the aging process, I simply imagine myself getting young, feeling young, and looking young).

Vivid Imagery = Belief, Hope, Resolve, Intention
Achterberg cites many examples of patients turned away by hospitals for having terminal cases only to spring back to life because of their belief, hope and unwavering resolve (so medication was not the cure, but the mind (imagery), emotion, belief and will. Corollary to that is to remove any kind of negative thinking and self-doubt. In fact, negative thinking can induce a disease - ask any hypochondriac). Achterberg cites that there is a low incidence of cancer or leukemia on people who are mentally retarded. Why? They have no mental notion of a deadly disease called cancer - cancer simply does not exist in their universe, so cancer is not willed into being. It is suggested by Bohm and Siegel that diseases have their genesis in the mind. People unwittingly allow negative thinking into their system. The negative thinking manifests as diseases.

Mr. Wright and Krebiozen
A landmark example about placebo effect was the case of Psychologist Bruno Klopfer, his patient Mr. Wright and the drug Krebiozen. Wright was dying of cancer. He body was already a mess. He pleaded Klopfer to administer the new drug Krebiozen. The doctor reluctantly did. In 10 days, Wright was completely cured and even flew his own plane. It was such a remarkable recovery. Wright was perfect but 2 months later, news came out that Krebiozen wasn't effective in treating cancer. Upon learning this, Wright suffered a relapse and was readmitted to the hospital. The doctor gave a fake explanation why the drug didn't work - that it got stale during the shipment. But Klopher offered a fresh new and potent shipment. Klopher went through an elaborate procedure before the drug was injected. Again, the results were miraculous - tumors melted and chest fluids vanished and Wright was cured again. But the injection was just water. After 2 months, the American Medical Association released a paper saying Krebiozen was completely ineffective for cancer. This devastated Wright. His cancer came back and he was dead 2 days later. What happened was tragic, but it showed how much power we have in our thinking to eliminate/cure what could have been an incurable cancer.

Basketball Games of the Mind 94
There are many more instances showcasing the control of the holographic mind on the body. The mind has profound control over physical and athletic performance. Soldiers who were told to march 60 km but only marched 40 km showed tests of doing 60 km. So, these soldiers reacted to what they thought and not the reality. The mind is powerful (similarly, in my experience, I saw a weight lifter fail to do a load he could lift simply because the coordinator was mistaken in telling him it was a much heavier load). Russian athletes to the winter olympics who trained with imagery (25% physical and 75% imagery) won over their teammates who only trained without imagery (100% physical), even though they all trained (physical and imaging) the same number of hours.

Lack of Division between Health and Illness 96
Health and Disease are Part of the same Indivisible Whole
Apart from imagery, the holographic mind also uses the paradigm of the indivisible whole to generate results in the physical world. In the oneness of the Holographic Universe model, health and disease emanate from the same holographic plate (Implicate Order), thus they are manifestations of the same thing - they are one and there is no distinction between the 2 of them in the Implicate Order.

Barbarians at the Gate vs Personal Bad Habits
A pragmatic way to approach this thinking is to NOT see illness as an outside bad thing that came to invade us. If we step back and see a broader picture of how this illness came into being, we can see that this was followed by careless eating, sleepless nights, booze, drugs, neglect and on the outside, this illness was also contributed by social norms (maybe people in your age bracket suffer too from this), family advise ("do this or you might die") and succumbing to widespread fear (like Covid) (in short, it's not about barbarians at the gate. It's about us dropping the ball). We see illness as a result of a bigger picture, a lot of which we can control - what we eat, how we sleep, etc. This realization alone accounts for much of the ensuing cure and if you actually make effort to improve your lifestyle, then the cure is hastened. In fact, as Bohm points out, if illness is an amalgamation of everything in the Implicate Order, then there could be thousands of causes for it, most of them unknown to us. But it should not matter. We can override all that with our imagery, belief, resolve, hope and commitment to re-architecture reality in our favor. We call the shots because there is no objective reality - everything is fluid and we can take the driver seat.

The Healing Power of Nothing at All (Placebo Effect) 97
The Placebo Effect is already an established fact but it doesn't apply only to fake drugs. This could be the reason why crystals, amulets, copper bracelets and pyramid power work - it's in the person's belief system that it works, therefore it does. Even placebo surgeries (doctors open you up but do nothing inside, but it makes you think they did something) produce the same results as a true surgery - meaning that real surgeries could be useless. No disease is spared from the holographic principle. The manner of delivering the placebo also matters. Placebo delivered through injection works better than placebo in a pill.

(In Chiangmai, Thailand, I met a lovely young couple, Paul and Tanya. Somehow, they felt something strong and radiant about my energy but didn't tell me. About a week later, they seeked me out because they felt desperate and believed I could help them against a malevolent guy with black magic powers who cast a spell on them. They had such a firm belief that I could help them that I thought anything I tell them would work (as a placebo effect). I took advantage of their unwavering belief that I could help them. We all held hands, closed our eyes, and I told them I was transferring my strength to them and nothing can touch them from here on. It was much better than telling them I couldn't help them. I don't really know what happened after. I never saw them again. Even though I'm not a healer or shaman, when we held hands, I really pulled deep from within me all the intention to empower them. As a yogi, I firmly believe I can heal myself from anything. But to 'transfer' this benefit to other people? I haven't attempted to do it until then. In this holographic paradigm, that was a placebo for me and to them as well).

Paul and  Tanya
with Paul and Tanya

Tumors that Melt like Snowballs on a Hot Stove
The downside to benefiting from the placebo effect is that you have to be fooled first before harnessing this power. What if you are aware?

Do any Drugs really Work? 101
If drugs work when we believe in them and don't work when we don't believe in them, what does that say about drugs? Do they really work? The main theme seems to be that when the mind is manipulated, the body consequently follows. The NY Times claimed that the placebo effect provides a holistic view of the human system - the mind and body are too intricately connected that they should not be treated as separate parts.

Ram DasRam Das
Before this famous Western guru became Ram Das, he was Richard Alpert, a Harvard psychologist who went to the East in 1966 to test enlightened masters the effects of LSD. Most of them were unaffected. There was this wiry mystic, Neem Karoli Baba, who took almost 1000 micrograms of LSD and was still unaffected. Alpert was so impressed that he converted to mysticism, turned hippie and the rest is history.

The Health Implications of Multiple Personality 104
Mind-body association is underscored in Mutiple Personality Disorders. Personalities in a multiple (people who suffer from Mutiple Personality Disorder) are often strongly identified from other personalities. Each has his own set of allergies, brainwaves, left/right handedness, IQ, demeanor, handwriting, even eye color and voice pattern. A personality with an allergy can have hives. These hives disappear then a new personality takes over. The mind (holographic plate) shoots off different hologram personalities to the Explicate Order. A drunk multiple can turn sober with a change of personality. A wasp sting can be gone when anothher personality enters. As the personality changes, the body morphs to accommodate the new personality. Such is the connection between mind and body. When you control the mind, you control the body. Everything is connected.

If a multiple can shift allergies, if they can even change eye color, then it means it is humanly possible for all of us to access this level of control over our bodies and behavior.

Pregnancies, Organ Transplants, Tapping the Genetic Level 108
Belief can alter our body's response to illness. But how do we control our belief system without having to fool ourselves first? By understanding the belief system first. What are these belief systems?

  1. Cultural beliefs - this common belief is imposed on us and we may not be aware how we comply with it. Unwanted pregnancies may cause a couple to remain childless without contraceptives.

    Death rates plummeted when tuberculosis was determined to be caused by bacteria even though treatment was not developed until 50 years later. The holographic feature of this phenomenon is that knowing what caused TB demystified TB and shifted the collective belief system about the disease (knowing how it can avoided or controlled). A shift in collective belief causes a shift in physical reality as well (meaning the death rates plummeted) (of course, it's a more simple explanation to say that finding the cause of TB allowed people how to exercise caution so as not to contract the disease - thus invoking the Holographic principle wasn't necessary).
  2. Personal thinking - married women have stronger immune system compared to separated or divorced (because married women are presumably happier). People with fighting spirit survive a disease more than people who are passive with the same illness (because the will to fight overrides all).
  3. Will power - some people are able to perform superhuman tasks like being pierced with no blood and no pain. In modern times, Wim Hof is able to submerge himself in ice for a long time. To date, he has over 20 Guinness Book World Record titles (in Vipassana Meditation, there a 'strong determination' pose where you sit down for an hour without moving arms and legs. This is torture but you endure it with a calm and equanimous mind - no reaction. This fortifies the mind. With a strong mind, very few things in life can hurt you).
  4. Unconscious belief - the placebo effect is one. Hypnosis is another. Under hypnosis, even a genetic disorder was cured. This is far more complex than simply altering blood pressure. This shows there seems nothing possible when the Implicate Order plays an intervening role in our daily affairsx.
  5. Faith - when we abandon control and give the driver's seat to the Lord, we also open up to greater forces of the Implicate Order to take over. Miracles are explained by the Holographic Universe model. Stigmata seems to be self-induced rather than a miracle. Why? Because only Catholics experience it. Another, and perhaps more compelling, is that the stigmata is always on the hands where artists paint the stigmata in their paintings. But the Roman crucifixion is done on the wrists - not on the hands. Also, the size, shape and location of the stigmata is always different from person to person - so it wasn't based on Christ's stigmata. The Holographic Universe model overrides the body's rigidity and imposes plasticity on the physical body.

Images Projected Outside the Brain
Miracles where people manifest physical results within their bodies can be a holographic expression because the brain is producing something outside of itself - stigmata, levitation, etc. These things cannot be manifested through sheer will alone. The theory goes that the mind is powerful that it can hack the Implicate Order so that the hologram of the 'miracle' is manifested. Where else can these miracles come from? So, even though the body and mind are holographic manifestations of the Implicate Order, they remain intricately connected to it, so if they 'will' something badly enough or purely enough, the message is received and responded to by the Implicate Order. It's not a one-way communication but a fluid flow of information - like 2 mirrors facing each other, they can manifest into infinity (think of it as a 2-way street).

Laws Both Known and Unknown 119
This explores the range of conrol the mind has on the body to understand the mind/body relationship.

Before, it was known that only the brain contains neuropeptides (receptors receiving 'telegraphed' communications from the body). Now, discoveries are made revealing that other parts of the body contain neuropeptides. Essentially, they are extensions of the brain. Scientists now question where the brain ends and the body begins.

Acupuncture Microsystems 120
Acupuncture suggests that there are points on the body's surface that directly affect the internal structure and organs. When needles are poked in specific parts of the body, specific organs are affected.

Little Man in the Ear
In 1957, a French physician and acupuncturist, Paul Nogier, discovered that aside from the traditional meridians in the body used for acupuncture, both ears also have its own system of acupuncture points representing the whole body - like a minne me (I once saw a tv show where a dentist only used a pincher on a patient's ear and with no anaesthetic, began to drill on the patient's teeth. Based on the diagram below, the pinched section corresponds to the right area.

There are compelling and practical reasons this type of healthcare should be encouraged, but Big Pharma will not allow any alternative where they don't earn money. Dentists and physicians always run a risk practicing alternative methods for fear of reprisal.)
. He came up with a map. Unbeknownst to him, the Chinese have already known this for 4000 years. Other scientists also discovered that the ears can be used to diagnose illnesses or reveal organ failures. Going beyond the ear, 18 more micro-acupuncture systems in the body exist, perhaps more. They claim that these systems are holographic in principle, that the small systems are the holographic plate and the whole body is the hologram to be worked on (I disagree. If that's the case, then any part of body can be worked on from any point, if any point of the holographic plate contains information of the whole. It would be more simple to simply say that there are intricate nerve wirings in the body that reconnects and influences their related organs/structure). This approach of having a small patch of human real estate to influence or control the rest of the body has been expanded to Iridology, Reflexology and Palmistry.

ChatGPT on Ear Acupuncture
Ear Acupuncture is symmetrical - both ears have the same trigger points for the body parts affected. For non-specific body side therapy like insomia, either ear or both ears can be activated. However, for specific body side like the left eye, you should only activate the left ear. In some cases, one ear might be emphasized, eg. right ear if right handed, or in Chinese thinking, the Yin/Yang need to be balanced and this is done by just working on one ear.

Ear acupuncture points
Ear acupuncture points

fingerprints give information about health disorders

Harnessing the Power of the Holographic Brain 124
It has become clear that the brain cannot distinguish reality from one that is intensely believed or imagined. Because of that, it behaves in ways that defy convention - eliminating allegies, duplicating the effects of potent drugs, healing wounds with rapidity, and growing new teeth for adults. This means we have the power to transform our bodies. Our perception of reality is a function of many factors - beliefs, fears, attitudes of our doctors, our unknown prejudice, faith, etc. In controling these factors, we control the mind and thus control the hologram.

5. A Pocketful of Miracles 126

Feast of San Genarro
The feast of San Genarro has been celebrated since 300AD. Twice a year, in a public celebration, the dry blood (in a container) turns liquid. It has been said that when it didn't turn liquid in the few times in historical times, catastrophes hit Naples. The liquid in the vial is scientifically pronounced blood. Is it a miracle? M. Talbot believes that everyone has an innate power of the mind that when collectively triggered, can cause such phenomenon.

Psychokinesis 129
Psychokinesis plays a role in miracles - San Genarro and stigmata. Thought, feelings and physical reactions are all linked - the sight of a lurking shadow along a dark alley will spark the thought of being mugged. This brings fear. This fear increases blood pressure, heart beat, adrenaline and stops digestion. Bohm adds that particles have their own inherent intelligence - it's not just a point-like structure. Thus, all matter is intelligent and can act autonomously with its environment. Bohm suggests that the ability to affect physical object just by the mind has something to do with the deep interconnectedness of mind and matter within the Implicate Order, beyond what we see in our visible reality. Therefore, they are just aspects of the same unified, indivisible whole. There is no duality between mind and matter. Mind interacts with matter not by brute force, but by alignment to a deeper fundamental principle of the Implicate Order. The mind is 'tuned in' to the fundamental inner workings of the universe in such a meaningful way that physical manifestation happens without breaking the laws of nature. Bohm cites an electron to be using information, implying that electrons have an innate intelligence. If it applies to fundamental particles, then it applies to everything in our known reality. This phenomena is outside the role of human consciousness. Everything is now conscious. Bohm believes that Psychokinesis or telepathy is not merely a manifestation of non-locality but a deeper substrate of non-locality.

ROBERT JAHNThe Gremlin in the Machine 131
Robert Jahn, aerospace science professor and dean Emeritus of Princeton University, also subscribes to Bohm's position on Psychokinesis but takes it further. He was working on deep space propulsion and had no inkling about the paranormal. But he reluctantly agreed to see one of his student's on-the-side project about Psychokinesis. He was astounded that he put up PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) which still stands today and has the most advanced studies on Psychokinesis. He proved that collective concentration can vary chance-results beyond statistical probabilities Additionally, he proved that Psychokinesis may be enhanced on some gifted individuals but everybody actually has this gift. Also, some gifted individuals can produce signature-like results unique to them. Experiments were also done on falling balls that should resemble a bell curve. With group concentration, more balls fell by the sides - statistically improbable, with the same unique signatures present. Equipment malfunction is also attributed to unconscious Psychokinesis - some people are known to be walking disasters. Jahn also claims that Psychokinesis is an interplay in the subconscious having a wave-like state and a particle-like state, just like quantum objects. When consciousness is in particle form, our conscious mind takes over. When it is in wave form, it can manifest Psychokinesis.

In Psychokinesis, the relationship between mind and matter is not so much an information exchange but more of resonance - like a feeling of resonance between the participant and the pinball machine (even though this sounds abstract and unquantifiable, when I meditate, there are times when it feels mechanical or intentional. But when there is a feeling of resonance, the meditation feels deeper, richer with a dissolution of oneself into the whole).

Psychokinesis on a Grander Scale 135
So far, Psychokinesis has been experimented on a small scale in the lab. But it also applies to big things in the real world. Lyall Watson witnessed a faith healer in the Philippines who can make surgeries without touching the patient. All over the world, there are documented cases of spiritual healing that proponents attribute to Psychokinesis and thus, using the Holographic Universe principle (faith healing is widely practiced in the Philippines, although there are lots of fakes who have been exposed. But there are real ones. My grandfather's cancer was cured by a faith healer and I was circumcized by a faith healer with no anaesthesia using a half-rusty blade from a window sill. Ultimately, they all lose their power when they become famous and begin accepting big money from tourists).

Mass Psychokinesis in 18th-Century France 137
In 18th centurey France, the Jensenists, a Dutch Catholic sect went into convulsions by the hundreds by the tomb of their deacon Francois de Paris. These convulsions spread like wild fire in the city. In their frenzy, they were impervious to fire, torture, pain or injury. Their illnesses were cured - including cancer. As many as 3000 volunteers were present to keep crowd control. This lasted for years. 2 decades later, miracles were still happening - clairvoyance and ability to see with eyes closed. This wasn't just heresay as thousands were affected and participated. It was the talk of all Europe which lasted for decades.

The book wasn't clear on what to make of this. Psychokinesis? How was this connected to Holographic Universe model? The way I see it, I won't even invoke Holographic Universe model here. I simply think the body/mind have innate abilities that are dormant. But when triggered in a like-minded group, they can form their own 'reality fields' - a pocket of reality within reality where the laws of physics are suspended. They manifest something people call miracles.

Reprogramming the Cosmic Motions Picture Projector 141
Because Psychokinesis alone does not explain the super powers exhibited by the convulsionaires, Bohm and Grof explain that the mind/body/Implicate Order are interconnected on a 2-way street. This connection can even change the rules of physics (in the same way Siddhi activation changes the rule of physics...levitation, controlling the element, etc). This ability has been displayed many times in human history - St. Francis of Paula and the 3 martyrs who defied King Nebuchadnezzar, the Kahunas of Hawaii and the Protestant Huguenots of France, all being impervious to fire.

The Laws of Physics as Habits and Realities Both Potential and Real 145
It can be argued that perhaps these powers are just part of a hidden physics law that were triggered - meaning they were contained in this reality. But still, it would seem easier to explain these powers thru the Holographic Universe model - consciousness tapping into the Implicate Order to alter the laws of Physics. Another version is that the law of physics as we know it is a human construct - we simply willed it to be. But at the deeper layers of reality, many other laws of physics exist. It appears that the deeper our belief system is, the more we hack into the subtler layers of the Implicate Order. Pribram explains it that there are other worlds but our consciousness tunes to only one of these worlds in the same way that a radio can fine tune into a radio station but there are other radio broadcasts out there - we just need to shift our tuning to perceive them. Altered states of consciousness allows us to tune-in to other stations that use different laws of physics, one where you can defy fire, gravity (this makes sense to me). Watson believes that default reality is largely a human construct...that there is more to reality. He also believes that any Theory of Everything is insufficient because none can explain the paranormal. Gordon Globus believes that default reality, dreams and super reality in altered states of consciousness are all part and parcel of the same reality because they all sourced from the same Implicate Order.

Does Consciousness Create Sub-Atomic Particles, That is the Question 147
The varying versions of the Holographic Universe by many believers underscore that it's an idea in the making, much like an emerging volcanic island whose shores change everyday - the critics capitalize on this to discredit the theory. To put this in context, Darwin's evolutionary theory continues to be debated to this day. This only shows that even with the Holographic Universe model, miracles are still challenging to understand.

Jahn and Dunne claim that consciousness is primal and has a lot to do with how reality is shaped. Particles unto themselves do not have a reality. It is the presence of consciousness that gives particles a reality. They go even deeper to claim that consciousness creates the particle. They cite a particle called anomalon whose properties change from lab to lab. This suggests that the properties of anomalon depends on who created or measured it. Also neutrinos sometimes have mass and other times, no mass. It seems that the observers play a role in the properties of a neutrino.

They push the concept even further by saying that consciousness is not just the human mind but anything that can generate and process information. So, it means that viruses, animals, DNA and artificial intelligence can co-create reality as well. If we can hack into the Implicate Order, then we can access information even from an inanimate object - by touching a stone, we can see through its history and every secret it holds.

Why do some particles like an electron exhibit the same predictable properties regardless of whoever is observing it, while other particles behave differently depending on who is observing them? Hypnotism might offer an explanation.

The author talked about a man he witnessed personally who was hypnotized into suspending his 5 senses and acted according to the suggestions of the hypnotist - even not seeing the person who was directly in front of him. This suggests that someone's brain can be hacked and fed new information that the subject responds to.

Remote Viewing
Russel Targ and Harold Puthoff of the Stanford Research Institute (funded by the CIA to enhance their remote viewers) were successful in determining that everyone has an inherent ability to remote view - see what someone else in a distant place is seeing, or seeing other remote places by themselves without anyone being there. This experiment has been done repeatedly across the globe with consistent results, again proving that the mind and reality itself can be hacked.

Reality Field: Co-Habiting a Fictitious Reality 152
Charles Tart, a psych professore at UC got 2 hypnotist students, Bill and Anne, to hypnotize each other. They experienced the same fictitious reality they both suggested to each other. They were even talking to each other telepathically in this other world. This world they co-habited was just as real but more colorful and plastic with added non-verbal communication. In that world, they were just talking faces with no bodies. When Bill wanted to hold her hand, they both had to conjure up limbs. This was a self-created 3D holographic world through interconnected consciousness. This experience was so real that it became frightening for both. Bill gave up hypnosis entirely after that.

Bill and Anne could have created their own proprietary reality field - an alternate reality that is just as real but only perceptible to them. This means that consciousness can create a separate reality. But since reality is made up of particles, it implies that consciousness can create its sub atomic particles. And since particles being a quantum object, has a wave-like and particle-like properties to itself. It exists in a quantum system whose wave function can collapse with an observer

Concensus Characteristics
Information can be transmitted and retrieved telepathically. This is weird, but can be explained using the Holographic Universe principle - that minds are intricately interconnected, and thus hackable.

100th Monkey Effect
Also, because minds are interconnected, this could explain the 100th monkey effect (a new idea spreads across a group and this idea spreads to other related groups without communication even if separated by water) or why certain technologies were discovered almost at the same time by different people (calculus by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Liebniz and natural selection by Charles Darwin and Russell Wallace) - the collective information was somehow uploaded to the Implicate Order for access by other humans whose brain wave resonated to that frequency. This is similar to the behavior of electrons that acted independently to create a concensus. If this is true of electrons, this must be true of humans. Why? Because the universe has a fractal nature - as above, so below.

(This is actually a common theme in yoga, that consciousness gave rise to this universe. Without consciousness, there is no reality and no universe. Even Quantum Mechanics supports this. The double-slit experiment concludes that consciousness affects the way particles behave)

3 Camps of Physicists
Even though mainstream physicists know this to be true, when it comes to miracles or the Holographic Universe model they stubbornly adhere to the "I know it's true but I'm not going to deal with's not convenient.". N. David Mermin, psycisist at Cornell University categorizes physicists into 3 camps about their position on the interpretation of quantum mechanics:

  1. Shut Up and Calculate Camp - some are not bothered by the philosophical implications and offer no explanation. They use the elegant math of Quantum Mechanics to make predictions but don't bother about "why Quantum Mechanics behaves that way"
  2. Realists (Hidden Variables Camp) - a small minority is intrigued by the philosophical implications and conclude that Quantum Mechanics is not complete - that there is a hidden layer or a hidden variable that's not factored in the equation. Einstein is in this camp.
  3. Neo-Mystics - this camp acknowledges that peculiar properties of Quantum Mechanics - wave function, entanglement, non-locality. They somehow feel that this reveals the interconnectedness of reality - consciousness, matter and the universe - Bohm is in this camp.

The broad spectrum of physicists and their beliefs illustrate the disparity of concensus about Quantum Mechanics and its underlying principles. Interpretations like Copenhagen Interpretation and Many Worlds Interpretation offer an explanation of the weird behavior of Quantum Mechanics but continue to spark debate.

Interpreting the Weird World of Quantum Mechanics

Copenhagen Interpretation

This is a famous mathematical interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, developed by Neils Bohr and Werner Heisenberg in the 1920s/30s. It describes Quantum Mechanics as follows:

  1. Wave-Particle Duality - quantum objects possess particle-like and wave-like behavior until they are observed e.g. double-slit experiment
  2. Wave Function / Superposition - a quantum system is described by a wave function that encodes all possible states of the system (until you measure it, then you collapse the wave function to one state). This quantum system exists in all possible states at the same time (Superposition) until you measure it
  3. Collapse of the Wave Function - when a quantum system is observed/measured, the wave function collapses into a single specific state. This occurs instantaneously upon observation (nobody knows why. Some try to investigate by invoking consciousness, others simple don't bother and just do the math to make predictions)
  4. Complementarity - the particle-like and wave-like behavior of a quantum system are mutually exclusive (they cannot be observed simultaneously) but they complement each other (their wave and particle states are like 2 sides of the same coin, they complement each other. Without one, the other fails). Examples of properties that cannot be observed simultaneously are location/momentum (speed, mass X velosity) and energy/time and spin (angular momentum of a particle, not really about 'spin').
  5. No Objective Reality - the properties of a quantum system (position and momentum) have no real values until observed. Reality is probabilistic and observer-dependent. A quantum system only begins to have properties when observed - otherwise, without an observer, they might as well not exist
  6. Classical-Quantum Divide - classical physics has its own set of rules describing the big things (planets, galaxies, the universe) but at the sub-atomic level, in the quantum world, Quantum Mechanics work on a different set of rules - even though they both exist in the same universe. There is no distinct demarcation line between Quantum Mechanics and Classical Physics. e.g. Shroedinger's Cat, in the real world, the cat cannot be both alive and dead, so superpositioning cannot exist in Classical Physics

Criticism of the Coppenhagen Interpretation

  1. Observer-centric - that without an observer, reality cannot exist. Critics argue that reality exists whether there is an observer or none
  2. Wave Function Collapse - this is not supported by Quantum Mechanics. This is just a subjective interpretation of what is observed

Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI)

This was developed by Hugh Everett in 1957 to describe the weird behavior of Quantum Mechanics. Unlike the Copenhagen Interpretation, MWI doesn't invoke a wave function collapse. Instead, it says that all possible outcomes of a quantum event actually happen in separate parallel universes. These are the Core Ideas:

  1. Wave Function Never Collapses - the Wave Function which describes all the possible states of a quantum system does not collapse to a single outsome. Instead, all outcomes happen individually in parallel universes.
  2. Quantum Events create Parallel Universes - everytime a quantum system is measured (measuring spin, location, energy, momentum, charge), the universe splits to allow all possible outcomes to happen in parallel universes. In a sense, all outcomes exists in a superposition because they are all happening at the same time.

    e.g. If one measurement of spin results in 'down', then a new parallel universe is created with a spin of 'up'
  3. Measurement has no special role - measurement gives a result in a deterministic way with no collapse of any wave function. It's like nothing special happened.
  4. Observers Split Too - when a new universe is created, a new observer is also created. This observer knows only that particular outcome, not knowing that there are many versions of him in existence.

Key Features

  1. Reality is Multiversal - there is not just one universe, but a multiverse, branching out with every quantum event/interaction
  2. Deterministic Evolution - every possible outcome happens predictably with no wave function collapse so events are deterministic. There is no randomness on which one thing could possibly happen because everything possible outcome happens
  3. No Wave Function Collapse - all possible outcomes of the wave function happens. There is no collapse to reveal only one

Schrodinger's Cat
Many Worlds Interpretation explains well what happened to the cat. If the cat shows up dead in this universe, then another universe was created where it was alive. The cat doesn't know it is dead in another universe

Advantages of the Many Worlds Interpretation

  1. No Wave Function Collapse - this collapse has no physical mechanism in place in Quantum Mechanics and has remained troublesome. There is no physical mechanism to explain the jump from a quantum state to a classical state. The collapse is not part of the mathematical rigor of Quantum Mechanics. This was more of a leap of faith and remains debated (although its the most widely used).
  2. Explains Superposition Naturally - in Quantum Mechanics, Superposition is somehow a mystical intermediate state. But Many Worlds simply explain it as a co-existence of many outcomes that all happen in parallel worlds
  3. Fully Deterministic - randomness is eliminated and all possible outcomes happen deterministically
  4. Explains Quantum Computing - this explains how Google's Willow quantum computer chip was able to solve a mathematical problem in 15 minutes compared to 'forever' using the fastest classical computer today. Quantum computer was solving the problem not only in this universe but in all parallel universes, exponentially speeding up the computation.

Criticism of the Many Worlds Interpretation

  1. Occam's Razor - Occam's Razor explains that the most simple explanation is probably the right explanation. But Many Worlds's explanation is more complex than the problem it's trying to solve - creating an infinite number of universes that cannot be observed or measured?
  2. No Experimental Evidence - Many Worlds cannot be falsified, cannot be observed or measured and cannot be experimented on. It's describing Quantum Mechanics but it's using the same predictions which have no empirical data to back it up
  3. Branching Mechanism is not explained - how a universe branches out by virtue of a quantum interaction is not clear or explained

Many Worlds is a fascinating way to harmonize the randomness of Quantum Mechanics with a deterministic, predictable and mechanistic universe. This has inspired and motivated scientists, philosophers and writers about the possible layers to reality and the universe.

Properties of a Particle

Quantum objects remain quantized until measured, then the wave function collapses and the object becomes localized. But what are the ways to measure a quantum object?

  1. Momentum - this is the speed of the particle measured by Mass X Velocity. Because of the Complementarity principle, you cannot measure momentum and location at the same time. Momentum and location define how particles exist and move in space.
  2. Location - this is the location of a particle in space (in Quantum Field Theory, this is the location of the particle in its quantum field). A particle's location is not well defined until it is measured. Its location is probabilistic (it's like flipping a don't know if it's head or tails until it lands) and described by its wave function. Measuring the particle collapses the wave function and the particle's location can now be determined. Knowing a particle's location means you cannot know its momentum - the two properties are complementary. Momentum and location define how particles exist and move in space - but they cannot both be measured simultaneously.

    Does it also mean that the particle exists in all its possible locations at the same time (superposition)? Existing in all possible location at the same time (until measured) - this has no classical analog. There is no comparative equivalent of this state in the classical physical world. A few popular interpretations are offered to explain this weird behavior of Quantum Mechanics: Copenhagen Interpretation (it simply says the location of a particle exists but it's not known where until it is measured. NOTE that Superposition explains location differently - that a particle's location exists in all possible places at one time until measured). Another interpretation is the Many Worlds Interpretation (this says the particles exist in all parallel universes at the same time).
  3. Spin - this is the angular momentum of the particle. This has nothing to do with 'spin'. This has no counterpart in the real world. Spin is quantized and can take discreet values. e.g. Fermions (particles mediating mass) like electrons, protons and neutrons have a spin value of 1/2. However, bozon (particles carrying energy) like photons, have a spin of 1.
  4. Charge - this is the electric charge of a particle which determines how it interacts with electromagnetic fields. e.g. electrons have a negative charge, protons have a positive charge and neutrons have no charge. A particle's charge determines how it interacts with other particles and other fields.

You can Get Something for Nothing 155
Our interconnectedness and ability to co-create common alternative realities give a hint that we create our own reality and therefore we create nuanced particles (in Quantum Mechanics parlance, we collapsed the wave function to localize a particle different from what's expected. But this nuanced particle is still very much a part of the probabilistic/superpositioned possibilities of the quantum field).

Blood Supply from Thin Air...Through Prayer
In 1982, Dr. Ruth Coggin, a British physician, was working on Pakistan and saw Kamro, a Pakistani who was 8 months pregnant and bleeding. She was rushed to the emergency ward when the bleeding got profuse. Coggin performed a Caesarian birth but Kamro continued to bleed. She had no blood-clotting ability. When all looked hopeless, Coggin resorted to prayer. The bleeding continued by Kamro's situation stabilized. She soon regained strength and went home with her baby after 10 days. Kamro lost more blood than she had. How was she able to replace all that blood so quickly? Did her new blood come out of thin air? This was the question. Somehow, consciousness (in the form of prayer), was able to manifest new blood - consciousness creating new particles (this is similar to Therese Neumann who loses pints of blood in episodes of stigmata, but that blood loss is replenished miraculously even though she never ate nor took water in 35 years).

Poltergeist 158
Michael Talbot shared a personal experience about a poltergeist who followed him. It was mean when Michael was in a bad mood and it was jolly when Michael was in a good mood. It would even manifest objects from thin air and throw at him. Michael suspects that the poltergeist was a creation of his subconscious, not from external sources. That's is why the actions of the poltergeist mirrored his moods. What he can't explain though was the emergence of something out of thin air.

Sai Baba 160
Sathya Sai BabaIn modern times, Sathya Sai Baba was the most prominent in producing materials from thin air - sacred ash, fruits, food, gold, etc. This was witnessed by thousands and none has proven this to be fake. Frustrated in a conversation about rudraksha where the other person couldn't picture what it was, Sai Baba produced a twin rudraksha from thin air (in the Ranveer podcast with guest Hindu guru and mystic, Sri M, he manifested a rudraksha from thin air and gave it to the host. He said he had agency because he had 'little people' who do things for him. This is not uncommon in the mystic world. In Magic and Mystery in Tibet, Alexandra David-Neal described many such tales in Tibet during the 1920s before Tibet was invaded by China. These paranormal phenomena are only 'special' in the Western world, but in other places such as India, Nepal and Tibet, it's part of the cultural landscape. These cultures already have an explanation for these events but Western science insists on discovering the explanations themselves).

Paramahansa Yogonanda
Paramahansa YogonandaThese miracles have been mentioned by Paramahansa Yogonanda in his book, Autobiography of a Yogi. It is not uncommon for Hindu saints and saddhus to have siddhis to do these supernatural things. Yogonanda claimed that default reality is nothing but objectivized dreams - if your mental resolve is strong enough, your mind can alter reality.

Therese Neumann
Therese NeumannAnother saintly person's miracle was to sustain herself with NO food or water for 35 years. She was carefully scrutinized for weeks and found nothing to fake it. She only went once in 2 weeks to the toilet and her pooh was just mucus and bile, no food. She never lost weight nor became dehydrated.

Not only from humans, sacred statues or icons that have been venerated by thousands of devotees have exhibited tears and blood.

Changing the Whole Picture 163
Most of the miracles cited were in parts. But in Indonesia, Watson witnessed Tia disappeared an entire tree orchard and brought it back, and then caused it to appear-disappear as though the whole orchard was blinking. Other examples were Carlos Castaneda with Don Juan who witnessed a dying spirit turn into a branch. Don Juan said both realities were equally viable - to be a dead spirit or to be a branch (it was like the object was in a quantum state with 2 probabilities - one a dead spirit and the other, a tree branch).

What doe it all Mean? 166
Psychokinesis is one thing, but to materialize something from nowhere? Clearly, if there was no sleight of hand, reality is not rigid - more of a hologram that can be co-created. Reality is a construct of consciousness. We create reality and create the physics that go along with it. If reality is a collective construct, then reality is an aggregation of reality fields, some more stable than others. Perhaps this is the reason why electrons always behave the way they do because they have been around too long, while anomalons were recent discoveries and thus unstable so its properties are also fluid. This could be why aspirin prevents heart attacks among Americans but not British (because Americans have been practicing that much longer than Brits). Ultimately, reality does not seem to have an objective existence - it is consciousness giving rise to reality. Therefore, we can create our own physics and manifest reality from these new laws - levitation, atomization, bilocation, etc.

6. Seeing Holographically

Eye-Brain Auto-fill
Michael Talbot saw a No Parking sign and gazed on it until he realized it was mispelled, "No Parkeng". But since he initially saw it correctly, he suspected that his eye/mind wasn't exactly giving him a true picture of what is out there. The eye-brain connection gave him a doctored version of a reality that he was used to and one that he expected - kinda like Google doing an auto-fill or doing a sentence prediction of what you are writing, based on your historical track record. So, how could the brain give us a different picture of what the eye saw? Because the brain was the Implicate Order and what we saw was the hologram - what our eyes saw was simply raw data that had to be manipulated.

Science claims that what we see is 50% objective and the other 50%, a fill-in-the-blanks of what we expect or our reality field (a subjective interpretation of reality with our bias). Our eyes are visual organs but it's the brain who sees. The image our eyes see is processed many times through several organs in our heads before we 'see' it - what we 'see' could be very different from the image our eyes 'saw'.

Pribram claims that there are many things out there that our brains cannot perceive because they are still in another frequency - our brains can only process certain frequencies and convert that into images that we 'see'. But mystics in an altered state begin to see the other things out there. Their brains are able to expand its frequency range to detect what else is out there. This is like our eyes are expanding its range to see beyond visible light and now can see infra red or ultra violet rays.

Holographically speaking, what the eye sees is processed by the brain - the holographic plate with the encoding. The brain doesn't really see the image but processes the electrical signals of the light and interprets that as the image we see. So, the image we see is not exactly what the eye saw but a brain-generated hologram projected by the brain from the information it has gathered (memories, expectiation, light, past life experience). The brain fills in the blank on what is not essential for us to process or fills in the expected objects if they are incomplete or conflicting, based on established patterns. So what we see (with our brain, not our eyes) is interpreted information that includes illusion, our biase and our perception of the world. The brain is a predictive machinery. What the brain lets us see is the 3D hologram while the brain is the 2D holographic plate. So, the hologram isn't always generated from a universal Implicate Order (unless we consider any holographic plate as an Implicate Order).

Aura: The Human Energy Field 175
human energy field = aura = pranic body
One reality-frequency that is not always visible is the aura or human energy field. This is documented in many cultures with many names - prana, chi, nefish, etc. People of high spiritual attainment have visible auras. Saints in frescoes are depicted with halos around their heads. There are certain people with an ability to see auras other people don't see. Many cultures claim different layers to this aura with names and properties to every layer. They go by names of etheric body, astral body, causal body, etc. Each outer layer is more subtle and harder to see than the denser layer within it. These layers, especially the more subtle ones, go beyond the boundary of the physical body (maybe 8 years ago, Amad, a kalimasada teacher and mystic, tried to feel my aura at close range. He was surprised that he could not feel it. He said his students normally have their auras a meter extending outside the body. He tried to go farther and farther. AT about 20 feet, he said he felt my aura. He was surprised that my aura had that radius).

It can be argued that the aura is the boundary of the human system containing the holographic code - all the information within the human body/soul/emotion, etc. The human body is the hologram manifesting the encoding of the aura. By manipulating the aura, the source code is changed, corresponding to a change in the person's health. The psychics claim that the change in aura precedes the outbreak of the disease. This means that aura is primary and not the other way around. The health of the aura manifests on the body. It is NOT the health of the body that changes the color of the aura - change the aura and you change the body.

Another way to see the relationship between aura and the human body is that the aura is intricately linked to the universal energies. So it serves as a conduit between man and the cosmos. The book wasn't clear on how the aura and body play into the holographic principle - it simply stated that it does. I had to ask ChatGPT how this principle is played out.

In yoga, another energy center are the chakras or spinning wheels of energy lined up along the spine. Michael Talbot sees the Sahasrara chakra as a swirling vortex of energy on the crown of the head, from inches to about a foot tall. When people are joyous, the light burns brighter and taller (in my yoga practice, chakra activation is my focus to awaken dormant energies, especially the Kundalini shakti. With an awakened Kundalini shakti, siddhis (superhuman abilities) are triggered).

Barbara Brennan
Barbara BrennanFormer atmospherics physicist for NASA, Barbara Brennan, realized she had the gift for healing. She could see halo, aura, chakra and energy fields in people and can diagnose their ailment and recommend a cure. She sees the early onslaught of cancer as grayish blue aura, then turns black, then develops white spots on the black. When the white spots behave like erupting volcanoes, the cancer has metastasized. She claims that any sickness begins with the color of the enegetic field. Drugs, alcohol and smoking cause a degradation of the aura's brilliance. She calls it etheric mucus. She also sees how bad prescription drugs or invasive therapies dull the aura. Psychos have a top-heavy aura. Masochists have a course and dense aura, more gray than blue. She claims that illnesses are caused by blockages, sadness and negativity.

As a physicist, Brennan explains her abilities scientifically. She agrees with Pribram that reality has certain frequencies the brain can and cannot receive. She claims that healing auras are from frequencies that are all around us - they don't have to be transmitted, only accessed.

Carol Dryer: The Energy Field of the Human Psyche 179
Carol DryerCarol Dryer is an LA-based "human energy field consultant" could clearly see the human aura even as a child. She works as a psychic and has celebrities, politicians, scientists, lawyers and big-name people as clients. She hardly sees the physical body unless there was trauma. The energetic field super imposes itself on the being. She doesn't see layers (etheric, pranic, causal) but instead as energetic movement with varying patterns, textures and intensities. The more complex the person, the more complex the energy field. No energy fields are the same - they are as unique as fingerprints. She diagnoses clients by looking at aura, chakras and the mind. It's a total intellectual, emotional, and spiritual report she gives out.

Shafica Karagulla: Doctors Who See the Human Energy Field 181
Shafica KaragullaNot all believers of the human energy shield are mystics. Some are doctors who are closet psychics. Some out of the closet. Shafica Karagulla is a Lebanese neurologist and psychiatrist who trained with the best minds in America. She started off as a skeptic but became a believer when she encountered people who could see auras and make accurate medical diagnoses. She tried to find out who in the medical field has such abilities. Of course, even those doctors who had such powers didn't come out of the closet for fear of ridicule. She persisted and prevailed. More of them came out (surgeons, professors, medical administrators, specialists) and were surprised that they were not alone. They saw energy fields, wave frequencies, energy vortices along the spine (these are chakras but they didn't know yoga nor had the word for it). Since so many of them reported the same phenomena, Karagulla concluded that it must be real. Karagulla describes these encounters in her book, Breakthrough Through Creativity (perhaps it is no surprise that these people end up as doctors and healers because their inherent gifts steer them towards that career).

Dolores Krieger
Krieger was a nurse who immersed herself in the study of aura, chakra and how to unblock the human energy field to heal patients. She learned from Oscar Bstebany and Dora Kunz, all well-known clairvoyant healers. She taught this to nurses and gained success. She continued teaching this method, calling it "therapeutic touch" - the word chakra would be unacceptable to the establishment.

W. Brugh Joy
Joy was a heart and lung specialist who took interest in the human energy field when he began to feel it with his hands. He didn't know that he was dealing with chakras. He described the Manipuraka chakra as a feeling of warm cloud beginning from the solar plexus and extending 4 feet out of the body shaped like a 4-inch cylinder. He later discovered other chakras in the body. He claims that everyone has this inherent ability but concealed due to mental condition by society. It can be accessed during altered states when the mind is able to tune-in to this frequency. He taught his methods and the famed director Michael Crichton was one of his students.

Chaos Holographic Patterns 184
Since humans are electromagnetic beings, some medical experts tried to detect the presence of the pranic body experimentally using a sensing device used to measure electromagneticism in the muscle - EMG, electromyography (similar to EEG and EKG).

Valerie Hunt
Valerie Hunt, professor of Kinesiology, measured subtle energetic impulses coming from the chakras - beyond the normal human range. Brain frequency ranges from 0-30 cps (cycles per second), muscle up to 225 cps and heart up to 250. Human frequency usually tops at 250. But Hunt was measuring up to 1600 cps on the chakras, although subtle. She learned that aura color has a particular frequency range - and this frequency range can be viewed using an oscilloscope. When an aura reader sees the color blue, Hunt sees that color as a frequency pattern on the oscilloscope - thus, an oscilloscope can give readings on a person's aura. But the patterns keep fluctuating - it's never static. She realized that these electromagnetic impulses are all over the body - the heart frequency can be measured on the toe (although not as strong). Hunt learned that aura reflects a person's play in life. Someone who is attached to the material world displays around 250 cps but a psychic with healing abilites can go from 400-800. However, those who can go into a trance and be a medium (conduits of information), bypass the 'psychic range' and stay around 800-900 cps. Above 900 are the mystics who know what to do with the information (they are not just conduits), who interconnect with the web of human experience, and who have a deep understanding of life, can have readings up to 200,000 cps. Literally, they vibrate at a higher frequency.

Hunt also discovered the science of chaos - random events that don't seem to follow a predictable pattern like waterfall splashing, glass breaking when it hits the floor. Science has already found order in what might seem chaotic. They were able to mathematically convert this chaos into a shape on the computer screen. If there are no hidden patterns, a straight line will emerge. However, with hidden patterns on the data, the computer screen will show 'chaos patterns'. Frequency patterns on an oscilloscope kept fluctuating like random chaos. But Hunt intuitively felt there was order in that chaos. She hired a mathematician to run the data. From an EKG and EEG, there were only straight lines. On the EMG there was a slight swell but nothing meaningful. But when they ran the math on very high frquencies, dynamic ever-changing chaos patterns emerged. So, even though the patterns appeared random and chaotic at the apparent level, there was an underlining richness and order to it at the deeper realm. Hunt also concluded that the human energy field has far mor information and more intricately organized than the electrical signals coming from the brain.

chaos patterns
Chaos patterns

What Is the Human Energy Field Made Of? 188
Hunt suspects that the human energy field is not just electromagneticism - there has to be something more to it (but nobody knows). Psychics claim that the vibrational energy is much higher than matter-energy. Mystics in India say there is an energy outside the atom. Bohm claims that the Implicate Order has many subtle energies not yet perceived or accessed. Bohm adds that this is nothing new. The human energy field is no more mysterious than electromagneticism or grativity. We discover those forces without knowing what they are, but it is given a name and its behavior is studied and quantified by math, but the reality is, we still don't know what it is.

Three-Dimensional Images in the Aura 188
Sometimes, an aura can generate an extension resembling a 3D object - potato, clay, silver. Usually it reflects what's on the mind or preoccupation of the observed.

Movies in the Aura 190
Auras aren't always 2D or static. Sometimes, they appear as 3D animated movies about the person observed - what they were doing, how their place looks like, etc. Sometimes the movies are rich in detail - how many plants in the room, how many leaves on the plant, etc. Sometimes, this movie expands so the observer can walk inside the movie. Sometimes, the movie is about what's going on in the subconcious which is metaphoric and symbolic. Through psychics, the subconscious seems to be reaching out to the conscious on how it can better evolve itself. Psychics know that there is a tremendous amount of information packed in the human energy field - that's why chaos patterns emerge.

Holographic Body Assessment 193
The aura not only represents but contain all information about the person including his history. Ronald Wong Jue, clairvoyant and clinical psychologist, diagnoses a patient by scanning his hands on the patient's body and seeing in his mind's eye, the emotional scars, issues and relationship patterns. This information facilitates the healing process.

X-Ray Vision 193
Some psychics see through a person's body not unlike having X-ray vision. One such was Diane, who diagnosed someone accurately without the symptom of the disease. Brennan can see the microscopic details of a body - viruses, blood cells, etc. Dryer even detected Talbot's spleen feeling sullen and confused after being berated by Talbot. Talbot verified his action. This episode suggests body organs have their own intelligence - they are not just passive organs receiving instructions from the brain.

Internal Vision and Shamanism 196
In shamanic cultures, inner vision (aka 'strong eye', 'seeing with the heart') is essential because they have to see the inside of the human body to heal. Sometimes, they drink Ayahuasca to trigger this ability. This underscores the notion that the body is an energetic construct and not a solid physicality, allowing some people to see through it.

The Energy Field as Cosmic Blueprint 196
Because diseases are seen first in the aura of a person even months before the physical symptoms appear, points out that the aura is primary and the human body is the holographic construct of the codes within the aura (the body's Implicate Order). Thus, by healing the aura before the physical symptoms appear, the sickness is altgether prevented from even manifesting. Everything begins with the mind. If the mind thinks of cancer, this image is passed on to the human energy field (aura). The aura then feeds in this images to architecture what is fed to it, namely cancer. If the mind continues to think cancer (maybe a dreaded fear of it), then this thought continues to solidify as a blueprint in the human energy field. At some point, the blueprint is done, and the aura beams this cancer as a hologram to the human body. This can work 2-ways - the mind can cure and the mind can cause the illness. This explains how the mind can cause stigmata and biological changes in multiples. This explains why prayer works, why meditation works - the mind is key. The more powerful the thought is, like during emergency, meditation or altered state, the more creative power it has to manifest a physical reality - even miracles (the mind responds to a person's energetic vibration, not the person's needs, wants or cravings. If the person is consumed by fear for not having money, the IO reacts on the fear, not on the need for money. Thus, gasoline is poured on the fear to amplify it. Careful what you think/ ultimately manifest it).

A Participatory Reality 199
Our cultural background, life experience and belief system may actually cause the aura to take such form and shape - layers or smooth and ebbing waves, or 3D movies, or wavy colors, etc. This explains why psychics see these human evergy fields differently. This also explains why different religious orders and different races see divinity-manifests having a form similar to them.

Mind and the Human Energy Field 200
Which is primal between the mind and the aura? If the brain, being the grossest body, gives rise to the mind, then how can the mind project its thoughts to influence the aura, when aura is more subtle? But if mind is outside the brain, then it can easily be explained that the autonomous mind influences the aura and the aura architectures the body. It still boils down to mind - not as part of the brain but an independent entity on its own taking residency in the Implicate Order. Many experiments have proven that the mind (registering its input on the aura) is much faster than the thought of the brain, giving rise to the notion that the mind cannot reside in the brain - the mind decides, projects to the aura, and the aura projects to the brain. This suggests that in priority sequence on which is more primal: Mind > Aura > Body. Mind influences the aura and the aura ultimately manifests on the body.


7. Time Out of Mind 203

"The home of the mind, as of all things, is the Implicate Order. At this level, there is no linear time. At the implicate domain, moments are not strung together serially like beads on a string."
-- Larry Dossey
Recovering the Soul

Bohm suggests that in the Holographic Universe model, it is not only the solidiy of the human body being a holographic illusion, but also time. Time is not linear according to human experience.

Archeology and Psychics
Stefan Ossowiecki, a Russian-born Pole was a gifted clairvoyant who would put an object on his hand, concentrate, and lose himself in a scene from the past - the era, time, culture, surrounding area, costumes, etc.

Another Canadian psychic, George McMullen, would walk around an archeological site until he found his precise bearings, and transport himself back in time, describing the tribal people who lived there, and what life was like.

Indeed, so many archaeological finds were done with the help of psychics.

The Past as a Hologram 206
If a psychic can access the past, then the past is not lost. The past is simply enfolded back to the Implicate Order to make way for the present. As such, the past is retrievable from the Implicate Order. If the human mind does not reside in the brain and resides in the Implicate Order, then the mind and the past are interconnected with each other in the Implicate Order. So, it doesn't take much to access the past. This also means our past is not lost. It can be accessed by the mind. This also means that the past is non-local - you don't have to be at the exact place to access what happened there. You can be halfway around the world. It is uncanny that psychics who could see into the past can also see human energy fields.

Phantoms from the Past 208
Hauntings may also be explained the same way. Someone died in the past but their imprint remains on the premises, and is perceived by those who have the gift. The greater the emotional content of the event (murder, war, torture), the greater its imprint in the Implicate Order. But not all imprints are human. Any event in the past is recorded and enfolded back to the Implicate Order for retrieval.

The Holographic Future 211
If time is not linear and the past and future both exist with the present, then the future must also be in the Implicate Order and accessible. This has been proven many times when people were able to predict things before they happened.

Hololeaps of Faith 216
Predicting the future raises important questions. Do we have free will? Events point out that the future is deterministic but not absolute. People who saw the future were able to take steps to avoid it. It seems like the broad strokes are deterministic but not the details. So, the future has happened and at the same time can be changed? Dr. David Loye, clinical psychologist, offers the 'Many Worlds' theory to explain. But it's more like leaping from one hologram to another, thus a Hololeap. Bohm explains it that the premonition is not the future but an Implicate vision of what could be the future. The future happens when it happens, factoring in whatever measures the clairvoyant used to avoid disaster. In short, the future is substantive enough to be perceived in the present, but malleable enough to accommodate changes. Ingo Swann, the famous psychic of the SRI, stated that the future is a crystallizing set of possibilities, with important events (like war, having crystallized much early on and thus can no longer be changed).

The Shadowy Stuff of the Soul 218
Dr. Joel Whitton, professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto, was using hypnosis to determine reincarnation. He experimented with 30 people from all walks of life. Unanimously, all stated they lived many previous lives and that the purpose of life was to learn and evolve. While under hypnosis, some gave accurate details of their lives, speaking in dead languages or having a foreign accent. Those who talked about trauma were healed from it. When Whitton asked them to describe being in-between lives, all talked about a heightened sense of awareness and absolute honesty - there was no rationalization or clever thinking. They said it was a moment when they deliberated on what their next life should be and what they needed to accomplish. Some chose to be reunited with a loved one, some chose to make amends for their wrongdoings and some chose a life of affliction. It's intriguing to note that some chose the tragedy they went through, consciously, to shed the guilt or for atonement. It appears that our consciousness steers our current lives to fulfill what we planned for during the in-between lives.

Dr. Ian Stevenson, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Virginia Medical School, talked to children aged 2-4 about past lives. Children that age seem to remember their past lives in detail. Some of them were taken to the place they said they lived, and then navigated the streets and pointed out details of the neighborhood. Stevenson discovered that personalities are carried forward from past life to the next even though material wealth varies greatly. A criminal in a past life continues to have criminal behavior in their current life. A kind person from the past continues to be kind in the current life. He claims that no one is born to suffer karma from previous lives (contrary to the popular Hindu notion of 'punishment' for a bad life). The current life is a well-deliberated and honestly architectured life chosen by the person. Physical appearances were affected - Caucasians in a previous life came out with fairer skin than their siblings. Scars and deformities are also carried forward. Stevenson explains that there must be an intermediate 'body' between lives where the next physical body takes shape and form.

Thought as Builder 225
Consciousness transcends time and even architectures the future life - this is common in many cultures. Our thoughts, fear, joy, guilt and aspiration do not die with us - they are carried forward to the next life (this is more so according to Vipassana tradition. If you died with anger and hate or misery, you come to the next life with that tethered to you).

Visualization to affect our destiny is common in many cultures and religious practices. The Tantric Tibetan yogis spend years in isolation to mentality focus their minds on a vision. The Persian Sufis visualize the heart chakra, as the catalyst for such changes. Edgar Cayce considers thought as tangible and akin to subtle matter. He claims that our thoughts are the architects of our destiny and that our here and now were shaped by thoughts. Paramahansa Yogananda advised his followers to visualize the future they wanted with intense concentration to manifest. Even Buddha claimed that we are what we think (again, the mind is primal and foundational. Everything else follows after that).

Last Pieces of Evidence 229
Three pieces of evidence that consciousness transcends time in the Holographic Universe.

  1. Mass Dreams of the Future
    Psychologist and past-life researcher, Dr. Helen Wambach, progressed 2500 people to future lives. All were unanimous that they were in a post-apocalyptic earth with much lesser population. The earth seemed ravaged by a nuclear war. Some didn't even have bodies perhaps due to the decrease in population. There were essentially 4 worlds.

    a. Space habitation - people lived joyless and sterile lives in space with space suits eating synthetic food

    b. New agers - they lived happily and harmoniously in a utopian greenery stilled in spirituality

    c. Hi-Tech urbanites - they sought refuge deep in the earth or domed cities and used technology for their survival. It was a mechanical society

    d. Subsistent hunters/gatherers - earth-dwellers who subsisted on primitive hunting and gathering, wearing stitched fur. They lived in ravaged cities, caves and isolated farms (kinda like a scene from a zombie movie).

    This suggests that there are 4 possible futures. How we think decides which world we live in.
  2. Changing the Past
    Experiments have been made drawing the conclusion that the mind can change the past. A pre-recorded tape was given to a subject which contained tones in low and high pitches, with more low pitches. The subject was supposed to visualize that there would be more parts with a high pitch than a low pitch. After doing the meditation and visualization, results showed the tape to playback more high pitches. The notion that the mind can psychokinetically alter events in the past can be disturbing...especially given the butterfly effect where a small change in the past can have radical changes in the future (a more mind-blowing example is the variation of the double-slit experiment known as the Delayed-choice quantum eraser experiment. When it was already known that a photon behaves like particles when measured, the experimenters set up a 'trap' to measure the object after it went through the double-slit - which means it would have already decided if it was going to be a wave or a particle. But the result yielded as if the photo knew if it was going to be measured or not. For this to happen, it means that the quantum object went back in time and adjusted itself to appear either a band or interference pattern.). But in the Holographic Universe, time is not linear and reality is just an image existing in our minds.
  3. Delayed-choice quantum eraser experiment
    Delayed-choice quantum eraser experiment

  4. A Walk through the Garden of Time 232
    This is the bombshell! On August 10, 1901, two Oxford professors, Anne Moberly, the principal of St. Hugh's College, Oxford, and Eleanor Jourdain, the vice principal, were walking through the garden in Versailles. As if there was a change in a movie scene, their surroundings completely transformed to the time when the Tuileries were sacked and the Swiss Guards were massacred. They were guided by an angry man who led them to an enclave where they saw a lady water coloring. She was Marie Antoinette. Just as the scene changed to that time, the scene reverted to their current time. Since it was 2 credentialed witnesses who corroborated each other, it was believable. What makes this episode fascinating is that they didn't only see the past, they lived the past.

The above only underscores how little we understand time. But it points out that the past is not lost. It is embedded back to the Implicate Order where one can stumble upon its hologram.

8. Traveling in the Superhologram 235

To gain access to the IO, one must first transcend the physical confines of the human body otherwise, it's just a conceptual thinking...not an experience. Time is an illusion but so is Space in a Holographic Universe. But a non-space concept is harder to grasp because it's not part of the human experience. But Consciousness is neither bound by time nor space.

An out of body experience is prevalent in nearly all cultures. It is a part of the archetypal human experience. An OBE is one where the mind floats above the body and drifts, unconfined by space...or even time. OBE usually occurs during sleep, meditation and illness. There seems no special qualification to having an OBE - just about anyone can have one. OBEs are usually spontaneous, but others can do it at will. One such was Robert Monroe who even developed the Gateway Process to OBE. This was used by the CIA to train its psychic spies. Monroe documented his findings - that he can go through walls, instantaneously transport himself to a different place and not be observed by the people he was visiting. He also encountered other disembodied bodies while on OBE.

OBEs as a Holographic Phenomenon 239
If our thinking is done by our brain, then how come we can still think when we are out of our bodies? Where is the thinking coming from? This can be explained by the Holographic Universe. In a Holographic Universe, everything, including consciousness, is non-local. It doesn't have to be inside the brain. Thus, we can think from the moon or any other place our mind travels to. A simpler way to explain this is by way of a dream. When you dream, your consciousness is in the person you play. But it is also in every character in the dream because you know what they are thinking. In fact, the whole dream is non-local because it doesn't exist in reality. Without the physical body, the true form of consciousness is simply vibrational frequency. Our thinking patterns give us our adhoc form while on OBE. While on OBE, people describe the surroundings with a few inaccuracies - wrong furniture, wrong color, etc. This is explained that in OBE our senses are totally new and we don't have the prpficiency yet to pin things down to pat. Our self-limiting beliefs also hamper our OBE experience. We think we can only see forward because of our eyes. But in OBE, there are no eyes, so we can actually see 360 degrees. There were reports stating that some people see objects not with their eyes but with their finger, ear lobes, etc.

OBE: past, present or future?
Another holographic effect of OBE is the confusion of time. A 'traveler' might describe things that are not there but would be there at a later time. Or the reverse - a traveler might describe an offsite place and talk about installations not there. But with research, it is found that those installations were there 50 years ago. This happened with remote viewers with SRI. It seems time drifts and it is not clear when the OBE traveler is - past, present or future? OBE travelers to the future sometimes sense themselves in that place at that point in the future...if he happens to be there too.

The Near-Death Experience 245
NDE is an experience when the person dies and goes to the afterlife...and then comes back to life and tells the tale of what it's like on the 'other side'. NDE is a human archetypal experience that has been mentioned in scriptures of many religions in many cultures - Tibetan Book of the Dead, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Book X of Plato's The Republic, etc. NDE is not corelated to any demographics - it can occur to anyone. NDE has the same narrative - man dies, floats over his body, sees what's going on, then travels through a tunnel, come out to a bright light but doesn't hurt the eye, greeted by recently deceased friends and relatives, finds himself in an idyll place better than any he experienced on earth, feels no fear or sadness, overwhelmed by joy, love and peace. He meets a compassionate being of life who lets him examine his entire life. He is enamored by this greater reality that he decides not to come back. But the being of life tells him it's not yet his time. He returns back to his body, resuscitated back and resumes his life, a changed man. Was this all a hallucination or a visit to a totally different level of reality? Apparently not. NDEers recount details when they were supposed to be sedated or already 'dead'. Even blind NDEers described light and colors in detail. 2 NDEers who knew each other passed by each other - one towards the light and the other coming back. They were both sent back and then compared notes. Also, their EEGs were already flat. If they were just hallucinating, the EEG would have recorded some activity. While NDE researchers feel the truth of NDE, they don't make it official or run the risk of ridicule by the scientific community who have no background in such research. There is a current stigma to any scientist who maintains the existence of a spiritual reallity.

A Holographic Explanation of the Near-Death Experience 250
The overall feeling within an OBE is being in a world of frequencies and vibrations instead of appearance and solidity, signifying a shift in reality from dense to subtle. During an NDE, location is meaningless and there is no space or time. The structure seen during an NDE is simply consciousness translating those frequencies into a world of appearances - an interaction of thought structures. Like thought-forms creating its interference pattern to create the hologram structure.

Heaven as Hologram 252
Our form during NDE is purely a mental construct. One guy felt like a jelly, then formed himself to be a man...but naked. Noting the presence of women, he quickly donned 'clothes' in his form. PWD as NDEers find themselves dancing and running all over. Old peple see themselves as young again. During an in-between life for an NDEer, their form is just an undifferentiated cloud among other clouds. But when he began to think about it, he instantly assumed his old form. Some don't have form but assume a sound & color. Color and sound are experiential during NDE. Others see 360 degrees.

Instantaneous Knowledge 254
During the life review in an NDE, the entire life seemed like a wrap-around, 3-dimensional play in a hologram - like being inside a movie of your life in complete sensory detail. They re-experience all the joys, sorrow, happiness and fear of it all. They felt the pain their victims felt. Thoughtless acts are highlighted, the should-have dones. Every thought was there. It was a comprehensive review. It was a fast process, but every detail was caught and analyzed.

2 Judgements of the Light Beings
This life review is very similar to most religion with one exception: the life form was never judgemental. They were pure compassion and acceptance. The only judgement comes from the NDEers themselves. But they have 2 benchmarks:

  1. Love - their message was love. Existence as a human was to exercise unconditional love. To love, to forgive. That was their message.
  2. Knowledge - when they are asked to return, it is to return and gain knowledge for self growth and knowledge to help others. Knowledge can be taken with even after death. It is the true wealth. If you ask a question, an answer is instantaneously given...any question. Some didn't even ask any question. They were just given all knowledge spanning all of time - in one dumping. But they forget all that when they return.

Life Plans and Parallel Time Tracks 259
NDEers noted that our lives are planned ahead of time and we go along this plan. Evidence of this is the life form's message, "It is not yet time". So, there has always been a plan. Some are given a choice to go on or return. Some whose time has come are allowed to come back. Some are given a glimpse of their future if they come back. One NDEer was shown a different version of earth had this 'something' didn't happen 3000 years ago. This suggests multiple futures for earth. Others realize that we are all part of one big universe...we are all connected. We cannot hurt anyone without hurting ourselves. Love is all we need.

You Can Eat but You Don't Have To 261
During NDE, if one wants food, food appears. But there is no need to eat. In the divine states, other entities could appear symbolic like half human half animal, depending on what animal trait this person exemplifies. Even in our default existence, we have access to NDE-reach but it takes more work and time to materialize...we have to do breathwork, mantra chanting, visualizations, etc. But others like saints and sages with activated Siddhis are able to do those things at will.

Information about the Near-Death Realm from Other Sources 262
OBE can also obtain NDE experiences according to Monroe. One such was Swedenborg who would go to the heavens and talk to its entities. He explained the usual NDE experience...going through a dark tunnel, brilliant light, feeling of bliss and love, a light form, life review, etc. Above that, he added that a life review was recorded by angels on the person's nervous system - thus we carry with us all information about ourselves. we just need to access it. He described us as being connected at the deeper layer of reality. He described default reality as a wave substance and not objective reality. Heaven is a more fundamental layer of reality (Bohm's Implicate Order).

The Land of Nonwhere 265
There is also a Persian Sufi, who like Swedenborg, traversed the 'land where spirits dwell' - a realm of many teachers. This was a plane of existence created by the imagination of many people. Still, it was a world unto its own with cities, mountains and forests. The Sufis subsribe to the Holographic Universe but uses different words...that the spiritual world is fundamental giving rise to the physical world (Bohm's version being the Implicate Order giving rise to a hologram called default reality).

Other notions of the NDE or OBE is that you're not traveling - it's all in the mind since everything is perception anyway. The subtler realms of reality only takes a shift in consciousness. As one child put it, death is like walking into your mind.

Sri Yukteshwar Giri: Intelligent and Coordinated Images of Light 267
Sri Yukteshwar Giri, guru of Paramahansa Yogonanda, oscillated between the afterlife world, the default world and other worlds. He described the afterlife world as infinitely larger and more beautiful than the default world. It was a world vibrating with light and color. Denizens of this world can see with any part of their body (not just eyes) and can assume any form they want, materialize any food they want (although there was no need to eat) and immerse themselves in the nectar of new knowledge. They communicated telepathatically, and spread equal love to all their friends, loved ones and family from all their past lives (when I lived in Siquijor, land of the enchanted, I met a man who claimed to travel between this world and 'there'. He has a son 'there' from a grilfriend who already died in this world. He claims that the food is much better there and everything is much nicer. Compared to 'there', our best place here would be a ghetto). Giri states that the body is just an illusion and that we are 'intelligent and coordinated images of light'.

Sri Aurobindo Ghose: More References to Light 269
Sri Aurobindo Ghose was an Indian thinker, political activist and mystic. He was a child prodigy who received British education. He spoke many languages including ancient Sanscrit, French, German and Russian. He read volumes of books and could recite the books verbatim. When his brother was healed by a yogi, he dove deep into yoga and soon achieved Siddhi where he could explore the other planes of consciousness. His initial challenge was to silence the monkey mind. It took him a few years before he reached the realm beyond space and time full of multi-colored frequencies and vibrations, and meeting advanced non-humans whose consciousness makes us look like children. He experienced the same things Giri experienced. These beings' true form is just pure vibration, but manifest themselves in related forms to whoever they interact with (a Christian saint to a Christian, a monk to a Buddhist). Learning in this state comes in a bundled-wholesale bulk and not piece meal. Aurobindo's assertions closely mirrors Bohm's and Pribram's - humans are blocked by a veil but once you go beyond, you discover a reality with different intensities of luminous vibrations. Consciousness is vibration and all matter is conscious. Separation is an illusion and in the substrate of reality, oneness is foundational where joy, love and harmony is default. As one goes down from the subtle realms (heaven) to lower realms (default reality), the wholeness becomes more and more fragmented and separated.

Survival in Infinity 271
If true reality is pure vibration, then what is default reality? Aurobindo says it's nothing more than stable light. NDEers' claim of true reality is consistent with what the mystics have been saying. As alien and abstract it may seem to us, it is mundane and ordinary to 'primitive people'. Shamanic cultures have Shamans who come and go between default reality and the different planes of the afterlife - with more ease than the Westerners because this narrative is part of their day to day culture unlike the West. There, they talk to the dead and carry knowledge on their way back. In that realm, there is no space, no time and no human-construct of boundaries...only infinities.

It would seem that the charming folklore of shaminic tribes we dismiss as naive mythology is an actual description of the ethereal planes (the subtler layers of reality) existing beyond our gross reality.

An Undeniable Spiritual Radiance 274
When these NDEers return, they are transformed. If they come from a Shamanic tribe, they ultimately become the next shaman. Often, they are happier, easier on themselves, and less concerned about material wealth. Notably, their capacity for love is amplified. Introverts become extroverts. Aloof husbands become warm and affectionate. Workoholics spend more time with family. They become spiritually inclined. They can clearly differentiate religion from spirituality. They become more open to things unfamiliar to them like reading books, esoteric ideas, science, etc. They also develop a modicum of psychic abilities - telepathy, healing, remembering the future. Increasingly, Bohm's Implicate Order is nothing else but Consciousness itself.

Who Are the Beings of Light? 277
Who are these beings inhabiting this higher dimension? What is their world and culture like? According to the NDEers, these are people who no longer reincarnate - arahants? Monroe, a veteran of several voyages, has no idea except to say that these entities exude such warmth and friendliness that they instill trust. They read our thoughts and all knowledge in the universe is known to them. These beings are older, wiser and benevelent to humans.

They live brilliantly lunimous celestial cities - but not much is known about them. Everyone who has seen them are consistent in describing the details. These cities have a staggeringly beautiful architectural design, not existing in the default world - human words cannot describe them. They have schools, libraries and buildings associated with learning and knowledge. Learning seems to be BIG in this realm.

The Omnijective Universe 280
These fluid-like ephemeral beings are not ony found in the afterlife, but also here in default reality. The Virgin Mary has many documented apparitions. UFOs also seem to exhibit holographic features - not extra terrestrials from outer space but a projection of a collective subconscious whose emotions ran fever-pitch.

Dr. Peter M. Rojcewicz, a folklorist, believes that the UFO phenomena are simply a byproduct of the collective subconscious - it's not really real but an interplay between reality and imagination materializing from the Implicate Order - not unlike the Marian apparitions (this book was written in 1991, but since then, there has been substantive development in the UFO scene - the Pentagon already went public in disclosing UAP that is not 'ours'. There are also public hearings now where whistle blowers can come forward without repercussion. UAPs have been tracked on radar, on eyes and jet instruments to suggest they are real and not imaginary).

9. Return to the Dreamtime 292

Cycling the Flow from Implicate Order to Explicate Order, Back to Implicate Order
Where does the Holographic Universe go from here? Where did it even come from? Bohm's 2 orders - Implicate Order and Explicate Order are not his originals. Many cultures in the past have already viewed this reality as holographic in nature.

Tibetan Buddhists see these 2 versions of reality as the Void and Non-Void - Void continuously feeding the Non-Void its contents, albeit an illusion. Milarepa claims that we cannot sense the Void because our perception has been too conditioned with all its illusions.

Zen Buddhists talk about the ultimate nondivisible reality (there is no separation) which can be realized not by intellectual thinking but by non-conceptual experience.

The Hindus aslo talk about the one reality they call Brahman from which everything spills out of. They claim that objective reality (maya) is created by consciousness (and not the other way around). Default reality is a 2nd-generation reality created by consciousness. But this 2nd-generation reality is still part of the one universe because there is no separation.

According to Kabbalistic tradition, this default creation is just a projection of God - and thus is not the absolute reality.

Consciousness is at the heart and center of this Implicate Order or foundational substrate. The flow-through of the Implicate Order creates the Explicate Order but it also flows back to the Implicate Order as a cycle. By controlling consciousness, we control the Implicate Order and everything that comes out of it - Siddhis, miracles, shift in biology, brainwave and voice print, etc.

The Candle and the Laser 295
Holographic Universe is non-local since the smallest aspect of the Implicate Order represents the entire whole - as above, so below. The Macrocosm is also the same as the Microcosm. In charting the trading of stocks, the same graph shows whether it's the 30-day cycle or the 1-min cycle. Wherever you are feels like ground-zero to existence - that consciousness is the hub. Analogy is the round earth, but anywhere you are, you feel that you are on top and the rest curves down to make the round earth.

The Future of the Holographic Idea 297
How does the Holographic Universe idea evolve from here? Here are the possibilities:

  1. Holophonic sound by Hugo Zuccarelli 297 - in the same way the eyes can be fooled by seeing a 3D hologram, the ears can also be fooled by hearing 3D sound. Zuccarelli was able to invent such technology. It goes beyond stereophonic channel separation. It feels real as in people step aside with the sound of someone walking towards them. The full understanding of this technique remains Zuccarelli's secret.
  2. listen with headphone in a completely dark room with eyes closed
  3. Solving puzzles in chemistry 298 - Chemist Ilya Pregogine tried solving chemistry's puzzle with the Holographic Universe idea. Thermodynamics dictate that everything moves towards entrophy - a state of disorder, disintegration, decay. But Ilya noticed that some chemical mixes result in more order, not chaos. Ilya explains that new complexities arise out of the Implicate Order (huh?)
  4. New kinds of computers 299 - the old thinking is that a computer becomes more powerful as it gets bigger memory and faster CPU. But there are tests to make many smaller computers strung together like neurons on a human brain. Perhaps their vibratory frequencies create an interference pattern giving rise to a holographic faster computer (this idea may have been novel in the 90s, but Google has already come up with a 105 qubit quantum computer that renders the clustered small computers obsolete. However, the speed at which the quantum computer solved a very complex mathematical problem suggests that perhaps all its versions in the multiverse aggregated their computational power. Afterall, it's supposed to be non-local).

The Need for a Basic Restructuring of Science 300
Science needs to restructure itself to accommodate anomalous events - in order to come up with the Theory of Everything. How? It can start by seriously looking into psychic and spiritual phenomena and reincarnation. Although very few come out in the open to admit their belief, there is a silent majority who believe but remain quiet for fear of ridicule (I won't be surprised if they already have critical mass and not know it. It's like voters who favor the right candidate but won't vote for him because 'he has no chance of winning'. For all they care, they could already be the majority).

Another step science can take is broaden the definition of 'scientific evidence' - not all can be experimented in a lab with objective rigor. This should be approached more with participation by the experimenter (Science shuns OBE and remote viewing but the CIA declassified documents saying they had been using this to train their psychic spies since the 1970s). Vast number of people across all cultures have reported the same psychic experience (NDEers going through a tunnel) - does this not account for evidence? But all scientists subscribe to the graviton, a predicted particle that has never been detected, seen or measured!

An Evolutionary Thrust toward Higher Consciousness 304
With NDE increasing in frequency, there seems to be a thrust towards higher conciousness - perhaps part of an evolutionary process for humankind. Ancient cultures (and Edgar Cayce) claim that humans were more spirit and fluid in the very distant past and have become more gross through the ages. But it will cycle back (this is echoed by the Yuga of yoga claiming that time is a cycle that loops. There was a time in Satya Yuga where man was almost divinity. Now, we are in Kali Yuga, the most degenerative of them all show casing the lowest form of humanity. But with time, we cycle back to Satya Yuga). But with knowledge of the Holographic Universe, we can accelerate this process of accessing the substrate and co-create reality. Or put another way, we can more readily find our way back home to the Implicate Order - like a drop of water finding its way back into the ocean. As we access the higher plane, we realize there are higher planes to reach, each step demanding higher evolution.

End of Book

Pressing Questions

Holographic Universe vs Simulation Hypothesis

For the longest time, I had been using both terms interchangeably thinking they were one and the same. Wrong! With A.I., I got clarity.

Both frameworks are similar in stating that reality as we know it has no objective existence. But they differ in explaining this. During the time of Bohm, the Holographic Universe was a philosophical and metaphysical interpretation of reality based on science.

In the 20th century during the time of Juan Maldecena and Leonard Susskind, the holographic model got a new spin - Holographic Principle which was different from Bohm's. This is about high-energy physics fortified with mathematical rigor. It continues to be based on theoretical physics and cosmology in saying reality is a holographic projection of a 2D source. It explains the structure of the universe but it does not include the paranormal, consciousness or reincarnation.

Simulation Hypothesis is more philosophical in arguing that reality is a computation program, much like a video game. Elon Musk even asked the question, "What lies beyond the simulation?" Its probabilistic outlook states that if our civilization can simulate a reality so real we cannot differentiate real from created (Elon's NeuraLink is headed there, implanted simulated memory, immersive VR environment, Brain-Computer Interface [BCI]), then we must be living in one as well (The Matrix and dreaming are good examples). It does not explain the structure of the universe but questions reality itself.

How to Access the Hidden Universe (Implicate Order)?

In the Holographic Universe model, the Implicate Order is the hidden universe that contains everything there is across time, space and dimension. How do we tap into it? Another way of asking is, "We are in the 3D space of the Holographic Universe. How do we hack into the 2D source code?"

Accessing the Implicate Order, as described by David Bohm, involves transcending the limitations of ordinary perception/thought to connect with the deeper, interconnected reality that underlies all existence. While the Implicate Order isn't a "place" to be visited, its insights can be accessed through methods and practices that align consciousness with this deeper reality. ChatGPT proposes some ways this can be approached:

  1. LSD
    How It Works:
    LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is known for its ability to dissolve the boundaries of ordinary perception and ego, allowing users to experience states of consciousness that feel deeply interconnected, timeless, and transcendent.

    Users often report experiencing visual patterns, synesthesia (eg time has shape, letters have colors, etc.), and insights that seem to reveal a deeper, underlying order in reality. These states resonate with the holographic principle, where everything is seen as interconnected and the distinction between "self" and "other" fades.

    Why LSD May Align with the Holographic Universe Model Dissolution of Ego:
    Bohm emphasized that the ego creates fragmentation in perception. LSD dissolves the egoic boundaries, potentially revealing the interconnected wholeness of the Implicate Order.

    Access to Non-Local Information:
    Many report encountering profound insights or universal truths during LSD experiences, aligning with the idea that the Implicate Order contains the enfolded potential of the universe. This may feel like glimpsing the deeper "code" behind reality.

    Perception of Fractal Patterns:
    LSD often induces visual experiences of fractals and recursive patterns, which mirror the holographic nature of the universe where every part reflects the whole.

    Altered Sense of Time and Space:
    Time is perceived as fluid or non-linear under LSD, echoing Bohm's idea that the Implicate Order is not bound by conventional notions of time and space.

    Cautions and Considerations
    Interpretation: While these experiences can feel profoundly meaningful, interpreting them as direct access to the Implicate Order is subjective. They may also reflect the brain's altered neural dynamics rather than an external reality.

    Preparation and Integration: Accessing such states requires a safe, intentional approach, as they can be overwhelming without proper context or guidance.

    Legal and Ethical Issues: LSD use is illegal in many places, so exploring other methods (meditation, breathwork, etc.) might be more accessible for those seeking similar insights.

    Key Takeaway: LSD and similar psychedelics may offer a temporary glimpse into what Bohm called the Implicate Order by dissolving the barriers of ordinary perception and revealing a profound sense of interconnectedness. However, such experiences should be approached with caution, respect, and the understanding that their interpretation is inherently personal.
  2. Surrender and Non-Attachment
    How It Works: Letting go of the need to control or analyze reality opens the mind to deeper truths. Surrendering to the flow of life can allow the Implicate Order to reveal itself naturally. "Letting the wind take you where it takes you"

    Purpose: To embrace the universe as it is, without imposing one's own fragmented perspective on it.
  3. Holotropic Breathwork and Body-Centered Practices
    How It Works: Techniques like holotropic breathing, yoga, or tai chi help align the body and mind with the flow of energy, potentially allowing access to altered states of consciousness.

    Purpose: To break through ordinary states of awareness and connect with the flow of the Implicate Order.
  4. Letting Go of Ego and Conditioning
    How It Works: The ego creates a sense of separation that obscures the wholeness of the Implicate Order. By letting go of ego-based thinking and habitual conditioning, one can become more attuned to the underlying order.

    Purpose: To dissolve the illusion of separateness and experience the universe as an interconnected whole.
  5. Dialogues and Thoughtful Inquiry
    How It Works: Engaging in deep, open-ended dialogue with others (similar to Bohm's dialogues with Krishnamurti) can help dissolve fragmentation in thought and open the mind to broader perspectives.

    Purpose: To collectively explore truth and insight, reducing the limitations of individual perspectives.
  6. Scientific Inquiry with a Holistic Perspective
    How It Works: Bohm himself approached science with the idea that physics and the Implicate Order are deeply connected. Adopting a holistic perspective in scientific research-seeking patterns and relationships rather than isolated facts-can lead to profound insights about reality. Another holistic way is for experimenters to be participatory instead of being on the sideline taking notes. If they take LSD themselves, they'll know better.

    Purpose: To use the scientific method as a tool to explore the deep interconnectedness of phenomena.
  7. Meditation and Mindfulness
    How It Works: Meditation quiets the mind and reduces the noise of conditioned thought, allowing one to experience deeper states of awareness. This state can reveal the interconnectedness of reality, as the boundaries between the self and the universe dissolve.

    Purpose: To bypass the fragmented nature of thought and connect with the wholeness of the Implicate Order.

    Techniques: Mindfulness meditation: Focus on the present moment.
    Transcendental meditation: Use mantras to quiet the mind.
  8. Dreams and Altered States of Consciousness
    Lucid Dreaming: In dreams, especially lucid dreams, the normal rules of space and time are loosened, potentially allowing access to the deeper patterns of the Implicate Order.
    Psychedelic Experiences: Some people report that substances like psilocybin or LSD allow them to perceive the interconnectedness of reality in profound ways.

    Purpose: To dissolve the barriers of ordinary perception and glimpse the deeper patterns and relationships of existence.
  9. Intuition and Direct Insight
    How It Works: Intuition is often seen as a flash of understanding that arises without conscious reasoning. It could be interpreted as a direct unfolding of information from the Implicate Order into conscious awareness.

    Purpose: To access insights that are not constrained by logical or linear thought processes.
  10. Deep Observation in Nature
    How It Works: Immersing oneself in nature and observing its patterns-such as the fractals in plants, the flow of rivers, or the behavior of animals-can reveal the inherent interconnectedness and wholeness of life.

    Purpose: Nature is a direct expression of the Implicate Order, and deep observation can provide intuitive insights about its workings.
  11. Creativity and Art
    How It Works: Engaging in creative activities like painting, music, or writing allows for spontaneous expression that can transcend logical constraints. Art can act as a medium for the Implicate Order to unfold itself in a tangible way.

    Purpose: To bypass rational thought and connect with the flow of the universe's creative energy.

What Caused Human Existence?

In the Holographic Universe model, how does the Implicate Order decide what manifests in the Explicate Order? If humans came from the Implicate Order, what triggered us to be manifested in the Explicate Order? What is the causality of human existence?

The Holographic Universe model accounts "where" reality comes from, but not "why" realilty is the way it is. The "why" is outside the scope of the Holographic Universe. But a few assumptions can be made. The transition from the Implicate Order to the Explicate Order is not random but governed by an underlying cosmic intelligence or inherent order. Human existence, being an emergent phenomenon of the Implicate Order, may represent a natural evolution of consciousness, unfolding from the Implicate Order as a way for the universe to observe and understand itself. The laws of physics and chemistry, given the complexity they created, could have naturally given rise to the emergence of sentient beings. The Implicate Order may have a natural tendency to be aware of itself, and this brought about the emergence of humanity. Consciousness could be an inherent feature of the Implicate Order and the emergence of humans is an expression of its desire to 'taste chocolate'.

Ending Thoughts

Other Theories of Everything
Of course, the 2 most dominant theories describing the physical reality are the Theory of General Relativity and the Quantum Field Theory. There are other proposed models for the 'Theory of Everything' that question the objective existence of reality as we experience it. The most popular proposal is the String Theory. Simulation Hypothesis is another (for the longest time, I thought this was the same as Holographic Universe but they are not the same). Other noteworthy mentionables are E8 Lattice by Garret Lisi, and Loop Quantum Gravity (aggregates General Relativity with Quantum Field Theory by quantizing space/time as an emergent phenomenon of the Quantum Field). Sometimes, elegant math does not describe reality - take String Theory for instance. It has a rich math from which many things have sprung from. But it has never produced any of its predictions.

Limitations of the Theories of Everything
Science being science, any Theory of Everything grounded in Quantum Mechanics has to be experimentable, repeatable and backed by empirical data. But reality as we experience it is more than just the physical world and hidden fields. None of them begin to explain the human experience we encounter such as intuition, rebirth, and consciousness. The Holographic Universe Model goes beyond physical reality in explaining our universe.

As a Yogi
I had been practicing yoga for 24 years now. I subscribe to yoga's philosophy about existence and the true nature of reality - that there is no separation and that everything is one, distilled into Consciousness. Forget about semantics. Bohm's Implicate Order and Explicate Order fit nicely into the framework of Consciousness. The more I dive deep into the Holograhic Universe model, the more it resonates with me. I don't need mathematical proof. I'm already getting glimpses of an inner world from my own life experience. Because humans are sentient with free will, I believe it is possible for us to hack into this hidden substrate of reality through altered states of consciousness. This could be achieved through meditation, Kundalini awakening or even psychedelics. Ascendant yoga masters who have attained that level talk about something words cannot describe. Others simply say, "I'm awake." My current yoga practice uses the protocols to activate siddhis - essentially unleashing supernatural powers that allow me to hack this hidden reality. Conceptually, I have already internalized it. I have no question whatsover that it exists. But I still need to experience it. I'm not there yet. But I find it comforting that science is already validating that realm once thought 'fiction'.

Akashic Records
In yoga, the Akashic Records is a database of man's collective experience - past, present and future. This is similar to Carl Jung's view that there is a collective subscious where man gets access to everything that has come before. This also aligns to Bohm's Implicate Order stating that the indivisible whole, the underlying substrate of reality has everything that exists in the universe. We have access to all these because we are also an emergent property of this inner subtrate - we come from the same source and we remain connected to it. That is why in Yoga, the sages claim that when Siddhis are activated, one can gain knowledge from sacred books without reading them.

If Humans are an Emergent Property of the Implicate Order, why are we 'spit out' to the Explicate Order? For what purpose?
According to ChatGPT, the existence of humans in the Implicate Order was never discussed, nor was it part of the scope of the Holographic Universe. There was no imperative or design for our existence. Speculatively, our emergence was a natural consequence of the infinite interference patterns, waves and interconnectedness happening within the Implicate Order. It is also possible that since humans are sentient and are aware, we can bring this awareness within the Implicate Order, making the universe aware of itself. Another speculation is that our presence in the visible universe can bring meaning to it.

the 70s and 80s
These decades, time and time again, seem to be the epoch where science was going full on with new thoughts, new discoveries and developed new ways of thinking...beyond human perception. Now, you think like that and you get canceled. Science is now co-opted by special interest groups that give out grants for the conclusions they want science to produce. No wonder Eric Weinstein claims that science hasn't really moved as far in the last 50 years.

I am Collapsing the Wave Function of the Universe to Manifest the Material World
This concept isn't really expressed in the book but things just converged in my mind and then this Aha Moment! I see a parallelism between Quantum Mechanics and the Holographic Universe.

Quantum Mechanics
In quantum mechanics, a particle comes out of the quantum wave when we observe/measure it. By observing, we essentially collapse the wave function to make the particle manifest (the solid matter we interact with). So solid reality exists because we manifested it.

Default Reality
what if we apply the concept of Quantum Mechanics to reality itself, not in terms of manifesting particles, but manifesting things we desire (money, power, youth)? But insead by observing, we refocus our believe system? By believing and then applying meditation and other manifesting protocols, we resonate with the 2D source code of the 'fundamental universe', essentialy collapsing the quantum wave to 'localize' what we want to manifest. Everything we desire is already within the 2D code. We just need to 'hack' through it. How? Vivid a deeper connection with the Implicate Order. This concept is not new, but I"m using the underlying principles of the Holographic Universe to explain it. This explanation is more compelling for me because it explains why certain people manifest things considered impossible - stigmata for saints? shifting brain waves for multiples? If they can do that, then we can also manifest Siddhis.

We call the shots because there is no objective reality - everything is fluid and we can take the driver seat. This is so empowering. Master the mind and emotions, and you can co-create reality - cure yourself of illness, manifest desires, transcend human perception limits, etc. Essentially, you attain escape velocity to breach the human confinement.

My one take-away from this book is further cementing into my psyche that material reality is an illusion and can be hacked. This is important because like the placebo-effect, it is your belief that generates the miraculous cure. But in the placebo effect, you have to fool someone. Obviously, you cannot fool yourself. But by internalizing this concept, getting my head wrapped around it and feeling and breathing it, I have no doubt whatsoever about its veracity - I don't have to fool myself into believing something I already have a deep belief in. Thus, the transformation is more accessible - whether it's siddhi-activation or anything else beyond the rules of classical physics.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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