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Survivor Philippines: Season 1

Survivor Philippines Survivor Philippines
Weeknights Sep 15 - Dec 14, 2008 GMA 7

Audition as Castaway for Survivor Philippines May 21 - June 2, 2008

Audition as Castaway for Survivor Philippines

Location Google Map: GMA Network, Quezon City, Philippines

Philippine Franchise
I've heard sometime back that there will be a Philippine franchise of the hugely popular reality tv show, Survivor. I'm familiar with the show format (as most people talk about it) but admittedly, I haven't seen any episode. I have no tv and in the rare chance I do watch tv, it's only either National Geographic or Discovery. Naturally, I paid no attention to the hype.

A Little Help From my Friends
But friends started calling my attention to it. Remy (of Recreational Outdoor eXchange) texted me saying the show was for me. Ariane (of the All-Female Abs Showdown) even emailed me the url where I can get the information. Other friends started goading me to join...that given my penchant for the outdoors, I was a natural candidate. It was flattering and all, but still, I wasn't interested.

The Flow
But then, I became aware of 2 things - that as a general rule, I don't say no when an opportunity presents itself. The least I can do is to peek at what's inside and see if there's anything out there. By doing that, I'm always with the flow...the ethereal energetic current that takes you to the proverbial waterfall. Corollarily, if I say no at the outset, the flow is disrupted and chances are, it'll take a longer time for another flow to happen. I know this to be true given the many wonderful yet unexplainable things that have been happening to me. Am I sounding too spacey already? Hey, I say it just like it is. Another factor was that I happen to be here in Quezon City where the audition is taking place...not in Sagada where the spectre of a 12-hour bumpy ride for an audition is a deal breaker. More? That I am at a point where I can be gone for 39 days (the length of the challenge) and not suffer a serious repercussion on my deliverables and commitment.

May 21, 2008

Getting On Board
Reading into that convergence, the metaphorical path being cleared for me was to give it a fair shout - to actually audition and see if anything comes out of it. And that's what I did. May 21, the first of 2 audition dates, I was in front of SM North lining up as early as 7:30am even though the audition wasn't to begin until 10 am. Even at that early time, the line already spanned the length of SM City, at some sections, even going 5 deep. The line got so long as to tangle traffic. Management cut the line after about 4000 people and the rest was pooled at the 5th level parking lot behind SM. That pool later swelled to 6,000 hopefuls. We're talking about 10,000 aspirants on that day alone, all wanting to be the first Pinoy Survivor.

Walks of Life
My small talk with people around me revealed a little of their plight - poor, dead-end jobs, unemployed, bored, broke, wannabe star, etc, all of them looking for a ticket out of their quagmire by being one the 16 chosen ones. While all of them were hopeful, a great number will have to come back to a world they'd like to leave behind. When they asked me why I was there, I couldn't just tell them I was riding an energetic flow. They'd think I'm a fruitcake (hey, maybe I already am!). I humbly said, "suntok sa buwan, pero kailangang kumita" (a long shot, but a guy needs to make a living).

Making It
I stood in line 8 long hours (from 7:30 to 3:30) before my interview took place. 2 questions where asked. 1) why do you think you'll be the first Pinoy Survivor? 2) how can you handle rejection? If I tried to say things they wanted to hear, they'd smell me a mile away...they're not stupid. So I was just chill saying it like it is, not thinking much into it. While most hopefuls were being escorted out after the interview, a numbered plate was pinned to my chest. I guess the interviewer liked whatever I said. I was in. Whoa! After a VTR was taken of me, I was then ushered to another room for the next elimination. Wow...I was getting excited.

Survivor Philippines
After lining up for 8 long hours, I finally got to the audition room

Making It...Again!
In the next interview, it was with the spotlight, a camera rolling, mall audience from above looking down, and with Paolo Bediones himself asking us (10 pax) the questions together with a panel. 2 questions were asked. I wasn't even trying to win (maybe that's the key) and didn't bother talking about my fitness or my mountaineering background. I was already looking for the exit door. Before I knew it, 8 were ushered out leaving just the 2 of us to attend the final elimination round at GMA on Sunday, May 25. We were asked to fill-in a 4 page form about ourselves. They said, "be honest".

As I left SM around 5pm, a long line was still going around the mall edifice. I could imagine it'll be another 8 hours until these guys get called. In the meantime, I was in disbelief that of the 10,000 hopefuls, I managed to make it that far. When the giddy excitement settled down a bit, a frightening thought entered my mind. If I do get in, this could change my life!

May 25, 2008

3rd Elimination
I was at GMA at 12 noon sharp. I took my place in line with all the others who have successfully passed the audition. It was nice seeing all the other candidates, cheerful and supportive of everyone else. Ha-ha. You wouldn't think we'd soon be selling each other over 30 pieces of silver. But hey, that's the game.

Someone to Watch Over You
These GMA guys are not just smart, they also do their homework. The first thing they said during the interview was that they've already read this blog. They even know I'm TheLoneRider. I guess they have a team of people who scour the internet Googling about the show and checking if the game confidentiality has been betrayed (such as disclosing the place where the shooting will take place, etc.). That's understandable. They even asked me to stop this blog. That's also understandable. But here's where I'm coming from, and at the same time, this is my appeal to GMA (because I know GMA is going to continue monitoring this blog).

Appeal to GMA
The fact that they (GMA) have read my blog and found that I have not disclosed any information betraying the confidentiality of the game should account for something. In fact, this blog is not doing anything different from what GMA itself is doing - building up the frenzied hype about the show for increased viewership without giving the program away. Right now, based on my user comments alone, people have already said they'll start watching Survivor. Even Pinoy friends from as far away as France, USA and Switzerland said they'll now watch Survivor. That should account for much. To a network besieged by a Goliath (ka pamilya?), every acquired viewer counts. Without this blog, site-user interest about the show wanes and consequently, we (me and GMA) both lose. So, how about it GMA? I continue this blog and you get free advertising to a market segment not necessarily reached by your advertising peso.

The Interview
The interview still focused on the personality. They simply wanted to know more about this person...what he thinks, what makes him tick, etc. I was defintely being sized up. Whatever they were looking for in the interview, they didn't say, nor was it obvious. I didn't care anyway. I would have answered the questions the same way. Maybe it lasted from 10 - 15 minutes. At the end, they said if I don't hear from them within 2 days, that I should not quit my day job. Fair enough.

I thought this interview/elimination round would decide who the 16 hopefuls will be. I was wrong. From the looks of it, there will be more tests to come. How many, they didn't say. They're keeping their cards very close to their chests.

May 26, 2008

I got a call from GMA saying that what I'll hear is now confidential - no one should know. They congratulated me for making it on the lastest elimination round and was told to report at GMA building at 7 am on May 27, Tuesday, to bring an ID and a swim wear. Apparently, they've just finished with the last participant and was now free to call the few who made it.

I should have been excited. I guess I was, but the fact that I'm closer to the selection just made my speculation of the changed life just closer to happening. It was an emotional roller coaster ride. One moment I'd be elated getting closer to be one of the 16. The next moment, I'd be sad thinking the life that I loved so much will be, make that radically changed. The next moment I was entertaining delusions of celebrity, book deals, endorsements, making my rounds on the talk shows, etc. It was insane.

May 27, 2008 Tuesday

I was at GMA 7 am sharp. Already, there were Survivor applicants waiting at the lobby. By 7:30, nearly everyone was there. It was a much different landscape from the previous eliminination rounds. You'd really get the sense that so much filtration has already taken place.

From a nationwide audition of 43,700 hopefuls from Baguio, Iloilo, Manila, Davao and Cebu, we were now reduced to 120 hand-picked individuals. If I thought I kicked-ass in the last auditions, here, at this level, everybody kicked-ass. If I thought I had the 'it' factor, here, everyone had the 'it' as well. No bad seat. Everyone was a looker. They had the body, the looks and the attitude. It was difficult to find an edge. For the first time, I was no longer at my comfort level. I felt a subtle sense of competitiveness surging from within me. Loose thoughts permeated...."I should have made a few more reps in my sets"...."I should have done a longer cardio"..."should have stayed off that dessert"...should have...should have, etc. As I was mindful of what was happening, I tried staying present. I couldn't feed into it. No, that's not what I was here for. I had to keep reverting back into the flow. Not long after, I was chill again, making conversation with the ladies (contrary to the no-talk policy of the organizers).

We were ushered into the GMA building where we filled-in more forms about ourselves and more importantly (for GMA), we were asked to sign the confidentiality agreement. The network lawyer gave a talk about the legal ramification of the confidentiality agreement we just signed. Essentially, if we leaked any information detrimental to the show, they'll squeeze our balls with a vise grip. Understandably, they were adamantly emphatic about the show's secrecy as competing networks have been proven to be launching a smear campaign against them.

Noticeably, we were no longer treated like huddled masses, unlike the long line-ups at the initial audition venues. We were made to feel important...the chosen 120 out of 43,700. Lunch was catered and we held the meeting at an air-conditioned hall with all the GMA Survivor staff, from Neil Gumban, the program manager, Paolo, the host and all the support crew.

Half the people went ahead to a secret location for the swim test. While they were gone, Paolo showed his consumate hosting skill to the remaining half who stayed in the building (me included), by keeping us entertained about the show. I never knew how good a host he is until this episode. It's one thing to keep talking and not run out of things to talk about, but it's another thing to make it interesting. Paolo did both. I am particularly interested in being a host myself, so as he was talking, I was breaking his act into its anatomy. He shared personal information (to show he's made of flesh too), cracked a few jokes (humor), let us in on a few tips (empathy), digressed into showbiz talk (prolific), gave us a good heads-up on the big picture (product knowledge), and enjoined us in a Q&A session (interactivity).

The bus finally arrived to pick us up. We still didn't know where the swimming will take place. I thought it would be at Celebrity Sports Plaza since it was the closest. No. We went all the way to an obscure swimming pool of La Consolacion College. It made sense. At Celebrity, word would quickly spread around and the game would be given away. At La Consolacion, when there was no on-going class, the stealth was perfect.

This was the first time we would don our swimming attire (read: show off our bodies). It was easy to gauge who got this far by sheer body and looks. The ones who did really had the bulk, shape and toning - it was obvious. The ones who didn't, I was wondering what they were putting on the table...brilliance? wit? humor? personality? I was more wary of them. Being a ham and confident of my body, I strutted around in my Speedo, flexing my abs like a peacock brandishing its plumes. I wasn't taking a backseat for anyone. The women are a funny thing. They could radically morph detrimentally or positively from casual wear to swim wear. The ones with the body but looked like plain vanilla on street clothes stood out like goddesses once they were in swimwear. There were others who looked great in street clothes (read: having a beautiful face), but once they were on the skimpy but without the body to match, they just shrunk in stature when the parading went on. Insecurity, uncertainty and confidence were written on the applicants' faces.

The first test was a lap race on the 25m pool. Again it was obvious who the swimmers were. They propelled themselves like a torpedo while some had to stop a few times to catch wind before they reached the end. 2nd test was threading for 30 secs. It's funny to note that some applicants who wrote swimming as a hobby had to be rescued by the lifeguard. Others had to be tossed the life-saver. Third and final test was making as many laps on the pool within 7 minutes. Again, it was a piece of cake for the swimmers, but for the rest, it was a dismal failure their good looks could not save them from. I can swim but I'm no competitive swimmer. Nonetheless, I bulldozed anyone in front of me. The zen took a backseat to my fiercely competitive outbursts, taking no prisoners. I even surprised myself...the sleeper has awaken. I didn't fall too far from the best.

When all was done and we were readying to board the bus, Paolo, in a surprising gesture, took to my side and whispered, "I guess you now have to stop your blogging". I said that I already have, out of respect for the game. He shook my hand and added, " the way, I read your blogs....I like it." I told him I was flattered.

They reiterated that there would be another 15 minute final interview on Friday, May 30. After that, the executive decision would be made. We would all get a call on Saturday to be informed if we made it to the final 32 or not. It's 32 - 16 castaways and 16 reserves.

Upon reaching home, I was in disbelief for having made it that far. I could no longer dismiss the possibility that I'm as close as I had ever been to making it to the final 16. To think that that number was filtered from a staggering 43,700 was extremely flattering. That would radically change my life. My here-and-now was simply the last vestige of a normal life...a life that I have learned to come to terms with, and a life that I have chosen to live above everything else. I have often told friends that with my minimalist approach to life, trimming down my needs to spartan levels and embracing life at the edge where I live a life of nomadic mobility had become a realization...all that is now threatened by what I've taken myself into. I often quoted myself as open to change. Now I face my litmus test.

At the outset, I didn't bother about a strategy. How? I haven't even watched an episode. Besides, I just wanted to wing it as I went along. However, like a revelation, I was taken back to the lessons of Burning Man. It seems that in times of uncertainty, I have Burning Man to always fall back on. When Burning Man was in its infancy, surviving for 7 days in the desert was an individual imperative. He needed to do anything and everything to sustain himself in the desert. However, with the passing years, the event, like gaining maturity in the process, the thinking shifted from the survival of the individual to the survival of the tribe. The person's undertaking is not only for himself but for the collective whole. This revelation to me was intense and powerful. I have found my strategy for Survivor.

May 30, 2008 Friday

I was at GMA headquarters at 4:30 sharp and took my place in the line with the other aspirants. When my turn came, I was again in front of a panel plus 2 psychologists. They were there to appraise mental soundness. I was given 4 numbers to remember. Then a series of what seem like benign questions. They were angling on my resolve to see the show through - that I won't quit. I made it clear to them that quitting was not an option and that I go the whole 9 yards in everything I half measures. The interview was quick. Whatever they wanted to know, they already got. I was told that I will be informed by phone on Sunday (no longer Saturday) if I'm one of the lucky 32.

I was in high spirits to intensify my workout. If I was going to be one of the 16 castaways, I wanted to look ripped and be on top of my game. My workout became daily usually pushing myself to exhaustion. I loved it. Motivation was high. My fitness training in the past has been a great jumping board to kick things up a higher notch.

June 1, 2008 Sunday

No call came on Saturday. Hmmm...this suspense is a killer. Sunday comes and it wasn't until late in the evening when I received a call from GMA. This is it! I crossed my fingers and braced myself. The message was, they were still deliberating and haven't made a decision yet. They called as a matter of courtesy because they promised us they'll call Sunday. Now...this suspense is really killing me. Until I hear something definite from them, my life continues to be on hold.

June 2, 2008 Monday

The Call
It was already close to midnight when my cell rang. It was JR. What he had to say changed my life.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
YOGA by Gigit Yoga by Gigit | Learn English Learn English | Travel like a Nomad Nomad Travel Buddy | Donation Bank Donation Bank for TheLoneRider

May 25 pictures below:

May 21 pictures below:

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Reader Comments:

May 21, 2008 (Audition)
I posted on a blog saying I've auditioned and passed the initial elimination rounds for Survivor Philippines. This sparked interest and speculation if I'll make it as a Castaway.

Sun-You KimSun-You Kim
(Sept 7, 2008) I checked your site and found out that you're one of 18 castaways. Congratulations! I am not a fan of the show, but I will watch it.

Remy GaurinoRemy
(Sept 6, 2008) Got a text from a friend...share ko lang, "Hi Rems, dying to watch the first episode of Survivor Phil. There's a castaway dude 49, but with the body of a 25. He's a hunk my dear...can't wait to see him". I'm sure you're that guy...uuhm..ah.

(Aug 27, 2008) Nakita kita sa teaser ng Survivor. Hindi kita mukha mo, pero no doubt, ikaw 'yon...naka Speedo na nagtutulak ng boat.

(June 18, 2008) i really hope you that you mean you're goin to that remote island somewhere in asia!! coz i would then be looking forward to watchin that paolo bediones show! anyway, may the force be with you.

(June 5, 2008) i just want to congratulate you.=) i can feel that you made it to the Final 16 of Survivor Philippines...hoping to see you (in Survivor) soon! good luck!

(June 5, 2008) Whoa! Is it going to be aired here in Thailand ? You already have a fan club here. Me, my husband and our two gremlins! Wish you all the luck!

(June 4, 2008) I agree with them Gigit, YOU DA MAN!

(June 4, 2008) If you make it, bon voyage and God bless you. Bring our prayers that you be safe and will be able to survive the trials. If not, it's ok...enjoy ka naman. We're proud of you for making it this far. You bested thousands, ha! Not a small feat.

Remy GaurinoRemy
(May 31, 2008) Read your blog last night. Reading between the lines, I know you have made it to the finals! Good luck and may the force be with you.

(May 31, 2008) kamusta? Nabasa ko yung blog mo about Survivor. Ang galing! Kelan ang finals? Mukang mapapanood na rin ako ng show na yun ah.

(May 31, 2008) Wow, congrats!!!!! I have a feeling I'll be seeing you on TV soon enough. :) Can't wait! :)

(May 30, 2008) a-apply sana ko, pero i realized next time na ang showbiz for me...wahahaha. congrats man! may reason na nga ako manood, go upm batch 2005! :)

(May 27, 2008) go for it!! congratulations for getting this far....hope to see you on the show soon!!

(May 26, 2008) your blog should still be o.k. , since their writers also post blogs.

(May 25, 2008) Congratulations on not being eliminated today! I guess one step at a time lang talaga...I'm not surprised that a network would think there's some confidentiality issue at stake, although I agree with you that the extra mileage is good for them, and that as long as you keep to your limits, there's no harm done. It certainly gives you as a contestant no unfair advantage over others who don't blog, so sana nga they do allow you to keep it running. As you said, we'll know in two days' time. Good luck again.... We're rooting for you!

(May 25, 2008) cool pare! i have to check the cable here if they oh's not possible. but i could get information from their website , right? i had never watched this show but anyway, goodluck!

FerchFerch G. Santos
(May 25, 2008) yehey!!!Congrats !!! Go go go for gold!!! You can do it! Hope it goes well para I'd have a reason to watch it.

(May 25, 2008) congrats!!i hope you make it!!!! im excited na to know the result of final elim round today. kung andyan lang ako sa pinas, i'll ask elsie to take photos during the round hihihi. i wish you all the best. i know you can make it, GO!GO!GO!

(May 25, 2008) congratz hehehe God bless

(May 25, 2008) wahey! magkano ang prize money? sana at least php10M =) para worth it yung 39days. saka sana sa vietnam i-shoot. hehehe

(May 25, 2008) Wow, sponsorship na kaagad!!! Galing! Please post a video, ok? Bonne courage!

(May 25, 2008) congrats!! =) and God bless =)

(May 25, 2008) Wow! This is great! I wish you all the best this May 25th! :)

(May 23, 2008) congrats! we're so proud of you!!! sana makapasok ka. kung hindi man, halo-halo na lang tayo next week before you leave. kung makapasok ka, pa-burger ka naman!! burger!! burger!! burger!!

Dennis Lopez
(May 23, 2008) wow! a new voice to sing Ever Since the World Began and The Search is Over. baka ikaw ang susunod na Arnel Pineda! good luck!

(May 23, 2008) congrats! I hope you get in :D haha now I'll have a reason to watch Survivor - this coming from someone who doesn't watch TV. If ever you do get in don't forget to wear a UPM shirt! Haha specifically with "Batch 2005" or "Batch Project" written on it :)

(May 23, 2008) galing! butt shot sa Sunday ha?

(May 23, 2008) wahoooo!!!

(May 23, 2008) Congratulations! Way to go! Johnny G's Spinning motto applies to your journey: "Whether you're up or down, just keep moving forward!" Look forward to hearing about the next stage. Good luck from Paolo & myself :)

Helen Stapleton Helen
(May 23, 2008) Now, I will finally start watching Survivor. Maybe one of the activities could be surviving an Abu Sayaf ambush or making pinikpikan with only one match. Good luck!

Ariane Ariane
(May 21, 2008) Hurray! That's fantastic! I'll campaign for you if you get in! Go go go!

Remy GaurinoRemy
(May 21, 2008) Very good! Congratulations. Hope you can really make it to the final 16. I know you can do it. I have confidence in you specially when I learned about the activities, sabi ko, "kayang kaya".

(May 21, 2008) Congrats. Naway makapasok ka sa finals.

(May 21, 2008) Kudos! Wow...will keep my fingers crossed.

Survivor Philippines Blogs
  1. Survivor Philippines: The Audition May 21 - June 2, 2008
  2. Survivor Philippines: Making the Grade as a Castaway June 2 - July 21, 2008
  3. Interview By John Lapuz On Showbiz Central Oct 6, 2008
  4. 24-Oras Castaway Feature: Gigit Oct 7, 2008
  5. Survivor Philippines: After the Vote-Out Oct 19, 2008
  6. Movie Review: Quantum of Solace (2008) Nov 3, 2008
  7. QTV MOMS Nov 4, 2008
  8. QTV: QuickFire Nov 9, 2008
  9. Survivor Philippines: Fan Quotes about Castaway Gigit from May 21, 2008
  10. Survivor Philippines: Season 1, Episode 1 Sep 15, 2008

Related Survivor Philippines External Links
  1. ramblings and rumbles of life: Castaways
  2. Youtube: Survivor Philippines (Season 1) [Thailand] Opening Credits 2008
  3. Facebook: Survivor Philippines: Episode 1 opening
  4. Wikipedia: Survivor Philippines (Season 1)
  5. "Survivor Philippines" says goodbye to mountaineer Gigit Sulit
  6. Survivor Pilipinas: Gigit
  7. Goodiesndbox
  9. IMDB: Gigit
  10. Gigit (TheLoneRider)

Next Survivor Philippines story:

Survivor Philippines: Making it as Castaway showbiz

Survivor Philippines: Making it as Castaway

(June 2 - July 21, 2008) After a battery of interviews, psychological tests, and physical challenges, the multitude of 40,000 castaway hopefuls were trimmed down to the last 18. I got a call late at night saying I made it....more »»

Next story:
Coleman Weekend Adventure at Lake Caliraya

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  • Marikina Miracle, Julia, Cloud 9 Aug 2, 2002
  • Ross Aug 1, 2002
  • Call of the Wild Jul 28, 2002
  • Pravda, Flute and Bistro Jul 27, 2002
  • Dad - Birthday Jul 26, 2002
  • The Blues That Never Was Jul 25, 2002
  • Ding Corral, University of the Philippines, Egay, Xymaca Jul 24, 2002
  • Farmers Market, Tita Neneng and Tito Ben, Marielle, Big Sky Mind Jul 23, 2002
  • State of the Nation Address, One Corrupt MMDA Traffic Cop, Birthday Concert, Flamboyant Congressman Jul 22, 2002
  • Glorietta Mall Jul 21, 2002
  • Dive!!! Day 2 Jul 20, 2002
  • Mabini Wet Market, DIVE!!! DIVE!!! Jul 19, 2002
  • Off to Vista Mar Jul 18, 2002
  • Tita Babes Birthday Jul 17, 2002
  • Ateneo Moro Gym, Techie, Rockwell Jul 16, 2002
  • Local Elections Day, Megamall Jul 15, 2002
  • Los Baños 2 Jul 14, 2002
  • Los Baños 1 Jul 13, 2002
  • Memorial Trip, Traffic - Baptism of Fire, PNOC Good Times, Poker Night Jul 12, 2002
  • High School Mates, City Jam, Big Sky Mind Jul 10, 2002
  • Eastwood Jul 8, 2002
  • Arrival Jul 7, 2002
  • Bear Brand Sterilized Milk Tv Commercial Jun 1981
  • UP Yearbook Picture Mar 1980
  • Depression Oct 1978 - Apr 1979
  • Who Missed Sunday School? July 30, 1970
  • A Powerful Lesson from the Car Mechanic July 29, 1970

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