September 17, 2005 Saturday
Coastal Cleanup
Part of the UPM application process is to get involved in an environmental activity. The International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) was celebrating its 20th anniversary by doing a global coastal cleanup. In Manila, the Bay Walk along Roxas Blvd. was designated as the cleanup place. Together with 6 fellow applicants and a UPM member, we
scooped all the garbage within reach from the breakwater -
foam, plastic, condom, dead plants, rope, etc.
Lingering thought
It's one thing to know there's garbage out there and cast disapproval, but it's totally different to actually go there, put the gloves on and scoop out garbage that was indiscriminately thrown there by people who didn't know better. It begs the question, "What are we doing to our oceans?".
Binondo Foodtrip
A trip to the Bay Walk is not complete without stopping by the nearby Chinatown in Binondo for the best Chinese food. Hungry and tired from the garbage collection,
we walked along Ongpin Street in search of a good eating place.
Estero The choice wasn't that hard to make. Back in the day, Chinatown food was synonymously linked to the fabled Estero - a hole-in-the-wall along a canal with stench to rival the blackest sewer imaginable. Why the fuss? Don't ask me. I only know the food is good. We pointed to the items on display and it's
cooked right before our eyes. We
feasted on good food like there was no tomorrow.
Lido Panciteria As if we haven't had enough of a good thing, we continued our Binondo walking tour and stopped by another not-to-miss place - the Lido Panciteria. This is probably the only panciteria better known for its coffee. They brew it using the
vacuum pot method. The place is home to old Chinese multi-millionaires who dress-down to blend with the common folk. Their pockets burst at the seams, but somehow, they don't seem to be happy. Anyway,
we were, as we whiled the time away talking about our visions of UPM.
Lumpia House Having settled our tummies from our indulgence at the Estero, we were now ready to take on the
best lumpia in Chinatown at the New Eastern Garden Restaurant.
We enjoyed our meal while watching the live UAAP cheer leading competition.
We leisurely walked past the busy
tiange section of Quiapo. The place was jumping with activity. Vendors of all sorts peddled their wares to passersby. That slice of life was vividly colorful.
Ending Thoughts We all came to the venue because we had to group ourselves accordingly for the project. Then we ate...and ate some more...and laughed...and talked...and ate again...then I went home smiling. Hmmm...something special happened there. GROUP HUG !!!!!!!!!
--- TheLoneRider
Coastal Cleanup Blogs
- Coastal Cleanup with Plastic Free Bohol Sept 16, 2017
- Coastal Cleanup with the UP Mountaineers Sep 17, 2005
September 17, 2005
Leighton-Anthony Miller (2 Oct 2005) Took a look at at your site after a long time...excellent what you're getting up to these days. It must be amazing to explore life that way!-- JR::.
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