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Advertising at

Site Demographics

If your market demographics are young outdoor enthusiasts who are upwardly mobile, educated, intelligent, gainfully employed or running their own business, then you've come to the right place to advertise your product.

500,000 Hits a Month enjoys roughly 500,000 hits/month. See chart below:

#1 Google Ranking ranks #1 in Google (as of Sep 26, 2010) for the keywords - "traveling, mountain biking, skin diving". See screen capture below:

Advertising Options

1) Right Panel advertising

Fee: $2/pixel height. Client-supplied graphic banner should be fixed at 125 pixels wide. Banner height determines the rate - $2/pixel. Banner will be displayed for ALL new stories on a specified section (eg. - Mountain Biking, Mountaineering, Yoga, Skin Diving, Traveling, etc.) within 1 year of an agreed contract period. If I have to create the graphic banner from materials on the corporate website, it's $100 extra. Swag - advertisers here get a free posting on the Cool Site section.

Example on the Right Panel: Merrell For the Mountaineering section, I created the Merrell banner based on graphics from the Merrell site - $100. Its dimension is 125 wide and 124 long. That's a fee of $248. Altogether, the fee is $348 to create, and display this banner ALL stories on the Mountaineering section on the Right Panel for 365 days from the time of initial posting. The logo will also be linked to the corporate website, if there is one.

$100 - creation of the banner graphic
$248 - advertising the banner graphic (124 pixels x $2/pixel height)
$348 - total fee for advertising the Right Panel banner on all new stories on the Mountaineering section within 1 year of an agreed contract period (eg - from Aug 1, 2010 to Jul 31, 2011).

2) Footer advertising

Fee: $300. Client-supplied graphic banner should be fixed at 313 x 40 pixels. Banner will be displayed for ALL new stories on a specified section (eg. - Mountain Biking, Mountaineering, Yoga, Skin Diving, Traveling, etc.) within 1 year of an agreed contract period. If I have to create the graphic banner from materials on the corporate website, it's $100 extra. Swag - advertisers here get a free posting on the Cool Site section.

Example on the bottom of this webpage: Weber Grill For the Food Odyssey section, I created the Weber Grill banner based on graphics from the Weber site - $100. Its dimension is fixed at 313 x 40 pixels. That's a fee of $300. Altogether, the fee is $400 to create, and display this banner on ALL stories on the Food Odyssey section at the bottom of the webpage for 365 days. The logo will also be linked to the corporate website, if there is one.

$100 - creation of the banner graphic
$300 - advertising the banner graphic
$400 - total fee for advertising the footer banner on all new stories on the Food Odyssey section within 1 year of an agreed contract period (eg - from Aug 1, 2010 to Jul 31, 2011).

3) Cool Site advertising

Fee: $50 per 15 word count. There is a Cool Site section that displays text links. Links will be displayed for 365 days (1 year). This is an excellent way to increase your Google ranking through one-way back links.

--- TheLoneRider

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

  • I'm sold. I will provide the graphic banner. How do we go about this?
    Send me your graphic banner compliant to the dimensions stated above. Give me the following info:
    • on what section do you want the banner displayed? Mountain Biking, Mountaineering, Yoga, Skin Diving, Traveling, etc?
    • to what website would you want the banner to link to? Give me the exact url.
    I will post your banner accordingly and bill you. That's right. I do the work first before you pay. If I don't receive payment within 7 working days, I pull the banner down.
  • I'm sold. I want you to create the graphic banner. How do we go about this?
    Give me the following info:
    • what kind of banner do you want? Right Panel? Footer? Both?
    • on what website do you want me to source the materials for the banner?
    • on what section do you want the banner displayed? Mountain Biking, Mountaineering, Yoga, Skin Diving, Traveling, etc?
    • to what website would you want the banner to link to? Give me the exact url.
    I will create and post the banner accordingly and bill you. That's right. I do the work first before you pay. If I don't receive payment within 7 working days, I pull the banner down.
  • I'm sold. But I only want to advertise on the Cool Site section. How do we go about this?
    Send me the following:
    • the website where the link goes
    • the description of the website. This is what will be posted, verbatim.
    I will post the text link accordingly and bill you. If I don't receive payment within 7 working days, I pull the link down.
  • How do I pay you?
    I will provide you payment details when I bill you.
  • I want to advertise on the Kayaking Section. But you don't write as often about kayaking. I won't get value for my money.
    Good point. And I won't write a story I don't feel like writing about just to satisfy an advertiser. If that happens, I'll advertise your banner on another section of your choice (your second choice). I'll guarantee a minimum of 1 advertisement for your product a week on any section, if I'm not writing about your first choice.
  • I want my banner on the top of the webpage. Can I get this guarantee?
    No. Banner placement will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. Best to advertise ahead of anyone else to ensure optimum placement.
  • I want to advertise on your homepage. How do we get to do this?
    Homepage real estate is prime. I reserve that to friends. However, make an offer I can't refuse...maybe I'll consider.
--- TheLoneRider

** reserves the right to refuse advertisers whose line of business is not consistent with the tenets of this site. All currencies in US$ dollars.


Merrell example:

Merrell Switchback