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lucid thoughts

Philippine Connection - July 19, 2002 Friday

Mabini Wet Market

We went to Mabini wet market to buy fresh catch of the day - grouper (Lapu-lapu) for our lunch. Roaming around a wet-market amongst fish-mongers, fishermen and local folks was an interesting change from shopping in floor-tiled groceries.


Having secured the snorkeling equipment, Ferd and I explored the rocky coastline before going for the coral reef, just 50 meters off the Vista Mar compound. Having rained the last 2 weeks, the water was murky. We had to be within a foot of the corals to appreciate the colors and the details. It wasn't the best dive. The reef was mostly of the deer antler type. The best dive spots had to be reached by boat and had to be seen with scuba gears. Since we were not certified divers, we just had to settle for snorkeling. Nonetheless, it felt great to be diving again in salt-water coral reefs (unlike diving in fresh water lakes in Canada) after 13 years. Marine life was rich and colorful.

In the afternoon, we went to Bauan wet market to see what's for dinner. We went for live Tilapias. The cook at Vista Mar didn't seem to know what he was doing - everything he served was overcooked. It rained hard again that afternoon prompting Ferd and myself to just "kiddy" snorkel on the beach just in front of the hotel. It's amazing just how close the big drop-off was from the shoreline. With undertow, anybody sucked into the depths would have been a goner.


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