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Deadlift Comp February 23, 2006 Thursday

Deadlift Comp

Weight Training P.E.
Thursdays, like my Mondays, start out with my PE weight training program under Reylin. My pecs felt it needed some action so I just focused on pecs, doing bench presses and declines. We also went into an abs workout with counts up to 300 reps. I couldn't get enough of it, I usually join the next class to do it again. A bike ride back to the dorm is a good way to cool down. If I get lucky, I pass by a taho vendor to get my protein fix.

Deadlift Competition
It's Diliman Week. They closed off the academic oval to get students do their programs outside, free from the black exhaust emitted by jeepneys. The College of Human Kinetics presented a novice deadlift competition, categorized by participant weight. At 70 kilos, I was put in the 70-75K bracket. I was the lightest in my category. Additionally, I haven't done deadlifts before...not even during my workout.

My best out of three attempts was 120 kilos which bagged me a bronze. I initially opted for an optional 4th attempt at 125K, but I was feeling a slight discomfort on my lower back. I thought it best to quit. Afterall, this is only my first comp...there'll be others. For now, I'm just glad to have participated in an event I'd long been curious about but never ventured into...until now.

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