December 9, 2005 Friday
Elvis Recharged!
Romeo Lee was once again in his elements, hosting and performing at the Elvis concert at the UP lagoon together with a good number of his band-friends. This year's theme was Recharged, in support of the renewable energy bill. Setting the stage for a laid back and unpretentious vibe that permeated all over, he was at it again with his trademark punchlines that somehow never gets old to his audience. I've heard it a zillion times but it's still funny...bring it on Lee!!!
The Bands Keeping Lee companied on stage were:
Rhu-barb -
F.M.D. - Maniac Kiss -
Tropical Depression - Brown Briefs -
Snake Charmer -
Pepe Smith - Dong Abay - Juan Pablo Dream - Coffee Break Island - Kapatid - Indio I - The Brew - Pupil -
Brass Munkeys - Narda.
UP Mountaineers
UP Mountaineers, the organizational arm of the event, was in full force, partying on the outside and keeping things running smoothly on the inside. Members from different batches get to meet each other and somehow reinforce the bond that makes UPM the tightly cohesive mountaineering organization that it is. As one of the newly inducted members of the org, I was inside-looking-in this's all good.
Pepe Smith Since I was an impressionable high school kid, Pepe Smith was already around with the Juan dela Cruz band - I couldn't get enough of him. He was the rock icon of the era, defining and redefining the forward to the present, the guy hasn't stopped partying. He's seen it all...and lived to tell it all. 100 years from now, I hope he's still around.
Ending Thoughts
The event seems like a culmination of Lee's Night, a weekly musical event at Mag:net Café where Lee emcees mostly upstart-but-promising bands to showcase their stuff. Since I started hanging-out at Mag:net, the bands gradually became familiar and now at Elvis, it seems like seeing old friends...good music...good vibe. DA MAN!!!
--- TheLoneRider
Dec 9, 2005
Tochs UPM (27 Dec 2005) I was looking for references on Romeo Lee and somehow I landed on your site which led to me browse and read all the other entries. What can I say, they're expertly written with an ending. Adding to my interest is some faces and names are familiar. Can I forward your address to my egroup also into similar interests? (Sure Tochs! Thank you for the kind words. -- TheLoneRider)
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