Location : Lazi, Siquijor Island, Philippines
Juggling Yoga
Gateway Process
Given my continuing vertigo, I default to being at home going deeper into Gateway Process. I've nearly finished the report and my yoga practice is really all about the Hemi-Sync.
Personal practice
I have a single-pointed focus on the Gateway Process. I had been reading the report, summarizing it, watching videos and doing my practice based almost exclusively on Hemi-Sync. I am convinced that my yoga practice will accelerate with the inclusion of Hemi-Sync. The meditation portion of the practice is Hemi-Sync.
3 pm / home
Hemi-Sync, Wave 1 (intro), 33 mins
6 pm / seawall
Asana + Pranayama:
Stretches, Big3M
Hemi-Sync (Factor 10-12, 43 mins)
11 pm / home
Having downloaded the full 10-hour Wave Hemi-Sync video, I just played it on my headphone before going to sleep. I don't know how long it played but I kept getting awaken along the way when Monroe talks. But in the early morning already while it was still playing, I noticed a body trembling which is a prelude to an OBE. I actually thought I might have an OBE but not.
Gateway Process
Continued reading/writing, beginning with 37. Motivational Aspect until I finished at noon. Since the paper has been fully read and summarized, I will no longer add this to my journal, but I will definitely add Hemi-Sync
Personal practice
7 am / home
HS on Track 2, just getting my mind/body acquainted with the HS sound while being aware and actively keeping the body completely relaxed.
6 pm / seawall
Hemi-Sync, so far, given the many sessions I've had with it, I cannot notice anything different from simply doing a regular meditation - I get my body relaxed and my mind still. Hopefully, as this goes along, I'll discern something 'different'.
Gateway Process
I reviewed my summary, added pictures and revised some texts. This completes Gateway Process. The rest is to add Hemi-Sync into my yoga practice.
Personal practice
I'd been getting fat...my loose pants is now tight. I have to do more physical Asanas, stop my sikwate intake and stop my bakery sweets indulgence. I will get my bike tire replaced and then ride around the island...hopefully this week.
In the meantime, I'll be continuing the Big3M, Wim Hof (w/ bandha), and Hemi-Sync. Hmmm, since I'm really stoked on this, I think I will develop a full advance class on this, primarily about Kundalini rising and OBE.
6 am / home
Asana + Pranayama:
Stretches and regular poses, Big3M, Wim Hof, Hemi-Sync. Aside from total relaxation, I didn't find any difference from my usual practice. Maybe one day, something will just 'click'.
2 pm / home
Hemi-Sync, Wave 2 while taking siesta. I feel asleep into the audio.
11 pm / home
Hemi-Sync before going to bed. I feel asleep into the audio.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Finished (read, summary) Jalandhara bandha, verses 70-73. Finished (read, summary) Maha bandha, verses 74-76. Finished (read, summary) Bindu, verse 77. It's good to be back on HYP (now that Gateway is done).
Yoga by Gigit
Marky resigned from job and will send SIM this weekend.
Personal practice
Now that I'm done with my Gateway readings, it's simply an immersion now into the audio files and codifying the components of the files as I go deeper in the practice. So far, I'd been breathing, living, dreaming into Hemi-Sync.
2 am / home
The heavy rain woke me up. The earphones were still attached to me, but the audio already stopped. I put it back on and continued with Wave 3 that talked about Patterning, Energy Tool Bar and Body Layout. The Tool Bar segment and Patterning were quite powerful and allowed me vividly visualize my desires. I was half asleep already on the Body Layout.
Personal practice
I left home early to meet Johnnie so no am yoga. Arriving, I had 3 chilled glasses of tuba (when I gave the bibingka to Auntie Inday), so I was tipsy in the afternoon. There was the Boulevard opening that night so it was noisy and full of people. The only chance for yoga was before going to sleep, listening to Hemi-Sync while going to sleep. I already passed out while the audio was playing. I am not sure if my continued listening of the audio while sleeping still keeps my brain in sync.
while going to sleep, 11 pm? / home
HS on Wave 1, Track 3
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Finished Vipareeta Karani, Verses 78-82
Yoga by Gigit
Marky sent me notice that the sent SIM + USB to LBC Larena
Personal practice
I'm thinking the ideal morning practice should consist of asana + pranayama + HS meditation (maybe Trataka), then walking barefeet on the soil of the Boulevard (earthing) and then take a dip in the ocean (aura cleansing through water). But I should wake up early and resume my seawall practice instead of home practice.
Another AHA Moment is to practice a specific session several times a day (eg Wave 1, Track 1). This would develop grounding and deeper understanding. Then progress to the next session the following day (and just do that session several times a day).
6:30 am / home roof deck
HS, Wave 1, Track 3, 30 mins, I was introduced to the Energy Balloon and reaching Focus 10 through a series of counting to #10. I find the shaded portion of the roofdeck to be ideal in the morning - seaview, shaded, open air. I can isolate the external noise by the earmuff. I was in Siddhasana - while HS is supposed to be done lying down to facilitate an OBE, I don't think I'll be doing OBE soon, so it's best that I remain seated so I don't fall asleep.
2:00 pm / home
HS, Wave 1, Track 2, 37 mins, despite the heat, I meditated seated while perspiration ran down me. Even though I haven't OBE since I started doing HS, I am building up proficiency in brain syncing through regular practice. I always come out feeling very relaxed. The immediate challenge is keeping my RBH alert and awake...often, I drift. If I can keep a single-focus on my alert mind, it is likely can already OBE.
6 pm / home seawall
mash-up as I wasn't really into it
10 pm / home
HS, Wave 1, Track 4 and slept with it. I woke up with Wave 2 at 2:20:00. I was half-awake the whole night with Hemi-Sync playing in the background on my earphone. My contention is that I am maintaining my brain hemisphere syncing even as I sleep...so that can only be a good thing. And also while remaining half-awake, perhaps I'm getting closer to a true Yoga Nidra where the body is asleep but the mind is awake. Anyway, I woke up feeling refreshed and strong...not someone who didn't get some sleep.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Started writing about Vajroli mudra
Personal practice
Seawall celebration is still underway, all the way to fiesta, so it's not ideal to go there for yoga. I like the roofdeck anyway.
7 am / roofdeck
Asana + Pranayama:
90 mins, stretching, inversions (Vipareeta, Sarvangasana, Sirsasana), Big3M, Wim Hof
Trataka (30 mins, no tears)
2 pm / home
HS, Wave 1, Track 4. It was so hot that I was perspiring while meditating lyng down, with earphone and ear muff. My ear hurt since I slept and the ear muff was pressing on the earphone as it was pressing against my ear. I noticed that Wave 1 Track 5 didn't seem to have a good channel separation. It gave me cautious. Without channel separation, Hemi-Sync will not work.
Yoga by Gigit
I messaged Marky: "Let us put the Yoga by Gigit on hold until I get a clear direction on how to go about this. This guy Bilker, who is the best selling teacher for Pranayama on Udemy is also offering his complete course for as little as $10. This requires serious thinking." This puts the YBG project 'on hold' indefinitely.
Personal practice
I rewrote the HS source tapes replacing with the new 4Mindful Meditations series.
6 am / home seawall
Hemi-Sync Demo by 4Mindful
6 pm / home seawall
No yoga in the afternoon as it was Marlon's wedding
Personal practice
I sourced a more organized set of full-course Hemi-Sync videos. Instead of lumping all the six Wave 1 sessions into one audio file, this one by 4Mindful Meditations creates one file per session. I would download the session and I'll practice it a few times during the day, every day going to the next Session. There are about 42 sessions so it will take 42 days to go through all the lessons.
2 am / home
HS, Wave 1, Track 1, rest, then Track 2. So, 2 back-to-back sessions in one go. Then I slept again. I should not go beyond Wave 1 Track 2 today, but instead repeat it.
10:30 am / roof deck
Bryan Kest Power 1
Kapalbhati + bandha, Maha vedha
HS, Wave 1, Track 2
6:00 pm / seawall
HS, Wave 1, Track 2 + Trataka (no tears)
10:00 pm / roof deck
HS, Wave 1, Track 2
Astral Projection
Read up on Astral Projection by Abhishek Agarwal, mostly on techniques to project: rope pulling
Personal practice
Continue doing several sessions of the same track in Wave 1, Hemi-Sync. For today, it's Wave 1 Track 3
12 am / bed, lying down
HS, Wave 1, Track 3 (1st)
6 am / home roofdeck
Stretches, Big 3M, Headstand
HS, Wave 1, Track 3 (2nd)
5:15 pm / home
30 mins, Maha bandha ( 1:4:2:3, Ujjayi, Antara, Bahya kumbhaka + Tri-bandha), Wim Hof (Bahya kumbhaka + bandha, Antara kumbhaka, OM), Kapalbhati + bandha
HS, Wave 1, Track 3 (3rd)
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Finished my read/write of Vajroli mudra (although I really have no interest on this one) - (verses 83-86)
Finished my read/write of Bindu as well (verses 87-91). I added many insights from real life experience.
Personal practice
I'm getting my groove back with this program of doing the same Hemi Sync audio file several times in a day before progressing to the next track the following day.
MY first OBE? I woke up inside my dream. I was in a different place, different time - almost like ancient time of Christ in a manicured garden. Being aware of my OBE training and my choice of going to Mars to see the 'face', I was wondering in my lucid dream why I was in that garden and not in Mars. And why was I not flying? Should I jump? And that thought of 'jumping' made me feel floating. My knee jerk reaction was to look for my body. I could not see anything. I tried taking off my headwear but it seemed to extend forever. Finally, I removed it and I saw a faint sillhouette of myself on the bed - it was dark, I couldn't even see my face. But having seem my body, my next intention was to go to Mars. I took off. And upon landing, I saw a statue of a female face about the size of a Volkswagen a half buried on the ground. I knew I wasn't on Mars and it was not the face on Mars. Then I transitioned slowly into waking up, with me trying hard to keep asleep to continue my lucid dream, but I ended up being awake anyway.
Was that an OBE or was that just a lucid dream? or both?
If it was a lucid dream, how come I didn't go through a sleep paralysis process? The few lucid dreams I've had always happened because of sleep paralysis! OBE? If it's an OBE then it came from a lucid dream and not from Hemi-Sync. Still, if it was an OBE, why didn't I see my mosquito net when I looked at my body? And why did I not land on Mars if it was an OBE?
I think I just had a lucid dream, but since I had been living, breathing OBE (as much as 3 HS sessions/day), the OBE became part of the dream....but a dream nonetheless and not really a true OBE.
This is a good sign that my system is already reacting/adjusting to my daily practice. It should not take long before I gain more control over this. Ideally, I would rather be over-prepared already for an OBE and even delay the OBE as long as I can until it just 'forces' itself to happen...because it has to already. Analogy - if you don't ejaculate for a long time, the ejaculation will force itself through a 'wet dream'.
12 midnight / lying down before going to sleep
HS, Wave 1, Track 4 (being on Focus 10, going back to the Energy Conversion Box and removing fear, removing the emotions covered by that fear and accepting the underlying event that produced the emotion and fear). Honestly, I don't understand this.
3:30 am / awakened from sleep
seated, HS, Wave 1, Track 4
It was after this meditation that I had the lucid dream.
Personal practice
Continue to Wave 1 Track 5 of Hemi-Sync
5 am / home
HS, Wave 1, Track 4, Sidhassana - I never really understood this session of pulling out fear and emotions and then reintegrating the memory/event that was hidden. I've had 2 sessions on this and I'm glad to move on to Track 5.
HS, Wave 1, Track 5, lying down - unclear what this was supposed to do....roll like a log, feel like floating...counting to 20 from 10, to go back into normal sleep
9 am / roofdeck
Bryan Kest 2 (didn't finish due to garbage burning)
7 pm / roofdeck
HS, Wave 1, Track 4
HS, Wave 1, Track 5
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Sahajoli (wiping ashes of cow dung on the sexual parts) and Amaroli (drinking urine) - these 2 are too extreme for me, but good to know the underlining intention and nature of the practice.
Personal practice
Continuing Hemi-Sync to Wave 1 Track 6
6 am / bed (waking up)
HS, Wave 1, Track 5
8 am / roofdeck
Bryan Kest 2
Asana + Pranayama:
Big3M (10 mins on Maha Mudra)
HS, Wave 1, Track 6, nothing really happened here. It simply stated to act on our intention and consider it done. I intentioned to see the face on Mars but there was no separation...not even a vibration.
8 pm / roofdeck
There was garbage burning at that hour, so no Pranayama.
HS, Wave 1, Track 6, same, nothing really happened here. I intentioned to see the face on Mars but there was no vibration or separation. I began to wonder if I should go back to Track 5
2 am / bed, lying down
HS, Wave 1, Track 5 (sleep exploration, turning over like a log, floating). I went back to find out if I missed anything.
HS, Wave 1, Track 6 (intention and manifesting it). Yes, this was a back-to-back session. I was in-and-out of it as I was still half asleep. I feel intense vibration throughout the body but it just stayed like that. There is so much to take up so I will progress to Wave 2 Track 1 after this.
1:15 pm / room, seated
HS, Wave 1, Track 6. It was a controlled and focused meditation, going from Focus 10 to 12. But no OBE
11 pm / bed
HS, Wave 2 Track 1, but I slept through most of it.
Personal practice
Continue with Hemi-Sync, today at Wave 2 Track 1
9 pm / Ivan
Went to Noel's place to meditate with Ivan, and Samson. Rina later on arrived. Ivan was supposed to open my 3rd Eye, but nothing happened.
Personal practice
Moving on to Wave 2 Track 2
Pursuing meditation with Ivan?
2pm / room, seated
HS, Wave 2, Track 2, problem solving, on Focus 12 (expanded consciousness transcending the body) send the pressing problem to the cosmic universe and await the answer. Room, seated (in Sukhasana as perinium is now painful from Siddhasana). perspiration dripping the whole time. My problem? A recurring situation happens after I leave a place...some people are just happy to see me go. It happened in Sagada, UPM, Chiang Mai, Cebu yoga, etc. Even though I have good reasons for leaving, I know I have blind spots. What are these and how do I deal with them? That's the pressing question I sent out. Is it because I have strong opinions and vocal about it. And it comes across people the wrong way? Is it because I have too much ego (?) and it's abrasive? Should I just shut up and let them do all the talking while I just listen and learn?
4:30 pm / room, seated
HS, Wave 2, Track 2, problem solving, on Focus 12. Yes, after 2 hours, I'm back doing the same thing again.
10 pm / bed lying down before sleep
HS, Wave 2, Track 2, problem solving, on Focus 12. Same question, not no answer. I don't really expect an immediate answer. I expect it more as an Aha Moment when I least expect it.
Personal practice
I am now on Wave 2 Track 3, Patterning, visualizing and 'being' the person you want to be. So far, no OBE but I think the HS practice is offering many equally powerful benefits - transformation, solutions to deep seated problems. All through brain hemisphere syncing - something that takes many years of yoga practice, but a quick hack in HS using binaural beats.
Since I have been eating too much fiesta food and seem to lose my physical workout, I will bike the island circumference today on my little bike
6 am / lying down on bed
HS, Wave 1, Track 3, Patterning, visualizing and 'being' the person you want to be, physically (forever young, black hair, new teeth, sharper narrower nose, ripped physique), intellectually (single-minded focus) and emotionally (calm, collected and composed)
8:30 am / cycling
To shock my body from this lethargy and food binging, I took a long bike ride from home to Siquijor Town and back, a total of 50 km
8:30 pm / bed lying down
HS, Wave 2, Track 3 until I fell asleep
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Verses 102 to 103. Women having higher capacity for Kundalini awakening through Vajroli. Consciousness + object = experience.
Personal practice
Going to Wave 2 Track 4 today
6 am / bed, just awoke
HS, Wave 2, Track 3, still half asleep, I was in and out of it. I should download Track 4 and 'master' it today
5:30 pm / roofdeck
HS, Wave 2, Track 4, green for neutralising emotional discharge, red for strength, speed and coordination, purple for homeostatis and equanimity - inhale, hold, visualize the color and its effect, exhale slowly
9 pm / bed as I slept
HS, Wave 2, Track 4, I just slept through it but did all the visualizations
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Kundalini Shakti (104-105)
Personal practice
Continuing with Wave 2 Track 5, Magic Wand
6 am / bed
HS, Wave 2, Track 5, bed as I woke up. It didn't seem to specify how to use this energy tool...change color, swing it around, fast color-shift from white to black, but nothing specific how to use it, how to use the colors, etc.
9 am / roofdeck
HS, Wave 2, Track 5, done after doing Bryan Kest Yoga 3 and Pranayama. I was dozing in and out of it, even though I started out fully awake and it's still morning.
Bryan Kest 3 (first 30 mins), headstand
3 pm / seated, home
an hour of straight freestyle Pranayama + Kumbhaka + Bandha + Mudra + Chanting
HS, Wave 2, Track 5, I was curious if a surge of prana (after the 1 hour pranayama) will facilitate OBE. It didn't, but I felt strong and vibrant after, despite the heat...I was perspiring the entire time.
10 pm / lying down
HS, Wave 2, Track 5, slept my way through it.
Personal practice
Continuing with Wave 2 Track 6 today
5:30 am / bed
HS, Wave 2, Track 6, my first time to do this section. I didn't really see any dim or flickering area on the body map but I still scanned it with the purple energy tool anyway.
1:30 pm / bed
HS, Wave 3, Track 1, even though it's not meant to trigger separation (I guess, not at this point), it simulates the feel and goes through the conceptual emulation of a lift. It worked for me as far as the visualization went.
8:00 pm / roof deck
HS, Wave 3, Track 1, I just went through the motion. At this point, I'm equally curious what the other packaged of HS are - obviously, it's not just OBE but a whole array of empowerment tools for cleansing, efficiency, strength, etc.
Personal practice
Going through with HS, Wave 3, Track 2 today. I noticed that if I default to doing a HS when waking up, I tend not to do the full yoga routine in the morning. Thus, I'll only do the HS as the meditation part of full yoga session.
8 am / roof deck
Mild stretches as I seem to be coming down a flu...just a feeling but no flu. Big3M
10 mins of freestyle pranayama. I thought about doing it a full hour, but I simply wasn't into it.
HS, Wave 3, Track 2. The magic wand was revived, charged and made into a tube and used to get 6 numbers from an envelope (I don't recall of any envelope). Then the tube was used to make a white cottom ball light enough to float and then hot. Then it was used to connect with a friend - I chose Ferd. I passed him a message to ask me how my motorbike is. Let's see if he DMs me.
8 pm / home
no asana as I'm not well
HS, Wave 3, Track 2, drifting in and out of it.
Personal practice
Continuing with HS, Wave 3 Track 3 today
6 am / home seawall
HS, Wave 3, Track 3, still not 100%, still drifting in and out of it.
4 pm / home seawall
HS, Wave 3, Track 3, in and out of it
7:30 pm / home seawall
HS, Wave 3, Track 3, went through the motion. Nothing noticeable
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
After a lull, contuing with Kundalini 106 (Muladhara chakra must be activated to awaken Kundalini) and 107 (You become your thoughts). I'm glad to resume this after being distracted.
Personal practice
Since the near 'cold' I've had, I haven't been feeling 100% so my yoga is limited to pursuing HS. Today, it's Wave 3 Track 4, the 5 Questions.
(May 22, 2023, 2 am, bed)
I fell asleep as soon as I engaged it. I don't even remember what was talked about.
(May 22, 2023, 7 am, bed)
Still dozing, I fell asleep again not knowing what was talked about.
(May 22, 2023, 3 pm, bed lying down) I caught one of the questions, "Who am I", before falling to sleep.
Personal practice
I'm still not 100%, still having the occasional cough when I wake up, so it's hard to do a full yoga routine, but I'm still pursuing HS, today at Wave 3 Track 5.
(May 23, 2023, 7 am, bed, seated)
Wave 3 Track 4, Five Questions. I didn't want to progress into Track 5 today without really understanding Track 4. So, as soon as I awoke, without the risk of falling asleep, I did a last hurrah for Track 4. And I got it. It made sense and the questions were powerful. I'll take notice the rest of the day if the anwswers will come.
(May 23, 2023, 3 pm, 24Cafe @ Cambugahay)
Wave 3 Track 5, 32:33, Harnessing Energy thru Palms. I was in and out of it half dozing, and didn't even finish.
(May 23, 2023, 5:30 pm, seated, home)
Wave 3 Track 5. I was awake the whole time but could focus. My mind was somewhere else. I didn't relly feel the energy transer.
(May 23, 2023, 8 pm, seawall)
I modified, instead of palms, I used my eyes while doing Trataka. I have difficulty with this process, often finding myself drifting out. Later on, I realized my headphone had no left channel. So, how long has it been that I had been doing HS with no left channel? Dealing with binaural beats, it's essential to use a headphone with channel separation. I have to buy a new pair of headphones.
Personal practice
The left channel of my headphone is on-off, making the binaural beats almost impossible. Still, I found an 'angle' to make it work.
With my health returning, I should resume my asana/pranayama.
My eyes are also badly strained. I have to resume my Trataka.
HS, Wave 3 Track 6, 34:04, First Stage Separation, done in Focus 12. You visualize yourself rolling over, moving back, lifted up
(May 24, 2023, 7am, seated on bed) having difficulty with the channel separation (I need to replace my earphones). Even though I'm not doing OBE yet, I visualize the whole thing, even 'seeing' my body from where I am. I could imagine, at some point, while visualizing the experience, the actual OBE would be triggered and you actually see your body away from where you are.
(May 24, 2023, 8 pm, seated on bed) left channel stopped working completely. I had to stop. Need to buy a new pair of headphones.
midnight, seated on bed, body scanning
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Kundalini (Verses 108-111)
Personal practice
Now that I'm well, I can resume a full yoga practice
8 am / roof deck
Bryan Kest 3, Big3M, Shoulder/Headstand
Maha Mudra, 20 mins
HS, Wave 3, Track 6, without the headphone (left channel is out)
6 pm / seawall
Having purchased a pair of new earphones, I continue back-to-back with my HS.
HS, Wave 3, Track 6
HS, Wave 4, Track 1, Advanced Patterning for the next year
(May 26, 2023, 2 am, bed, lying down) HS, Wave 4, Track 1. Since I just woke up, my mind was alert. It was a good session but still no OBE.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Shakti Chalana Mudra + Kundalini (112-119)
Personal practice
Going to Bolo Bolo for water first thing in the morning skewed up my yoga routine. I wanted to practice Shakti Chalana to keep pace with my HYP but it didn't happen. But I still managed to keep pace with my HS schedule, Wave 4 Track 2, 5 Messages. You request/retrieve 5 Messages that are very important for you. You don't know what these 5 messages are, but they will be revealed to you after the session.
(May 26, 2023, 6 pm, seawall) I didn't received any revelation of what the messages are.
(May 26, 2023, 11 pm, bed lying down) I was already sleepy and slept through it.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Kundalini (120)
Personal practice
I would like to do Shakti Chalana to keep pace with my HYP
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Very productive. I finished Chapter 3, Mudra and Bandha. I even developed the Mandukasana Kriya. On the 1 min eye-break, I would do the Mandukasana Kriya
Personal practice
To keep pace with HYP. Today I applied the Mudra/Kundalini exercises
whole day / home
On the 1 min eye-break from the laptop, I would do the Mandukasana Kriya which takes about 3 mins. It was a great reliever for my eyes and a good prana activation practice.
No HS today. I need a break.
Personal practice
Pick up the slack on HS as I'm behind schedule.
12mn / Siddhasana, bed
HS, Wave 4, Track 3, Free Flow at Focus 12. I'm behind schedule so I squeezed this in before going to sleep. It's always best when seated because I don't fall asleep and I finish the session. I didn't really have any question or request, but I attempted to explore the face on Mars. I'm not really obsessed with the face on Mars - it's only my litmus test to gauge OBE. No, there was no OBE.
6 am / Siddhasana, bed
HS, Wave 4, Track 3, Free Flow at Focus 12. Again, I concentrated on going to Mars to see the face. I tried many techniques - falling down, coming up through my Sahasrara, lifting up, etc. None worked.
the whole day / home
Asana + Pranayama:
On my 1-min eye-break, I would do Mandukasana kriya or Wim Hof kriya or just do Antara kumbhaka + Sambhavi mudra
4 pm / Siddhasana, home
HS, Wave 4, Track 3, Free Flow at Focus 12. Again, I concentrated on going to Mars to see the face. None.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Review the entire Chapter 3, Mudra and Samadhi before moving on to Chapter 4, Samadhi. Also began to write my Ending Thoughts of Chapter 3.
Personal practice
Go back into a full yoga asana session after many days of not. Again, the best session is when I do a full yoga asana program, then Pranayama (Mandukasana kriya or Wim Hof kriya), then Hemi-Sync.
8 am / home
Bryan Kest 1
Mandukasana mudra, Wim Hof kriya, headstands, Big3M
HS, Wave 4, Track 4, NVC (Non Verbal Communication). Siddhasana. Despite being in the morning, I was drifting in and out of it all. I think I even fell asleep.
3:45 pm / home Siddhasana
HS, Wave 4, Track 4, NVC (Non Verbal Communication). The audio resolution is bad. On Focus 12, I was open, but no pictures, messages, symbols or feelings. I always visualize me lifting up from the body when going into Focus 12. Still, no OBE
10 pm / home Siddhasana
HS, Wave 4, Track 4, NVC (Non Verbal Communication). Halfway through, I lied down and fell asleep almost immediately. This session doesn't count.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Continued reviewing Chapter 3 and adding my Ending Thoughts
Personal practice
Continuing using the 1-min break to do kriya, headstand, etc. Today on Wave 4 Track 5.
6:30 am / home Siddhasana
HS, Wave 4, Track 5, I understand it better this time. "Need" is not to envision a man in need, but to generate the feeling of 'need' itself, without object or subject. This is interesting and unique since these feelings always come with 'who is needing' and 'what is needed'. But to isolate just the 'feeling' of need? Interesting. So, went I went to Focus 12, I was open to receive pictures, feelings and any other sensation (not words or language). But nothing came and there was no OBE.
4 pm / bed lying down
HS, Wave 4, Track 5. I just fell asleep.
10 pm / bed Siddhasana
HS, Wave 4, Track 5. I was awake the whole time, did all the motions, but no messages received, no OBE
Ending Thoughts (for May)
--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
YOGA by Gigit
Learn English
Travel like a Nomad
Donation Bank
Next story:
More on Lazi:
More on Siquijor Island:
Jeeps - there are only 2 routes for jeeps within Siquijor Island - and they are rare. Most people have their own motorcycle transport.
Food - these were suggested by a local to me
En route to Cebu City, the ferries usually make a stop-over to Tagbilaran (Bohol) to pick-up more passengers or unload.
There is only one bus plying this route - Sugbo Urban. Tourist class coach, a/c, comfortable, Sun-Fri (these dates keep changing). P420 for bus, P275 for ferry to Liloan. Larena Port around 5 am, makes a clockwise roundtrip around Siquijor Island - Larena, Enrique Villanueva, Maria, Lazi (stops at Lazi market for breakfast and leaves 6:50 am), San Juan, Siquijor (arrives 8am, P50 from Lazi to Siquijor Poblacion) and catches the 1pm ferry at Larena Port (Sundays at 3 pm) for Liloan, Cebu and resumes its land route. Arrives Cebu City (South Bus Terminal) 10 pm.
Sugbo Urban is the cheapest and most convenient way because it goes around the island (clockwise) along the circumferential road, passing through - Enrique Villanueva, Maria, Lazi, San Juan, Siquijor...and back to Larena where it takes the ferry at 1 pm. This saves you the hassle and high transport cost of a tricycle. Besides, it's a long trip from the other side of the island to be taking by tricycle.
These are the nearest popular destinations from Siquijor by boat
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