Location : Lazi, Siquijor Island, Philippines
Juggling Yoga
Today, my eyes were badly strained that I saw sparkling periphery. I closed my lapton for the day.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
I should begin Chapter 4, Samadhi this June
Personal practice
Forging ahead with Hemi-Sync together with my overall yoga practice, developing more Kriyas but my eyes needed rest, so all reading and laptop work had to stop.
6:30 am / bed, Siddhasana
Wave 4 Track 6: NVC 3 (Non Verbal Communication 3)
Same as the other NVC but this time, you send messages and perceive messages that are non-verbal. You emote the feelings of "eager, hello, goodbye, I'm leaving"
First thing in the morning and my mind was fully awake and sharp. I sent out 'eager', 'hello', 'I'm open' and visualized new teeth, black hair, youth, fresh eyes. No OBE, no 'messages' received.
5:30 pm / seawall, Siddhasana
Trataka, terrace through the hole, no tears, but when I closed my eyes (30 mns?), tears flowed on both eyes. This was a great refresher for my tired and weary eyes.
Wave 4 Track 6: NVC 3 (Non Verbal Communication 3), went through all the motion, but no messages, no OBE
8:30 pm / seawall, Siddhasana
Wave 4 Track 6: NVC 3 (Non Verbal Communication 3), went through all the motion, but no messages, no OBE
10:00 pm / bed, Siddhasana
Wave 4 Track 6: NVC 3 (Non Verbal Communication 3), 4th and last for the day, went through all the motion, drifting in and out, but got on track when Monroe spoke. But no messages, no OBE
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Have to be careful with my eyes, so no reading yet.
Personal practice
Pursuing my practice but being careful of my eyes (no reading, minimal laptop)
7:30 am / bed, Siddhasana
Wave 5 Track 1: Advanced Focus 12
I reinforced my previous physique patterning - youth, black hair, new teeth, sharp nose, strong physique, no hernia, no vertigo, fresh sharp eyes. For place patterning, I was on my yoga ashram overlooking the ocean, lots of shady trees, and a water spring source. I tried going to Mars to see the 'face', but no OBE, no messages from beyond.
8:30 am, roofdeck, Siddhasana
Big3M (Maha mudra, Maha bandha, Maha vedha), Wim Hof, Mandukasana
Wave 5 Track 1: Advanced Focus 12
(June 2, 2023, 10:30 am, roofdeck, Siddhasana) exact simulation of the above, exact same result.
Trataka, 20 mins, right eye lots of tears, left eye moist, syncing with OM audio
10 pm, bed, lying down
HS, Wave 5, Track 1, and then I continued with the 'extended' Hemi-Sync until I fell asleep. I woke up with my ear hurting for having the earphone there the whole time.
Personal practice
Easy on my eyes
6 am / bed, lying down
HS, Wave 5, Track 2, intuition. I evoked the NVC feeling of intuition to make it more familiar and accessible.
Trataka...no tears
I made futile attempts to practice, but I was off. I stopped trying.
Personal practice
My eyes are still weary. I should do Trataka today and everyday. Also Headstand. They should be my daily yoga staple together with Hemi-Sync. Today is Wave 5, Track 3. What I had been doing is instead of going back to Focus 10 (from Focus 12), I switch the audio to the extended HS with no narrator. This way, I can prolong my session, if I'm still in the mood for it.
From Focus 12, we were taken to Focus 15 as we free ourselves from the constraints of time. We are now boundless and free to roam past and future. I went through the motion - visualization, feeling it, etc., but no OBE and no realization. Frustrated, I listened to other non-Hemi-Sync audio for Astral Travel. Some were guided meditation, some were guided with binaural beats, but I stayed where I am.
In Focus 15, free from time, you attempt to create and manifest - up to you how you want it, but best if you use the previous NVC lessons. Again, I defaulted to my basic patterning to manifest youth, new teeth, fresh eyes, black hair. Additionally, I tried to go to Mars to look at the face. I'm supposed to be on the advanced stages of the Hemi-Sync program where I transcend the limits of space and time. But still, I haven't managed any OBE or even the 'trembling' that precedes it. It's been over 5 weeks of daily practice with no results. I'm wondering now if I should continue. But there are only a few days left before the program is over, so I'll go through it.
Personal practice
I have this increasing concern that I'm not doing as much Asana as I can. Asana keeps me strong.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Finished reviewing and writing my Ending Thoughts on Chapter 3. Tomorrow, I start on Chapter 4, Samadhi.
Wave 5, Track 6, Focus 15, Siddhasana. Exploring the source of intuition and our true essence. I've done 2 sessions today 8 am and 8 pm. Nothing remarkable.
To restore my strength back through Asana, Trataka until my eyes become refreshed again
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Began Samadhi, Chapter 4 and finished V7 - Samadhi is attained when the mind gains a single focus, Samadhi opens one to a limitless array of perceptions (not just 5), Samadhi is attained when Shakti unites with Shiva (when Kundalini energy goes up the Sahasrara and unites with consciousness).
Wave 6 Track 1 on Focus 12, Energy Body
(Jun 8, 2023, 3/8 pm). You feel your energy body within the physical. You extend your non-physical hands to hold something close to you. I tried holding my dive mask and thermot bottle. No OBE.
Personal practice
8 am / roof deck
Bryan Kest 2
Asana + Pranayama:
1 min Headstand > Big3M Kriya > 2 min Headstand > Mandukasana kriya > 3 min Headstand > Wim Hof kriya
Meditation / Shatkriya:
Trataka, OM chanting, Antara kumbhaka, 20 mins, moist eyes (no tears)
I just did Kunjal kriya in the wee hours and my throat is still hurting and my stomach is still tender. I will fast today, not sure if I can continue my practice.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Covered V 8-12, Shoonya, Samskaras, Vasana, Karma
Wave 6, Track 2 at Focus 12, floating the energy body but staying close to the physical body.
(1 am, roof deck, Siddhasana / 4:30 pm, Siddhasana, terrace) It was a good feel and visualization but no OBE.
Now that my tummy has settled down, I can resume normal practice.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Completed V10-20 - Shoonya, karma forgiveness, freewill through spiritual evolution, yuga ages, quieting the mind to steady prana, Kundalini rising to Brahmarandhra...and returning to Muladhara, and Manonmani.
4:30 am / bed, Siddhasana
Wave 6, Track 2 at Focus 12. I should have done the Track 3, but I feel Track 2 is important for the 'lift'. It's good visualization but no lift.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Mercury (V26-27)
Wave 6 Track 3 at Focus 12
Personal practice
6 am / roof deck
Bryan Kest 3
Asana + Pranayama:
interspersed headstand (1, 2, 3 mins), Mandukasana, Big3M,
Trataka, tears
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Laya (28-31): Absorption
Wave 6 Track 4: Non Physical Friends (Guides)
Wave 6 Track 4. Made a few sessions.
Personal practice
6 am / roofdeck
Bryan Kest 3
Asana + Pranayama:
Headstand, Mandukasana, Big3M
6 pm / seawall
Stretching, L-Sit, Headstand, Big3M, Mandukasana. I had to leave prematurely as the 'gamo gamo' started swarming
Wave 6 Track 5. From Focus 12, I was taken to Focus 21 (other energy systems) and into Locale 2 (beyond physical reality). I guess it is their intention to be ambiguous on the details so as not to pre-empt expectations. I just went through the motion...nothing remarkable happened.
Personal practice
Trataka (35 mins w/ tears) + Sambhavi (10 mins). An AHA Moment happened while during Trataka. I'll write more about it in length with a name I coined for the technique: Mirage Trataka.
My eyes are still badly strained and I can't do much reading or writing. But I need to practice Trataka regularly to restore my eyes' health.
Wave 7 Track 1. This takes you to Focus 21 (other realms or systems of reality) where you communicate with your 'Inner Self' and ask it probing questions about your purpose, how many lives you've lived, what your latest life was and what you can do to achieve your purpose.
Since I just woke up, I was very clear and lucid. It was a good focused session, introspecting into the 'self'. No OBE though.
Concerned about gaining weight with strained eyes
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
V34-42, Laya, Sambhavi, Lingam, Khechari
Indulged in Sri M
Personal practice
7 am / roofdeck
My eyes are badly strained still. Trataka, right eye tear, one hour. Sambhava, 10 mins.
5:30 pm / roofdeck
Bicycle, Leg raises, Headstand,
Mandukasana, Maha vedha
9:30 pm / bed
Personal practice
7 am / roof deck
Headstand, Maha vedha
Trataka, right eye tear, 25 mins | Sambhavi, 5 mins
just to resume my practice
Sri M
created blog and listened his audio autobiograhy
Personal practice
6 am / roofdeck
Trataka, 45 mins, no tears
8 pm / roofdeck
freestyle yoga, headstand, seated, warriors, push ups
1:4:2:3 Maha Mudra, Maha vedha, Wim Hof
Trataka, 23 mins, no tears | Sambhavi mudra
continue the momentum
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Khechari mudra, Ajna chakra, Yoga Nidra, Empty Mind, Kumbhaka, Amrita, Duality / Singularity, V43-59
Sri M
viewed Part 3
Personal practice
6 am / roofdeck
Trataka, bed, tears on 2 eyes
to continue the momentum of resuming my asana
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Mind, Nada v60-66
6 am, lift-off of energy bubble, then pulling on the rope, no OBE
Personal practice
7:30 am / roofdeck
Asana + Pranayama:
Headstand, Maha vedha, Wim Hof, L-Sit, Maha mudra, Maha bandha, Bicycle
Trataka, 28 mins, no tears, facing a wall (doesn't work) | Sambhavi mudra , 10 mins
6 pm / roofdeck
Asana + Pranayama:
stretches, HIIT interspersed with 'Wim Hof Mandukasa'
Trataka, no tears | Sambhava mudra
I'm regaining my fitness back...keep the momentum
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Nada (V64-68)
6 am, lift-off of energy bubble, pulling the rope
Personal practice
6 pm / seawall
Asana + Pranayama:
Stretching, headstand, Maha vedha, Maha Bandha (10 mins - good practice), Crunches,
keep the momentum
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Nada Yoga (69-76), Raja Yoga (76)
Pulled on the rope as I woke up. Since I'm still half asleep, it's a good moment to practice OBE. I even felt a tremor, but still, no OBE
Attempted Focus 21, on the edge of space and on the bridge to the other side. I lost focus somewhere. No OBE.
Personal practice
6:30 am / roofdeck
Asana + Pranayama:
XStretches, 2 rounds of: headstand, push ups, Big3M, Wim Hof/Mandukasana,
30 mins Trataka no tears, 10 mins OM chanting
Ending Thoughts (for June)
--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
YOGA by Gigit
Learn English
Travel like a Nomad
Donation Bank
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June Snapshots
(June 1-31, 2023) June showers are here...plants are happy, the air is clean and the rivers are replenished. In Siquijor, it's fiesta time. Lazi, among other municipalities celebrate their fiestas...lechon, merry making and good tidings....more »»
Autobiography of a Yogi
(July 12-29, 2023) I read this book in high school and I didn't really appreciate it at that time. Perhaps now is the time. Steve Jobs said that this is the one book he would recommend if he can only recommend one book.....more »»
My July Yoga Practice: a Journal
(July 1-30, 2023) I thought I would OBE in July through repeated sessions in my daily practice. But it didn't happen. Even so, it made me proficient in my meditation. This doesn't dampen my resolve. I will continue my daily progression in Hemi-Sync until I finish the program...more »»
More on Lazi:
More on Siquijor Island:
Jeeps - there are only 2 routes for jeeps within Siquijor Island - and they are rare. Most people have their own motorcycle transport.
Food - these were suggested by a local to me
En route to Cebu City, the ferries usually make a stop-over to Tagbilaran (Bohol) to pick-up more passengers or unload.
There is only one bus plying this route - Sugbo Urban. Tourist class coach, a/c, comfortable, Sun-Fri (these dates keep changing). P420 for bus, P275 for ferry to Liloan. Larena Port around 5 am, makes a clockwise roundtrip around Siquijor Island - Larena, Enrique Villanueva, Maria, Lazi (stops at Lazi market for breakfast and leaves 6:50 am), San Juan, Siquijor (arrives 8am, P50 from Lazi to Siquijor Poblacion) and catches the 1pm ferry at Larena Port (Sundays at 3 pm) for Liloan, Cebu and resumes its land route. Arrives Cebu City (South Bus Terminal) 10 pm.
Sugbo Urban is the cheapest and most convenient way because it goes around the island (clockwise) along the circumferential road, passing through - Enrique Villanueva, Maria, Lazi, San Juan, Siquijor...and back to Larena where it takes the ferry at 1 pm. This saves you the hassle and high transport cost of a tricycle. Besides, it's a long trip from the other side of the island to be taking by tricycle.
These are the nearest popular destinations from Siquijor by boat
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