a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

Country > Philippines > Siquijor Island > Lazi
Date > 2023 > Mar
Activity > Yoga


Yoga Journal

My Mar Yoga Practice: a Journal Mar 1-31, 2023

My Mar Yoga Practice: a Journal

Location Google Map: Lazi, Siquijor Island, Philippines

Juggling Yoga
I'm doing yoga on many fronts. They all cover a span of time and by breaking it down into a journal, I can see my progress on different time lines.

  1. Hatha Yoga Pradipika - reading/summarizing/codifying/practicing the book
  2. Yoga by Gigit - developing my online yoga classes. I provide the content and my biz-partner, Marky, takes care of structure to have it available online to paying subscribers
  3. Personal practice - documenting my daily practice which mirrors where I am on the book, Hatha Yoga Pradipika. It helps that I'm doing all three at the same time on the same subject. It's like cooking 3 different dishes with essentially the same ingredients.
Mar 1, 2023 - Wednesday

Hatha Yoga Pradipika
started reading Bhastrika

Personal practice

Continuity on Chandra bhedan, but reverted back to Ujjayi

6:00 am / seawall

Headstand, 1 min + 2 mins with head rolls

Ujjayi, 15 mins, 1:4:2:3, no bandha, still taking it easy...hard to do Chandra bhedan with bandha

6:30 pm / seawall

Headstand, 1 min + 2 mins with head rolls

Chandra bhedan, 15 mins, 1:4:2:3, bandha + mudra
Kapalbhati, 5 rounds, 1:4:2:3, bandha + mudra

Mar 2, 2023 - Thursday

Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Bhastrika - read, summarized and practiced but not finished yet

Personal practice
4 am / home
Chandra bhedan program

Chandra bhedan, 15 mins, 1:4:2:3 + bandha + mudra

Nada sound, 15 mins

2 pm / Bolo-Bolo Spring
bike ride to Bolo-Bolo Spring and back

bathing in the spring plunge-pool (aura cleansing by water)

7 pm / home
pace with HYP, on Bhastrika

Bhastrika, 20 mins, with Nadi Shodan approach, in-breath hold, throat lock

stillness, 5 mins

Mar 3, 2023 - Friday

Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Bhastrika is done - read, summarized, codified, analyzed and practiced

Yoga by Gigit
None. I realized that I cannot pace YBG with HYP because HYP is too broad and comprehensive. It will take forever to finish YBG. So, from tomorrow, I will skip HYP and focus on YBG since this has a deadline - Marky's arrival in late March to do all the shoots.

Personal practice
7 am / seawall
pacing with HYP on Bhastrika

Headstand, 3 rounds of 1 min/round

Bhastrika, 18 mins, 3 rounds, Nadi Shodan style, 3rd round made it WH

OM chanting, 15 mins

Mar 4, 2023 - Saturday

Yoga by Gigit
completed the text script for Kapalbhati. Next, shoot the video

Personal practice
6 am / seawall
I planned on doing Bhastrika in keeping with my HYP reading, but I wasn't feeling it. Instead, I just did a light Nadi Shodhana

Sideplank, left and right, 1 min each, 2 rounds

Nadi Shodhana, 15 mins, 1:1:1:1 ratio

Trataka, 15 mins, tears on right eye

6 pm / seawall
Headstand, 1 min + 2 mins with neck rolls

Nadi Shodhana, 15 mins, 1:4:2:3 ratio, bandha + mudra

Mar 5, 2023 - Sunday

Hatha Yoga Pradipika
On hold until I finish Kapalbhati in YBG

Yoga by Gigit
Shot Kapalbhati video, uploaded and coded (description, meditation and gratitude). To follow is to shoot the actual Kapalbhati breathwork

Personal practice
2 am / home
repair my weary eyes and because I cannot go back to sleep

Trataka, until tears 40 mins, but tears only flowed when I closed my eyes and lied down. It stabilized my mind that I would inhale fully then exhale until 'neutral' and hold my breath. The mind was more steady during the breath-hold.

Mar 6, 2023 - Monday

Hatha Yoga Pradipika
On hold until Kapalbhati is done on YBG

Yoga by Gigit
Today should be to finalize the text on the actual breathing of Kapalbhati, shoot video, upload and code

Personal practice
4 am / home
Eye care so Trataka. This should be my meditation staple from here on

Trataka, not timed but maybe 40 mins, breath-holds on inhale and exhale, depends on what feels good. Tears when I closed my eyes and lied down.

6:30 am / seawall
Headstand, 2 rounds (1 min + 2 mins)
High plank, 5 mins

Chandra bhedan, 15 mins, 1:4:2:3, bandha, mudra

Sambhavi, 15 mins

6:30 pm / seawall
Chandra bhedan, 15 mins, 1:4:2:3, bandha, mudra

Sambhavi, 10 mins

Mar 7, 2023 - Tuesday

Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Bhramari - read, summarized, codified and practiced

Yoga by Gigit
Shot the breathing section of Kapalbhati, uploaded and coded in place. Kapalbhati section is now complete.

Next, read up on Paypal Phil and register

Personal practice

Pace with HYP, so do Bhramari, continue with Chandra bhedan

7 am / seawall
Pistol squat

6 pm / seawall
Tree pose with Trataka but could not balance
Headstand (1 min, 2 mins, 3 mins)

Bhramari, 15 mins, 1:4:∞:1 since the point of Bhramari is to make the bee sound, the exhalation should be the longest. Any breath-hold will only shorten the exhalation. Ideally, the exhalation should be the only breath-hold
Chandra bhedan, 15 mins, 1:4:2:3, bandha + mudra

Trataka with Tree pose, but I couldn't balance so the Trataka was compromised. Shifted to Sambhavi/Nada meditation. Increasingly, the nada sound is becoming more distinct but not any louder

Mar 8, 2023 - Wednesday

Yoga by Gigit
Started writing about Nadi Shodhana.

Personal practice
Pace with HYP: Moorchha

12:00 am / home
Moorchha, in keeping with HYP. I didn't really get the 'void' effect. Or perhaps I get it more when I do long breath-holds with other pranayama. I don't really find Moorchha unique or effective because you get to do the same things when you do a breath-hold on any pranayama. The tilting of the head is unique, but that really doesn't do much for me.

Trataka, Surya pradarshini mudra, Siddhasana, tears at 20 mins

5:00 am / home
Chandra bhedan on inhale, Bhramari on slowest exhale, Bhaya kumbhaka (no bandha, just awareness that prana is on Sushumna), 20 mins. I find this very effective and I get the benefit of everything I intention - nothing is wasted.

6:00 pm / seawall
Because I ate bread before going, I didn't feel ok to do any kind of asana or pranayama. So I just relaxed on the seawall

Mar 9, 2023 - Thursday

Personal practice
Chandra bhedan continuity

6 am / seawall
Chandra bhedan + Bhramari, 20 mins, 1:4:∞:1. By doing Bhramari, I don't have to use my right hand for a right nostril exhale - I can stay on Gyana mudra. Besides, I find Bhramari more powerful than a Pingala exhale. I make the bee sound as long as possible (no count, thus ∞)

11:30 am / ride to Lagaan Falls
Ride to Lagaan Falls, 15 km uphill and hot

6:00 pm / seawall

My body didn't really want to do anything else after that gruelling ride. So I was just at the seawall, no pranayama, no meditation, but star gazing while lying down on my yoga mat + cushion rugs.

It's interesting what I see while star gazing...falling stars, flashing points of light that go off, and moving light at a fast speed.

Mar 10, 2023 - Friday

Yoga by Gigit
None. I seem to be dragging my feet on this. Honestly, it doesn't motivate me. It's my head telling me I have to provide for my future needs and that this is passive income that'll take care of me.

Personal practice
Still Chandra bhedan continuation, even though there are days I just can't do it

4:30 am / home
Trataka on red light, 27 mins, no tears

6 pm / seawall
Push-ups, stretching

Chandra bhedan inhale, hold no bandha, Bhramari exhale, hold no bandha, 15 mins

Trataka, tears on closing eyes, 30 mins

Mar 11, 2023 - Saturday

Personal practice
Chandra bhedan continuation + eye therapy

6 am / seawall
Stretching, headstand

Chandra bhedan (inhale), Antara kumbhaka + bandha, Bhramari (exhale), Bahya kumbhaka - bandha (none)

Vipassana, 15 mins

12 noon / 15 km bike ride
Bike ride from home to Sabas, Kagusuan, Monkey, Nabutay and back (looping), 15 km total

6 pm / seawall
Chandra bhedan, Antara kumbhaka (Mula + Jalandhara bandha), Bhramari, Bahya kumbhaka (no bandha), 1:4:∞:1

Trataka, 20 mins, tears
Sambhavi mudra

Mar 12, 2023 - Sunday

Yoga by Gigit
None. I feel paralyzed by my non-motivation in continuing this.

Personal practice
Chandra bhedan continuation

6 am / seawall
Stretching, headstand

Chandra bhedan, left/right nostril breathing, no kumbhaka/bandha, slow breathing

Sambhavi mudra

6 pm / seawall
Chandra bhedan, no hold, slow Bhramari, no hold. I wasn't feeling 100% so bandha and kumbhaka had to be skipped

Nada sound

Mar 13, 2023 - Monday

Yoga by Gigit
I resumed writing on the video text and shot a video of the warm-up breathing. I wanted to finish today but somehow didn't.

Personal practice
I'm feeling a burnout from all this yoga intensity. I feel like backing off. I already have a headache that doesn't go away. Instead, I'll just do what feels good, regardless of my established routine.

3:30 am / home
Chandra bhedan, no breath-hold, slow Ujjayi exhale (so my hands are resting), no breath-hold, 20 mins

6:30 pm / wall
Pranayama / Meditation:
I couldn't seem to focus on anything, so I just did a mash-up of what felt doable...Chandra bhedan followed by Sambhavi, then Trataka, then Ujjayi, etc. There was no direction. Maybe the prospect of a fresh fish grilled dinner (just caught by my neighbor fisherman) was causing it.

Mar 14, 2023 - Tuesday

Personal practice
Chandra bhedan continuation + Trataka for vision care

2 am / home
Chandra bhedan (no antara) inhale/exhale, hold on empty lungs (bahya kumbhaka), 15 mins. This way, I only use my right hand once on 2 breaths. The rest of the time, my hands are on Gyana mudra. This also pushes the benefits of Chandra bhedan since both inhale and exhale are on the left nostril.

Trataka on red light. Tears flowed when I lied down and closed my eyes. I no longer use my reading glass which means I need to double-down on eye therapy for me to see without the glasses

6 pm / seawall
I couldn't focus so I mashed-up everything - Chandra bhedan, Wim Hof, Nadi Shodhana, etc. At least I was still doing my practice

Just movement...slow squats, half forward bend, with spinal mobility

Mar 15, 2023 - Wednesday

Yoga by Gigit
Shot the video of Breathing Warm Up but didn't get to upload fully.

Personal practice
I couldn't do anything this morning as I was deeply disturbed by my blunder with Bitcoin and almost losing the chance to buy a motorbike. Plus, after updating my GCash app, it wouldn't launch anymore! I just decided to go to Bolo-Bolo to take a dip and get some water.

12 noon
Biked to Bolo-Bolo, took a dip in the water with dive mask, took water home.

6 pm / seawall
Just another mash-up of different Pranayama. Doing devoted Chandra bhedan with full kumbhaka and bandha seems different. Also, doing a Wim Hof is feeling it feels aggressive.

Mar 16, 2023 - Thursday

Yoga by Gigit
Uploaded Breathing Warm Up video and coded in place. This segment is complete. Next, Basic Nadi Shodhana pranayama.

Personal practice
Just to get back on track

12 am / home
Chandra bhedan, no bandha, 1:1:1:1, 15 mins

Ujjayi breathing visualizing youth on the inhale, manifesting on the exhale, 30 mins

5:30 am / home
Chandra bhedan, 1:4:2:3 + kumbhaka + bandha, 15 mins
Seetkari, Bhramari, Bahya Kumbhaka
Kapalbhati, 1 min, Mandukasana, Antara, Bhramari, Bahya
Ujjayi, 1 min, Mandukasana, Antara, Bhramari, Bahya
Nadi Shodhana, 1 min, Mandukasana, Antara, Bhramari, Bahya

Feeling the void, 10 mins

Mar 17, 2023 - Friday

Personal practice
My mind is still racing over the prospect of the motorbike purchase so it's hard to concentrate on anything else. A new development of finding a 2014 Honda Wave but at the Siquijor proper branch - old but brand new and only P35k. But no GCash option? New challenges pre-occupy my mind.

5:00 am / home
Wim Hof (more like fast Ujjayi), not timing, just feeling when it's time to stop
Chandra bhedan (feeling the introverting of the mind), antara kumbhaka + bandha (filling, not rushing for a bandha, stabilizing, then's more deliberate), bhramari (visualizing that the reverberation is crumbling and decalcifying the pineal gland to activate it): not timing, just feeling and visualizing everything

Mar 18, 2023 - Saturday

Yoga by Gigit
Added content on Nadi Shodhana script. Shot the Basic video.

Personal practice
Kris is here so I will try to include him in the practice.

7 am / home
Handstand on a wall, 1 min, 2 mins.

Mar 19, 2023 - Sunday

Yoga by Gigit
Completed Nadi Shodhana Basic

Personal practice
Kris wanted to join me for yoga so I did the Basic Nadi Shodhana class with him, exactly as how I would teach it on my online yoga class.

6 am / seawall
Stretches, pistol squats, spinal mobility, sustained chair, seated poses

Nadi Shodhana Basic - breathing warmup (5 mins), left nostril breathing (3 mins), right nostril breathing (3 mins), left-right breathing (3 mins), right-left breathing (3 mins), Nadi Shodhana / 1:1 / (15 mins)

Gratitude for being alive

6 pm / seawall
Tree Pose, 1 min/side, 10 mins
Hand-to-BigToe, 1 min/side, 5 mins

Nadi Shodhana, 1:2:2, 10 mins

Trataka, 20 mins, no tears

Mar 20, 2023 - Monday

Yoga by Gigit
Nadi Shodhana Intermediate, 1:1, 1:2, 1:2:2, 1:4:2, 1:4:2:3

Personal practice
Doing the 1:1, 1:2, 1:2:2, 1:4:2, 1:4:2:3 ratio on Nadi Shodhana with Kris

4:30 am / home
Chandra bhedan-Antara-Bhramari-Bahya + Bandha, 15 mins

Trataka, using app, 10 mins, no tears
Nada sounds, 10 mins

Mar 21, 2023 - Tuesday

Yoga by Gigit
Writing on Nadi Shodhana Intermediate

Personal practice
To practice with Kris doing my Nadi Shodhana online class

6 am / seawall
push ups, headstand, groin stretches

2 pm / bike ride
bike ride to Bolo-Bolo and back

6 pm / seawall
Nadi Shodhana 1:1, 10 mins
Chandra bhedan, Antara, Bhramari, Bahya, 1:1:∞:1, 10 mins

Trataka, 20 mins

Mar 22, 2023 - Wednesday

Personal practice
Yoga with Kris using various Pranayama

6 am / seawall
Stretches, spinal mobility, headstand

Kapalbhati + Mandukasana, Bhastrika, Wim Hof, Nadi Shodhana 1:1:1:1, Seetkari


Mar 25, 2023 - Saturday

Yoga by Gigit
Completed the 3 chapters on Nadi Shodhana from Basic to Intermediate (Kumbhaka) to Advanced (Kumbhaka + Bandha). Only the videos need to be added. With Marky's arrival tonight, the video shoot can be done in the next few days.

Personal practice
Revisiting Wim Hof

6 am / seawall
Stretching, slow push-up, headstand

Wim Hof + Mandukasana

Scanning, emptiness

6 pm / seawall
Chandra bhedan + OM chanting, standing up. This seems to give a feeling of calm and a refreshing deviation from my usual Bhramari

Mar 26, 2023 - Sunday

Yoga by Gigit
Finalized rewriting for Marky's arrival and initial meeting

Personal practice
4 am / home
Wim Hof lying down. This position allows me to extend the breathing to 10 mins non-stop, 2X. I only opted of the full exhale then hold before the full inhale. There was no high. I thought it would knock me out to sleep but no. I stayed awake.

The rest of the day was spent going around the island of Siquijor with Marky.

Mar 27, 2023 - Monday

Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Plavini, written, but not keen to practice. I don't see any need for 'floating on water' or ingesting air in my stomach...I don't even know if the gulped air really goes into my stomach or still redirected to my lungs. It just didn't resonate.

Personal practice
4 am / home
Wim Hof, two 10-mins, lying down

6 am / seawall
Stretches, little injury on the front split

Kapalbhati + Mandukasana

6 pm / seawall
Mash-up, cannot seem to focus the mind so I kept changing the breath, looking for something that might work

Mar 28, 2023 - Tuesday

Personal practice
6 am / seawall
Headstand, 5-min high plank, bicycle, stretching

Asana + Wim Hof (on Vajrasana) + Mandukasana, Antara kumbhaka (visualizing on levitation through Muladhara chakra [Mula bandha] and Vishuddhi chakra [Jalandhara bandha]) + OM chanting
Chandra bhedan + Antara kumbhaka + OM chanting

6 pm / seawall
Chandra bhedan + OM chanting

Mar 29, 2023 - Wednesday

Personal practice
4:30 am / home
Chandra bhedan + short Antara (bandha), OM chanting (air is saved for OM and not on Antara), Bahya (no bandha, but awareness that prana is in Sushumna), 30 mins

Riding bike to Bolo Bolo and back

Mar 30, 2023 - Thursday

Yoga by Gigit
Video shoot with Marky
Introduction - Bolo Bolo
Free breathing class, Ujjayi description - Cambugahay Falls

Personal practice
6 am / seawall
Stretching, headstand, lolasana, shoulder stand, plow, pistol squat

Chandra bhedan + OM


Mar 31, 2023 - Friday

Yoga by Gigit
Went to Sabas Beach with Marky to shoot Surya Namaskar A/B

Personal practice
Going back to Isometrics. Kris just showed up

6 am / seawall
Isometrics for 1 min - shoulders, pecs, arms, back

Wim Hof standard, 2 mins, 3 mins, 4 mins

OM chanting, but I was falling asleep and it's precarious since I could fall off the seawall

Ending Thoughts

  1. Hatha Yoga Pradipika - for March, Hatha Yoga Pradipika took a back seat to the urgency of Yoga by Gigit (YBG). I've only covered Bhastrika, Bhramari, Moorchha and Plavini. In hindsight, I still should have plowed through with the least 1 chapter/day. I'll try to keep this up through April.
  2. Yoga by Gigit - I still could have done more with YBG - but honestly, motivation was low. It wasn't exciting me. It was more of a mental push for passive income. Still, I'm doing my due-diligence. From my end, video and text (up to Nadi Shodhana) was completed in time for Marky's arrival. But pursuing this project had a paralyzing effect on my other practice - HYP was practically put on hold.
  3. Personal practice
    For Kumbhaka, my staple is 1:4:2:3 which is perhaps the most challenging when timing and endurance is concerned. Again, the precise timing and count is made possible only by the metronome.

    With my increasing vision difficulty, I should make Trataka a daily staple too - perhaps through April.

    For Asanas, I should intersperse Isometric holds, Calisthenics and Stretching. Cardio, except for cycling, has been all but forgotten. Maybe I should do rope skipping once a week.

    Chandra bhedan remained my main focus to introvert my mind, control my excitability and be more deliberate and intentioned with my words and demeanor. One variation that works for me is: Chandra bhedan-no Kumbhaka-long Bhramari-Bahya kumbhaka (no bandha) with focus on prana stablizing on the Sushumna. This process makes full use of all my intentions.

    I started incorporating visualizing levitation on my bandhas. As I engage Mula bandha, I visualize the butt-squeeze producing a 'lift'. On the Jalandhara bandha, I visualize an upward spiraling energy on the Visuddhi chakra that also creates a 'lift'. The visualization and 'feeling of weightlessness' are key components to manifestation. After all, if consciousness is the only objective reality here, then everything else can be co-created even though it's just an illusion - levitation included.

    Meditation defaults to Sambhavi, Nada and OM/Bhramari - and they're all good (Vipassana and Anapana not so much anymore).

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
YOGA by Gigit Yoga by Gigit | Learn English Learn English | Travel like a Nomad Nomad Travel Buddy | Donation Bank Donation Bank for TheLoneRider

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(Apr 1-30, 2023) I'm doing yoga on many fronts - reading/summarizing/codifying Hatha Yoga Pradipika, developing my online yoga classes and actually doing my practice. They all cover a span of time and by breaking it down into a journal, I can look back and see my progress...more »»

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Exploring Siquijor with Marky Traveling Yoga Peoplescape

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(Mar 25 - Apr 11, 2023) I had been preparing my end of the 'Yoga by Gigit' project in time for Marky's arrival to shoot the videos. More than that, we'd be exploring Siquijor together on my motorbike...more »»

More on Lazi:

Lazi Local Info
  1. Resorts - Lazi has some beach/dive resorts on its west coast - Gabayan Riviera, Lazi Beach Club, Bahura Dive Resort. However, the popular area for tourist resorts are in San Juan
  2. Transport - Lazi is the junction where the jeeps begin their clockwise route (Lazi-San Juan-Siquijor Port) or the counter clockwise route (Lazi-Maria-Larena Port). Because the jeeps are rare with about 2 to 3 trips/day only in the morning, it's practical to just have a motorcycle here in Siquijor. With its affordability (a brand new Rusi motorbike is as low as P45k), people just buy motorcycles...especially those who live up in the mountains.
  3. The Boulevard - Lazi's main draw is its seaside cobblestone promenade. When the sun goes down, people gather here for eats, drinks, open-air, harbor view and the sunset
  4. Lazi Port - Kho Shipping, the shipping line operating from Lazi Port, has stopped its service to Cagayan de Oro, Iligan, Dumaguete, Tagbilaran and Cebu. Passengers can go to Siquijor Port or Larena Port for boat services out of Siquijor Island

More on Siquijor Island:

Siquijor Island Local Info

Jeeps - there are only 2 routes for jeeps within Siquijor Island - and they are rare. Most people have their own motorcycle transport.

  1. Siquijor Port to Lazi - last trip leaves at 3pm from station near market
  2. Lazi to Siquijor Port - jeeps depart from the Lazi Port area. 5 jeeps, the last trip at 12:30 pm. Lazi to San Juan, P50.
  3. Larena Port to Lazi - jeeps are unpredictable. As of this writing, there is only 1 jeep plying the Larena-Lazi route. This jeep leaves Larena for Lazi at 9:50am. After that, no more jeep. You'll have to take a tricycle to Siquijor Pob for jeeps going to Lazi
  4. Lazi to Larena Port - 6am (daily) and 9 am (M-Th)

Food - these were suggested by a local to me

  1. Lechon manok & liempo - roasted pork belly and chicken at Joel's in Siquijor Poblacion. I've tried this myself...yummy, even if the chicken was no longer hot
  2. Bibingka - sweetened rice cake by Fidy's Bibingka (P30) in Sawang, Maria. I've come back for this and I buy for other people as well as 'pasalubong' - they love this
  3. Siopao - at the Rosita store near Thrifty (P25) in Siquijor Poblacion
  4. Peanut butter - by Rene. Just ask around in Siquijor Poblacion. It's popular
  5. Torta - sweet cakish bread at the Thrifty story in Siquijor Poblacion
Siquijor Island Map
Siquijor - Dumaguete Boat Trips (as of Jan 2023)
  1. Montenegro Lines - at Siquijor Port, P234.00/pax, P169/bicycle, 7:30am/10:00am/2:00pm/4:30pm

  2. Montenegro Lines, Siquijor to Dumaguete

  3. Aleson Shipping - at Siquijor Port, 6 am and 6 pm daily, 1:30 pm M-Sat, Regular P200.00/pax, Aircon P250.00/pax

  4. Aleson Shipping, Dumaguete to Siquijor

  5. Ocean Jet - 40 mins,at Siquijor Port, 0919.066.5964,,, 6:00am/6:00pm, P350/pax (tourist/open air), P580/pax (business class)

    Ocean Jet

Siquijor - Tagbilaran - Cebu City Boat Trips (as of Jan 2023)

En route to Cebu City, the ferries usually make a stop-over to Tagbilaran (Bohol) to pick-up more passengers or unload.

  1. Ocean Jet - 8:20 am, at Siquijor Port
    To Tagbilaran: P800/tourist & open air, 2 hours (arrive 10:20 am), P1200/business class
    To Cebu (Pier 1): P1600/tourist & open air, 4 hours (arrive 12:40 am), P2400/business class
  2. Lite Ferries - at Larena Port, no Senior Citizen discount for online ticket purchase
    To Tagbilaran: T-Th-Sun, 3 hours, depart 7 pm - arrive 10 pm, P475/standard (Tourist, PHP 750)
    To Cebu: T-Th-Sun, 10 hours, depart 7 pm - arrive 5 am, PHP 605/standard (Senior P484), Tourist, PHP 770
  3. Apekoptravel - at Larena Port to Tagbilaran: 1:00 pm, xxx hours, P750
    Reserve through call or text: Cleare - 0938 283 4760 | Grace - 0936 534 6564 | Jessel - 0961 759 6711, Pay via G-Cash: +63-917-880-1464, Email:, Facebook messenger: Apekoptravel. Enter your birthday and nationality to get discounts: 0 to 3 years old free, 4 to 9 years old will have 20% discount, 10 years old and above full price, Filipino Senior Citizens will also have 20% discount

Siquijor - Plaridel Boat Trips (as of Jan 2023)
  1. Lite Ferries - at Larena Port, T-Th-Sun, 2:00 am, 5 hours, PHP?

Siquijor - Cebu (Liloan) - Cebu City BUS Trip (as of Jan 2023)

There is only one bus plying this route - Sugbo Urban. Tourist class coach, a/c, comfortable, Sun-Fri (these dates keep changing). P420 for bus, P275 for ferry to Liloan. Larena Port around 5 am, makes a clockwise roundtrip around Siquijor Island - Larena, Enrique Villanueva, Maria, Lazi (stops at Lazi market for breakfast and leaves 6:50 am), San Juan, Siquijor (arrives 8am, P50 from Lazi to Siquijor Poblacion) and catches the 1pm ferry at Larena Port (Sundays at 3 pm) for Liloan, Cebu and resumes its land route. Arrives Cebu City (South Bus Terminal) 10 pm.

Sugbo Urban is the cheapest and most convenient way because it goes around the island (clockwise) along the circumferential road, passing through - Enrique Villanueva, Maria, Lazi, San Juan, Siquijor...and back to Larena where it takes the ferry at 1 pm. This saves you the hassle and high transport cost of a tricycle. Besides, it's a long trip from the other side of the island to be taking by tricycle.

Sugbo Urban

Sugbo Urban

Suggested Destinations After Siquijor Island

These are the nearest popular destinations from Siquijor by boat

  1. Bohol - Bohol is an island northeast Siquijor. Tourist attractions are Chocolate Hills, Tarsier Monkey, Loboc River Cruise, Beaches of Panglao, whale sharks (recent offering), freediving (recent offering)
  2. Cebu - Cebu City is the usual gateway into the Visayas. But in Cebu Island itself, there are many offerings - Whale Sharks of Oslob, sardine run at Moalboal,Thresher Shark of Malapascua
  3. Dapitan (Zamboanga del Norte) - I haven't been there but a lot of island ferries ply this port. There must be something here.
  4. Dumaguete - Dumaguete is a small charming progressive coastal town in Negros Oriental. Cafe and restaurants line the famous Boulevard Boardwalk. Tourist attractions include Japanese Shrine, Casaroro Falls, snorkeling along the southern coastline (Dauin, Masaplod Norte, etc), Balinsasayao Twin Lakes
  5. Plaridel (Misamis Occidental, Mindanao) - I haven't been there but a lot of island ferries ply this port. There must be something here.


Siquijor Blogs
Siquijor Island
  1. Goodbye Siquijor April 18, 2024
  2. January Chronicles: Bandilaan Meditation January 2024
  3. My January Yoga Practice: A Journal January 31, 2024
  4. Jan 2024: Squid, Balangawan, Margarita Pizza January 2024
  5. December Chronicles: Yuletide Season December 30, 2023
  6. December Snapshots: Bolo Bolo Dip, Christmas Lunch, Tuba Denizens, Friends Forever, Men Working, Cow / Crow December 1-30, 2023
  7. Eggplant Bulad Pizza December 20, 2023
  8. Canghaling Cave November 14, 2023
  9. Kings and Queens November 13, 2023
  10. Barangay Vote-Buying October 22, 2023
  11. Real Estate Mapping October 1, 2023
  12. Learning Cebuano: Oct October 1-31, 2023
  13. Oct Food Hack: Pizza, Kinilaw, Coconut Bread, Fish Okuy, Carrot Omelette,Lemon-Grass Tea October 2023
  14. Sep Snapshots: Fisherman, Granny, Pedicure, Big Fish, Garbage September 1-30, 2023
  15. Sep Food Hack: Fish Tinola, Ratatouille, Chayote Omelette, Flat Bread September 2023
  16. Together Forever Sep 11, 2023
  17. The Cigarette Talk Sep 1, 2023
  18. Siquijor Star Meditation Center Aug 31, 2023
  19. The Lost Dogs of Siquijor Aug 27, 2023
  20. Moving to a Bungalow! Aug 22, 2023
  21. Aug Chronicles: CDO produce August 31, 2023
  22. Aug Snapshots: Pan de Sal, Palpitate, Taho, Tuna, Pineapple August 1-31, 2023
  23. July Chronicles July 31, 2023
  24. July Snapshots July 1-31, 2023
  25. Learning Cebuano: July July 1-31, 2023
  26. June Chronicles June 31, 2023
  27. June Snapshots June 1-31, 2023
  28. Learning Cebuano: June June 1-31, 2023
  29. May Chronicles May 31, 2023
  30. May Snapshots May 1-31, 2023
  31. Learning Cebuano May 1-31, 2023
  32. In Search of a Cool Climate May 25, 2023
  33. The 64 km Bike Ride May 16, 2023
  34. Lazi Fiesta May 15, 2023
  35. The Boulevard Opening May 5, 2023
  36. April Snapshots April 1-30, 2023
  37. Learning Cebuano...Again! April 1-30, 2023
  38. Kris Visits Siquijor Mar 17 - Apr 15, 2023
  39. Exploring Siquijor with Marky Mar 25 - Apr 11, 2023
  40. Siquijor Healing Festival April 5-8, 2023
  41. The Talk at United Church of Christ April 2, 2023
  42. Mar Snapshots Mar 1-31, 2023
  43. Vigil for the Ghost Ship of Siquijor March 31, 2023
  44. Judging an Essay on Gender Equality Mar 29, 2023
  45. The Thief, the Shaman, the Elves and the Police Mar 20, 2023
  46. Finally Acquiring the Motorbike Mar 18, 2023
  47. Bitcoin Blunder Mar 15, 2023
  48. Maria's Unsung Beaches Mar 11, 2023
  49. Lagaan Falls Mar 9, 2023
  50. Tibhong Spring Water Source Mar 8, 2023
  51. Bolo-Bolo Natural Spring Mar 2, 2023
  52. Reasons to Get a Wife March 1, 2023
  53. Feb Snapshots Feb 28, 2023
  54. Camagung-Ong Natural Spring Feb 28, 2023
  55. Heeeere's Johnnie! Feb 26, 2023
  56. Manifesting a Motorbike from Thin Air? Feb 18, 2023
  57. The 'Bad Guy' of Siquijor Feb 15, 2023
  58. Amazement from Drivers License Renewal in Siquijor Feb 15, 2023
  59. Locong Falls Feb 9, 2023
  60. Inguinal Hernia? Goodbye ABS! Feb 4, 2023
  61. Jan Snapshots January 31, 2023
  62. In Search of Tubod Cold Spring Jan 27, 2023
  63. 1:4:2:3 Nadi Shodana Jan 26, 2023
  64. Lazi's Boulevard Jan 22, 2023
  65. Lazi: A Monthly Stay Jan 21, 2023
  66. 7 Days in Maria, Siquijor Jan 14-21, 2023
  67. Capilay Spring Jan 17, 2023
  68. Siquijor: In Search of Resonance Jan 9-14, 2023
  69. Riding Around Siquijor's 86km Coastal Road Apr 3, 2012
  70. Exploring the Cantabon Cave of Siquijor Feb 23, 2012
  71. Jovee and Missy's Excellent Adventure Nov 6-7, 2010
  72. Freediving in Siquijor's Marine Sancturaries Apr 23-24, 2010
  73. Island Tour of Siquijor Apr 22, 2010
  74. Kram's Siquijor Wedding Apr 21, 2010

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