a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2023 archive

March 2023 Blogs

Mar Snapshots Snapshot

March Snapshots

(Mar 1-31, 2023) Angkor Wat? You'll never guess it. If you look into the nook and cranny of any community, there's always an Easter Egg awaiting to amaze the beholder...more »»

My Mar Yoga Practice: a Journal Yoga

My Mar Yoga Practice: a Journal

(Mar 1-31, 2023) I'm doing yoga on many fronts - reading/summarizing/codifying Hatha Yoga Pradipika, developing my online yoga classes and actually doing my practice. They all cover a span of time and by breaking it down into a journal, I can look back and see my progress...more »»

Vigil for the Ghost Ship of Siquijor Traveling

Vigil for the Ghost Ship of Siquijor

(March 31, 2023) The Ghost Ship of Siquijor has been around for generations that locals no longer mind it. Apparently, 2 ships appear between 11pm to 2am, undetected by radar and unchasable by fishermen, that somehow merge together and disappear...more »»

Judging an Essay on Gender Equality Slice of Life

Judging an Essay on Gender Equality

(Mar 29, 2023) When Siquijor's LTO chief invited me to judge an essay contest by grade 9-10 students about gender equality at the Siquijor Provincial Science High School, I felt it was an opening to something that would pave the way for my continued stay in Siquijor...more »»

Finally Acquiring the Motorbike Slice of Life

Finally Acquiring the Motorbike

(Mar 18, 2023) After going through peaks and valleys from Bitcoins's price to dealership negotiations, I finally came home with a 2nd-hand feeling brand new motorbike...more »»

Bitcoin Blunder Slice of Life

Bitcoin Blunder

(Mar 15, 2023) Since that fateful day in Feb 18 when I hesitated and lost an opportunity to buy a motorbike, I have since monitored Bitcoin, vowing to act immediately when Bitcoin once again spike back to that level. And last night, it just fact, much higher!..more »»

Maria's Unsung Beaches Traveling

Maria's Unsung Beaches

(Mar 11, 2023) Maria is a lesser-known municipality of Siquijor. It has beaches but no one knows about it except those intrepid adventurers who look at Google Map and explore the landmarks. In preparation for viewing the Ghost Ships of Lazi at night, I headed out there in the daytime to ocular the beaches...more »»

Lagaan Falls Traveling

Lagaan Falls

(Mar 9, 2023) Feeling a sense of urgency to exhaust Lazi's waterfall offerings, I zeroed-in on Lagaan Falls. The challenge was the long steep incline under the scorching sun. But the reward was a cool dip on the plunge-pool and the white-knuckle downhill ride on the way back...more »»

Tibhong Spring Water Source Traveling

Tibhong Spring Water Source

(Mar 8, 2023) While having lunch at a nearby carinderia, I told the 'Manangs' (women elders) that I was on the way to Lagaan Falls to get some drinking water and take a dip on the waterfall. They said why go too far when there is a spring water source less than a kilometer away - Tibhong Spring. With that information, my afternoon itinerary was changed and I was off to Tibhong Spring...more »»

Consciousness Creates Reality? Quantum Mechanics Lucid Thoughts

Consciousness Creates Reality?

(Mar 6, 2023) The more I desire an outcome, the increased likelihood it will happen. And it has, on so many occassions. I'm drawn to conclude that consciousness influences the way reality unravels. But what if we kick it up a notch? What if consciousness actually creates reality?..more »»

Bolo-Bolo Natural Spring Traveling

Bolo-Bolo Natural Spring

(Mar 2, 2023) The most popular waterfall in Siquijor is Cambugahay Falls. I went upstream to the source of that waterfall - Bolo Bolo Spring. Only locals go there. It's not manicured, quite raw, entrance is free, bathing is refreshing and it's now my source for drinking water...more »»

Reasons to Get a Wife Verbatim

Reasons to Get a Wife

(March 1, 2023) In a polite conversation I had with an elderly woman who owned the modest eatery I was eating at, she told me to get a wife. Surprisingly, she added some unexpected reasons why I should...more »»

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