Location : Lazi, Siquijor Island, Philippines
A Tale of 2 Pups
This is a tale of 2 sibling pups. Sure, siblings are for life. But their intense bonding from abandonment, hunger, thirst, exposure, loss of other siblings and perhaps even cannibalism makes their story compelling and their partnership, forever.
The Dumping Ground
On a winding lonely road between Cambugahay Falls and Brgy. Po-o, unwanted pups are abandoned by their owners - perhaps they can't handle too many dogs and there are no takers. I've seen it happen a few times as I often pass by this road. The pups are either run down by passing motorists or die of hunger/thirst/exposure. If they get lucky, they might actually survive by scavenging on the ravine across the street where people illegally dispose of their garbage. Luckier if a passing motorist is taken by their doleful look and adopts them (puppies are inherently cute ***).
A Litter of 7
Late August, I noticed a new dumping - a litter of 7 pups. Over the coming days, I've seen their numbers dwindle. Some died on the side of the road. Some died within the shallow trench where they sought shelter from the heat. I even saw the rotting carcasses of the pups in the trench. Finally after a week, the pups were down to 2. What amazed me was they were still alive and not even losing weight. A few locals I talked to said the surviving pups must have been eating their dead siblings to survive. That was initially shocking, but even man has done the same thing - Uruguayan Flight 571 in 1972.
Checking Them Out
I would often stop by to see how they are doing. They would also wag their tails when they see me stop. They've identified with me and would follow me on my bike. I intentionally didn't cuddle them because I didn't want to be attached - I would just stop by and check them out. I even speculated that if I had land, I would adopt them - even though I don't like pets. On that imagined land, I will feed them, but they will not be caged or leashed. They will be free to roam the land. No animal should be held in captivity for me.
Coaxing Them to Cambugahay Falls
One time, I coaxed them to follow me all the way to Cambugahay Falls. I speculated that here, sympathetic vacationers would take pity on them and give them food - it would ensure their survival. But when I continued home, they also went back to their trench-home. At least they now know where people are and where they can source food.
Still, the days passed by and I would always see these 2 pups together - always together. When they sleep, they huddle with each other. They are inseparable - they might as well be tethered.
One day as I was passing by, they were no longer there. Finally, they have been adopted. I'm glad they didn't suffer the fate of their siblings. I also hope they remain together forever as they have done so during this most challenging episode in their lives.
Ending Thoughts
These 2 pups have gone through a traumatic lot - abandoned, starved, drenched in the rain, no water, no shelter and seeing their siblings die in front of them. Inconclusive, but they probably ate their dead siblings too just to survive. They have been together through it all. They have been inseparable - always together even when they sleep. Their intense bonding has been tested like no other. Together Forever - so apt, so moving.
I can't help but be reminded of my own sibling episode. My younger half-brother told me point blank that next time I use his car, I should walk his dog - yeah, some fucked-up sibling dynamics. I haven't spoken to him since and have no intention to. I'd like to think that the puppy episode was a triumph of the human spirit, but no, it's the triumph of the tethered puppies. Sorry, I can't say the same for the triumph of the human sibling spirit.
*** Puppies are inherently cute until they grow up and become dogs - Azkal dogs (ordinary-looking street dogs) to be exact. Oftentimes, they are abandoned by their owners when they cease to be the cute little cuddy puppies - and they become the literal self-supporting street dogs rummaging the garbage bins. I really hope this doesn't happen to the 2 pups when they begin to look like Azkals.
UPDATE: (Sep 13, 2023) This is rather sad, but when I passed by the winding road, I saw them again. This is a week after I didn't see them anymore. My speculation is that the new owners realized they couldn't care for 2 pups and decided to bring them back to the 'winding road'. Another speculation is that they were never adopted. They simply took their chance going down the ravine for forage for foood. There is certainly water there as a river runs below the ravine.
UPDATE: (Oct 19, 2023) For over a month, I never saw them again until now. They were still together and inseparable. But I saw them on the ravine side of the road, so I guess they found a way to survive on their own. But every once in a while, they go up the road side - this is the only time I get to see them. They haven't grown since. Food is perhaps scarce.
UPDATE: (Oct 22, 2023) I saw only one this time. It's odd because the 2 of them were inseparable. But this one was nibbling off a carcass on the street. I can only imagine that this carcas was its sibling, ran over by passing motorists.
UPDATE: (Oct 27, 2023) Upon my passing, I saw the 2 of them again...still together. It's a sigh of relief for me knowing that the carcass I saw wasn't one of them.
--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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More on Siquijor Island:
Jeeps - there are only 2 routes for jeeps within Siquijor Island - and they are rare. Most people have their own motorcycle transport.
Food - these were suggested by a local to me
En route to Cebu City, the ferries usually make a stop-over to Tagbilaran (Bohol) to pick-up more passengers or unload.
There is only one bus plying this route - Sugbo Urban. Tourist class coach, a/c, comfortable, Sun-Fri (these dates keep changing). P420 for bus, P275 for ferry to Liloan. Larena Port around 5 am, makes a clockwise roundtrip around Siquijor Island - Larena, Enrique Villanueva, Maria, Lazi (stops at Lazi market for breakfast and leaves 6:50 am), San Juan, Siquijor (arrives 8am, P50 from Lazi to Siquijor Poblacion) and catches the 1pm ferry at Larena Port (Sundays at 3 pm) for Liloan, Cebu and resumes its land route. Arrives Cebu City (South Bus Terminal) 10 pm.
Sugbo Urban is the cheapest and most convenient way because it goes around the island (clockwise) along the circumferential road, passing through - Enrique Villanueva, Maria, Lazi, San Juan, Siquijor...and back to Larena where it takes the ferry at 1 pm. This saves you the hassle and high transport cost of a tricycle. Besides, it's a long trip from the other side of the island to be taking by tricycle.
These are the nearest popular destinations from Siquijor by boat
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