a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

Country > Philippines > Siquijor Island > Lazi
Date > 2023 > April
Activity > Learning


Language Learning

Language Learning

Learning Cebuano

Learning Cebuano

Learning Cebuano...Again! April 1-30, 2023

Learning Cebuano...Again!

Location Google Map: Siquijor Island, Philippines

Siquijor Challenge
I lived quite a bit in Cebu City numerous times and had friends who were polite as they struggled through Tagalog since I was in the conversation - and I could neither speak or understand the local language, Cebuano.

Now that I'm committed to stay long-term in Siquijor, it's high time for me to start learning Cebuano...again...seriously!

I teach people how to speak English. Now, I'll teach myself Cebuano using the same approach - write a short daily blog and translate that in Cebuano using Google Translate. This way, I learn to practice words I actually use. This makes my learning relevant and compelling.

English-Cebuano Translation
  1. outside - sa gawas
  2. inside - sa sulod
  3. from - gikan
  4. going to - paingon
  5. the other side - pikas
  1. laughing - nakatawa, eg. I was laughing hard | Grabe akong katawa
  2. crying - naghilak, eg. I was crying a lot | Grabe akong hilak
  3. rushing - nagdali
  4. to walk - paglakaw
  5. to run - pagdagan
  6. to open - abli
  7. to close - pagsira
  8. to ask - pagpangutana, eg I asked, Nangutana ko
  9. to answer - pagtubag
  10. to go to (a place) - adto ko
  11. to come here - nga moanhi dinhi
  12. to sell - baligya
  13. to buy - pagpalit
  14. to understand - sabot
  15. to not know / whatever (sarcastic) - ambot
  16. to know - aron makahibalo e.g. I don't know - wala ko kabalo
  1. whenever - bisan kanus-a
  2. tomorrow morning - ugma sa buntag
  3. this morning - karong buntag
  4. it will take a long time - dugay pa
  5. a long time ago - dugay na
  6. now - karon
  7. yesterday - kagahapon
  8. tomorrow - ugma
  9. later - unya
  1. feeling lazy - tapulan eg. I am lazy tapulan ko
  2. pretty - nindot
  3. hole at the bottom - buslot
  4. tasty / delicious - lami
  5. very good - kaayo, eg: lami kaayo - very delicious, ok kaayo - I'm really very good
  1. good morning - maayong buntag
  2. good noon - maayong udto
  3. good afternoon - maayong hapon
  4. good evening - maayong gabii
  5. how are you? - kumusta man ka?
  6. I'm doing good - maayo man
  1. shy. timid, bashful - maulawon
  2. scared - nahadlok
  3. happy - palipayo
  4. surprised, startled - nakurat
  5. confused - naglibog
  6. grumpy - gisapot
  7. angry - nasuko
  8. sad - naguol
  9. excited - naghinam-hinam
  10. worried - nabalaka
  11. impatient - walay pailub
Wh-words (interrogative words)
  1. why - nganong eg. why did you stop? nganong nihunong ka?
  2. what - unsa eg. what is that? unsa na?
  3. how - gi-unsa eg. how do you play this? giunsa nimo pagdula kini?
  4. when - kanus-a eg. when are you coming? kanus-a ka muadto
  5. where - asa eg. where are you going? asa ka paingon?
  6. which - unsa (same as what) eg. which one do you like? unsa nimong ganahan?
  7. whose - kang kinsa eg. whose food is this? kang kinsa ni nga pagkaon?
  • also - pud / sad, eg: maayong buntag pud - good morning also
    1. Apr 1, 2023 - Saturday

      Marky and I went to Gabayan to hangout with Marlon.
      We will eat his fish catch.
      We left before he returned from his fishing.
      We then went on a road trip along the coastline of Gabayan.
      We stopped at a few resorts.
      We enjoyed talking to the owners.
      We went to the famous Balete Tree before going back home.

      Google Translation
      Nangadto mi (We went to) ni Marky sa Gabayan aron mag-hangout (to hangout) kang Marlon.
      Mangaon mi (We will eat) ang iyang nakuha nga isda (his fish catch).
      Mibiya mi (we left) sa wala pa siya mouli (he has not returned) gikan sa (coming from) iyang pagpangisda (his fishing).
      Nag road trip dayon (then) mi (us) sa baybayon (coastline) sa Gabayan.
      Mihunong mi (We stopped) sa pipila ka resort (at a few resorts).
      Nalingaw mig istoryahanay (We enjoyed talking) sa mga tag-iya (owners).
      Miadto kami (We went to) sa sikat (famous) nga Balete Tree sa dili pa mopauli (before going back home).


      1. with - uban sa
      2. We will eat - Mangaon mi
      3. his fish catch - ang iyang nakuha nga isda
      4. we left - mibiya mi
      5. he has not returned - wala pa siya mouli
      6. coming from - gikan sa
      7. his fishing - iyang pagpangisda
      8. then - dayon
      9. coastline - baybayon
      10. We stopped - Mihunong mi
      11. at a few resorts - sa pipila ka resorts
      12. We enjoyed - Nalingaw mi
      13. owners - mga tag-iya
      14. before going back home - sa dili pa mopauli

      Written Cebuano
      Niadto mi ni Marky paingon sa Gabayan aron maghangout uban kay Marlon. Mangaon mi and iyang mokuha nga isda. Mibiya mi walay pa siya mouli gikan sa iyang pangpangisda. Dayon, niadto mi sa usang road trip sa baybayon ng Gabayan. Mihunong mi sa pipila ka resorts. Nalingaw mi sa pagsulti sa mga tag-iya. Niadto mi sa sikat na Belete Tree sa dili pa mopauli.

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 2, 2023 - Sunday

      Marky and I went to Talingting.
      I spoke at the UCC about my life.
      Mr. Gerald treated us for lunch at a resort.
      We stopped at Triad to see the view.

      Google Translation
      Nangadto mi (we went to) ni Marky sa Talingting.
      Namulong ko (I spoke) sa UCC bahin (about) sa akong kinabuhi (life).
      Gipaniudto mi (We were treated to lunch) ni Mr. Gerald sa usa ka resort (at a resort).
      Nihunong mi (We stopped by) sa Triad para tan-awon (to see) ang view.

      Written Cebuano
      Niadto mi ni Marky sa Talingting.
      Namulong ko sa UCC bahin sa akong kinabuhi.
      Gipaniudto mi ni Sir Gerald sa usa ka resort.
      Nihunong mi sa Triad para tan-awon.


      1. we went to - nangagto mi
      2. I spoke - namulong ko
      3. about - bahin
      4. life - kinabuhi
      5. we were treated to lunch - gipaniudto mi
      6. we stopped by - nihunong mi
      7. to see - para tan-awon

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 3, 2023 - Monday

      Marky didn't show up for the video shoot.
      Kris unexpectedly showed up to join my yoga practice at the seawall.
      He paid for our breakfast.
      We discussed "platonic solids".

      Google Translation
      Wala motunga (didn't show up) si Marky sa video shoot.
      Wala damha (unexpected) nga mitungha (that appeared) si Kris aron moapil (to participate) sa akong yoga practice sa seawall.
      Nagbayad siya sa among pamahaw (breakfast).
      Gihisgutan (discussed) namon ang "platonic solids".

      Written Cebuano
      Wala motunga si Marky sa video shoot. Wala damha nga motunga si Kris aron moapil sa akong yoga practice sa seawall. Nagbayad siya sa among pamahaw. Gihisgutan namon ang 'platonic solid'.


      1. discussed - gihisgutan
      2. breakfast - pamahaw
      3. to show up - motunga
      4. unexpected - wala damha
      5. to participate - aron moapil

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 4, 2023 - Tuesday

      I practiced my yoga on the roofdeck.
      I moved to the other room.
      I rode my bicycle to Bolo Bolo spring to get water and swim.
      Marky, Kris and I, drank beer and ate bbq at the seawall.

      Google Translation
      Nagpraktis ko sa akong yoga sa roofdeck.
      Nibalhin (moved to) ko sa pikas (the other) kwarto.
      Nagbisikleta ko paingon (towards a destination) sa tubod sa Bolo Bolo aron mokuha (to get) ug tubig ug (and) molangoy.
      Si Marky, Kris ug ako, nag inom ug beer ug nikaon ug bbq sa seawall.

      Written Cebuano
      Nagpraktis ko sa akong yoga sa roofdeck.
      Nibalhin ko sa pikas kuarto.
      Nagbisikleta ako paingon sa tubod Bolo Bolo aron mokuha ug tubig ug molangoy.
      Marky, Kris ug ako, nag inom ug beer ug nikaon ug bbq sa seawall.


      1. moved (to another house) - nibalhin
      2. the other - pikas
      3. to (towards) - paingon
      4. spring - tubod
      5. to (in order to) - aron
      6. and - ug
      7. ate - nikaon

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 5, 2023 - Wednesday

      It rained last night.
      The floor got wet.
      I mopped the floor.
      I bought a mosquito net.
      Tomorrow morning, I will go to the witch festival.

      Google Translation
      Nag-ulan kagabii (last night).
      Nabasa ang salog (floor).
      Gilimpyohan nako (I cleaned) ang salog (floor).
      Nipalit ko (I bought) ug moskitero.
      Ugma sa buntag (Tomorrow morning), adto ko (I am going to [a place]) sa witch festival.

      Written Cebuano
      Nag-ulan kagabii.
      Nabasa ang salog.
      Ginlimpyo ko ang salog.
      Nipalit ko ug mosquitero.
      Ugma sa buntag, maadto ko paingon sa mananambal festival.


      1. last night - kagabii
      2. salog - floor
      3. I mopped (cleaned) - ginlimpyohan nako
      4. mosquito net - mosquitero
      5. Tomorrow morning - ugma sa buntag
      6. I will go - Adto ko

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 6, 2023 - Thursday

      Today, I am going to the Shaman Festival alone on my motorbike.
      I will sleep on my hammock and bring food and water.
      When I got there, there were only a few people.
      There was no shaman.
      No one was praying.
      I left and went home.

      Google Translation
      Karon (today or now), mag-inusara ko (alone) nga moadto (going) sa Shaman Festival sakay sa akong motor.
      Matulog ko sa akong duyan (hammock) ug magdala ug pagkaon ug tubig.
      Pag-abot nako didto (When I got there), gamay (little, small, few) ra ang mga tawo.
      Walay mananambal (no shaman).
      Walay nag-ampo (no one praying).
      Mibiya ko (I left) ug mipauli (went home).


      1. alone - mag-inusara ko
      2. prayer - ampo
      3. now, today - karon
      4. hammock - duyan
      5. when I got there - Pag-abot nako didto
      6. I went home - mipauli ko
      7. I left (the place) - mibiya ko
      8. there is none, no one - walay

      Written Cebuano
      Karon, miadto ko sa Shaman Festival, mag-inusara ko, sakay akong motor.
      Matulog ko sa akong duyan, ug magdala ug pagkaon ug tubig.
      Pag-abot ko didto, gamay ra ang mga tawo.
      Walay man mananambal.
      Walay man nag-ampo. Mibiya ko, ug mipauli ko.

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 9, 2023 - Sunday

      I went to the seawall to practice yoga but it rained.
      At 1pm, Marky and I went to Monkey Beach to shoot some yoga video.
      The beach was isolated but had fine white sand.
      We went back to the seawall to continue the video shoot.

      Google Translation
      Miadto ko sa seawall aron magpraktis (to practice) og yoga apan (but) nag-ulan.
      Alas 1 sa hapon, miadto mi ni Marky sa Monkey Beach aron mag-shoot ug yoga video.
      Ang baybayon nalain (isolated) apan adunay (but there is) pino nga puti nga balas (sand).
      Nibalik mi sa seawall para ipadayon (continue) ang video shoot.

      Written Cebuano
      Niadto ko paingon sa seawall aron magpraktis ug yoga apan nag-ulan.
      Ala una udto, Marky ug ako, miadto mi paingon sa baybayon ug unggoy aron mag-shoot ug video.
      Ang baybayon nalain apan pino nga puti nga balas.
      Mobalik mi paingon sa seawall, aron ipadayon ug video shoot.


      1. I went to - niadto
      2. to practice - aron magpraktice
      3. but - apan
      4. it rained - nag-ulan
      5. beach - baybayon
      6. isolated - nalain
      7. sand - balas
      8. fine - pino
      9. to continue - aron ipadayon

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 10, 2023 - Monday

      No yoga today as I slept late and woke up late.
      Marky and I went to a secret beach to do the final yoga video.
      We drank beer and ate bbq for dinner at the seawall.

      Google Translation
      Wala'y yoga karon samtang (while) natulog ako sa ulahi (late) ug nahigmata (woke up) nga ulahi (late).
      Si Marky ug ako miadto (went to) sa usa ka tinago (secret, mystery) nga baybayon (shore) aron buhaton (to do) ang katapusang video (last video) sa Yoga.
      Nag-inom mig beer ug nangaon og bbq para sa panihapon (supper, dinner) sa seawall.


      1. while - samtang
      2. late - ulahi
      3. woke up - nahigmata
      4. went to - miadto
      5. secret, mystery - tinago
      6. shore - baybayon
      7. to do - aron buhaton
      8. last video - katapusang video
      9. supper, dinner - panihapon

      Written Cebuano
      Wala'y yoga karon samtang natulog ko sa ulahi ug nahigmata ko sa ulahi.
      Marky ug ako miadto paingon sa usa tinago nga baybayon aron buhaton ang katapusang video sa yoga.
      Nag-inom mi ug cerveza ug nikaon mi ug bbq para sa panihapon sa seawall.

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 11, 2023 - Tuesday

      Marky already left Siquijor.
      I had lunch with Kris.
      I ate red rice, mongo, shredded carrot and pinakbet.
      I added ginamos to add flavor.

      Google Translation
      Mibiya (already left) na si Marky sa Siquijor.
      Naniudto ko (I had lunch) ni (with) Kris.
      Mikaon kog (I ate 'some') red rice, mongo, ginunting (shredded) nga carrot ug pinakbet.
      Nagdugang ko (I added) og ginamos para makadugang (to add) og lami (flavor).


      1. already left - mibiya
      2. I had lunch - niudto ko
      3. with - ni
      4. I ate 'some' - Nikaon ko ug
      5. shredded - ginunting
      6. I added - Nidugang ko
      7. flavor - lami

      Written Cebuano
      Mibiya na si Marky sa Siquijor.
      Niudto ko ni Kris.
      Nikaon ko ug red rice, mongos, ginunting nga carrots ug pinakbet.
      Nidugand ko ug ginamos aron makadugang ug lami.

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 12, 2023 - Wednesday

      I went to Marlon's house at 8am to pick him up.
      He drove my motorcycle with me at the back.
      We went to Siquijor to meet his shaman friend.
      I was given a massage to ward-off evil spirits.
      We had lunch at Joel's and got my helmet before going back to Lazi.

      Google Translation
      Niadto ko (I went to) sa balay ni Marlon kay 8am para kuhaon siya (to pick him up).
      Iya kong gimaneho (He drove me) sa akong motor sa likod.
      Miadto mi sa Siquijor aron makigkita (to meet) sa iyang amigo (his friend) nga mananambal.
      Gipamasahe ko (I got a massage) aron malikay (to avoid) sa mga daotang espiritu (evil spirit).
      Naniudto mi (We had lunch) sa Joel ug gikuha ang akong helmet sa wala pa mobalik (before returning) sa Lazi.


      1. I went to - niadto ko
      2. to pick him up - para kuhaon siya
      3. He drove me - Iya kong ginaneho
      4. to meet - aron makigkita
      5. his friend - iyang amigo
      6. I got a massage - Gipamasahe ko
      7. to avoid, to ward-off - aron malikay
      8. evil spirit - daotang espiritu
      9. We had lunch - Naniudto mi
      10. before returning - sa wala pa mobalik

      Written Cebuano
      Niadto ko paingon sa balay ni Marlon kay 8 sa buntag para kohaon siya.
      Iya kong gimaneho akong motor sa likod.
      Miadto mi sa Siquijor aron makigkita iyang amigo na mananambal.
      Gipamasahe ko aron malikay sa daotang espiritu.
      Mikaon mi sa udto sa Joels ug mokuha akong helmet sa wala pa mobalik sa Lazi.

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 13, 2023 - Thursday

      After yoga, I took a dip in the ocean.
      After lunch, it was so hot, I slept on a hammock in the forest.
      I biked to Bolo Bolo to get some water and bathe in its spring.
      The spring has a strong current and the water is crystal clear.
      Taking a bath there is very refreshing.

      Google Translation
      Human (after) sa yoga, nangaligo ko (I swam/bathe/dipped) sa dagat.
      Human sa paniudto (Human paniudto), init kaayo (it was so hot), natulog ko sa duyan sa lasang (forest).
      Nagbisikleta ko paingon sa Bolo Bolo aron mokuha (to get) ug tubig ug maligo sa tubod niini ().
      Ang tubod adunay () kusog () nga sulog () ug ang tubig tin-aw () nga kristal.
      Refreshing kaayo ang pagkaligo didto.


      1. -
      2. -
      3. -
      4. -
      5. -
      6. -
      7. -

      Written Cebuano

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 14, 2023 - Friday

      They were burning trash this morning.
      We could not do pranayama.
      I should change my motorcycle oil and lubricate the chain this week.
      I talked about ways on how to handle the garbage problem in the Philippines.
      Lechon will be sold this Saturday at the cockfight derby.

      Google Translation
      Gisunog nila ang basura (They burned the trash) karong buntag.
      Dili kami makahimo (we can't) sa pranayama.
      Kinahanglan nakong (I need to) usbon ang lana (change the oil) sa akong motorsiklo ug i-lubricate ang kadena karong semanaha (this week).
      Naghisgot ko (I'm talking) og mga paagi (of ways) unsaon pagsulbad (how to solve) ang problema sa basura sa Pilipinas.
      Lechon ibaligya (Lechon for sale) karong Sabado sa cockfight derby.


      1. They burned the trash - Gisunog nila ang basura
      2. we can't - dili kami makahimo
      3. I need to - Kinahanglan nakong
      4. change the oil - usbon ang lana
      5. this week - karong semanaha
      6. I'm talking - Naghisgot ko
      7. of ways - ug mga paagi
      8. how to solve - unsaon pagsulbad
      9. Lechon for sale - Lechon ibaligya

      Written Cebuano
      Gisunog nila ang basura karong buntag.
      Dili kami makahimo sa Pranayama.
      Kinahanglan nakong usbon ang laya sa akong motor ug i-lubricate ang kadena karong semanaha.
      Nahisgot ko ug mga paagi usaon pagsulbad sa problema ng basura.
      Lechon ibaligya karong Sabado sa sabongang.

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 15, 2023 - Saturday

      I picked up Marlon at 10 at his house to go to the Cang-Agong Fiesta.
      We ate lechon in 2 houses.
      I ate too much food, but all meat.
      I didn't have dinner that night.

      Google Translation
      Gikuha nako si Marlon (I picked up Marlon) sa alas 10 sa iyang balay (at his house) aron adto (to go to) sa Cang-Agong Fiesta.
      Nangaon mig lechon (We ate lechon) sa dalawa ka balay (in two houses).
      Daghan kaayo kog kaon (I ate too much), pero tanan karne (but all meat).
      Wala ko manihapon (I didn't have dinner) niadtong gabhiona (that night).


      1. I picked up Marlon in his house - Gikuha ko si Marlon sa iyang balay
      2. at ten o'clock - sa alas dyes
      3. to go to - aron adto
      4. We ate too much food - Mikaon mi daghan kaayo
      5. but all meat - pero tanan karne
      6. in two houses - sa dalawa ka balay
      7. I didn't have dinner - Wala ko manihapon
      8. that night - niadtong gabhiona

      Written Cebuano
      Gikuha ko si Marlon sa iyang balay sa alas dyes aron adto sa Cang-Agong fiesta.
      Mikaon mi daghang lechon sa dalawa ka balay.
      Nikaon ko daghan kaayo pero tanan karne.
      Wala ko manihapon niadtong gabhiona.

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 16, 2023 - Sunday

      I went back to Marlon's fishing grounds to eat his catch.
      I wanted to bathe at Camagong-Ung but there were too many people doing laundry.
      I did my laptop work in the living room because my room was so hot.
      I could not get wifi from the cafe.

      Google Translation
      Mibalik ko sa panagatan ni Marlon aron mokaon sa iyang kuha.
      Gusto kong maligo sa Camagong-Ung pero daghan kaayo ang nanglaba.
      Gibuhat nako akong laptop work sa sala kay init kaayo akong kwarto.
      Dili ko makakuha og wifi gikan sa cafe.


      1. -
      2. -
      3. -
      4. -
      5. -
      6. -
      7. -
      8. -
      9. -
      10. -

      Written Cebuano

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 17, 2023 - Monday

      There were too many annoying flies at the seawall.
      It was hard to practice my yoga.
      Instead, I went to Bolo Bolo to take a bath.
      I was on my bicycle.
      I felt strong after that.

      Google Translation
      Daghan kaayo ang makalagot nga langaw sa seawall.
      Lisud ang pagpraktis sa akong yoga.
      Miadto na hinuon ko sa Bolo Bolo aron maligo.
      Nagbisikleta ko.
      Mibati kog kusog human niadto.


      1. -
      2. -
      3. -
      4. -
      5. -
      6. -
      7. -
      8. -
      9. -
      10. -

      Written Cebuano

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 18, 2023 - Tuesday

      I skipped yoga this morning.
      I went to Bolo Bolo instead to take a bath.
      I also went to Twenty4Cafe to download some big files.
      I am excited to do something new for my yoga practice - Maha Vedha Mudra.

      Google Translation
      Gilaktawan nako (I skipped) ang yoga karong buntag.
      Miadto na hinuon ko (I went instead) sa Bolo Bolo aron maligo (to take a bath).
      Miadto sab ko (I also went) sa Twenty4Cafe aron mag-download (to download) ug dagkong mga file (big files).
      Naghinam-hinam ko (I am excited) sa pagbuhat og bag-o (to do something new) alang sa akong yoga practice (for my yoga practice) - Maha Vedha Mudra.


      1. I skipped - Gilaktawan nako
      2. I went instead - Miadto na hinuon ko
      3. I also went to - Miadto sab ko sa
      4. I am excited - Naghinam-hinam ko
      5. to do something new - sa pagbuhat og bag-o
      6. for my yoga practice - alang sa akong yoga praktis
      7. big files - dagkong mga files

      Written Cebuano
      Gilaktawan kog yoga karong buntag.
      Miadto sab kog paingon tubod Bolo Bolo aron mokaligo.
      Miadto ko sa 20-4Cafe aron download dagkong mga files.
      Naghinam-hinam ko aron buhaton og bag-o alay sa akong yoga - Maha Vedha.

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 19, 2023 - Wednesday

      I did not practice yoga in the morning.
      Instead, I cleaned my room.
      I also oiled my bicycle chain.
      Yesterday, I changed the oil on my motorbike.

      Google Translation
      Wala ko nagpraktis og yoga sa buntag.
      Hinoon (instead), nanglimpyo ko (I cleaned) sa akong kuwarto.
      Gibutangan kog lana (I put oil) ang akong kadena sa bisikleta (my bicycle chain).
      Kagahapon (Yesterday), nag-ilis kog lana (I changed oil) sa akong motor.


      1. instead - hinoon
      2. I cleaned - nanglimpyo ko
      3. I put oil - Gibutangan kog lana
      4. my bicycle chain - sa akong kadena sa bisikleta
      5. Yesterday - kagahapon
      6. I changed oil - Nag-ilis kog lana

      Written Cebuano
      Walay kog practis yoga karong buntag
      Hinoon, gilimpyo kog akong kuwarto.
      Gibutangan kog lana ang akong kadena sa bisikleta.
      Kagahapon, nag-ilis kog lana sa akong motor.

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 20, 2023 - Thursday

      Yesterday, I created a real estate website for Siquijor.
      I am looking for land that is cheap, has a view, with electricity and water, has right of way, but with no neighbors.
      With the website, people selling land will come to me and I will know what land is being sold.

      Google Translation
      Kagahapon (Yesterday), naghimo ko (I made) og real estate website para sa Siquijor.
      Nangita kog (I am looking for) yuta (land) nga barato (cheap), naay panglantaw (has a view), naay kuryente (has electricity) ug tubig, naay right of way, apan walay silingan (but no neighbor).
      Uban (With) sa website, ang mga tawo nga namaligya (people selling) og yuta (land) moduol (coming) kanako (me) ug mahibal-an nako (and I will know) kung unsang yuta ang gibaligya (which land is being sold).


      1. to know - aron mahibal-an
      2. yesterday - kagahapon
      3. I made - naghimo ko
      4. I am looking for land - Nangita ko ug yuta
      5. with electricity, water and a view - naay kuryente, tubig, panglantaw
      6. but - apan
      7. neighbor - silingan
      8. with - uban
      9. people selling - mga tawo ngabiligya
      10. will come to me - moduol nakako
      11. mahibal-an nako - I will know
      12. which land - unsang yuta

      Written Cebuano
      Kagahapon, nahimo ko ug real estate website alay sa Siquijor. Nangita ko ug yuta nga barato, naay kuryente, tubig, right of way, ug panglantaw. Apan walay silingan. Uban sa website, ang mga tawo nangabiligya ug yuta moduol nakano ug mahibal-an nako kung unsay yuta and gibaligya.

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 21, 2023 - Friday

      I stayed home yesterday studying Hemi-Sync.
      I rode my motorbike to Bolo Bolo at 5:30 pm.
      It was late and I was the only one.
      For dinner, I ate a whole lechon chicken.

      Google Translation
      Nagpabilin ko () sa balay kagahapon nagtuon sa Hemi-Sync ().
      Nisakay ko sa akong motor () paingon sa Bolo Bolo () alas 5:30 sa hapon.
      Gabii na () ug ako ra usa ().
      Alang sa panihapon (), mikaon ko og tibuok lechon nga manok ().


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      10. -

      Written Cebuano

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 22, 2023 - Saturday

      I was not productive today.
      I worked on non-essential things.
      I didn't even practice a full yoga.
      Maybe I just needed a break from my routine.

      Google Translation
      Dili ko productive karon.
      Nagtrabaho ko sa dili kinahanglan (not necessary) nga mga butang (things).
      Wala ko magpraktis og full yoga.
      . Tingali kinahanglan ko (maybe I should) nga mopahulay (to rest) gikan sa akong naandan (from my usual).


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      10. -

      Written Cebuano

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 23, 2023 - Sunday

      There was no electricity until 5pm today.
      I could not work on my laptop.
      Instead, I went to Cambugahay Falls to escape the heat.
      Being a Sunday, it was crowded.
      I met a German traveler.
      Her name is Vanessa.

      Google Translation
      Walay kuryente hangtod alas 5 sa hapon (until 5pm) karong adlawa (today).
      Dili ko makatrabaho (I could not work) sa akong laptop (with my laptop).
      Miadto na hinuon ko (I went instead) sa Cambugahay Falls aron makalingkawas (to escape) sa kainit (in the heat).
      Kay Domingo man (Being a Sunday), naghuot (cramped, crowded).
      Nahimamat nako (I met) ang usa ka German nga magpapanaw (German traveler).
      Vanessa ang iyang ngalan (her name).


      1. until 5pm - hangtod alas singko ng hapon
      2. today - karong adlaw
      3. I could not work - Dili ko makatrabaho
      4. with my laptop - sa akong laptop
      5. I went instead - Miadto na hinuon ko
      6. to escape - aron makalingkawas
      7. in the heat - sa kainit
      8. Being a Sunday - Kay Domingo man
      9. I met - Nahimamat nako
      10. German traveler - German na magpapanaw
      11. her name - iyang ngalan

      Written Cebuano
      Walay kuryente hangtod alas singko ng hapon karong adlaw.
      Dili ko makaatrabaho sa akong laptop.
      Hinuon, miadto ko paingon sa Cambugahay Falls aron makalingkawas sa kainit.
      Kay Domingo man, naghuot.
      Nahimamat nako sa usang German na magpapanaw.
      Vanessa ang iyang ngalan.

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 24, 2023 - Monday

      I started at 6:30 so the sun was already up. Cardio interspersed with Wim Hof (2 mins, Bahya with all bandhas, Antara w/o bandha but Nabho and Sambhavi mudra, OM chant on the exhale).

      Google Translation


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      Written Cebuano

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 25, 2023 - Tuesday

      I would have continued my yoga but a group of elder women (4) wanted to meet with me about their yoga practice.
      We met at Arbees Bakeshop to talk.
      I declined to teach but gave them pointers on how they can go on with their practice - the dos and don'ts.
      I promised to conduct a meditation class on one of their classes.

      Google Translation
      Gipadayon ko unta (I would have continued) ang akong yoga apan (but) usa ka grupo sa mga tigulang nga babaye (elder women) (4) gusto nga makigkita kanako (wanted to meet me) bahin (about) sa ilang pagpraktis sa yoga (their yoga practice).
      Nagkita mi (We met) sa Arbees Bakeshop para magstorya (to talk).
      Mibalibad ko (I declined) sa pagtudlo (to teach) apan (but) gihatagan ko sila og mga punto (I gave them pointers) kon unsaon nila pagpadayon (on how they can go on) sa ilang praktis - ang mga buhaton (to do) ug dili buhaton (not to do).
      Misaad ko (I promised) nga magpahigayon (to conduct) ug meditation class sa usa sa ilang mga klase (in one of their classes).


      1. to talk - pag istorya, pag sulti
      2. We met - Nagkita mi
      3. to talk - para mag-istorya
      4. I continued - gipadayon ko
      5. I should have continued - gipadayon ko unta
      6. -
      7. -
      8. -
      9. -
      10. -

      Written Cebuano

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 26, 2023 - Wednesday

      I no longer do yoga at the seawall.
      I got water from Bolo bolo on my motorbike with my big backpack.
      I stayed until 10:30 pm at the seawall.
      It's a refreshing place to just chillout.

      Google Translation
      Dili na ko mag yoga sa seawall.
      Nagkuha kog tubig sa Bolo bolo sa akong motor dala ang akong dakong backpack.
      Nagpabilin ko hangtod alas 10:30 sa gabii sa seawall.
      Kini usa ka makaparepresko nga lugar aron magpahayahay lang.


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      Written Cebuano

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 27, 2023 - Thursday

      I woke up this morning with vertigo.
      It is difficult to do anything else.
      I will blog about the Gateway Process today.
      This is what excites me at the moment.

      Google Translation
      Nakamata ko karong buntag nga adunay vertigo.
      Lisod ang pagbuhat ug lain.
      Mag-blog ko bahin sa Proseso sa Gateway karon.
      Mao ni ang naka excite nako karon.


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      10. -

      Written Cebuano

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 29, 2023 - Saturday

      I still had vertigo so I stayed home most of the time.
      The Boulevard is now festive with lots of vendors and people.
      There is even a live band playing popular tunes.
      For the third straight day, I had a whole fish for dinner for P50 only at the neighbor's place.
      I received notice that my motorbike registration can be picked up at Siquijor.

      Google Translation
      Naa pa koy vertigo mao nga kanunay kong nagpabilin sa balay.
      Ang Boulevard karon malipayon nga adunay daghang mga tindera ug mga tawo.
      Adunay bisan usa ka live band nga nagpatugtog sa mga sikat nga kanta.
      Sa ikatulong sunodsunod nga adlaw, nanihapon ko og tibuok isda nga tag P50 lang sa silingan.
      Nakadawat kog notice nga pwede kuhaon sa Siquijor akong rehistrasyon sa motor.


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      9. -
      10. -
      -------------- I still had vertigo so I stayed home most of the time. The Boulevard is now festive with lots of vendors and people. There is even a live band playing popular tunes. For the third straight day, I had a whole fish for dinner for P50 only at the neighbor's place. I received notice that my motorbike registration can be picked up at Siquijor. --------------------------------

      Written Cebuano

      Spoken Cebuano

      Apr 30, 2023 - Sunday


      Google Translation


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      8. -
      9. -
      10. -

      Written Cebuano

      Spoken Cebuano

    Ending Thoughts

    --- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
    YOGA by Gigit Yoga by Gigit | Learn English Learn English | Travel like a Nomad Nomad Travel Buddy | Donation Bank Donation Bank for TheLoneRider

    Leave a comment?

    More on Siquijor Island:

    Siquijor Island Local Info

    Jeeps - there are only 2 routes for jeeps within Siquijor Island - and they are rare. Most people have their own motorcycle transport.

    1. Siquijor Port to Lazi - last trip leaves at 3pm from station near market
    2. Lazi to Siquijor Port - jeeps depart from the Lazi Port area. 5 jeeps, the last trip at 12:30 pm. Lazi to San Juan, P50.
    3. Larena Port to Lazi - jeeps are unpredictable. As of this writing, there is only 1 jeep plying the Larena-Lazi route. This jeep leaves Larena for Lazi at 9:50am. After that, no more jeep. You'll have to take a tricycle to Siquijor Pob for jeeps going to Lazi
    4. Lazi to Larena Port - 6am (daily) and 9 am (M-Th)

    Food - these were suggested by a local to me

    1. Lechon manok & liempo - roasted pork belly and chicken at Joel's in Siquijor Poblacion. I've tried this myself...yummy, even if the chicken was no longer hot
    2. Bibingka - sweetened rice cake by Fidy's Bibingka (P30) in Sawang, Maria. I've come back for this and I buy for other people as well as 'pasalubong' - they love this
    3. Siopao - at the Rosita store near Thrifty (P25) in Siquijor Poblacion
    4. Peanut butter - by Rene. Just ask around in Siquijor Poblacion. It's popular
    5. Torta - sweet cakish bread at the Thrifty story in Siquijor Poblacion
    Siquijor Island Map
    Siquijor - Dumaguete Boat Trips (as of Jan 2023)
    1. Montenegro Lines - at Siquijor Port, P234.00/pax, P169/bicycle, 7:30am/10:00am/2:00pm/4:30pm

    2. Montenegro Lines, Siquijor to Dumaguete

    3. Aleson Shipping - at Siquijor Port, 6 am and 6 pm daily, 1:30 pm M-Sat, Regular P200.00/pax, Aircon P250.00/pax

    4. Aleson Shipping, Dumaguete to Siquijor

    5. Ocean Jet - 40 mins,at Siquijor Port, 0919.066.5964,,, 6:00am/6:00pm, P350/pax (tourist/open air), P580/pax (business class)

      Ocean Jet

    Siquijor - Tagbilaran - Cebu City Boat Trips (as of Jan 2023)

    En route to Cebu City, the ferries usually make a stop-over to Tagbilaran (Bohol) to pick-up more passengers or unload.

    1. Ocean Jet - 8:20 am, at Siquijor Port
      To Tagbilaran: P800/tourist & open air, 2 hours (arrive 10:20 am), P1200/business class
      To Cebu (Pier 1): P1600/tourist & open air, 4 hours (arrive 12:40 am), P2400/business class
    2. Lite Ferries - at Larena Port, no Senior Citizen discount for online ticket purchase
      To Tagbilaran: T-Th-Sun, 3 hours, depart 7 pm - arrive 10 pm, P475/standard (Tourist, PHP 750)
      To Cebu: T-Th-Sun, 10 hours, depart 7 pm - arrive 5 am, PHP 605/standard (Senior P484), Tourist, PHP 770
    3. Apekoptravel - at Larena Port to Tagbilaran: 1:00 pm, xxx hours, P750
      Reserve through call or text: Cleare - 0938 283 4760 | Grace - 0936 534 6564 | Jessel - 0961 759 6711, Pay via G-Cash: +63-917-880-1464, Email:, Facebook messenger: Apekoptravel. Enter your birthday and nationality to get discounts: 0 to 3 years old free, 4 to 9 years old will have 20% discount, 10 years old and above full price, Filipino Senior Citizens will also have 20% discount

    Siquijor - Plaridel Boat Trips (as of Jan 2023)
    1. Lite Ferries - at Larena Port, T-Th-Sun, 2:00 am, 5 hours, PHP?

    Siquijor - Cebu (Liloan) - Cebu City BUS Trip (as of Jan 2023)

    There is only one bus plying this route - Sugbo Urban. Tourist class coach, a/c, comfortable, Sun-Fri (these dates keep changing). P420 for bus, P275 for ferry to Liloan. Larena Port around 5 am, makes a clockwise roundtrip around Siquijor Island - Larena, Enrique Villanueva, Maria, Lazi (stops at Lazi market for breakfast and leaves 6:50 am), San Juan, Siquijor (arrives 8am, P50 from Lazi to Siquijor Poblacion) and catches the 1pm ferry at Larena Port (Sundays at 3 pm) for Liloan, Cebu and resumes its land route. Arrives Cebu City (South Bus Terminal) 10 pm.

    Sugbo Urban is the cheapest and most convenient way because it goes around the island (clockwise) along the circumferential road, passing through - Enrique Villanueva, Maria, Lazi, San Juan, Siquijor...and back to Larena where it takes the ferry at 1 pm. This saves you the hassle and high transport cost of a tricycle. Besides, it's a long trip from the other side of the island to be taking by tricycle.

    Sugbo Urban

    Sugbo Urban

    Suggested Destinations After Siquijor Island

    These are the nearest popular destinations from Siquijor by boat

    1. Bohol - Bohol is an island northeast Siquijor. Tourist attractions are Chocolate Hills, Tarsier Monkey, Loboc River Cruise, Beaches of Panglao, whale sharks (recent offering), freediving (recent offering)
    2. Cebu - Cebu City is the usual gateway into the Visayas. But in Cebu Island itself, there are many offerings - Whale Sharks of Oslob, sardine run at Moalboal,Thresher Shark of Malapascua
    3. Dapitan (Zamboanga del Norte) - I haven't been there but a lot of island ferries ply this port. There must be something here.
    4. Dumaguete - Dumaguete is a small charming progressive coastal town in Negros Oriental. Cafe and restaurants line the famous Boulevard Boardwalk. Tourist attractions include Japanese Shrine, Casaroro Falls, snorkeling along the southern coastline (Dauin, Masaplod Norte, etc), Balinsasayao Twin Lakes
    5. Plaridel (Misamis Occidental, Mindanao) - I haven't been there but a lot of island ferries ply this port. There must be something here.


    Siquijor Blogs
    Siquijor Island
    1. Goodbye Siquijor April 18, 2024
    2. January Chronicles: Bandilaan Meditation January 2024
    3. My January Yoga Practice: A Journal January 31, 2024
    4. Jan 2024: Squid, Balangawan, Margarita Pizza January 2024
    5. December Chronicles: Yuletide Season December 30, 2023
    6. December Snapshots: Bolo Bolo Dip, Christmas Lunch, Tuba Denizens, Friends Forever, Men Working, Cow / Crow December 1-30, 2023
    7. Eggplant Bulad Pizza December 20, 2023
    8. Canghaling Cave November 14, 2023
    9. Kings and Queens November 13, 2023
    10. Barangay Vote-Buying October 22, 2023
    11. Real Estate Mapping October 1, 2023
    12. Learning Cebuano: Oct October 1-31, 2023
    13. Oct Food Hack: Pizza, Kinilaw, Coconut Bread, Fish Okuy, Carrot Omelette,Lemon-Grass Tea October 2023
    14. Sep Snapshots: Fisherman, Granny, Pedicure, Big Fish, Garbage September 1-30, 2023
    15. Sep Food Hack: Fish Tinola, Ratatouille, Chayote Omelette, Flat Bread September 2023
    16. Together Forever Sep 11, 2023
    17. The Cigarette Talk Sep 1, 2023
    18. Siquijor Star Meditation Center Aug 31, 2023
    19. The Lost Dogs of Siquijor Aug 27, 2023
    20. Moving to a Bungalow! Aug 22, 2023
    21. Aug Chronicles: CDO produce August 31, 2023
    22. Aug Snapshots: Pan de Sal, Palpitate, Taho, Tuna, Pineapple August 1-31, 2023
    23. July Chronicles July 31, 2023
    24. July Snapshots July 1-31, 2023
    25. Learning Cebuano: July July 1-31, 2023
    26. June Chronicles June 31, 2023
    27. June Snapshots June 1-31, 2023
    28. Learning Cebuano: June June 1-31, 2023
    29. May Chronicles May 31, 2023
    30. May Snapshots May 1-31, 2023
    31. Learning Cebuano May 1-31, 2023
    32. In Search of a Cool Climate May 25, 2023
    33. The 64 km Bike Ride May 16, 2023
    34. Lazi Fiesta May 15, 2023
    35. The Boulevard Opening May 5, 2023
    36. April Snapshots April 1-30, 2023
    37. Learning Cebuano...Again! April 1-30, 2023
    38. Kris Visits Siquijor Mar 17 - Apr 15, 2023
    39. Exploring Siquijor with Marky Mar 25 - Apr 11, 2023
    40. Siquijor Healing Festival April 5-8, 2023
    41. The Talk at United Church of Christ April 2, 2023
    42. Mar Snapshots Mar 1-31, 2023
    43. Vigil for the Ghost Ship of Siquijor March 31, 2023
    44. Judging an Essay on Gender Equality Mar 29, 2023
    45. The Thief, the Shaman, the Elves and the Police Mar 20, 2023
    46. Finally Acquiring the Motorbike Mar 18, 2023
    47. Bitcoin Blunder Mar 15, 2023
    48. Maria's Unsung Beaches Mar 11, 2023
    49. Lagaan Falls Mar 9, 2023
    50. Tibhong Spring Water Source Mar 8, 2023
    51. Bolo-Bolo Natural Spring Mar 2, 2023
    52. Reasons to Get a Wife March 1, 2023
    53. Feb Snapshots Feb 28, 2023
    54. Camagung-Ong Natural Spring Feb 28, 2023
    55. Heeeere's Johnnie! Feb 26, 2023
    56. Manifesting a Motorbike from Thin Air? Feb 18, 2023
    57. The 'Bad Guy' of Siquijor Feb 15, 2023
    58. Amazement from Drivers License Renewal in Siquijor Feb 15, 2023
    59. Locong Falls Feb 9, 2023
    60. Inguinal Hernia? Goodbye ABS! Feb 4, 2023
    61. Jan Snapshots January 31, 2023
    62. In Search of Tubod Cold Spring Jan 27, 2023
    63. 1:4:2:3 Nadi Shodana Jan 26, 2023
    64. Lazi's Boulevard Jan 22, 2023
    65. Lazi: A Monthly Stay Jan 21, 2023
    66. 7 Days in Maria, Siquijor Jan 14-21, 2023
    67. Capilay Spring Jan 17, 2023
    68. Siquijor: In Search of Resonance Jan 9-14, 2023
    69. Riding Around Siquijor's 86km Coastal Road Apr 3, 2012
    70. Exploring the Cantabon Cave of Siquijor Feb 23, 2012
    71. Jovee and Missy's Excellent Adventure Nov 6-7, 2010
    72. Freediving in Siquijor's Marine Sancturaries Apr 23-24, 2010
    73. Island Tour of Siquijor Apr 22, 2010
    74. Kram's Siquijor Wedding Apr 21, 2010

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