a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

Country > Philippines > Bohol > Tagbilaran
Date > 2024 > May - June
Activity > Yoga


Yoga Journal

Yoga for Grown ups May 27 - June 21, 2024

Yoga for Grown ups

Location Google Map: Tagbilaran, Bohol, Philippines

Turn Out
Concurrent with Kids Yoga, I was also conducting Adult Yoga for the working types. There wasn't much traffic, usually just 2, sometimes none. But towards the end, more showed up - Berlyn brought friends along. Princess and Ville were M/W regulars. Kat and Kim joined in the latter part of the program - I wish the other teachers and facilitators did too (Summer of Growth).

Event Poster

Event Poster

May 28

May 28
May 28 with Ville and Princess

May 30

May 30
May 30 with Daphne and Berlyn

June 11

June 11
June 11 class with Kat, Kim, Berlyn, Ville, Princess, me, Marissa + sister

June 18: Akash element (ether, sky, space, universe, infinity)
Theme: Akash element
Components: Akash mudra, HAM mantra, Visuddhi chakra, Jalandhara bandha Cardio vascular component: Fast-Foot shuffle
Participants: Kat, Czar, Gel, Monica, Kim
I talked about activating the Visuddhi chakra - higher levels of competence beyond others' abilities, understanding beyond the comprehension of many, gift of articulating complex ideas, developing a following. Of course, the standard Wim Hof breathing, Maha Bandha Mudra were all present.

Yoga for Grown ups
June 18: Yoga on Akash element with Kat, Czar, me, Gel, Monica, Kim

June 19: Earth element
Theme: Earth element
Cardio vascular component: High Knee Taps
Tibetan 5 Rites component: Reverse Table (1st intro)
Components: Muladhara chakra, Mula bandha, Prithvi mudra and LAM mantra
Participants: Kat, Ville, Princess
Asanas were those where Mula bandha was engaged. I extended to 7:15 pm as I did a lot of storytelling - Alexandra David-Neel, Long-gom-pas, penetrating Tibet, etc.

June 20: Spinal Mobility
Theme: Spinal Mobility
Cardio vascular component: Butt Kicks
Components: back, side, front bends, twists, Wheel
Participants: Kat, Berlyn, Gel
Asanas: cat/cow, sphinx/cobra/updog, bow/superman, camel, Wild Thing, fish, bridge/Wheel

June 20: Spinal Mobility
June 20: Spinal Mobility with Berlyn, Gel, Kat

There are a few things to look after for optimized health. Gut is one and Spine is another. This session covers the spine through front, side, back bends, and twists, with the Wheel as a peak pose.

June 21: Fire Element
Theme: Fire Element
Cardio vascular component: Jumping Jacks / Fast-foot shuffle
Tibetan 5 Rites component: Spining / Leg raises
Components: Minipuraka chakra, all bandhas, Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Chin mudra, Mandukasana mudra, RAM mantra
Participants: Czar, Berlyn, Gabby and Kat

Fire is energy and energy is what keeps us strong, vibrant and full of life. When Man discovered fire, it changed humankind's evolution. Now, we rediscover energetic fire and activate a different kind of evolution - one that transcends the physical limitations of classical physics.

June 21: Fire Element
June 21: Fire Element with Czar, Berlyn, me, Gabby, Kat

Manipuraka Chakra
<--#include virtual="/yoga_class/full_manipuraka.shtml" -->



  • RAM
    Single-pointed focus on Manipuraka Chakra (navel)
    a) to start the class, 1 minute composure then 3 mins of RAM chanting - ujjayi breathing on the inhale while focus is on Matangi Mudra, then RAM chanting on the exhale while shifting focus from the mudra to the Manipuraka chakra
    b) to end the class, 1 minute composure then 3 rounds of RAM chanting - ujjayi breathing on the inhale while focus is on Matangi Mudra, then RAM chanting on the exhale while shifting focus from the mudra to the Manipuraka chakra

  • Class introduction: Manipuraka chakra (navel)
    <--#include virtual="/yoga_class/intro_manipuraka.shtml" -->
    This class revolves on Manipuraka Chakra. The mudra (mandukasana / matangi mudra), mantra (RAM), asana (mayurasana, hamsasana), pranayama (kapalabhati) and everything else will revolve around the Manipuraka.
  • FULL LECTURE: Manipuraka Chakra

  • Manipuraka Chakra / RAM chanting
    <--#include virtual="/yoga_class/c_manipuraka.shtml" -->
    Explaining Manipuraka (navel chakra) together with RAM mantra, including features and related topics:

    1. Statement - "I have a strong body and a strong mind. I don't get sick and I am determined. I am a doer. I make things happen. I will dominate, assert and manipulate to satiate my thirst for power and respect. But is this all there is to life?"
    2. Features

      1. in accordance to the Buddhist concept, kundalini resides in Manipura (not at the Muladhara) - until the level of manipura (not muladhara), because this is where expansion of consciousness begins
      2. the intensity of the pranic energy at the Manipuraka is like the dazzling power of the sun
      3. there is an intelligence in the Manipuraka that guides us, "My gut-feel is...."
      4. in the womb, the Manipuraka connects us to our mother via the umbilical cord. As an individual, the Manipuraka connects us the universe at large
      5. meditating on the Manipuraka (navel chakra) gives us complete knowledge of our body and allows us to diagnose our sickness
      6. activating this chakra cleanses the nadis and allows prana to flow freely throughout the body, eliminating disease and sickness
    3. Famous people - Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos. These are powerful people who will bend reality to their will. But they're not yet spiritual.
    4. Mantra - RAM
    5. Sitting Pose - vajrasana
    6. Asanas - backbends and navel contraction/extension/fortification
    7. Pranayama - kapalabhati
    8. Bandha - Uddiyana bandha
    9. Blockage - shame (what are you shameful of? what in your past causes feelings of shame? Accept as fact of life and move on)
    10. Activation - chanting RAM, Mandukasana, Nabhi Chikitsa (oil on navel), Kapalabhati,
    11. Element - fire (thumb)
    12. Mudra - mandukasana and thumb tip by the base of the little finger, then close the fist / matangi mudra
    13. Warning - a lot of powerful people get stuck here and just amass wealth and power all their lives. The others evolve and realize that the world is not just about them - they explore humanity and discover love and compassion (this is when they move up to the next chakra, anahata)
    14. Body / Physical - navel
    15. Location - navel
    16. Form / Color - lotus flower with ten yellow petals
    17. Enhanced Human Qualities

      1. all organs of the body optimally functional. Strong body and strong mind - no physical or mental afflictions can happen. Cannot get sick
      2. one begins to seriously question his attitude towards life and his place in this universe (as a genesis to his eventual spiritual path)
      3. able to face any disaster or accident with mental fortitude
      4. determined, unwavering, a shaker and doer
    18. Super Human Qualities (Siddhis)

      1. develops divya drishti (divine perception)
      2. you begin to realize that you are not the totality of your human perception (you are not your thoughts, memories, feelings, biases, etc.)
      3. experiences the singularity of time
      4. can enter the body of another
      5. power to create and destroy
    19. Manipuraka perspective vs other chakras

      1. Muladhara: "I need food clothing and shelter to survive"
      2. Svadhisthana: "sex, drugs and rock & roll"
      3. Manipuraka: "I, me, mine - the world is my oyster"
      4. Anahata: "I have love and compassion"
      5. Visuddhi: "Instead of fighting with life, I begin to flow with the current of life. I perform at a high level of competence. People naturally move towards me because I can do things beyond their understanding and abilities."
      6. Ajna: "My intuition is accurate. I have psychic abilities. I see things without the cobwebs and clutter. I see the world in black and white with a very minimal shade of gray (uncertainty, doubt, indecision). Nothing can touch me, nothing can disturb me. But experientially, I still do not feel the spontaneous ecstasy of life."
      7. Sahasrara: "I am the convergence of energy and consciousness. The self, the universe and God become one"

  • MUDRA: MATANGI (Manipuraka Chakra)

    Matangi Mudra

    Matangi Mudra

    <--#include virtual="/2019/sep/mudra_matangi/matangi.shtml" -->

    Hand Position: fingers are interlaced at shoulder level, with 2 middle fingers straight and pressed against each other
    Hand Level: shoulder level
    Activated Elements: fire
    Benefits: increased personal power and confidence, mental steadfastness
    Chakra Affected: Manipuraka chakra
    Affected Body Part: navel
    Mantra: RAM
    Dosage: 20 minutes
    Notes: Matangi mudra, RAM mantra, Manipuraka chakra, fire, strength and determination, can be viewed as one bundled package


  • Hang
    <--#include virtual="/yoga_class/hang2.shtml" -->
    Timed 3 rounds with twists and full fascia stretching (interspersed with stretching while fingers recover) and compare over time
  • Stretching
    <--#include virtual="/yoga_class/stretching2.shtml" -->
    Basic stretching to neck, shoulders, chest, back, side bends, pelvic roll, thigh stretch, knee roll, calf stretch
  • Surya namaskar A & B
    <--#include virtual="/yoga_class/surya2.shtml" -->
    3 rounds of Surya Namaskar A, 3 rounds of Surya Namaskar B
  • Navel contraction/extension, Backbends | Wim Hof
    <--#include virtual="/yoga_class/a_manipuraka.shtml" -->
    1. Chakrasana
    2. Hamsasana
    3. Mayurasana
    4. Nauli Kriya


  • boat / navasana

  • Pranayama: Manipuraka > Kapalabhati > Mandukasana (mudra)
    <--#include virtual="/yoga_class/p_manipuraka.shtml" -->
    3 Rounds: on Vajrasana, do 1 minute of kapalabhati, empty on the last exhale, uddiyana bandha vacuum, do the fist mudra and place fist below the navel, and body bends forward to the lap. Release the uddiyana bandha, relax the entire body, while keeping awareness on the navel. Hold the breath as long as possible.

    Inhale coming up, and briefly engage all 3 bandhas while visualizing a ball of fire burning hot in the navel. Exhale while chanting RAM.

    Meditation: Manipuraka Chakra
    <--#include virtual="/yoga_class/m_manipuraka.shtml" -->
  • Meditation: Manipuraka > Fire

    In Matangi mudra, visualize the Manipuraka Chakra residing in your navel...a yellow lotus flower with 10 petals.

    At the middle of this flower lies a small fire. Concentrate on this fire. Feel the heat. As you maintain focus on this fire, visualize the fire getting bigger, more intense and hotter. Feel the increasing heat.

    As the body heats up, feel the body getting stronger. Feel the mind getting equally as strong as the body. The mind is steadfast, balanced, unwavering and determined. With a strong body and a strong mind, you make things happen. You are a doer. You act on your excitement. You do things giving your 100%.

    Energy flows through you. Vitality and strength flow through you. Sickness cannot even come close. You are impervious to any disease.


  • RAM
    Single-pointed focus on Manipuraka Chakra (navel)
    a) to start the class, 1 minute composure then 3 mins of RAM chanting - ujjayi breathing on the inhale while focus is on Matangi Mudra, then RAM chanting on the exhale while shifting focus from the mudra to the Manipuraka chakra
    b) to end the class, 1 minute composure then 3 rounds of RAM chanting - ujjayi breathing on the inhale while focus is on Matangi Mudra, then RAM chanting on the exhale while shifting focus from the mudra to the Manipuraka chakra

  • Ending Thoughts
    Grown up Yoga was a counter-balance for me after teaching kids. Teaching kids can be draining while teaching grown-ups is always invigorating. It was my playground. I could develop sequences in different arrays towards a common theme.

    Now that the program is over, when I get back from Cebu, I'll conduct yoga classes where the participants pay less/head with more people joining in - that's the plan. Maybe Kat's place is still available. That would be ideal as she would likely participate if it's her place.

    --- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
    YOGA by Gigit Yoga by Gigit | Learn English Learn English | Travel like a Nomad Nomad Travel Buddy | Donation Bank Donation Bank for TheLoneRider

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    Sikwate at Daday Painitan

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    Yoga for Plus-sized Women Yoga

    Yoga for Plus-sized Women

    (May 24, 2024) When Joan asked if I would teach a class at Fox and Firefly, I said ok if it's a big group - going there and back was an arduous 56km trip. For a group of 12, I said Yes. But there was one consideration - they were beginners with plus-sized bodies....more »»

    More on Tagbilaran:

    Tagbilaran Map

    Tagbilaran Local Info
    1. - xxxxxxxxxxx
    Tagbilaran to Cebu by Boat
    1. Lite Ferries (Roro)
      T-Th-Sun, departs 11:59pm, 5 hours, arrives 5 am
      Daily, departs 12 noon, arrives 5pm
      As a Roro, you can load your motorbike or car, no Senior Citizen discount for online ticket purchase
    2. Ocean Jet - 2 hours, departs 10:40 am, arrives 12:40 pm, Pier 1 Cebu

    Tagbilaran Blogs
      Tagbilaran TAGBILARAN

    1. September Snapshots: Hair September 1-31, 2024
    2. Thai Food for September? September 2024
    3. August Snapshots: Contol Tower, Archway, Blood Compact, Bridge, Laundry, Kape Huan, Drag Race, Boulevard August 1-31, 2024
    4. Aug Food Odyssey: Pizza, Sikwate, Puto Maya, Budbud August 2024
    5. She Sat Beside Me August 31, 2024
    6. Yoga at the Tagbilaran Airstrip August 2024
    7. DIY University August 31, 2024
    8. Property Mapping using Google Sites August 26, 2024
    9. July Snapshots: camping chair/lurker July 1-31, 2024
    10. Learning Cebuano: July July 1-31, 2024
    11. Kitchen Hacks: Wheat Loaf, Rosti, Pancit Canton, Pizza, Fruit Breakfast July 2024
    12. Movie Review: The Matrix (1999) July 15, 2024
    13. Yoga Talk Community July 14/28, 2024
    14. Mangaon ta sa Hangos July 9, 2024
    15. Bohol Gothic Wine Label July 5, 2024
    16. June Snapshots: Cake delivery, Free hanging June 1-30, 2024
    17. Kitchen Indulgence: Wheat Bread, Pizza, Lechon Sandwich, French Toast June 2024
    18. May Snapshots: Stairway to Heaven May 2024
    19. May 2024: Carinderia food May 2024
    20. Moving to Taloto, Tagbilaran City May 19, 2024
    21. Yoga for Grown ups May 27 - June 21, 2024
    22. Yoga and Meditation for Kids May 27 - June 20, 2024
    23. Dalareich Chocolate House Revisited May 4, 2024
    24. Kat's Community Invite Apr 28 - May 19, 2024
    25. 30 days in Tagbilaran, Thank You! Oct 8, 2017
    26. Breakfast Talk with Tagbilaran's Finest Oct 8, 2017
    27. Exploring the Cafe Scene of Tagbilaran Oct 7, 2017
    28. Yoga for 60+ Students at the University of Bohol Oct 4, 2017
    29. Chocolate Overload At Dalareich Chocolate House Oct 2, 2017
    30. Talk on Philosophy and Spirituality to 12-Graders at the University of Bohol Sep 27, 2017
    31. Celebrating the International Day of Peace Sep 23, 2017
    32. Judging a Student Debate at the University of Bohol Sept 15, 2017
    33. Fitness Workout with Chie at Bohol Tropics Resort Sept 13, 2017
    34. Modified Ashtanga Primary Series by Jing Yoga Sept 12, 2017
    35. Tagbilaran Revisited Sep 7-12, 2017
    36. Hello Tagbilaran! Jun 19-25, 2017

    More on Bohol:

    Bohol Google Map

    Google Map Bohol, Philippines

    tourist attractions in Bohol tourist attractions
    • Danao Adventure Park in Bohol Danao Adventure Park - zip lining, cable car ride, caving, river rides/trekking, off-road buggy ride, root climbing, rappelling and ultra-glide rides
    • Alona Beach in Bohol Alona Beach - hub for tourists with hotels, resorts, restos, bars and dive shops
    • Chocolate Hills in Bohol Chocolate Hills - hills side-by-side shaped like giant Kisses chocolate
    • Tarsier in Bohol Tarsier - pocket-sized marsupia looking like a monkey
    • Balicasag Island in Bohol Balicasag Island - one of the best dive spots in the Philippines
    • Loboc River in Bohol Loboc River - river cruise on a boat
    • Anda Beach in Bohol Anda Beach - fine white sand beach with resorts, restos and cottages, 3 hours by bus from Tagbilaran
    • Cabagnow Cave Pool in Anda, Bohol Cabagnow Cave Pool - brackish water pool about 5ft deep inside a limestone opening on the ground, 8 feet deep, P50
    • Lamanok Island in Anda, Bohol Lamanok Island - walk on a 100m bamboo bridge on stilts to a resto area to take a boat tour to caves and nearly attractions, P300
    • Combento Cave Pool in Bohol Combento Cave Pool - cave pool with underwater cave system, P20
    • Can-umantad Falls in Candijay, Bohol Can-umantad Falls - long narrow drop until it hits a bulbous mound spreading it into a a curtain-like water canopy and down into a splash pool
    • Canawa Cold Spring in Candijay, Bohol Canawa Cold Spring - deep refreshing cold spring with developed pool area
    • Firefly Tour in Candijay, Bohol Firefly Tour - evening boat ride into the river to watch fireflies
    hotels in Bohol hotel
    • Fox & The Firefly Cottages Fox & The Firefly Cottages - SUP paddle boarding, luxury riverside native cottages, mountain bike tours, SUP yoga
      Baranggay Valladolid, Loboc, Bohol
    • Bohol Tropics Resort Bohol Tropics Resort - seafront location, manicured surroundings, swimming pool, resto/bar
      0133 Graham Avenue, Brgy. Cogon, Tagbilaran, Bohol 6300
    • Oasis Resort - Alona Beach location, dive center, resto / bar
      Alona Beach, Panglao, Bohol
    yoga in Bohol yoga
    • Jing Yoga - health & well being through yoga
      Jing Yoga The Courtyard - Airport Road fronting the church
      Jing Yoga Bohol Meditation and Yoga Center - 2nd Floor Lim Magtajas Bldg. CPG Avenue
    Bohol Travel Info/Tips

    Bohol FYI / Tips

    • the tourist area where most of the hotels, restaurants, ticket offices, tour operators are, is located within the Alona Beach area
    • the tourist attractions in Bohol are far apart and spread-out. It would be difficult to visit them all using public mass transit. Better hire a van (P3500/day) if in a big group, or rent a motorcycle (P400/day + gas)
    • Bohol relies on its tourism for revenue. As expected, everything they can capitalize on from tourism is extensively used and developed

    Tagbilaran Port to Panglao

    You can charter any tricycle from the port all the way to Panglao (~P300), but if you want to do it on the cheap,
    1. don't take the tricycles lined-up inside the port. Walk past the port gate and immediately outside, you'll see many tricycles. Take one to the bus terminal in Dao (~P15)
    2. in Dao, take the jeep that plies the Panglao route (~P20)

    Tagbilaran (Bohol) to Cebu City by boat

    ** schedules and rates keep changing, call for latest schedule
    1. Weesam Express - departs 6:15 AM, 11:30 AM, 4:00 PM
      one way: Economy (aircon) P500.00, Economy (non-aircon) P400.00, First Class P600.00
      round trip promo (at least 2 days advance booking): Economy (aircon) P600, Economy(non-aircon) P500, First Class P1200
      round trip promo (1 day or on the day booking): Economy (aircon) P800, Economy (non-aircon) P700, First Class P1200
    2. Ocean Jet - departs 6-7:05-8:20-9:20-10:40-11:40AM, 1-2-3:30-4:20-5:30-6:30PM, 2 hours, arrives Pier 1 in Cebu
      Open Air / Tourist Class P800, Business Class P1000
      +63(32)255 7560 / +63 (32) 255 0115 / 0917 638 0000
    3. SuperCat (2GO) - departs 5:50-11AM, 3:45-5:25-8:15PM, arrives Pier 1 in Cebu
      P 500.00
      +63 32 233 7000

    Things to do, Places to go in Bohol

    1. Chocolate Hills - this is a clustering of more than 1200 hills within a 50km2 area. They range in height from 30-50 meters. What's unusual is their near-perfect conical shape resembling an individual chocolate chip. No one knows how they were formed. Entrance is P50/pax.
    2. Tarsier Conservation Area - located Upper Bonbon, Loboc. The tarsiers are no longer being played at by tourists as circus props, but instead, visitors now view them in cordoned-off areas in their natural 6ha habitat. As they are territorial and nocturnal, they are predictable on where they can be viewed. P50/pax.
    3. Alona Beach (Panglao) - Alona Beach is the tourist hub of Bohol. It has 1.5 kms of white sand beach lined-up by bars, hotels and restos. Alona is also the jump-off point for Balicasag Island, a world class dive destination.
    4. Danao Adventure Park - located in Barangay Magtangtang, 72 kms (2 hours ride) from Tagbilaran. Adventure activities include river trekking, tyrolean traverse, rappelling, bouldering, rock climbing and ziplining.
    Bohol Blogs
      Bohol blogs


    1. Exploring Combento Cave Pool Jun 29, 2017
    2. Visiting Cabagnow Cave Pool Of Anda Jun 28, 2017
    3. Exploring Anda, Bohol Jun 25-30, 2017

    4. Candijay
    5. Roadtrip from Candijay to Ubay Jul 1, 2017
    6. Firefly Tour In Candijay, Bohol Jun 30, 2017
    7. Freediving Canawa Cold Spring Of Candijay, Bohol Jun 30, 2017
    8. Splashing At Can-Umantad Falls, Candijay, Bohol Jun 30, 2017

    9. Carlos P. Garcia Island
    10. Exploring Carlos P. Garcia (CPG) Island by Bike Dec 1, 2017

    11. Corella
    12. Cycling to View the Tarsier in Corella Oct 26, 2017

    13. Dauis DAUIS

    14. Yoga Talk with BCBP Kids July 6, 2024
    15. Sikwate at Daday Painitan May 9, 2024
    16. Cliff Dive at Molave Cove Feb 11, 2018
    17. Freediving at Molave Point, Dauis Nov 6, 2017
    18. The Return to Hinagdanan Cave Nov 5, 2017
    19. Exploring Hinagdanan Cave Oct 24, 2017

    20. Loay
    21. The Ride to Morning Hill Oct 22, 2017
    22. The Ride to the Old Spanish Tower Oct 21, 2017

    23. Loboc
    24. Yoga for Plus-sized Women May 24, 2024
    25. Bohol Yoga Festival April 20/21, 2024
    26. Goodbye Loboc, Goodbye Philippines Mar 15, 2018
    27. The CubbyHole: Envisioning a Utopian Shangrila Mar 10, 2018
    28. Fat Shredder with the Russian Twist Mar 2, 2018
    29. No-Dismount Climb to Cruz Daku Mar 1, 2018
    30. Jeffrey's Cardio Program Feb 26, 2018
    31. SUP Yoga with Lalah de Dios at Fox and the Firefly Feb 25, 2018
    32. Bike Ride with Juan Huerte: Loboc, Sikatuna, Corella and Baclayon Feb 25, 2018
    33. CT Scan Result Feb 23, 2018
    34. The Silent Killer has Arrived Feb 19-22, 2018
    35. 24+ Days at Lyn's Backpackers Inn Jan 23 - Feb 16, 2018
    36. All Day Fun with the Loboc Crew Feb 11, 2018
    37. 20-Minute Rope Skipping w/ Pranayama and Meditation Feb 9, 2018
    38. Calisthenics with Jeffrey Feb 7, 2018
    39. Abs-Core Workout with Jeffrey Feb 5, 2018
    40. High Intensity Cardio Workout Feb 2, 2018
    41. Ride to the Landslide with Jeffrey Jan 31, 2018
    42. Farm Tour with Mr. Raymond Cal Jan 29, 2018
    43. Cacao Drum Roasting Jan 27, 2018
    44. Making Sikwate: from cacao fruit to a hot dark chocolate drink Jan 25, 2018
    45. 5 Weeks at the Fox and Firefly Cottages Dec 13, 2017 - Jan 23, 2018
    46. In-House Yoga Teacher at the Fox and Firefly Cottages Jan 22-Mar 14, 2018
    47. Mountain Bike Rides from Tagbilaran to Loboc Jan 18, 2018
    48. Firefly Tour on a Stand-Up Paddle (SUP) Dec 19, 2017
    49. Playing Mountain Bike Tour Optimizer Dec 18, 2017
    50. Back to Loboc Dec 13-17, 2017
    51. 37 Days in Loboc - Thank You and Goodbye Oct 8-Nov 14, 2017
    52. Exploring Busay Falls, Loktob Spring And Jimili-An Spring Nov 11, 2017
    53. Stand-Up Paddle Yoga with Joan Christine Nov 3, 2017
    54. SUP (Stand Up Paddle) Bohol Oct 29, 2017
    55. Exploring Guimba and Sog-ong Caves of Loboc Oct 22, 2017
    56. Ziplining and Cable Car Ride at Eco-Tourism Adventure Park Oct 22, 2017
    57. Savouring Villagio Pizza Oct 19, 2017
    58. Wet and Wild Bonbon-Alegria Downhill Ride Oct 18, 2017
    59. River Cruise on Loboc River Oct 17, 2017
    60. Back Road Ride To Loay Oct 17, 2017
    61. Leisurely Ride to Loktob Spring Oct 14, 2017
    62. Sweet Ride to Busay Falls Oct 13, 2017
    63. Bike Climb to the Virgen de Guadalupe Oct 12, 2017
    64. The Ride to Cruz Daku (Big Cross) Oct 11, 2017
    65. Exploring Loboc, Bohol Oct 8, 2017

    66. Panglao PANGLAO

    67. Kat's Birthday at Oceanica April 24, 2024
    68. Teaching 'Energising Yoga' at Jing Yoga & Wellness April 23-28, 2024
    69. Freediving in Panglao with Haka Dive Center April 23, 2024
    70. Coastal Cleanup with Plastic Free Bohol Sept 16, 2017
    71. Exploring Panglao Jun 12-18, 2017
    72. Yoga With Jing And Rai At Oasis Resort Jun 18, 2017
    73. Freediving With Ben Meerhaeghe At SeaQuest Dive Center Jun 16, 2017
    74. Scuba Diving Balicasag Island With SeaQuest Dive Center Jun 15, 2017
    75. Bohol Revisited Jun 12, 2017
    76. Exploring Bohol with Metz Nov 28-30, 2015

    77. San Miguel
    78. Visiting Bayongan Lake Nov 22, 2017

    79. Sevilla
    80. Killer MTB Ride from Sevilla Oct 30, 2017

    81. Sikatuna
    82. Solo Ride To The Sikatuna Tree Park Nov 2, 2017

    83. Tagbilaran TAGBILARAN

    84. September Snapshots: Hair September 1-31, 2024
    85. Thai Food for September? September 2024
    86. August Snapshots: Contol Tower, Archway, Blood Compact, Bridge, Laundry, Kape Huan, Drag Race, Boulevard August 1-31, 2024
    87. Aug Food Odyssey: Pizza, Sikwate, Puto Maya, Budbud August 2024
    88. She Sat Beside Me August 31, 2024
    89. Yoga at the Tagbilaran Airstrip August 2024
    90. DIY University August 31, 2024
    91. Property Mapping using Google Sites August 26, 2024
    92. July Snapshots: camping chair/lurker July 1-31, 2024
    93. Learning Cebuano: July July 1-31, 2024
    94. Kitchen Hacks: Wheat Loaf, Rosti, Pancit Canton, Pizza, Fruit Breakfast July 2024
    95. Movie Review: The Matrix (1999) July 15, 2024
    96. Yoga Talk Community July 14/28, 2024
    97. Mangaon ta sa Hangos July 9, 2024
    98. Bohol Gothic Wine Label July 5, 2024
    99. June Snapshots: Cake delivery, Free hanging June 1-30, 2024
    100. Kitchen Indulgence: Wheat Bread, Pizza, Lechon Sandwich, French Toast June 2024
    101. May Snapshots: Stairway to Heaven May 2024
    102. May 2024: Carinderia food May 2024
    103. Moving to Taloto, Tagbilaran City May 19, 2024
    104. Yoga for Grown ups May 27 - June 21, 2024
    105. Yoga and Meditation for Kids May 27 - June 20, 2024
    106. Dalareich Chocolate House Revisited May 4, 2024
    107. Kat's Community Invite Apr 28 - May 19, 2024
    108. 30 days in Tagbilaran, Thank You! Oct 8, 2017
    109. Breakfast Talk with Tagbilaran's Finest Oct 8, 2017
    110. Exploring the Cafe Scene of Tagbilaran Oct 7, 2017
    111. Yoga for 60+ Students at the University of Bohol Oct 4, 2017
    112. Chocolate Overload At Dalareich Chocolate House Oct 2, 2017
    113. Talk on Philosophy and Spirituality to 12-Graders at the University of Bohol Sep 27, 2017
    114. Celebrating the International Day of Peace Sep 23, 2017
    115. Judging a Student Debate at the University of Bohol Sept 15, 2017
    116. Fitness Workout with Chie at Bohol Tropics Resort Sept 13, 2017
    117. Modified Ashtanga Primary Series by Jing Yoga Sept 12, 2017
    118. Tagbilaran Revisited Sep 7-12, 2017
    119. Hello Tagbilaran! Jun 19-25, 2017

    120. Ubay Ubay


    121. Goodbye and Thank You, Ubay Nov 14-Dec 13, 2017
    122. Visiting the Ubay Stock Farm Dec 8, 2017
    123. Exploring Cambugsay Healing Hills with Lars Jensen Nov 22, 2017
    124. Visiting Ubay Green Park Nov 18, 2017
    125. The Ride to Sinandigan Boardwalk and the Yamashita Treasure Hunt Nov 18, 2017
    126. Ubay Life Nov 17, 2017
    127. In Search of the Next Destination Nov 14, 2017
    128. 2 Days in Ubay Jul 1-3, 2017
    129. Roadtrip from Candijay to Ubay Jul 1, 2017
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