a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

Self-Healing Blogs

Cliff Dive at Molave Cove Feb 11, 2018

Cliff Dive at Molave Cove

Location: Molave Cove Resort, Dauis (municipality), Bohol (province), Philippines

Blog Chronology:

  1. Cliff Dive at Molave Cove Feb 11, 2018
  2. The Silent Killer has Arrived Feb 19-22, 2018
  3. CT Scan Result Feb 23, 2018
  4. The Silent Killer is Baaack! Jan 12, 2021

Pool Dives
Last time I was at Molave Cove with Jeffrey, I didn't try the cliff dive although it was tempting. Now, I had to do it...on a hand-stand from a 22-ft drop (low tide). I've done this a few times on a swimming pool before, but never from a cliff dive. Always, I would land on my feet - and that's where I got my false sense of security.

Cliff Dive Face/Chest Plant
On this particular dive, I started from Downward Dog, kicked into a hand-stand and fell back on a free-fall. Before I knew it, I felt a strong crushing impact on my front - I landed flat on my face and chest! Even though I landed on water, the impact from a height of 22 feet felt hitting something rock solid. I immediately knew my injury was serious. It felt like I collided with a car. I didn't know if I had a brain concussion or if my ribs were fractured. The adrenaline rush and initial shock kept me from blacking-out. I swam towards Jeffrey who assisted me to the landing area and up the concrete steps. When I saw the flat ground, I laid on my back...and blacked-out.

Body Talk
I didn't know how long I was 'sleeping' but people starting waking me up as they saw my lips go black and my chest/palms white. I'm glad they did. If I had a brain concussion, the last thing I should be doing is sleep. Regaining consciousness, I remained on my back, telling people I was ok and to let me just stay there longer - I was too nauseated to even sit down. The resort life guard and staff were overtly concerned but my friends assured them I just needed to lie down. I started my yoga from thereon while lying down - meditation, breathing, visualization, mind-verbalization, etc. Everything I knew about yoga, I put to work. My self conversation went something like this, "Git...injury, medication, doctors, hospitalization...are NOT at an option. Either we pull this together or shit hits the fan." Every single cell in my body was working on overdrive for an immediate recovery.

Regaining Strength
When I felt a little better, I moved to our hut and lied down on the floor, resuming my breathing and meditation. My friends already knew I was healing myself and let me be, instead of rushing me to the hospital - as they are privy to my workout/yoga routine. At some point, I was able to stand up without feeling nauseated but my chest and face were still in pain. Later I walked around, looking for any hidden injury apart from my face and chest. Feeling nothing, I started doing some yoga asanas to see if there are deeper injuries. But so far, it was only my face (I was already developing a black eye) and my chest (but now confident there were no fractures). It didn't take long until I joined the group although there was a little blood in my spit and my body still felt sore.

I even went snorkeling with Jeffrey and Grace. But when I tried to freedive, my face felt like it would implode. I was reminded that I haven't fully recovered and should take it easy.

Ending Thoughts
I am no longer nauseated and my strength is back, so I can function normally - in fact, I conducted a yoga class yesterday for 5 and did all the asanas. But my body will take a longer time to fully repair itself. As of this writing, 2 days later, there is still fresh blood in my spit, the right side of my head still feels swollen, my right eye is still black-and-blue and when I move my head fast, I get disoriented. But I'm on my way to fully recover.

The one thing that grabbed my attention about the cliff-dive failure wasn't the injury I sustained, but how quickly I recovered from it. Modesty aside, if this happened to a regular guy, he'd be rushed to the hospital. The fact that I was able to meditate/breathe my way into a quick recovery validates the gains I'm making from my calisthenics with Jeffrey and cardio workouts + yoga/pranayama/meditation practice. My prana shield that has been keeping me strong and disease-free perhaps bore the full brunt of that impact. I'm not that young anymore to have just dusted my way out of that fall. This incident only strengthens my resolve about the benefits of yoga and keeping fit.

Why did I land on my face? I soon realized I had my eyes closed the entire time, supremely confident I'd land on my feet. Had I had my eyes open, I could have pulled back my hips to enter the water fingers/head first. That was a painful lesson. Next time....

Lastly, I'm just glad my friends were around - Jeffrey, Leonid, Juan, Grace, Puloy, etc. Imagine if this happened in some remote forest in Thailand where I don't know anyone and they speak a different language? If my injury had been any more serious, the Loboc Crew would have gone the whole 9 yards for me. Thanks guys, it meant a lot to me knowing you were there!

--- TheLoneRider
YOGA by Gigit Yoga by Gigit | Learn English Learn English | Travel like a Nomad Nomad Travel Buddy | Donation Bank Donation Bank for TheLoneRider

Pictures by Leonid Ray Bacat Marapao

Reader Comments:

Melissa Anne ThomasMelissa USA
(Feb 20, 2018) Oh my goodness! I am glad you didn’t hit the cement and I am especially happy that you have the means to listen to your body and know how to connect mind and body to heal itself. I am so glad you survived and recovered

Judy PazonJudy Philippines
(Feb 20, 2018) oh gigit! i thought initially you accidentally hit your face on the concrete diving board...praying for your complete healing...didnt you apply icepacks on your face and chest?

(Feb 20, 2018) well, it did feel like concrete 🙂 Thanks Judy

Joanna Co LizaresJoanna Philippines
(Feb 20, 2018) Gigit...pls, go see a doctor

AnnaAnna Philippines
(Feb 16, 2018) Be well Gigit!

Carina Guevara GalangCarina Philippines
(Feb 16, 2018) Hope you can pass by the doctor to have yourself checked. Do take care Gigit

Dave JoudreyDave Canada
(Feb 15, 2018) Crazy old bugger. LOL Get better dude!

(Feb 15, 2018) Omg! Hope youre okay

Leonidas LowenherzLeonidas
(Feb 15, 2018) Ohhhh nice!!!! life is like a up and down, keep doing stuff because without a down there is no life :) nice hahaahhah ha

Viveca HutchinsonViveca Philippines
Boracay SandCastles
(Feb 15, 2018) Get better soon!

Leonard LansangLeonard Philippines
(Feb 14, 2018) Nasty!

Angele ForguesAngele Forgues
(Feb 14, 2018) I agree with everyone who said you should get a doctor to give you a look over to make sure there aren't any internal issues. You had a potentially critical injury, especially if you are still spitting up blood. There are many silent killers even if you feel fine. Take care of yourself. Heal well

Roselyn MerlinRoselyn Philippines
Surigao City Tourism Office
(Feb 14, 2018) Take care sir Gigit

Cindy CheungCindy Cheung
(Feb 14, 2018) Get well soon

Rowie LucianoRowie Philippines
(Feb 14, 2018) Yikes! I hope those bruises fade soon and that you'll feel better, Gigit!

Angelito ManoAngelito Mano
(Feb 14, 2018) Sana nag bunso ka nalang kuya gigit

Mel Seco SosobanMel Seco Sosoban
(Feb 14, 2018) Take care sir Git and be safe always. Hope u are fine and well. Happy Valentine

Ksenia NikolaevaKsenia Russia
(Feb 14, 2018) Git, good you're strong. please, consider a visit to doctor at least to confirm what you feel.. metta

Rachel ConsingRachel Philippines
(Feb 14, 2018) I think you should undergo a medical check-up. Better safe than sorry. Blood in your spit - to my layman's mind - seems to indicate an internal injury.

Consolacion Mano ZaldivarConsolacion Zaldivar
(Feb 17, 2018) yes Git, I think so too, better have an xray or whatever, it's the blood in your spit

Eunice Faye Te CuizonEunice
(Feb 14, 2018) Omg! I hope youre fine Gigit! Get well soonest praying for you

Tony AnchetaTony Philippines
Greg & Sally Tree Garden Cafe
(Feb 14, 2018) Glad you're ok

Edwin ContrerasEdwin Contreras
(Feb 14, 2018) Ya

Mae AtienzaMae
(Feb 14, 2018) Glad to know you are on your way to full recovery. Keep safe

Armin BernardinoArmin
(Feb 14, 2018) Glad that you are doing well.

Karen HuerteKaren Philippines
(Feb 14, 2018) ohhh no... surely Mr. Empi had nothing to do with this? Leonid Ray Bacat Marapao

Leonid Ray Bacat MarapaoLeonid Ray Bacat Marapao
(Feb 14, 2018) Hahahaha no!!! We haven't started drinking yet when that happened.

Naomi Rae EstreicherNaomi Rae Estreicher
(Feb 14, 2018) Glad you are on the mend

Tet TesoroTet
(Feb 13, 2018) Ohhhh my. Keep safe, Gigit

Ana KostakosAna Kostakos Greece
(Feb 13, 2018) You're ok though??

Claire MadarangClaire Philippines
(Feb 13, 2018) I hope it's nothing serious. Hope you feel better soon.

Dulce CapadociaDulce USA
(Feb 13, 2018) Omg! What happened?

Joelle Jo SchaeferJoelle
(Feb 13, 2018) Hope you're ok... be careful ...

Carl JohnsonCarl South Africa
(Feb 13, 2018) Look after yourself Gigit.

Ixi MapuaIxi
(Feb 13, 2018) I hope you didn't hurt yourself badly!!

Lovorn AngLovorn Philippines
Theosophical Society in the Philippines
(Feb 13, 2018) ...Gigit and his unconscious hunt for pain

Katia PerezKatia Colombia
(Feb 13, 2018) Take care Gigit and have a good recovery

Jackie SanchezJackie
(Feb 13, 2018) Ayayay! Easy does it, Git!

Ronski BeskiRonski Beski
(Feb 13, 2018) Hey! Be careful! I hope no permanent damage...

Jenny SagabayJenny
(Feb 13, 2018) Hope everything is ok, Git! I am hoping to meet you soon.

Valerie SharpeValerie Sharpe
(Feb 13, 2018) Thanks for sharing! Brave Soul. I hope you're okay!! I believe you're good at what you do. And good for you for challenging yourself.... You're alright to post this and being honest as well.... More power to you... Love and positive energies coming your way Gigit!! Take care!! 🙂

(Feb 13, 2018) ...felt the love :) Thanks Val. I'll be in Cebu mid March...looking forward to catching up with you across the coffee table

Ca IsabelCa Isabel
(Feb 13, 2018) git hope ur ok

Ishilta ChasiIshilta
(Feb 13, 2018)

Hannah Abigail RamosAbigail
(Feb 13, 2018) I just read your blog and I can say, you are really amazing! Thank God you are ok!

Leonid MarapaoLeonid Marapao Philippines
Bohol Touristas Transport Services Bohol Touristas Transport Services
(Feb 13, 2018) It only goes to show how fit you are sir @ 32 🙂 physically and mentally.

Leo GuzmanLeo
(Feb 13, 2018) wow, that was nasty. yes, it's amazing that you are narrating this to us now, relieved you are ok.

(Feb 13, 2018) Leo, attach a short Blues riff and it'll make me feel a whole lot better :) LOL!

Michael PatoMichael
(Feb 13, 2018) Keep safe sir!

Merly Barrete BarlaanMerly Barrete Barlaan
(Feb 13, 2018) Glad you are well. Would suggest a quick evaluation check-up or an X-ray at the hospital...just to make sure. Take care.

Garnet FerrerGarnet Ferrer
(Feb 13, 2018) Take care sir git 🙂

Next stop:

Loboc Map
Google Map

Loboc, Bohol, Philippines

tourist attractions in Bohol tourist attractions hotels in Bohol hotel

Bohol Travel Info/Tips

Bohol FYI / Tips

  • the tourist area where most of the hotels, restaurants, ticket offices, tour operators are, is located within the Alona Beach area
  • the tourist attractions in Bohol are far apart and spread-out. It would be difficult to visit them all using public mass transit. Better hire a van (P3500/day) if in a big group, or rent a motorcycle (P400/day + gas)
  • Bohol relies on its tourism for revenue. As expected, everything they can capitalize on from tourism is extensively used and developed

Tagbilaran Port to Panglao

You can charter any tricycle from the port all the way to Panglao (~P300), but if you want to do it on the cheap,
  1. don't take the tricycles lined-up inside the port. Walk past the port gate and immediately outside, you'll see many tricycles. Take one to the bus terminal in Dao (~P15)
  2. in Dao, take the jeep that plies the Panglao route (~P20)

Tagbilaran (Bohol) to Cebu City by boat

** schedules and rates keep changing, call for latest schedule
  1. Weesam Express - departs 6:15 AM, 11:30 AM, 4:00 PM
    one way: Economy (aircon) P500.00, Economy (non-aircon) P400.00, First Class P600.00
    round trip promo (at least 2 days advance booking): Economy (aircon) P600, Economy(non-aircon) P500, First Class P1200
    round trip promo (1 day or on the day booking): Economy (aircon) P800, Economy (non-aircon) P700, First Class P1200
  2. Ocean Jet - departs 6-7:05-8:20-9:20-11:40AM, 1-2-3:30-4:20-5:30-6:30PM, 2 hours, arrives Pier 1 in Cebu
    Open Air / Tourist Class P800, Business Class P1000
    +63(32)255 7560 / +63 (32) 255 0115 / 0917 638 0000
  3. SuperCat (2GO) - departs 5:50-11AM, 3:45-5:25-8:15PM, arrives Pier 1 in Cebu
    P 500.00
    +63 32 233 7000

Things to do, Places to go in Bohol

  1. Chocolate Hills - this is a clustering of more than 1200 hills within a 50km2 area. They range in height from 30-50 meters. What's unusual is their near-perfect conical shape resembling an individual chocolate chip. No one knows how they were formed. Entrance is P50/pax.
  2. Tarsier Conservation Area - located Upper Bonbon, Loboc. The tarsiers are no longer being played at by tourists as circus props, but instead, visitors now view them in cordoned-off areas in their natural 6ha habitat. As they are territorial and nocturnal, they are predictable on where they can be viewed. P50/pax.
  3. Alona Beach (Panglao) - Alona Beach is the tourist hub of Bohol. It has 1.5 kms of white sand beach lined-up by bars, hotels and restos. Alona is also the jump-off point for Balicasag Island, a world class dive destination.
  4. Danao Adventure Park - located in Barangay Magtangtang, 72 kms (2 hours ride) from Tagbilaran. Adventure activities include river trekking, tyrolean traverse, rappelling, bouldering, rock climbing and ziplining.


  • Exploring Combento Cave Pool June 29, 2017
  • Visiting Cabagnow Cave Pool of Anda Jun 28, 2017
  • Exploring Anda, Bohol June 25-30, 2017

  • Candijay
  • Roadtrip from Candijay to Ubay July 1, 2017
  • Firefly Tour in Candijay, Bohol June 30, 2017
  • Freediving Canawa Cold Spring of Candijay, Bohol June 30, 2017
  • Splashing at Can-umantad Falls, Candijay, Bohol June 30, 2017

  • Carlos P. Garcia Island
  • Exploring Carlos P. Garcia (CPG) Island by Bike Dec 1, 2017

  • Corella
  • Cycling to the Tarsiers of Corella Oct 26, 2017

  • Dauis
  • Cliff Dive at Molave Cove Feb 11, 2018
  • Freediving at Molave Point, Dauis Nov 6, 2017
  • The Return to Hinagdanan Cave Nov 5, 2017
  • Exploring Hinagdanan Cave Oct 24, 2017

  • Loay
  • The Ride to Morning Hill Oct 22, 2017
  • The Ride to the Old Spanish Tower Oct 21, 2017

  • Loboc
  • Goodbye Loboc, Goodbye Philippines Mar 15, 2018
  • The CubbyHole: Envisioning a Utopian Shangrila Mar 10, 2018
  • Fat Shredder with the Russian Twist Mar 2, 2018
  • No-Dismount Climb to Cruz Daku Mar 1, 2018
  • Jeffrey's Cardio Program Feb 26, 2018
  • SUP Yoga with Lalah de Dios at Fox and the Firefly Feb 25, 2018
  • Bike Ride with Juan Huerte: Loboc, Sikatuna, Corella and Baclayon Feb 25, 2018
  • CT Scan Result Feb 23, 2018
  • The Silent Killer has Arrived Feb 19-22, 2018
  • 24+ Days at Lyn's Backpackers Inn Jan 23 - Feb 16, 2018
  • All Day Fun with the Loboc Crew Feb 11, 2018
  • 20-Minute Rope Skipping w/ Pranayama and Meditation Feb 9, 2018
  • Calisthenics with Jeffrey Feb 7, 2018
  • Abs-Core Workout with Jeffrey Feb 5, 2018
  • High Intensity Cardio Workout Feb 2, 2018
  • Ride to the Landslide with Jeffrey Jan 31, 2018
  • Farm Tour with Mr. Raymond Cal Jan 29, 2018
  • Cacao Drum Roasting Jan 27, 2018
  • Making Sikwate: from cacao fruit to a hot dark chocolate drink Jan 25, 2018
  • 5 Weeks at the Fox and Firefly Cottages Dec 13, 2017 - Jan 23, 2018
  • In-House Yoga Teacher at the Fox and Firefly Cottages Jan 22, 2018
  • Mountain Bike Rides from Tagbilaran to Loboc Jan 18, 2018
  • Firefly Tour on a Stand-Up Paddle (SUP) Dec 19, 2017
  • Playing Mountain Bike Tour Optimizer Dec 18, 2017
  • Back to Loboc Dec 13, 2017
  • 37 Days in Loboc - Thank You and Goodbye Oct 8-Nov 14, 2017
  • Exploring Busay Falls, Loktob Spring and Jimili-an Spring...on Foot Nov 11, 2017
  • Stand-Up Paddle Yoga with Joan Christine Nov 3, 2017
  • Loboc River Cruise on a Stand-Up Paddle Oct 29, 2017
  • Exploring Guimba and Sog-ong Caves of Loboc Oct 22, 2017
  • Ziplining and Cable Car Ride at Eco-Tourism Adventure Park Oct 22, 2017
  • Savouring Villagio Pizza Oct 19, 2017
  • Wet and Wild Bonbon-Alegria Downhill Ride Oct 18, 2017
  • River Cruise on Loboc River Oct 17, 2017
  • Back Road Ride from Loboc to Loay Oct 17, 2017
  • Leisurely Ride to Loktob Spring Oct 14, 2017
  • Sweet Ride to Busay Falls Oct 13, 2017
  • Bike Climb to the Virgen de Guadalupe Oct 12, 2017
  • The Ride to Cruz Daku (Big Cross) Oct 11, 2017
  • Exploring Loboc, Bohol Oct 8, 2017

  • Panglao
  • Coastal Cleanup with Plastic Free Bohol Sept 16, 2017
  • Exploring Panglao June 12-18, 2017
  • Yoga with Ging and Rai at Oasis Resort June 18, 2017
  • Freediving with Ben Meerhaeghe at SeaQuest Dive Center June 16, 2017
  • Scuba Diving Balicasag Island with SeaQuest Dive Center June 15, 2017
  • Bohol Revisited June 12, 2017
  • Exploring Bohol Nov 28-30, 2015

  • San Miguel
  • Visiting Bayongan Lake Nov 22, 2017

  • Sevilla
  • Killer MTB Ride from Sevilla Oct 30, 2017

  • Sikatuna
  • Solo Ride to the Sikatuna Tree Park Nov 2, 2017

  • Tagbilaran
  • 30 days in Tagbilaran, Thank You! Oct 8, 2017
  • Breakfast Talk with Tagbilaran's Finest Oct 8, 2017
  • Exploring the Cafe Scene of Tagbilaran Oct 7, 2017
  • Yoga for 60+ Students at the University of Bohol Oct 4, 2017
  • Chocolate Overload at Dalareich Chocolate House October 2, 2017
  • Talk on Philosophy and Spirituality to 12-Graders at the University of Bohol Sep 27, 2017
  • Celebrating the International Day of Peace Sep 23, 2017
  • Judging a Student Debate at the University of Bohol Sept 15, 2017
  • Fitness Workout with Chie at Bohol Tropics Resort Sept 13, 2017
  • Modified Ashtanga Primary Series by Jing Yoga, Tagbilaran Sept 12, 2017
  • Tagbilaran Revisited Sep 7-12, 2017
  • Hello Tagbilaran! June 19-25, 2017

  • Ubay
  • Goodbye and Thank You, Ubay Nov 14-Dec 13, 2017
  • Visiting the Ubay Stock Farm Dec 8, 2017
  • Exploring Cambugsay Healing Hills with Lars Jensen Nov 22, 2017
  • Visiting Ubay Green Park Nov 18, 2017
  • The Ride to Sinandigan Boardwalk and the Yamashita Treasure Hunt Nov 18, 2017
  • Ubay in a Nutshell Nov 17, 2017
  • In Search of the Next Destination Nov 14, 2017
  • 2 Days in Ubay July 1-3, 2017

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