Date > 2024 > May
Activity > Yoga | Meditation | Learning
May 27 - June 20, 2024
Yoga and Meditation for Kids
Location : Tagbilaran, Bohol, Philippines
For Kids?
One of the many things I'll be doing for Kat with her advocacy is yoga and meditation for kids. I have my competence with yoga and meditation, but teaching kids? This is new ground and I need help. Fortunately, there is A.I., Youtube and yoga friends who are already doing this.
Tips for Teaching Kids’ Yoga
- Being a child again - this shifts the mindset and makes you more playful, more patient, more tolerant. Don't be too serious. Kids will behave differently from adults
- Story telling - kids have a short attention span and story telling keeps them engaged. e.g. Tree Pose "imagine yourself to be a tall mighty tree....reaching towards the sun while your roots are firmly planted on mother earth."
- Plan B - if the set class doesn't work, have an alternate plan on hand. If the Vinyasa part is boring them, resort to Partner Yoga.
- Teach the principles of Yoga - games and yoga play are fun, but keep them grounded on what yoga is, why and benefits. If need be, stop the session to explain something important
- No rush - kids are hyper. Make the yoga class slow so that they could also observe the movement. Don't rush anything. Start the class with slow breathing
- Be patient - some kids will get it fast, others will be slow. Kids will be fidgety and will easily be distracted by someone coming in, a sound from the outside, an itch, etc. Be patient
Class Rules
- Come on time - we start on time so come on time. This is a habit that should be instilled in new yogins
- No snacking an hour before - with physical and breathing exercises, the stomach has to be empty
- Washroom/Water - drink water and go to the washroom before class so there is no disruption
Partner Yoga
When the kids become harder to control, or when they get bored or restless, my Plan B is to break the class into Partner Yoga - just one fun pose to get their attention again.Boat
Child's Pose
Forward Bend
Leaning Back
Class Progression
Dry Run: May 7
4 kids including a 5-year old, KG and Kat attended the first dry run. I timed it exactly one hour and was able to fit the entire planned program. But it was challenging. This was the first time I ever taught kids yoga. They easily get distracted by a noise, by what the other person is doing, and often ask for a water break. Overall, I feel that it was a good start for them as I got them established on the 3 foundational legs of yoga - movement, breath and mindfulness. It's easy to introduce asana later on that can challenge them.
Class 1: May 27, Monday
The first class requires time for introduction of new concepts - the 3 best friends, how to breathe properly, movement + breath + mindfulness.
- Introduction - I'm Gigit, one hour class, congrats for being productive during summer break, myths on FB and Instagram
- What is Yoga? - technique that makes us happy, strong, healthy, and be good in school. We achieve this by using very simple methods - movement of the body, controlled breathing and focused attention. That's it. That's yoga. It has nothing to do with the difficult poses people post online.
- Why Yoga? - strong, happy, full of energy, you don't get sick, magical things happen
- Movement - safety edge, don't push it, Vinyasa w/o breath, w/o mindfulness
- Breathing - on the first class, teach them how to breathe properly - full chest, full belly, holding (upper back breathing is later on). Then explain nose breathing, slow breathing, deep breathing, steady breathing, inflating full and exhaling empty, practice same Vinyasa with breathing
- Mindfulness - 3 friends (most important), most difficult, practice counting until it fails, magical things, practice same Vinyasa with breathing + mindfulness
- Pranayama - 10 mins of different kinds of pranayama, one per day. eg. Ujjayi breathing, Nadi shodan, Kapalbhati, Chandra/Surya bhedan, Brahmari, Sitali + Lion's breath
- Full Vinyasa with Ujjayi breathing - 10 mins
- Partner Yoga - Boat, one partner yoga pose only. We don't want to make this too much fun
- Meditation - 10 mins, Counting, one type per day ,(Counting, Anapana, Vipassana, Sambhavi, Kumbhaka, Nada)
- Gratitude - 5 mins, family, home, food, friends
Class 2: May 28, Tuesday
For this 2nd class, no more introduction. We go straight to warming up the lungs with 3 mins full Ujjayi breathing (chest + belly), 1 min body movement, 5 mins body stretching, semi Surya Namaster A&B (they got bored so I switched quick to partner yoga), partner yoga (chair, leaning back), Nadi Shodan, Counting Meditation, Magic (disappearing the coin), Gratitude
- Breathing warm up - 3 mins, full chest, full belly, 1 sec holding (upper back breathing is later on) - nose breathing, slow breathing, deep breathing, steady breathing, inflating full and exhaling empty
- Movement - 2 mins, hovering, shadow boxing, full body movement, limbering
- Stretching - 5 mins, full body stretching
- Asana - semi Surya as they got bored with this, Tree pose, Glut stretch
- Partner yoga - chair facing each other and leaning back
- Nadi Shodan breathing - 5 mins, (Ujjayi breathing, Nadi shodan, Kapalbhati, Chandra/Surya bhedan, Brahmari, Sitali + Lion's breath)
- Magic - through body relaxation, full breathing, and awareness on the breath, the coin disappears!
- Counting Meditation - 10 mins, one type per day (Counting, Anapana, Vipassana, Sambhavi, Kumbhaka, Nada)
- Gratitude - being alive, being healthy being able to play
Class 3: May 29, Wednesday
Warming up the lungs with 3 mins full Ujjayi breathing (chest + belly), 1 min body movement, 5 mins body stretching, cat and cow/downward dog/seated poses, partner yoga (chair, leaning back), Kapalbhati, Magic Meditation (.25 coin appears), Gratitude
- Breathing warm up - 3 mins, full chest, full belly, 1 sec holding (upper back breathing is later on) - nose breathing, slow breathing, deep breathing, steady breathing, inflating full and exhaling empty
- Movement - 2 mins, hovering, shadow boxing, full body movement, limbering
- Stretching - 5 mins, full body stretching
- Group Pose - Tree
- Cat / Cow - 10 mins, showing round back vs straight back, Downward Dog, Seated Poses (twist, knee pointed up)
- Partner yoga - chair, back to back
- Kapalbhati breathing - 5 mins, (Ujjayi breathing, Nadi shodan, Kapalbhati, Chandra/Surya bhedan, Brahmari, Sitali + Lion's breath)
- Magic - through body relaxation, full breathing, and awareness on the breath, the .25 cent coin appears!
- Anapana Meditation - NONE, no time left, 10 mins, one type per day (Counting, Anapana, Vipassana, Sambhavi, Kumbhaka, Nada)
- Gratitude - Loving Family: Having parents, siblings, and extended family who care for and support
Partner Yoga
When the kids become harder to control, or when they get bored or restless, my Plan B is to break the class into Partner Yoga - just one fun pose to get their attention again.Boat
Child's Pose
Forward Bend
Leaning Back
Class 4: May 30, Thursday
Class 3 was tough. They were all over the place, talking, not listening, everybody lining up in the washroom (while classes are on-going), etc.
For Today:
Warming up the lungs with 3 mins full Ujjayi breathing (chest + belly), 1 min body movement, 5 mins body stretching, one-legged poses, partner yoga (back-to-back forward bend), Kapalbhati, Magic Meditation (P 10 coin re-appears), Tree Pose Meditation (on who gets the coin), Gratitude
- Breathing warm up - same breathing warm up, followed by a new Pranayama (below)
- Chandra/Surya bhedan breathing - NOT DONE, 5 mins, (Ujjayi breathing, Nadi shodan, Kapalbhati, Chandra/Surya bhedan, Brahmari, Sitali + Lion's breath)
- Full body movement - 2 mins, hovering, shadow boxing, full body movement, limbering
- Stretching - 5 mins, full body stretching
- Group Pose - Mandala
- Seated Poses - NOT DONE, 10 mins, more...knees on the side, forward
- Partner yoga - forward bend, back to back
- Magic - through body relaxation, full breathing, and awareness on the breath, the PHP 10 reappears! Whoever stood on one leg longest gets to keep the P10 coin
- Anapana Meditation - NOT DONE, 10 mins, one type per day (Counting, Anapana, Vipassana, Sambhavi, Kumbhaka, Nada)
- Gratitude - Basic Needs
Home: Having a safe and comfortable place to live
Food and Clean Water: Having nutritious meals and clean water to drink
Clothing: Having clothes to wear for different activities
Class 5: June 3, Monday
Class 4 was challenging. I had to keep their interest by games - Mandala, Magic, PHP 10 reward by Tree Pose, etc. Without these games, it was like herding cats.
For Today:
Warming up the lungs with 3 mins full Ujjayi breathing (chest + belly), 1 min body movement, 5 mins body stretching, Seated Twist Mandala group asana, Chandra/Surya bhedan pranayama, Seated Seesaw partner yoga, Levitation magic meditation, Hobbies gratitude
- Breathing warm up - same breathing warm up, followed by a new Pranayama (below)
- Chandra/Surya bhedan breathing - 5 mins, (Ujjayi breathing, Nadi shodan, Kapalbhati, Chandra/Surya bhedan, Brahmari, Sitali + Lion's breath)
- Full body movement - 2 mins, hovering, shadow boxing, full body movement, limbering
- Stretching - 5 mins, full body stretching
- Group Pose - Seated Twist Mandala mandala, right and left
- Partner yoga - Seated Seesaw, facing each other
- Magic - Levitating an object after 20 mins of body relaxation, full breathing, and awareness on the breath
- Gratitude - Everyday Joys
Fun and Play: Having time for play and activities they enjoy
Favorite Hobbies: Being able to engage in hobbies like reading, drawing, playing games, or building things
Moments of Happiness: Experiencing small, everyday moments of joy, laughter, and love
Class 6: June 4, Tuesday
Class 5 was challenging despite the levitation.
For Today:
Warming up the lungs with 3 mins full Ujjayi breathing (chest + belly), 1 min body movement, 5 mins body stretching, Back Bend asanas, Brahmari pranayama, Child pose / Back bend partner yoga, Levitation magic meditation from doing Brahmari, Nature gratitude
- Breathing warm up - same breathing warm up, followed by a new Pranayama (below)
- Brahmari breathing - 5 mins, (Ujjayi breathing, Nadi shodan, Kapalbhati, Chandra/Surya bhedan, Brahmari, Sitali + Lion's breath)
- Full body movement - 2 mins, hovering, shadow boxing, full body movement, limbering
- Stretching - 5 mins, full body stretching
- Back Bend asana - 10 mins
- Partner yoga - Child Pose / Back Bend
- Anapana Meditation - 10 mins, one type per day (Counting, Anapana, Vipassana, Sambhavi, Kumbhaka, Nada)
- Magic - Levitating an object after 10 mins of body relaxation, Brahmari, and awareness on the breath
- Gratitude - Beautiful nature
Sunshine, rain, trees, animals - the natural world is full of wonder. Kids can appreciate spending time outdoors and experiencing the beauty of nature.
Class 7: June 5, Wednesday
Class 6 was still about levitation but they were not as excited as the disappearing coin.
For Today:
Warming up the lungs with 3 mins full Ujjayi breathing (chest + belly), 1 min body movement, 5 mins body stretching, Wide Legged asanas, Sitali + Lion's breath pranayama, Boat partner yoga, Disappearing Coin magic meditation from doing Sitali + Lion's breath, Best Friend gratitude
- Breathing warm up - same breathing warm up, followed by a new Pranayama (below)
- Sitali + Lion's breath breathing - 5 mins, (Ujjayi breathing, Nadi shodan, Kapalbhati, Chandra/Surya bhedan, Brahmari, Sitali + Lion's breath)
- Full body movement - 2 mins, hovering, shadow boxing, full body movement, limbering
- Stretching - 5 mins, full body stretching
- Wide Legged asana - 10 mins
- Partner yoga - Boat
- Anapana Meditation - 10 mins, one type per day (Counting, Anapana, Vipassana, Sambhavi, Kumbhaka, Nada)
- Magic - Disappearing Coin after 10 mins of body relaxation, Sitali + Lion's breath, and awareness on the breath
- Gratitude - Best Friend
- you have someone to play with
- if you are sad, there is someone to cheer you up
- when you need to talk to someone, your best friend is there
- you're not alone. You and your best friend look out for each other
- you have someone who understands you
- there is someone you trust who can tell you, you are wrong
- there is someone you can study with and help you with your homework
Class 8: June 6, Thursday
Class 7 had 8 kids and they were behaving like a beehive. The only thing that excited them was Boat partner yoga and the Magic (disappearing coin in a box).
For Today:
Warming up the lungs with 3 mins full Ujjayi breathing (chest + belly), 1 min body movement, 5 mins body stretching, Standing asanas, Bhastrika pranayama, Leaning Back partner yoga, (not done) Reappearing Coin magic meditation from doing Ujjayi breath, (not used) Being part of this team gratitude
- Breathing warm up - same breathing warm up, followed by a new Pranayama (below)
- Bhastrika breathing - 5 mins, (Bhastrika, Ujjayi, Nadi shodan, Kapalbhati, Chandra/Surya bhedan, Brahmari, Sitali + Lion's breath)
- Full body movement - 2 mins, hovering, shadow boxing, full body movement, limbering
- Stretching - 5 mins, full body stretching
- Standing asana - Tree, Front leg up, Side, Dancer's Pose Seated Poses were supposed to be done, but no one was interested
- Partner yoga - Leaning Back
- (not done) Anapana Meditation - 10 mins, one type per day (Counting, Anapana, Vipassana, Sambhavi, Kumbhaka, Nada)
- (not done) Magic - Reappearing Coin after 10 mins of Anapana
- Gratitude - I asked each of them what they were grateful for and we all meditated on that...feeling it and not thinking it
Summary / Ending Thoughts
This class only had 4 kids and they were not interested. Partner yoga wasn't working and I didn't do the magic anymore. I thought it was just my class but according to the other teachers, it was the same for them. It seems like the whole class was influenced by one rogue student who had an attitude and the whole class bought into it.
I've no idea how to reboot the system.
Class 9: June 10, Monday
Last Class
Class 8 only had 4 kids and they were not interested. Partner yoga wasn't working and I didn't do the magic anymore. I thought it was just my class but according to the other teachers, it was the same for them. It seems like the whole class was influenced by one rogue student who had an attitude and the whole class bought into it. I've no idea how to reboot the system.
For Today
Since the structured approach wasn't working anymore, I'll try winging the class today. No plan, no structure. Let's see how spontaneity works.
How it went
There were 9 students today, 2 of them below 7. About 3 would participate and the rest would simply not move. The ones below 7 were restless and disruptive to everyone else. It felt like I was talking to a wall.
Summary / Ending Thoughts
This was a frustrating day. Meeting with the other teachers, it was decided to start yoga 8:30 am M and W. Hopefully, starting yoga first before the kids get too excited with art class, gets them focused.
I am beginning to think that yoga at this early stage is too soon. Perhaps yoga should begin with kids a little older. Yoga for 4 year olds is too soon. I asked ChatGPT what the ideal age is for kids. It said 3, but it was all about play, songs and games - then it's not yoga, it's just play. It said structured yoga (asana, pranayama and meditation) can begin at around age 9-12.
Class 10: June 11, Tuesday
Last Class
Class 9 had 9 kids and they were not interested. The teachers met and decided to shift yoga to 8:30 am on M/W to let them start the day with yoga instead of art.
For Today
Researching with ChatGPT, I came across Bal Yoga for Kids. I followed the links and will use one Youtube class for kids, below:
- Bhramari breathing
- Ujjayi breathing, very slow, silently counting 1-10 in inhale and exhale, with Gyana mudra
- Belly breathing, lying down, very slow, silently counting 1-10 in inhale and exhale ------ below not done ---------
- Roll up / Roll down, knees tucked in
- Roll side to side, knees tucked in
- Downward Dog: from Child's Pose >> Table (cat/cow) >> Downward Dog >> Vajrasana >> Child's Pose
How it went
I already lost them after belly breathing, so I transitioned to something new - juggling.
The juggling tutorial video consisted of 3 steps. I only taught them the first step. There were not enough balls for everyone so they took turns. The meditation component was for them to visualize in slow motion, the ball coming up and they catch it on one hand, throw it up and catch it with the other hand. The purpose is to train the mind to focus, and see a noticeable improvement in actual performance.
Summary / Ending Thoughts
Juggling saved the day but it's still a challenge how to keep them engaged for the actual yoga asanas.
Class 11: June 12, Wednesday
Last Class
Class 10 was the introduction of Juggling to focus the mind.
For Today
Continuing the Yoga for Kids video series and Lesson 2 of the juggling:
Below is added from last session because it wasn't done.
- Roll up / Roll down, knees tucked in
- Roll side to side, knees tucked in
- Downward Dog: from Child's Pose >> Table (cat/cow) >> Downward Dog >> Vajrasana >> Child's Pose
- Seated poses - Sukhasana, Sidhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana
- OM chanting
- Bhastrika breathing
- Juggling - lesson 2 just shown but not enough ball for everyone
- hand flipping with hands alternately facing up and down
- interlaced fingers, eyes closed, kids follow 'left/right' instruction. This keeps them concentrated and focused
- 5 fingers pressed, eyes closed, kids follow '1-2-3-4-5' instruction. This keeps them concentrated and focused
- echo the numbers, teacher calls out 5 numbers in sequence and students repeat the same sequence. This sharpens kids' memory
- nose-ear-clap, eye closed, reverse hand position after every clap. This enhances concentration and mental sharpness
- hakini mudra, 2 mins, enhances memory, increases concentration
- chin mudra, 2 mins, calms the mind, energizes the body
- dhyana mudra, 2 mins, builds awareness and enhances intuition
How it went
Summary / Ending Thoughts
Class 12: June 13, Thursday
Last Class
Class 12, most were well behaved. Not enough balls for juggling.
For Today
The juggling balls were ordered but haven't arrived yet - so no juggling.
How it went
At this point, it was like pulling teeth to get their interest. Even with no disrupter, they've lost interest.
Summary / Ending Thoughts
I talked to Kat advising that I won't extend the program beyond June 21. I didn't feel like a yoga teacher - more like a glorified 'yaya' who had to entertain, juggle, do magic, tell stories, etc. At the end of the class, I felt drained, vs feeling invigorated after an adult yoga class. Instead, I will go to Cebu to use my ticket and have some decompression.
Class 13: June 17, Monday
Last Class
Class 12 was bleak with nearly everyone losing interest - not just in yoga but also in the art classes. Kat advised that the juggling balls will be available for this class.
For Today
Continuing the juggling lessons. Also, with the help of AI to spin a story using English words in Yoga, I'll tell a story invoking Yoga words which the kids have to identify and perform. Anyone who doesn't join the activity will meditate - there is no element of punishment.
1. Story Telling: Mulan and her Adventures
(this is a long story that spans multiple classes)
Outdoor Adventure
Once upon a time, there was a brave explorer named Mulan who loved going on adventures. One sunny morning, Mulan decided to explore a mysterious MOUNTAIN looming on the horizon. She got her hiking shoes, made a FORWARD BEND to tie her shoe laces. She then mounted on her HORSE and galloped away.
The Mushroom Picker
The first person she met was a mushroom picker and his dog. When his dog sniffed a mushroom under the ground, it barked, then the DOG FACED DOWN, and started digging. Soon, it unearthed a truffle mushroom! The DOG FACED UP to his master to show the wonderful find. It was a joyful moment for the mushroom picker and his dog.
The Warrior and the Tree
As Mulan went deeper into the mountain, she climbed to the top and looked around. From the peak of the mountain, Mulan spotted a tall TREE swaying in the wind. Below the tree, Mulan saw a mighty WARRIOR standing tall and strong with his impregnable armor.
Mulan decided to cross the river to come closer to the warrior, but the BRIDGE was broken. What to do? Luckily, she found a BOAT nearby. After rowing the boat to the other side, Mulan found a narrow trail that led to a sandy river beach. Mulan saw a PLANK of wood washed up on the riverbank.
While descending down a valley, Mulan noticed a CAT chasing a mouse. The mouse ran fast and wild until it went inside a hole in the ground. The cat followed, but there was a BABY COBRA living inside the hole. The snake chased after the cat. The cat was so afraid, it darted out of the hole and jumped on top of a grazing COW. The cow was ok with it and continued grazing. The cat stayed on top of the cow until it the snake went back to its hole.
The Other Traveler and her Child
Tired from the long journey, Mulan sat down under the shade of a big tree and rested with another adventurer traveling with her CHILD. They told travel stories and shared their food. As the 3 were eating, a CROW flew down for scraps of food. Shortly after, a hungry PIGEON joined the crow.
The Eagle
Soon, Mulan continued the adventure and found a calm lake. There, Mulan decided to stretch and relax. Lying down, she saw an EAGLE soaring high above the clouds. She wished she could also fly. The eagle took a sharp dive to catch a FISH on the lake. It then flew to its nest, a GARLAND of twigs, stems and dried leaves.
As the sun began to set, Mulan saw the HALF MOON rising, turning the sky from day to night. As stars began to twinkle, Mulan knew it was time to MEDITATE for 10 minutes, before she heading back home.
The end.
2. Juggling
Still from Lesson 1, 2 minutes with everyone passing one ball to the other hand. Then, 5 mins of visualizing the act. Then doing the real juggling to see if there is improvement.
Then trying to juggle 2 balls. Homework: meditate for 10 minutes before going to bed on juggling 2 balls
How it went
The story telling got their attention. It helped that points were given to whoever got the word first - they were engaged. For juggling, they spent 2 mins on visualization. The homework is visualizing 2 balls. The one who juggles 5 throws at the program's end get to keep the 3 balls.
Summary / Ending Thoughts
The story telling can extend until the last day. The juggling visualization can also extend to June 20.
Class 14: June 18, Tuesday
Last Class
Class 13 got them engaged with story telling and having a juggling ball for each.
For Today
Continuing with the adventure of Mulan and juggling lessons with 2 balls.
1. Story Telling: Mulan and her Adventures
(this is a long story that spans multiple classes)
Outdoor Adventure
Once upon a time, there was a brave explorer named Mulan who loved going on adventures. One sunny morning, Mulan decided to explore a mysterious MOUNTAIN looming on the horizon. She got her hiking shoes, made a FORWARD BEND to tie her shoe laces. She then mounted on her HORSE and galloped away.
The Mushroom Picker
The first person she met was a mushroom picker and his dog. When his dog sniffed a mushroom under the ground, it barked, then the DOG FACED DOWN, and started digging. Soon, it unearthed a truffle mushroom! The DOG FACED UP to his master to show the wonderful find. It was a joyful moment for the mushroom picker and his dog.
The Warrior and the Tree
As Mulan went deeper into the mountain, she climbed to the top and looked around. From the peak of the mountain, Mulan spotted a tall TREE swaying in the wind. Below the tree, Mulan saw a mighty WARRIOR standing tall and strong with his impregnable armor.
The River
Mulan decided to cross the river to come closer to the warrior, but the BRIDGE was broken. What to do? Luckily, she found a BOAT nearby. After rowing the boat to the other side, Mulan found a narrow trail that led to a sandy river beach. Mulan saw a PLANK of wood washed up on the riverbank.
While descending down a valley, Mulan noticed a CAT chasing a mouse. The mouse ran fast and wild until it went inside a hole in the ground. The cat followed, but there was a BABY COBRA living inside the hole. The snake chased after the cat. The cat was so afraid, it darted out of the hole and jumped on top of a grazing COW. The cow was ok with it and continued grazing. The cat stayed on top of the cow until it the snake went back to its hole.
The Other Traveler and her Child
Tired from the long journey, Mulan sat down under the shade of a big tree and rested with another adventurer traveling with her CHILD. They told travel stories and shared their food. As the 3 were eating, a CROW flew down for scraps of food. Shortly after, a hungry PIGEON joined the crow.
Soon, Mulan continued the adventure and found a calm lake. There, Mulan decided to stretch and relax. Lying down, she saw an EAGLE soaring high above the clouds. She wished she could also fly. The eagle took a sharp dive to catch a FISH on the lake. It then flew to its nest, a GARLAND of twigs, stems and dried leaves.
As the sun began to set, Mulan saw the HALF MOON rising, turning the sky from day to night. As stars began to twinkle, Mulan knew it was time to MEDITATE for 10 minutes, before she heading back home.
The end.
How it went
The story telling went through. I got their attention more when there was competition amongst themselves - who can hold the Boat Pose longest? or the High Plank? They still struggle with one ball in juggling.
Class 15: June 19, Wednesday
Last Class
Class 14 was manageable. They like the yoga adventure story.
For Today
Continuing the Yoga adventure story
How it went
Everyone chose their fav seated pose and we took turns on doing everybody's fav pranayama. The adventure story ended. I talked more about life and how they can hack being non-reactive, by focusing inside and not outside, by observing their thoughts. There was no time for juggling.
Summary / Ending Thoughts
This session went well...being the 2nd to the last day.
Class 16: June 20, Thursday
Last Class
Class 15 was manageable without juggling
For Today
Being their last day, it'll be a day of sharing and restrospection.
How it went
Body movement, stretching, breathing...then SHARING - what have they learned? How can they apply that in day to day life? How can they continue this practice with no teacher? Breathing/Meditation to end the class...class picture.
Summary / Ending Thoughts
Being the last day, there was an air of festivity and it was a little harder to manage them, but all went well. Maybe some will continue with the practice and meditate before going to bed. I hope so.
Ending Thoughts
Meditation is NOT Play
While watching kid's meditation videos on Youtube, I noticed that the 'teacher' is taking the kid into a fantasy feel-good adventure that makes him feel positive and relaxed - that is nice and dandy if the objective is to make the kid feel good. I have to disagree with this approach. The intention of meditation is to disconnect the mind from the thinking process so that the mind is able to distinguish 'thinking' from 'observing the thoughts without reacting to them'. By letting the kid fantasize about a scene is to have the mind go into the rabbit hole with the thought. Awareness is not developed and a meditative state is not achieved. Because of that, I had to develop my own style...or so I thought. After a few failed attempts, I had to default to the fantasy storytelling, but with a twist - once I get them to do a pose, I invoke the yogic "3 best friends" where they have to do the right breathing with awareness. It partially worked.
Herding Cats
Teaching kids is tough. I ask them to keep silent and no talking, but no one's listening. Even if they become silent, they don't stay silent for long. Doing magic, juggling, group poses and partner yoga help to get their attention, but they don't always work. Teaching kids is like herding cats.
Age Matters
There is a great gap between younger than 7 to 7-12 years old. Younger than 7 and they cannot keep still and their behavior is disruptive to the rest of the class. They can cause a beehive behavior and then no one's listening anymore. Next time, I would begin the age at 7...younger will need their own 'young' class - and a different teacher. Honestly, I don't think yoga is for kids who cannot keep still and listen. 7 years old would be a start, but perhaps 9 years old would be more manageable. I asked ChatGPT what the ideal age is for kids. It said 3, but it was all about play, songs and games - then it's not yoga, it's just play. It said structured yoga (asana, pranayama and meditation) can begin at around age 9-12 - this is more like it for me.
At the End of the Day
When the program ended, and I saw them feeling cuddly with me despite me being "strict" (I actually thought I was playful already), it made me realize it was all worth the effort. These are amazing kids with a bright future.
--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
YOGA by Gigit
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(June 27, 2024) After a long absence, I decided to visit Chu Un Temple for its weekly meditation. Nearly everyone was a new face. I welcome this fresh breeze of new energy....more »»
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Tagbilaran Local Info
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Tagbilaran to Cebu by Boat
- Lite Ferries (Roro)
T-Th-Sun, departs 11:59pm, 5 hours, arrives 5 am
Daily, departs 12 noon, arrives 5pm
As a Roro, you can load your motorbike or car, no Senior Citizen discount for online ticket purchase - Ocean Jet - 2 hours, departs 10:40 am, arrives 12:40 pm, Pier 1 Cebu
Tagbilaran Blogs
- Xmas Party with Attys. Al and Heidi Tinampay December 7, 2024
- Nov Food: Pizza, Smores November 2024
- November Snapshots: Garbage, Vote-Buying, Hair, Beach, Ants, Park, Tire, Banana-Q November 1-31, 2024
- Oct Chronicles: CPG Park, Bantawan Vendors October 2024 Oct Snapshots: Ice cream, Epal, Globe Sim, Garbage
- 65 Years Old October 16, 2024
- September Snapshots: Christmas, Cute Jogger, Confidence, September 1-31, 2024
- Sunrise Yoga at Bantawan, Old Airport September 2024
- Thai Food for September? September 2024
- August Snapshots: Contol Tower, Archway, Blood Compact, Bridge, Laundry, Kape Huan, Drag Race, Boulevard August 1-31, 2024
- Aug Food Odyssey: Pizza, Sikwate, Puto Maya, Budbud August 2024
- She Sat Beside Me August 31, 2024
- Yoga at the Tagbilaran Airstrip August 2024
- DIY University August 31, 2024
- Property Mapping using Google Sites August 26, 2024
- July Snapshots: camping chair/lurker July 1-31, 2024
- Learning Cebuano: July July 1-31, 2024
- Kitchen Hacks: Wheat Loaf, Rosti, Pancit Canton, Pizza, Fruit Breakfast July 2024
- Movie Review: The Matrix (1999) July 15, 2024
- Yoga Talk Community July 14/28, 2024
- Mangaon ta sa Hangos July 9, 2024
- Bohol Gothic Wine Label July 5, 2024
- June Snapshots: Cake delivery, Free hanging June 1-30, 2024
- Kitchen Indulgence: Wheat Bread, Pizza, Lechon Sandwich, French Toast June 2024
- May Snapshots: Stairway to Heaven May 2024
- May 2024: Carinderia food May 2024
- Moving to Taloto, Tagbilaran City May 19, 2024
- Yoga for Grown ups May 27 - June 21, 2024
- Yoga and Meditation for Kids May 27 - June 20, 2024
- Dalareich Chocolate House Revisited May 4, 2024
- Kat's Community Invite Apr 28 - May 19, 2024
- 30 days in Tagbilaran, Thank You! Oct 8, 2017
- Breakfast Talk with Tagbilaran's Finest Oct 8, 2017
- Exploring the Cafe Scene of Tagbilaran Oct 7, 2017
- Yoga for 60+ Students at the University of Bohol Oct 4, 2017
- Chocolate Overload At Dalareich Chocolate House Oct 2, 2017
- Talk on Philosophy and Spirituality to 12-Graders at the University of Bohol Sep 27, 2017
- Celebrating the International Day of Peace Sep 23, 2017
- Judging a Student Debate at the University of Bohol Sept 15, 2017
- Fitness Workout with Chie at Bohol Tropics Resort Sept 13, 2017
- Modified Ashtanga Primary Series by Jing Yoga Sept 12, 2017
- Tagbilaran Revisited Sep 7-12, 2017
- Hello Tagbilaran! Jun 19-25, 2017
TAGBILARANMore on Bohol:
Bohol Google Map
Bohol, Philippines
- Danao Adventure Park - zip lining, cable car ride, caving, river rides/trekking, off-road buggy ride, root climbing, rappelling and ultra-glide rides
- Alona Beach - hub for tourists with hotels, resorts, restos, bars and dive shops
- Chocolate Hills - hills side-by-side shaped like giant Kisses chocolate
- Tarsier - pocket-sized marsupia looking like a monkey
- Balicasag Island - one of the best dive spots in the Philippines
- Loboc River - river cruise on a boat
- Anda Beach - fine white sand beach with resorts, restos and cottages, 3 hours by bus from Tagbilaran
- Cabagnow Cave Pool - brackish water pool about 5ft deep inside a limestone opening on the ground, 8 feet deep, P50
- Lamanok Island - walk on a 100m bamboo bridge on stilts to a resto area to take a boat tour to caves and nearly attractions, P300
- Combento Cave Pool - cave pool with underwater cave system, P20
- Can-umantad Falls - long narrow drop until it hits a bulbous mound spreading it into a a curtain-like water canopy and down into a splash pool
- Canawa Cold Spring - deep refreshing cold spring with developed pool area
- Firefly Tour - evening boat ride into the river to watch fireflies
- Fox & The Firefly Cottages - SUP paddle boarding, luxury riverside native cottages, mountain bike tours, SUP yoga
Baranggay Valladolid, Loboc, Bohol - Bohol Tropics Resort - seafront location, manicured surroundings, swimming pool, resto/bar
0133 Graham Avenue, Brgy. Cogon, Tagbilaran, Bohol 6300 - Oasis Resort - Alona Beach location, dive center, resto / bar
Alona Beach, Panglao, Bohol
- Jing Yoga - health & well being through yoga
The Courtyard - Airport Road fronting the church
Bohol Meditation and Yoga Center - 2nd Floor Lim Magtajas Bldg. CPG Avenue
Bohol Travel Info/Tips
Bohol FYI / Tips
- the tourist area where most of the hotels, restaurants, ticket offices, tour operators are, is located within the Alona Beach area
- the tourist attractions in Bohol are far apart and spread-out. It would be difficult to visit them all using public mass transit. Better hire a van (P3500/day) if in a big group, or rent a motorcycle (P400/day + gas)
- Bohol relies on its tourism for revenue. As expected, everything they can capitalize on from tourism is extensively used and developed
Tagbilaran Port to Panglao
You can charter any tricycle from the port all the way to Panglao (~P300), but if you want to do it on the cheap,- don't take the tricycles lined-up inside the port. Walk past the port gate and immediately outside, you'll see many tricycles. Take one to the bus terminal in Dao (~P15)
- in Dao, take the jeep that plies the Panglao route (~P20)
Tagbilaran (Bohol) to Cebu City by boat
** schedules and rates keep changing, call for latest schedule- Weesam Express - departs 6:15 AM, 11:30 AM, 4:00 PM
one way: Economy (aircon) P500.00, Economy (non-aircon) P400.00, First Class P600.00
round trip promo (at least 2 days advance booking): Economy (aircon) P600, Economy(non-aircon) P500, First Class P1200
round trip promo (1 day or on the day booking): Economy (aircon) P800, Economy (non-aircon) P700, First Class P1200 - Ocean Jet - departs 6-7:05-8:20-9:20-10:40-11:40AM, 1-2-3:30-4:20-5:30-6:30PM, 2 hours, arrives Pier 1 in Cebu
Open Air / Tourist Class P800, Business Class P1000
+63(32)255 7560 / +63 (32) 255 0115 / 0917 638 0000 - SuperCat (2GO) - departs 5:50-11AM, 3:45-5:25-8:15PM, arrives Pier 1 in Cebu
P 500.00
+63 32 233 7000
Things to do, Places to go in Bohol
- Chocolate Hills - this is a clustering of more than 1200 hills within a 50km2 area. They range in height from 30-50 meters. What's unusual is their near-perfect conical shape resembling an individual chocolate chip. No one knows how they were formed. Entrance is P50/pax.
- Tarsier Conservation Area - located Upper Bonbon, Loboc. The tarsiers are no longer being played at by tourists as circus props, but instead, visitors now view them in cordoned-off areas in their natural 6ha habitat. As they are territorial and nocturnal, they are predictable on where they can be viewed. P50/pax.
- Alona Beach (Panglao) - Alona Beach is the tourist hub of Bohol. It has 1.5 kms of white sand beach lined-up by bars, hotels and restos. Alona is also the jump-off point for Balicasag Island, a world class dive destination.
- Danao Adventure Park - located in Barangay Magtangtang, 72 kms (2 hours ride) from Tagbilaran. Adventure activities include river trekking, tyrolean traverse, rappelling, bouldering, rock climbing and ziplining.
- Exploring Combento Cave Pool Jun 29, 2017
- Visiting Cabagnow Cave Pool Of Anda Jun 28, 2017
- Exploring Anda, Bohol Jun 25-30, 2017
- Roadtrip from Candijay to Ubay Jul 1, 2017
- Firefly Tour In Candijay, Bohol Jun 30, 2017
- Freediving Canawa Cold Spring Of Candijay, Bohol Jun 30, 2017
- Splashing At Can-Umantad Falls, Candijay, Bohol Jun 30, 2017
- Exploring Carlos P. Garcia (CPG) Island by Bike Dec 1, 2017
- Tagay Ta Xmas Party November 22, 2024
- Yoga Talk with BCBP Kids July 6, 2024
- Sikwate at Daday Painitan May 9, 2024
- Cliff Dive at Molave Cove Feb 11, 2018
- Freediving at Molave Point, Dauis Nov 6, 2017
- The Return to Hinagdanan Cave Nov 5, 2017
- Exploring Hinagdanan Cave Oct 24, 2017
- Beginner Yoga at Fox and Firefly December 13, 2024
- Yoga for Plus-sized Women May 24, 2024
- Bohol Yoga Festival April 20/21, 2024
- Goodbye Loboc, Goodbye Philippines Mar 15, 2018
- The CubbyHole: Envisioning a Utopian Shangrila Mar 10, 2018
- Fat Shredder with the Russian Twist Mar 2, 2018
- No-Dismount Climb to Cruz Daku Mar 1, 2018
- Jeffrey's Cardio Program Feb 26, 2018
- SUP Yoga with Lalah de Dios at Fox and the Firefly Feb 25, 2018
- Bike Ride with Juan Huerte: Loboc, Sikatuna, Corella and Baclayon Feb 25, 2018
- CT Scan Result Feb 23, 2018
- The Silent Killer has Arrived Feb 19-22, 2018
- 24+ Days at Lyn's Backpackers Inn Jan 23 - Feb 16, 2018
- All Day Fun with the Loboc Crew Feb 11, 2018
- 20-Minute Rope Skipping w/ Pranayama and Meditation Feb 9, 2018
- Calisthenics with Jeffrey Feb 7, 2018
- Abs-Core Workout with Jeffrey Feb 5, 2018
- High Intensity Cardio Workout Feb 2, 2018
- Ride to the Landslide with Jeffrey Jan 31, 2018
- Farm Tour with Mr. Raymond Cal Jan 29, 2018
- Cacao Drum Roasting Jan 27, 2018
- Making Sikwate: from cacao fruit to a hot dark chocolate drink Jan 25, 2018
- 5 Weeks at the Fox and Firefly Cottages Dec 13, 2017 - Jan 23, 2018
- In-House Yoga Teacher at the Fox and Firefly Cottages Jan 22-Mar 14, 2018
- Mountain Bike Rides from Tagbilaran to Loboc Jan 18, 2018
- Firefly Tour on a Stand-Up Paddle (SUP) Dec 19, 2017
- Playing Mountain Bike Tour Optimizer Dec 18, 2017
- Back to Loboc Dec 13-17, 2017
- 37 Days in Loboc - Thank You and Goodbye Oct 8-Nov 14, 2017
- Exploring Busay Falls, Loktob Spring And Jimili-An Spring Nov 11, 2017
- Stand-Up Paddle Yoga with Joan Christine Nov 3, 2017
- SUP (Stand Up Paddle) Bohol Oct 29, 2017
- Exploring Guimba and Sog-ong Caves of Loboc Oct 22, 2017
- Ziplining and Cable Car Ride at Eco-Tourism Adventure Park Oct 22, 2017
- Savouring Villagio Pizza Oct 19, 2017
- Wet and Wild Bonbon-Alegria Downhill Ride Oct 18, 2017
- River Cruise on Loboc River Oct 17, 2017
- Back Road Ride To Loay Oct 17, 2017
- Leisurely Ride to Loktob Spring Oct 14, 2017
- Sweet Ride to Busay Falls Oct 13, 2017
- Bike Climb to the Virgen de Guadalupe Oct 12, 2017
- The Ride to Cruz Daku (Big Cross) Oct 11, 2017
- Exploring Loboc, Bohol Oct 8, 2017
- Chilling-out at the Floating Cottage with the Tagbilaran Walkers October 11, 2024
- Dinner for Vic's Mom November 28, 2024
- Kat's Birthday at Oceanica April 24, 2024
- Teaching 'Energising Yoga' at Jing Yoga & Wellness April 23-28, 2024
- Freediving in Panglao with Haka Dive Center April 23, 2024
- Coastal Cleanup with Plastic Free Bohol Sept 16, 2017
- Exploring Panglao Jun 12-18, 2017
- Yoga With Jing And Rai At Oasis Resort Jun 18, 2017
- Freediving With Ben Meerhaeghe At SeaQuest Dive Center Jun 16, 2017
- Scuba Diving Balicasag Island With SeaQuest Dive Center Jun 15, 2017
- Bohol Revisited Jun 12, 2017
- Exploring Bohol with Metz Nov 28-30, 2015
- Xmas Party with Attys. Al and Heidi Tinampay December 7, 2024
- Nov Food: Pizza, Smores November 2024
- November Snapshots: Garbage, Vote-Buying, Hair, Beach, Ants, Park, Tire, Banana-Q November 1-31, 2024
- Oct Chronicles: CPG Park, Bantawan Vendors October 2024 Oct Snapshots: Ice cream, Epal, Globe Sim, Garbage
- 65 Years Old October 16, 2024
- September Snapshots: Christmas, Cute Jogger, Confidence, September 1-31, 2024
- Sunrise Yoga at Bantawan, Old Airport September 2024
- Thai Food for September? September 2024
- August Snapshots: Contol Tower, Archway, Blood Compact, Bridge, Laundry, Kape Huan, Drag Race, Boulevard August 1-31, 2024
- Aug Food Odyssey: Pizza, Sikwate, Puto Maya, Budbud August 2024
- She Sat Beside Me August 31, 2024
- Yoga at the Tagbilaran Airstrip August 2024
- DIY University August 31, 2024
- Property Mapping using Google Sites August 26, 2024
- July Snapshots: camping chair/lurker July 1-31, 2024
- Learning Cebuano: July July 1-31, 2024
- Kitchen Hacks: Wheat Loaf, Rosti, Pancit Canton, Pizza, Fruit Breakfast July 2024
- Movie Review: The Matrix (1999) July 15, 2024
- Yoga Talk Community July 14/28, 2024
- Mangaon ta sa Hangos July 9, 2024
- Bohol Gothic Wine Label July 5, 2024
- June Snapshots: Cake delivery, Free hanging June 1-30, 2024
- Kitchen Indulgence: Wheat Bread, Pizza, Lechon Sandwich, French Toast June 2024
- May Snapshots: Stairway to Heaven May 2024
- May 2024: Carinderia food May 2024
- Moving to Taloto, Tagbilaran City May 19, 2024
- Yoga for Grown ups May 27 - June 21, 2024
- Yoga and Meditation for Kids May 27 - June 20, 2024
- Dalareich Chocolate House Revisited May 4, 2024
- Kat's Community Invite Apr 28 - May 19, 2024
- 30 days in Tagbilaran, Thank You! Oct 8, 2017
- Breakfast Talk with Tagbilaran's Finest Oct 8, 2017
- Exploring the Cafe Scene of Tagbilaran Oct 7, 2017
- Yoga for 60+ Students at the University of Bohol Oct 4, 2017
- Chocolate Overload At Dalareich Chocolate House Oct 2, 2017
- Talk on Philosophy and Spirituality to 12-Graders at the University of Bohol Sep 27, 2017
- Celebrating the International Day of Peace Sep 23, 2017
- Judging a Student Debate at the University of Bohol Sept 15, 2017
- Fitness Workout with Chie at Bohol Tropics Resort Sept 13, 2017
- Modified Ashtanga Primary Series by Jing Yoga Sept 12, 2017
- Tagbilaran Revisited Sep 7-12, 2017
- Hello Tagbilaran! Jun 19-25, 2017
- Goodbye and Thank You, Ubay Nov 14-Dec 13, 2017
- Visiting the Ubay Stock Farm Dec 8, 2017
- Exploring Cambugsay Healing Hills with Lars Jensen Nov 22, 2017
- Visiting Ubay Green Park Nov 18, 2017
- The Ride to Sinandigan Boardwalk and the Yamashita Treasure Hunt Nov 18, 2017
- Ubay Life Nov 17, 2017
- In Search of the Next Destination Nov 14, 2017
- 2 Days in Ubay Jul 1-3, 2017
- Roadtrip from Candijay to Ubay Jul 1, 2017
CANDIJAYCarlos P. Garcia Island
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