a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2024 archive

May 2024 Blogs

May 2024 Food Odyssey: Bahalina, Tableya Food Odyssey

May 2024 Food Odyssey: Bahalina, Tableya

(May 2024) My move to Bohol brings promise of a whole new culinary experience - Bahalina, Takla in Gata, Peanut Kisses, Calamay Jagna, Chicken Halang-Halang, Tableya Chocolate, Broas Ladyfingers. more »»

Making Masala Chai by ChatGPT Food Recipes

Making Masala Chai by ChatGPT

(May 29, 2024) In theory, ChatGPT should have already synthesized all permutations of the Masala Chai recipes that are available online. And from its mega-database of just Masala Chai, it produced this Food Recipes. Just how 'perfect' could this be? Let's find out....more »»

Yoga for Plus-sized Women Yoga

Yoga for Plus-sized Women

(May 24, 2024) When Joan asked if I would teach a class at Fox and Firefly, I said ok if it's a big group - going there and back was an arduous 56km trip. For a group of 12, I said Yes. But there was one consideration - they were beginners with plus-sized bodies....more »»

Moving to Taloto, Tagbilaran City Slice of Life

Moving to Taloto, Tagbilaran City

(May 19, 2024) Even though I could have stayed at Kat's place until June 21, it was best to start looking for a suitable residence early on. So when I found this place with a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen/dining area just 2km away from Kat, I took it. At P6k, this doubles my budgeted rent and cuts in half my one year safety lifeline. But having this place already eased my racing mind and bought me time....more »»

Taking a Free Online A.I. Course Technology Learning

Taking a Free Online A.I. Course

(May 18, 2024) I was having lunch with Kat when she deliberated on the many ways AI is more relevant and compelling - including having AI be the 'teacher' for home-schooled kids. I was blown away. I thought I was already proficient with AI, but now I realized I had to level-up my game. Where to start? From the bottom - what is AI?...more »»

Movie Review: Monkey Man (2024) Movie Review

Movie Review: Monkey Man (2024)

(May 17, 2024) Think 'John Wick Bollywood' and you'll get the picture. But although John Wick is almost a cartoonish caricature, Monkey Man pulls deep from human tragedy. It didn't get outlandishly John Wickish until the all-out mayhem towards the end of the movie. The clincher? The movie stars Dev Patel, the same boyish guy from Slum Dog Millionaire, who is now a full grown-up....more »»

CRISPR-Cas9 Technology


(May 14, 2024) A ground-breaking technological breakthrough now allows for a simplified "cut and paste" of a precisely targeted DNA sequence to repair damaged DNA (curing disease) or upgrade normal DNA (Eugenics). The ramifications are profound and can change the genetic landscape. This technology is CRISPR-Cas9...more »»

Movie Review: Fast Charlie (2023) Movie Review

Movie Review: Fast Charlie (2023)

(May 10, 2024) The former Jame Bond debonair is now wrinkled with a bulging tummy. Together with a not-so-young and not-so-sexy but captivating accomplice/villainess, their simmering chemistry adds a pleasant dimension to the guns and bullets of a mob movie....more »»

Sikwate at Daday Painitan Food Odyssey

Sikwate at Daday Painitan

(May 9, 2024) I'd been told by a few locals that the best sikwate in Tagbilaran is at Daday Painitan in Dauis. When I searched Youtube for 'sikwate Tagbilaran', Daday again came up. It was time to head out to Dauis for that fabled sikwate....more »»

Yoga for Grown ups Yoga

Yoga for Grown ups

(May 27 - June 21, 2024) Concurrent with Kids Yoga, I was also conducting Adult Yoga for the working types. There wasn't much traffic, usually just 2 students, sometimes none. But it was a counter-balance for me after teaching kids. Teaching kids is draining while teaching grown-ups is invigorating. It was my playground....more »»

Yoga and Meditation for Kids Yoga Meditation Learning

Yoga and Meditation for Kids

(May 27 - June 20, 2024) One of the many things I'll be doing for Kat with her advocacy is yoga and meditation for kids. I have my competence with yoga and meditation, but teaching kids? This is new ground and I need help - AI, Youtube and yoga friends who are already doing this....more »»

Dalareich Chocolate House Revisited Chocolate

Dalareich Chocolate House Revisited

(May 4, 2024) The last time I visited Dalareich Chocolate House was October 2017 when they just opened up. Now that I was in Tagbilaran, it felt an opportune time to say Hi one more time....more »»

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