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Neurons September 27, 2024


Throwing Words Around
I have long used the word 'neurons' to describe cognitive abilities. I would say, 'when dendrites connect with other dendrites, IQ increases'. Sometimes, I would interchange 'neurons' with 'dendrites'. It just dawned on me to ask, 'What exactly is a neuron?'. Of course, now that we have AI, I asked. Boy, was I in for a rude awakening.

What is a Neuron?
A neuron is a specialized cell transmitting electrical and chemical signals to other neurons within the nervous system - this is how they communicate. One neuron is 'connected' to about 1000 nearby neurons. This represents an intricate and complex network of neurons, communicating and interacting with each other. Neurons are the building blocks of the brain, spinal cord and all the nerves within the nervous system. There are about 86 billion neurons in the brain alone. Neurons come in 3 parts:

  1. soma (cell body) - this is the main control center that contains the nucleus. It 'accumulates' the signals it receives from other neurons until a 'critical mass' is reached and this activates the axons to pass the information to the dendrites of other neurons
  2. axon - it's a long slender projection from the cell body that transmits the signals to other neurons. As small as they are, an axon can be as long as 1 meter. Neurons typically carry only 1 axon to transmit a signal to a specific target. But its end can branch out like a tree to 'connect' with multiple dendrites. Axon is typically longer than dendrites
  3. dendrite - it's a branch-like structure coming from the cell body that receives signals from the axon of other neurons (not necessarily the nearest). A neuron can have thousands of dendrites with their synapses. Dendrites outnumber axons - the more dendrites, the more receptors to communicate between neurons. Dendrites can continue to grow longer with more branches
neuron with the soma, axon and dendrites. A neuron has thousands of dendrites but only one axon (that branches out for multiple connections)

axon transmitting signals to a dendrite via the synapse

The axon reaches out to the dendrite of another neuron but doesn't physically connect to it. There is a gap called the synapses - about 20-40 nanometres. This gap is where the transmission and receiving of the signals happen between the axon and the dendrite.

I Stand Corrected
So, my usual line of, "when dendrites connect, IQ increases" is wrong on 2 accounts. One, they never physically connect. Second, dendrite to dendrite would not connect because functionally, they are both receivers. A receiver can only reach out to a transmitter (axon).

Ending Thoughts
I can go deeper into the neuron rabbit hole, but it's not my intention to earn a PhD. I am already satiated at this point about neurons. Now, I can reconstruct my line to a very simple, "when neurons talk to each other..." - and I would have a better idea of what I'm talking about.

Now that we have AI, I can't imagine a world without it...the world's knowledge spanning all cultures, time frames and traditions at your fingertips. Knowledge on-demand, in the here-and-now without having to leave your chair!

I remember as a university student (in UP, the country's most prestigious learning center, which makes it more ironic), whatever book I was reading was about a decade old already and if you have questions about anything mentioned in the book, you just let it pass because there is no source for that information.

I am so glad to be living in this day and age! Thank you, whoever or whatever you are for making this happen .

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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Initial Public Offering (IPO)

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