a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2023 archive

June 2023 Blogs

June Chronicles Slice of Life

June Chronicles

(June 31, 2023) Life in Siquijor...a theatrical play, meeting lovely teachers from Bogo, scouting for land, weekend on the beach...more »»

June Snapshots Snapshot

June Snapshots

(June 1-31, 2023) June showers are here...plants are happy, the air is clean and the rivers are replenished. In Siquijor, it's fiesta time. Lazi, among other municipalities celebrate their fiestas...lechon, merry making and good tidings....more »»

My Jun Yoga Practice: a Journal Yoga

My Jun Yoga Practice: a Journal

(Jun 1-30, 2023) I thought I would OBE in May through repeated sessions in my daily practice. But it didn't happen. Even so, it made me proficient in my meditation. This doesn't dampen my resolve. I will continue my daily progression in Hemi-Sync until I finish the program...more »»

Learning Cebuano: June Learning

Learning Cebuano: June

(June 1-31, 2023) I dragged my feet trying to learn Cebuano despite the low motivation. Hopefully, I can do better this June...more »»

Sri M - Indian Guru Peoplescape Yoga

Sri M - Indian Guru

(June 25, 2023) I first stumbled upon Sri M while watching the TRS Clips Podcast. I thought he was a fascinating man with an interesting story to tell and a profound insight to share. For a week or so, I was just listening to interviews of him...more »»

Trataka Mirage Yoga

Trataka Mirage

(June 14, 2023) While doing my Trataka shatkriya, I had an Aha Moment. In Hemi-Sync, you synchronize the left and the right brain hemiphere by making you hear a sound that does not exist . What if you make your eyes see something that does not exist as well? What benefit can you get from it? I'm coining a name for this new technique - Trataka Mirage...more »»

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