The Yogis Of Tibet Ever since I saw the Youtube video documentary, The Yogis Of Tibet, I have been intrigued and fascinated. The yoga asanas/movement seemed different from the Hatha Yoga (of Hindu tradition) I had been practising for years. From that video, Tibetan yoga is practised almost entirely seated down with lots of swinging arm movements mostly brushing the hands against the body - little or no standing poses, no one-leg balancing poses, no twists or backbends. But Tibetan yoga has a strong meditation/pranayama/kumbhaka component to the practice - something lacking in the way Hatha yoga is being taught in yoga studios nowadays. But where do I find a Tibetan yoga teacher? Now in Dharamshala (India), home of the Tibetans-in-exile, I sought them out.
The Yogis Of Tibet
Nowhere to be Found I have asked many Tibetans here in Dharamshsala where I can find a Tibetan yoga school or Tibetan yoga teacher and the answer was always negative. Surprisingly, it seemed unheard of! Someone told me that these yogis have died out because of the Chinese repression, and those who are still surviving would not be found in the hustle-and-bustle of Dharamshala. Finally, when I went to the
Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, I was referred to a certain Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam Peltsok who might be able to help me.
Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam Peltsok I met with Dr. Chok. He was a young man who seemed to hold a high position within the library complex. Even though I had no appointment, the meeting wasn't rushed. He took the time to explain many things to me. He said there was only one Tibetan yoga teacher in Dharamshala - and I was already talking to him. Whoa! That's convenient!
Nine-rounds of Breathing for Purification by Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam Peltsok
From One Yoga Teacher to Another I explained to Dr. Chok that I had been practising and teaching Hatha yoga for a good number of years already but I wanted to learn Tibetan yoga. He corrected me and said Tibetan yoga is called Yantra Yoga. He was generous about his knowledge - gave me links, book references and explained the Yantra yoga system. We exchanged ideas and insight about yoga.
Yantra Yoga Without doing the asanas, Dr. Chok explained how Yantra Yoga awakens the chakras (energy centers), clears the blockages of the nadis (energy channels) and moves prana (energy) within the body for optimum health and vitality. I realized that if he didn't mention Yantra Yoga, I would mistaken his explanation for Hatha Yoga. I guess it should not be surprising that Yantra Yoga also works with the same elements.
Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Further research into Yantra Yoga led me to the current holder of the Yantra Yoga lineage - Chogyal Namkhai Norbu. This particular yoga from the Dzogchen tradition was passed on from teacher to student, in an unbroken lineage since the 8th century. Apparently, Yantra Yoga is alive and well and currently taught globally by the students of Chogyal Norbu.
Ending Thoughts From my conversation with Dr. Chok, I am drawn to conclude that Hatha Yoga and Yantra Yoga are essentially the same as they both deal with the same etheric elements - chakra, prana, nadi, etc. to arrive at the same goal. They differ in the breath and the asanas or the physical poses. Yantra Yoga does the movements with a in-breath hold while Hatha Yoga holds the poses while breathing continuously. Hatha Yoga asanas can be very physical while Yantra Yoga movements didn't seem like developing muscularity, balance or stamina, but designed to move energy around.
My analogy is this: Both yoga systems prepare the same dish, use the same ingredients, but cook the dish in a different way. But the end product is essentially the same dish with a slight variation.
I am still intrigued by Yantra Yoga and I will still pursue it and learn how I can complement my Hatha Yoga. With my evolving yoga and my deepening Vipassana meditation, I remain strong, medication-free and young. My core practice may well integrate Yantra Yoga as I learn more about it.
(Jun 26, 2018) After my meeting with Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam Peltsok, I researched his Youtube video on the yantra yoga for the 5 root pranas. It was a mix of pranayama, kumbhaka and asana (movement). After a few days practising the sequence, I knew I had to include it in my yoga routine.....more »»
Dharamshala Map
Dharamshala (city), India
Pema Thang Guest House & Restaurant - central McLeod Ganj location, quiet area, Kangra Valley view, near Tsuklakhang (main temple) and market
Dharamshala, HP 176057 INDIA
Travel Tips
the Dalai Lama's scheduled public teachings in Dharamshala are as follows: September 4-7, 2018 | October 3 - 6, 2018 | February 19, 2019. To register, visit this page:
in June, the average temperature high is 31° and average low is 21°. It rains usually in the afternoon/evening beginning mid-June
July and August see the most rainfall, up to 22 inches
Dharamshala International Film Festival (DIFF) happens 30 October to 2 November in McLeod Ganj
at the Tibetan Museum in McLeod Ganj, there is a daily 11am and 3pm movie screening of Tibet-related issues at INR 10
trekking is one of the highlights in Dharamshala - to Dharamkot, Bhagsu, cutting through Dhauladhar to the upper Ravi Valley and Chamba district, or the 8km trek to Triund
Wednesday is vegetarian day - other days, meat dishes are served by cafes and restaurants
Bhagsu and Dharamkot are a quiet alternative to McLeod Ganj. They are also cheaper in accommodation when the Dalai Lama is in town and McLeod Ganj hostels are fully booked (with inflated prices)
If you wish to stay in McLeod Ganj but want quiet, stay along Jogiwara Road where balconies will offer scenic views
short power outages frequently happen during the day
for quiet stays and scenic views, stay in Upper Dharamkot or Upper Bhagsu. The "upper" you go, the cheaper the accommodation prices go.
in Upper Dharamkot is a cluster of cafes and lodging (Salvation Cafe area)where the community is chill
How to get to Dharamshala from Rishikesh by bus
Bus - Rishikesh to Dharamshala is 449 kms. The usual route is to go to Haridwar and take the State transport buses to Lower Dharamshala, but it's less hassle to get a bus from Rishikesh that go all the way up to McLeod Ganj - a little more money (INR 1150) but worth it specially if you a carry bulky pack. You will leave Rishikesh 4pm and arrive in Dharamshala the following day (you save one night lodging) at 7am.
How to get to New Delhi Airport from McLeod Ganj, Dharamshala by bus
Bus From McLeod Ganj bus station, take a semi-sleeper a/c overnight bus, INR 1000, 11.5 hours (7pm to 6:30am) straight to Kashmiri Gate Train Station in New Delhi.
walk to Kashmiri Gate (no need to ride a tuktuk)
take the Yellow Line towards Huda City but get off at New Delhi Station (INR 16)
From New Delhi Station, take the Airport Metro Train (INR 60) and get off at the airport
Travel Tips for India
e-VISA - visa on arrival is no longer done. Tourists should apply online for an e-VISA. Tourist e-VISA for 60 days = US$51.25 (including surcharges, non-refundable). NOTE: e-VISA is only honored in 25 designated airports and 5 designated seaports (Cochin, Goa, Mangalore,Mumbai,Chennai). You CANNOT do a land crossing using an e-VISA.
US$1 = Indian Rupee (INR) 67.18
nearly every food served is spicy...there is no escaping it
always good to have an Indian SIM. It's handy to get wifi in some cafes
General Travel Tips
arrive early - in case there is a snag (visa snag, documentation snag, transport ticket snag, etc.), you will have ample time to troubleshoot the problem if you arrive early (to the airport, to the bus terminal, etc.)
put detailed itinerary on the Calendar apps of your smart-phone according to timelines - this is where you do all your thinking and planning. Once written down, you don't have to think anymore while you are on the just follow the steps. This frees your mind for something else that might happen while you are already en route
avoiding scams - as a general rule, I ignore the touts or anyone I don't know who call out to me. The calling comes in many forms - "Hi! Where are you from?", "Excuse me! Excuse me!", "Where are you going?". I don't look them in the eye and I remain non-verbal with them. If you reply to them, you just gave them an 'in' to hound you. In order not to look rude, I smile and wave the 'not interested' hand to them, without looking at them.
power bank - hand-carry your power bank. Do not check it in. You can be called in when you are already inside the plane to go all the way to the loading dock so you can personally remove the power bank...and chances are, you'll have to surrender it to them. And you might delay the plane departure!