a seeker in search of Easter Eggs
2018 archive

June 2018 Blogs

Visiting the Tibet Museum traveling

Visiting the Tibet Museum

(June 27, 2018) China's invasion of Tibet and brutal repression of the Tibetans is a matter of public record - thanks largely to the efforts of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama in bringing worldwide attention to this tragedy. That's the big picture we see. But visiting the Tibet Museum and learning details of what happened and what continues to happen puts you in ringside seat as events unfold.....more »»

5 Yogas of Tibetan Yantra Yoga yoga

5 Yogas of Tibetan Yantra Yoga

(Jun 26, 2018) After my meeting with Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam Peltsok, I researched his Youtube video on the yantra yoga for the 5 root pranas. It was a mix of pranayama, kumbhaka and asana (movement). After a few days practising the sequence, I knew I had to include it in my yoga routine.....more »»

In Search of a Tibetan Yantra Yoga Teacher yoga

In Search of a Tibetan Yantra Yoga Teacher

(June 25, 2018) Ever since I saw the video documentary, The Yogis Of Tibet, I have been intrigued and fascinated. The yoga practice seemed different from the Hatha Yoga I had been practising for years. Now in Dharamshala (India), home of the Tibetans-in-exile, I sought them out....more »»

Life in Upper Bhagsu, Dharamshala traveling

Life in Upper Bhagsu, Dharamshala

(June 16-23, 2018) My 7 days in Upper Bhagsu was nothing less than magical. The cool mountain climate, the scenic valley view, the eclectic cafe scene, the chill denizens who endured the high climb with their heavy luggage to pursue their spirituality, the affordability of the place, its isolation, the be-in events, etc., all amounted to a sensory bliss quite rare given all my travels.....more »»

Yoga Makaranda 1 & 2 (combined) Book Review yoga

Yoga Makaranda

(Jun 18, 2018 - Oct 4, 2023) Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya is the 'Father of Modern Yoga'. He's a great yogi, but not a great writer. While he has writen minor yogic texts, Yoga Makaranda remains his substantive body of work. It's not a comprehensive book on yoga. This book is really focused on Asanas - 42 asanas to be exact. As imperfect as it is, it is what we have to work with.....more »»

Trekking to Naddi from Upper Bhagsu, Dharamshala mountaineering

Trekking to Naddi from Upper Bhagsu, Dharamshala

(June 19, 2018) The 3 good things coming out of this activity is the trek itself, the destination and the company I kept - Navraj and Stanley. From Dharamkot, we started trekking a mountain dirt road that took us along winding trails, scenic views and Tibetan prayer flags until we reached Naddi where we chilled out for tea before going our own ways.....more »»

Matters of the Heart lucid

Matters of the Heart

(Jun 17, 2018) If I have a weak link in my human chain, it might be the heart. I intellectualize nearly everything. Now, my benevolent universe is telling me along clear lines not to use my head to accomplish the tasks that the heart was meant to do.....more »»

A First Timer in Dharamshala traveling

A First Timer in Dharamshala

(Jun 14, 2018) Having done my mini-life in Rishikesh, it was time to move on again. Manali? Ladak? Shimla? They were the likely destinations during the monsoon season. However, since I only had 30 days left in my visa for another 30-day mini-life, I had to go to Dharamshala - the residence of his Holiness, the Dalai Lama and seat of the Tibetan government-in-exile.....more »»

Dealing with Anger lucid thoughts

Dealing with Anger

(Jun 14, 2018) Let's all be human and face it - it's hard to forgive and even harder if the person deliberately did it and shows no remorse. It's much easier to put his balls in a nut-cracker and give it a little squeeze! Why should we forgive?....more »»

A 26-Day Mini-Life in Rishikesh traveling

A 26-Day Mini-Life in Rishikesh

(May 18 - June 13, 2018) 26 days in Rishikesh during the pilgrimage season was hot, dry, crowded, deafening and chaotic! That is not to say it's bad. It's just intense! I took reprieve in its many cafes where I met travelers whom I shared anecdotes and insights with. Peoplescape is perhaps the highlight of Rishikesh for me.....more »»

Peoplescape of Rishikesh people

Peoplescape of Rishikesh

(May 18 - June 13, 2018) With the continuing abundance of Rishikesh and the kaleidoscope of people checking-in and out of my hostel painting an animated peoplescape, my extended stay in Rishikesh is shaping itself into a mini-life.....more »»

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