Confluence of Brilliant Minds
I'm practically in my echo-chamber as I write this. Lately, I had been listening to podcasts by great personalities and brilliant minds that have captured the public domain. With the US presidential elections less than 2 months away, their talks have all been funneled on the 'where we are' and 'what ifs' of the outcome. It seems like this is no ordinary election. It appears more like the Showdown at OK Corral where not only the US but geopolitics and the world hang in the balance. Some even claim that this could be the last democratic election that is to take place in the US - freedom vs tyranny. This was reminiscent of the final battle in Lord of the Rings - winner takes all, no prisoners, only body counts.
Dream Team
For the longest time, Trump seems to be alone in his crusade for the presidency. Now, the most influencial media players are converging behind Trump - - Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk (to name just the most prominent names). This is epic. These brilliant minds and social influencers come from diverse backgrounds and fields. Now they are united against the gatekeepers.
Trump cannot be Allowed to Win
It was Eric Weinstein who brought this under the spotlight. In this Zeitgeist, there is global order (aka cabal, new world order, World Economic Forum, globalists) perpetuated by the Democrats / NeoCons (Hillary, Biden, Harris), global elites (George Soros) that feed on war for its survival (industrial military complex), on vaccines & plandemics (big pharma) and misinformation (mainstream social media) for public control, power and aggregation of wealth. This global order has put up institutions that are put at risk if Trump wins. Trump vows to stop all wars. If that happens, the industrial military complex loses its trillion dollar business. If he wins, the list of attendees to Epstein's sex parties will be released (so even Republicans won't allow Trump to win because they are on that list). The JFK files and the UFO files will be disclosed. There are simply too many load-bearing structures Trump will demolish when he becomes president. There is too much at stake and the globalists cannot take a chance - this explains why there have already been 2 assassination attempts on Trump. For Trump, he has to win this election - it's not just presidential but an existential mandate for him. Even for Musk, he went public in saying that if Trump loses, Elon is fucked.
Wide-Open Border Crossings
The Democrats are all-in, no matter how blatant, no matter how shameless to win the election. This even means opening up the southern border to allow hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants coming from the Darian Gap. These immigrants are allowed to vote with no ID whatsoever (this is already the law in California). It should be noted that for years, we all had to remove our shoes at the airport for 'homeland' security...and now this?
I also speculate that opening up the border serves another purpose that is hardly talked about and hardly known. In an interview with Zulav, Switzerland's hedge fund adept, as a sidenote, he mentioned that the globalists have already co-opted the United Nations to front for its one-world government agenda and have been strong-arming sovereign states to 'sign up'. One way they do this is to destabilize a country. The US is a strong country but by allowing migrants to cross the border, the country is destabilized. It should be noted that these government officials who allow this are serving the purpose of the globalists and not the US constitution.
World War III
Whover wins, gains control of the button. Tulsi Gabbard painted a grim picture of what WW III would look like. The bombs used in Nagasaki and Hiroshima were atomic bombs - these bombs are designed to destroy cities. Now, the bombs are hydrogen bombs - these bombs are so powerful they will destroy civilization itself, not just cities. The Tsar Hydrogen Bomb tested in Russia was 3000 times more powerful than the Nagasaki bomb. With about 1,600 ICBMs from the US and 1,700 from Russia, all of them with thermonuclear warheads (hydrogen bombs), earth will be plunged into a nuclear winter and humanity is lost. It only takes 26 minutes for an ICBM from deployment to hitting the other side - if you are not prepared for this, too bad because there is no more time to prepare. And a millisecond after that missile is launched, the US president only has 6 minutes to make a decision to launch a counter strike. Annie portrayed a minute by minute of what takes place in a nuclear war. No place on the planet is safe. Whose finger should be on that button? Kamala Harris? Trump?
Ending Thoughts
While I'm aware that I was only listening to minds on one side of the political divide and I risk seeing things from my echo chamber, it's also quite obvious what is happening simply by looking around. What is unfolding is self-evident of a global elite controlling public opinion through coersion, lies and misinformation. The big question now remains. What happens if Trump wins? What happens if Trump loses? All stakeholders seem to face an existential threat as the US presidency hangs in the balance.
--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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