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Series: Brilliant Minds

Christopher Langan: 200 I.Q. November 3, 2024

Christopher Langan: 200 I.Q.

200 IQ
If someone who worked as a ranch hand, laborer, and bouncer starts talking about his version of the constituent essence of reality, what might make you believe him? If his IQ was 200 - the highest ever recorded! Christopher Langan is heralded as the smartest man in the world - and he's still alive today.

But unlike the high-IQ guys who became billionaires (Steve Jobs, Elon Musk), Chris grew up in poverty and remains not poor, but definitely un-wealthy. He claims that being smart and rich require high-value connections which he didn't have. Instead, he simply devoured knowledge by reading about anything that fascinated him. In his parlance, you don't need money to pursue knowledge.

Christopher Langan: 200 I.Q.
Christopher Langan is the world's smartest man with the highest IQ recorded at 200

IQ Talk
IQ-talk has taken a bum rap since the contentious uproar about the Bell Curve. Antagonists of the IQ-conversation have weaponized IQ by linking it to racism and eugenics. Stakeholders in the establishment will not handle anything on IQ even with a 10-foot pole - it's just too volatile, especially in this woke-mind Zeitgeist.

IQ describes cognitive intelligence but it is not the be-all and end-all in intelligence (there is emotional intelligence, street smarts, personality, etc.).

IQ Facts
  1. IQ is genetic for the most part and stays at that level your entire life. While there are companies who promise increasing your IQ by doing cognitive exercises on a particular task, you only become better at performing that task but it doesn't transfer to other tasks - your IQ essentially remains the same.
  2. As you age, IQ slides down, but if you maintain your fitness and you constantly learn new things, you can sustain your IQ.
  3. Your IQ is slightly lesser than the average of your parents (because we have to consider the entire average of the genetic line)
  4. Global average IQ is 100. Filipinos have an average of 86. Chinese have around 105. Elon has 155, Steve Jobs has 158 and Einstein has 160.
  5. IQ has long been established as a predictor of long-term success in complex occupations, health, income, and education.
  6. IQ can be suppressed especially in children by not breastfeeding them, not stimulating them, depriving them of nutrition, etc.
  7. IQ is the highest benchmark in predicting long-term success followed by conscientiousness (diligence, industriousness). But IQ is 5X more powerful than conscientiousness and IQ has nothing to do with conscientiousness - there is no correlation. IQ is very easy to measure. Conscientiousness hasn't been measured accurately...maybe it can't.
  8. The US Army refuses to train anyone with less than 83 IQ because they are not trainable enough for military duty (why waste resources on someone who is learning-disabled?).
  9. The cognitive ability between those with high and low IQs vary widely. Example: when news of the Covid global pandemic came out in the news, regular people didn't do anything out of their initiative and relied heavily on what government told them to do - get vaccinated, isolate at home, wear masks, etc. On the other hand, high-IQ people realized that tourism would slow down and vaccines would have to be developed. Thus, they shorted tourism stocks in all industries (airlines, hotels, car rentals) and bought massive big-pharma stocks. They did their own research and decided masking is stupid. When the dust settled down on Covid, they came out much richer for it.
  10. All of psychology is predicated on IQ levels. To throw away the IQ factor is to render all of psychology meaningless.
  11. People with high IQ are resistant to Alzheimers - maybe because the physical brain is more robust (bigger brain size, thicker axons in the neurons).
  12. IQ has great variance and not pervasive across all domains. A genius with 160 IQ may struggle with Math or may perform bad in chess.

High-IQ Downside
  1. Social isolation and alienation - High-IQ people are said to be socially awkward and challenged to deal with the nuts-and-bolts of daily grind with common people. Just look at Mensa members.

    I suspect a few things why. First, it's because normal conversation bores the living daylights out of them - an utter waste of time. They don't suffer fools. Instead, they'd rather use their precious time learning or have someone of equal intellect to discuss with - but then again, these high-IQ people are not common to begin with. So, it's likely to end up alone.

    Second, people generally flaunt their skill or else be seen as a wallflower. I've seen this in every aspect. A socially challenged guy who can't join a group conversation but can make great caricatures - he makes a caricature of the popular person and gives it to him/her. The popular guy gets stoked, starts talking to the artist/introvert and shows his friends the caricature. Soon, everyone asks him to make a caricature of them - he's now in high demand. He's not a wallflower anymore. Same thing with smart people. They might squeeze themselves into a conversation and fact-checks everyone to show how smart he is. He gets attention but in a bad way, leaving him isolated.
  2. Fear of failure - High-IQ people are well aware of their cognitive abilities and impose high standards on themselves. This being the case, failure can mean a life or death situation for them. It's all self-imposed and delusional, of course, but it's real to them. I once had a girlfriend-genius who told me point blank that she was smarter than me. Every time she makes a stupid gesture, I give her the 'look' reminding her of her condescending remark. Making a mistake was a paralyzing specter for her - I enjoyed it.
  3. Overthinking and paralysis by analysis - Steve Jobs (158 IQ), took 2 weeks before he could decide on what washing machine to buy - it drove his wife crazy!
  4. Emotional sensitivity - the higher the IQ, the more sensitive and introspective the person gets. This leads to self-criticism and isolation.
  5. Everything around them is too stupid - this includes university courses, colleagues, regular conversation, social norms and conventions, etc. They see the fault or shortcomings sticking out like a sore thumb - they cannot unsee it. Elon Musk disdains bureaucracy in government because it's too stupid for him. Instead, he subscribes to First Principles to remove any assumption built into an inefficiency.
  6. Mental health issues - it is not clear why, but studies find that high IQ results in mental health issues.

Christopher Langan Quotes
  1. "You don't need faith to believe in God. Binary logic of 1 and 0 will draw you to His existence."
  2. "Universities are breeding houses for parrots. Academia has failed. The only salvation is through the high-IQ community."
  3. "Average-IQ people vastly outnumber high-IQ people. Thus in a democracy, average people call the shots instead of the intelligent people. This is stupid. You cannot run a democracy led by average people who don't know how to make valid decisions."
  4. "A stupid person thinks he's smarter than a true smart person. They call themselves CEO."
  5. "To solve the population problem, I would implant a safe and long-lasting means of birth control to children at age 10. This is a benign form of eugenics." (again, eugenics is one of those contentious words that spark a heated debate in this woke-Zeitgeist)
  6. "I would stop the undesirable mutation of genes to upgrade the quality of the human genome. We are ultimately responsible for the future genetics of humankind." (this is now technologically possible with the CRISPR Cas9)
  7. "Freedom is a privilege you earn and not a right. People abuse this freedom."
  8. "An ethics-based philosophical framework should be taught at all levels in school without fear. This should produce competent leaders - there are none now as they have all been co-opted by the system. This philosophical framework has already been developed - it's the CTMU"
  9. "High-IQ people are no better than anyone else. They just have more responsibility by virtue of their greater ability. They can solve problems most people can't even see."
  10. "High-IQ people can hold many different things at the same time inside their minds. Moreover, they can see the interconnected relationships these things have with one another. This allows them to come up with creative solutions no one can. Regular minds can only hold a few thoughts and may not even see correlations between them. I'd like to hold the entire universe in my mind."
  11. "Human existence is like being in a prison with a window having a view of the heavens. The window is high intelligence that serves as a gateway to Divinity. High-IQ people appreciate the divinity that resides in them through this window (intellect)"
  12. "I haven't met anyone smarter than me. Is he out there? I doubt it."

CTMU (Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe)

Quantum physicists present String Theory as a framework to explain everything in the natural world by putting in one equation the 4 forces existing in nature (gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear force). Chris presents his own Theory of Everything, but more comprehensive, encompassing not just science, but consciousness, divinity and philosophy. Like Yoga, it claims that we are all interconnected and integral parts of the universal self - we just cannot discern that at this existential plain. We are little pieces of God. Collectively, we are God. To believe in God, you don't need faith - it's irrelevant. God can be proven by binary logic - 1 and 0.

The universe/reality is self-contained and nothing exists outside of itself. It is defined by what it contains internally - itself. Reality recognizes itself and processes itself. The universe is not just physical space but a self-processing and self-configuring system that maintains itself. It has its own rules dictating how it self-evolves. Consciousness and reality are part and parcel of the same thing - unlike science positing that the brain gave rise to consciousness. Reality is not random but logic-driven - it is sentient and has cognitive abilities.


Ending Thoughts

The overall message I'm getting from Chris is that humanity must continue to evolve and upgrade itself. Man is a theic entity and should pursue this God-quality within. And that high-IQ people should take on that responsibility of leadership and not rely on authority or government (unless they take the reins of government). Chris doesn't mince his words especially the volatile ones like eugenics, nor does he offer any kind of apology or self-deprecation for his super intellect. It's actually refreshing to hear someone call a spade, a spade.

Chris uses dense and abstract language to describe CMTU. I cannot say I fully understand it. I had to use ChatGPT to dumb it down for me. But my take on his CMTU is that it can be better understood if you liken the universe/reality to a human being - sentient, with cognitive abilities, having agency and goal-oriented.

Where I differ from him is the role of consciousness. He claims reality and consciousness are the same thing, manifested by the universe's self-processing feature. My take is that consciousness is everything - it gave rise to reality. We experience reality together with our human existence through our sensory perception - which is limited by design. To simplify, think of this reality as a dream we haven't awaken from. When we 'wake up', that's when we realize that our true nature is not flesh and blood but pure consciousness - unbound and eternal. I didn't think of this myself, but I was heavily influenced by Advaita and D'vaita Vedanta - duality and non-duality of existence. But unlike Vedanta which points to Brahman as the totality of everything (including consciousness), I see Consciousness as the totality of everything (including Brahman). Our human experience is for us to continue our evolution. I have read many versions of reality and this is the one that makes the most sense to me.

In this Zeitgeist of public intellectual discourse where the likes of Jordan Peterson, Christopher Hitchens, and Eric Weinstein rule the global stage, Chris Langan, despite his towering IQ above all of them, remains marginalized. He seems to have been snubbed by the intellectual gatekeepers. I got stoked when he said none of them would joust with him because he can beat them - and perhaps they are well aware of this. Ideally, I would love to see a debate between Edward Witten (pure science) and Chris (science + philosophy + ethics) but they're not on the same page to even know what to debate about. Perhaps Chris and Jordan Peterson would find common ground in religion and spirituality to test their mettle. I wish.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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