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Politics Peoplescape

Series: Donald Trump

Donald Trump

US President Donalld Trump November 7, 2024

US President Donalld Trump

45th President of the USA: Donald Trump
It's now clear - Donald Trump won the race for the US presidency against Kamala Harris to become the 47th president of the USA. What now?

US President Donalld Trump

New York Realtor and Powerbroker
Over the years, Trump has taken on many dimensions to me. In the late 80s when I was still living in NY, Trump was BIG. His name was all over the city with Trump Tower being his flagship acquisition. His name was always on the tabloids with the most alluring women. His real estate dealings were legendary. There was no one like Trump in NY at that time, or perhaps ever.

The Court Jester
The next Trump wave for me was when he campaigned for the 2016 US elections. His bullying, cras and vulgar style was unprecedented. No one took him seriously. I didn't. I saw him as a caricature. The Democrats also did. Everybody thought Hillary would be the next president. I distinctly remember - I was in Coron, Palawan with Greg Hutchinson when he told me Trump won. I thought he was kidding. But when I realized Trump really won, my jaw dropped in disbelief. It took me days to come to terms that this buffoon-like court jester actually pulled it off as a US president.

Things didn't go as bad as everyone thought it would be. He did not become a dictator, no war was started and he acted tough with NATO, Iran, China, and North Korea. He wasn't bad.

The cabal (a word I use to aggregate like-minded groups which include the neocons, globalists, new world order, WEF, members of the Democratic Party) didn't see this coming. They have always controlled the US election after Reagan. They ignored Trump as even being viable. As George Soros himself said in an interview, "God intervened." Since he commenced the presidency, the globalist machinery stopped at nothing to unseat him but to no avail - impeachment, Russian collusion, financial fraud, tax evasion, inflating asset values, and improper reporting of finances. The public became increasingly aware these were all nuisance-charges using public office and funds to punish anyone against the mainstream narrative. No conviction for Trump - a clear indication these were all malicious charges.

Who's Running America?
In full public view, Biden demonstrated in the last 2 years of his presidency, signs of early dementia - he didn't even know which way to go to walk down the stage and his speeches were already incoherent. He was obviously incompetent in continuing his term. The question now is, "Who has been running the country?" It can't be Kamala Harris because she doesn't have the professional competency. Who then? The Cabal behind closed doors? This needs to be stopped. Only an outsider like Trump is uniquely qualified and willing to stop this madness.

Ending Thoughts
His third and latest wave is this re-election campaign. This time, everyone had a better sense of Trump. I never saw him as an ideal president (I'm still a Bernie Sanders fan) but he was a lot better than Kamala Harris. He promised to stop the war in Ukraine and Gaza. He promised that no war would begin during his reign. He promised to put order into the massive illegal border crossing (just to be clear, America was built on the back of immigrants. I am for immigration, but immigration should have due rigorous process).

What has been alarming for me was the globalist's aggressive actions for a global order - the plandemic (later revealed that the virus was lab-developed), the forced global vaccination (later revealed to have been untested prior to release), the censorship, de-monetizing and de-platforming on social media, the ensuing police-state, the gaslighting and all the flagrant lies. Trump's presidency should put a stop to all that. So, my support of Trump is not because he's a great guy, but because the globalists are winning their evil game and need to be stopped.

The fact that my heroes Joe Rogan and Elon Musk are on the Trump bandwagon, makes it easier for me. I value their opinion - they see things I don't see.

Now with Trump's blessings, I want to see how Elon plays a part in the administration - everything he touches turns to gold. I want to see the mainstream media get straightened out and pattern their transparency and impartially to the Joe Rogan Podcast. I'd like to see Trump disclose the Epstein list, Diddy's list, the JFK files, UFO files, etc. I'd like to see him put transparency back into government.

Trump's presidency is perhaps the most serious threat to the globalists. Trump will essentially demolish a lot of load-bearing structures the globalists have already put in place - industrial military complex, Big Pharma, mainstream news media, mainstream social media and the deep state. Many will lose power, money and prestige. Trillions of dollars hang in the balance. The globalists will not take this sitting down. I'm apprehensive to see what devious maneuvering the globalists will do to unseat him this time. They have been known to assassinate a president before (and I'm not referring to the 2 failed assasination attempts on Trump).

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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