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Davao Yoga Scene Oct 31, 2016

Davao Yoga Scene

GPS waypoint: 7°03'51.7"N 125°36'27.8"E
Location: Davao City, Philippines

Davao's Yoga Scene
The yoga scene is vibrant in Davao. There are a sprinkling of studios and gyms offering traditional approaches. I taught a special class at Yoga Davao upon my arrival in Davao, followed by a regular teaching schedule at Holiday Gym, a private class and subbing for Joanna at Plana Forma.

Always the Student
As I am the teacher, I am also the student. I take great delight attending classes of Joanna where I am taken all the way to my edge. She leaves me drenched on my mat and sore the following day (in a great way)! I frequent the class of May Bel where I fumble, stumble and fall. At the end of it, she leaves me with a surgical smile. Fritz's myriad of Ashtanga and Pilates classes offer challenge and grounding. I am also grateful to Melanie, Ksenia and Jumil for allowing me into their classes and imparting their yoga on me.

Holiday Gym & Spa Yogis
With my teaching classes at Holiday Gym, I am once again reunited with the wonderful yogis I met from previous visits and meeting new ones. They've opened doors for me when they didn't have to. They took me to a wine and cheese indulgence at Malagos Farm and invited me for breakfast (which I couldn't make it to, but later found out it was a surprise despedida for me!). They are generous to a fault. I can't say enough about them.

Plana Forma Yogis
While subbing for Joanna at Plana Forma, I met and somehow bonded with its yoga community. It was a pleasant curve ball I didn't expect as I was invited to teach a private class for the group and surprised with a birthday cake at the end of the class. It was followed by a lavish array of specialty food as we gathered around a circular table. Other members of the tribe followed and a great chillout ensued as we traded stories and insight. As the new kid on the block, I was amazed by their animation and fanfare. It was a fun group.

Davao Yoga Scene
conducting a class at Plana Forma

Deepening Practice
Not only do I attend other teacher's classes, I get ample time to deepen my practice as well and see how I can apply different disciplines to yoga. On rope-skipping, I tried doing Bhastrika/Kapalabhati breathing, depending on my current need for air. On forward bends, I am increasingly holding my breath on Bahya Khumbaha while doing Udiyanna Bandha - instead of continuing my breath. On Sirsasana, I try to effect long thin breaths followed by Antara and Bahya Khumbaka - to a point of failure. Except for the Sirsasana, there is no manual or book to get advice from - I simply have to employ them on my body and see how my body reacts. Other sources say I am be frying my nervous system while some say I am funneling energy for maximum strength. I continue to observe how my body is reacting to it as I thread new ground.

Teaching Method and Objective
With the 3 months I spent teaching yoga in Davao, I found my yoga-teaching going beyond asana, evolving more into empowering my students regain control of their lives and optimize their health. Of course, this is all practised on-the-mat with clear and specific applications off-the-mat. I teach them how to take control when recurring painful thoughts from the past or worries about the future creep-up and render them bitter and fretful in the here-and-now. How does yoga come-in when an asshole cuts them off the road? How do they optimize their digestive system to flush-out digestive residues and maximize nutrient-extraction from the food they eat? How do they strengthen their eyesight and make it impervious to eye disease? How do they stop the vicious cycle of flight-or-fight and allow the body to relax, recover and heal? I spend more time talking to them about the underlying theories and concept behind the asanas to deepen their understanding. Pranayama, Bandha, Kumbhaka and Meditation are an intergral addition to the asanas when I teach my class now. Increasingly, I refine my teaching to apply direct applications to day-to-day life for balance, vitality and strength.

Ending Thoughts
As a traveling yogi, I am privileged to be welcomed by the yoga community where I end up. Davao is special. And Dabawenyos are special. Davao's yoga scene is dynamic and vibrant. The yogis and yoginis making up the yogic landscape are strong and eager to deepen their practice, taking it to the next level. They inspire and motivate me to break my mold and find fertile ground to explore more yoga possibilities. Moments spent with the yoginis and yogis of Davao on and off the mat are golden. I don't know when the wind takes me back here, but I will always look forward to it. Many many thanks to everyone who added color, dimension and warmth to my visit. I am privileged to be within your community.

--- TheLoneRider

ps - If you want me to participate and write about your yoga studio or your yoga practice, email me. For my complete yoga profile, you can visit this page: YOGA by Gigit

surprise birthday celebration at Mimi's after the handstand workshop...and meeting the rest of the dynamic Plana Forma crew best birthday cake ever!!! Thank you guys :) class picture with Plana Forma yogis
attending Joanna's Hatha Flow yoga class at Holiday Gym and Spa attending Fritz' Ashtanga yoga class at Holiday Gym and Spa MayBel's take-it-to-the-limit yoga class at Holiday Gym and Spa
conducting the anti-cancer sequence yoga class at Holiday Gym and Spa with strong yogi, Max Sirsasana...looks like all my blood is rushing to my head
wine and cheese at Malagos Farm with the beautiful Holiday Gym yoginis - Jeanett, Joanna, Juliet, Pinky and Teresa class pic after conducting my last yoga class at Holiday Gym and Spa farewell lunch with Joanna and Mia
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Reader Comments:

Marites Evangelista RebiganMarites
(Oct 11, 2016) A practice that allows possibility of connecting to what we already have and who we already are, to be present not just on our mats but also to ourselves, the other people and the community around. So blessed & grateful to attend a class of a great travelling yoga instructor, Gigit Sulit who developed his own brand of yoga that includes pranayama (breath exercise) & meditation like we did earlier today and everybody's so excited for another session on saturday. Thank you sir!

Jeanett Yu YutankinJeanett Yu Yutankin
(Oct 30, 2016) I enjoyed joining your class Gigit. Simple but intense. Hope you can come back soon. Good luck and take care.

Mel Seco SosobanMel Seco Sosoban
(Oct 30, 2016) Looking forward for the next yoga session Sir Gigit. Thanks for the many learnings which we can apply in our day to day life. Take care and Godbless.

Luz TorralbaLuz Torralba
(Oct 30, 2016) Thank you for the experience, teacher Gigit...we'll miss you

Chic EscalChic Escal
(Oct 30, 2016) Di man lang tayo nagkita :( Have a safe trip

Pinky CabreraPinky
(Oct 30, 2016) Till me meet again Git! No goodbyes! Godspeed!

Mia PinedaMia Pineda
(Oct 30, 2016) Safe travels Gigit!

Jenny SagabayJenny
(Oct 30, 2016) Best of luck Git. Let me know if you ever drop by Manila (QC). Hope to see you one of these days!

Marie Estrellita S. Tolentino-RojasJudge Marie Philippines
(Oct 30, 2016) You will be missed, Teacher Gigit! Godspeed!

Joanna Co LizaresJoanna Philippines
(Oct 30, 2016) Thank you for your wisdom, mentorship, and friendship.

Oct 31, 2016

Google Map Davao City, Philippines

tourist attractions in Davao City tourist attractions hotels in Davao City - hotel van rental in Davao City van rental
  • Apollo Van Rental Apollo Van Rental - Davao City tour, Samal Island tour, airport transfer
    0925.500.3211 |
yoga in Davao City yoga | health | fitness food tour in Davao City tour food in Davao City resto | cafes in Davao City cafe autism in Davao City advocacy

Great Things Going for Davao City

  • one of the cleanest potable water in the country
  • smoking is banned from commercial establishments
  • pineapple samurais are endemic here and nowhere else in the country (pineapple vendors who cut-up whole pineapples into chunks with just a few strokes of their carving knives)
  • public utility drivers conspicuously display their IDs
  • durian Mecca of the Philippines (not to mention Marang, Mangosteen and Sweet Pomelo)
  • you want to add some more? please submit on the form below

Not So Great Things Going Against Davao City

  • the weighing scale of fruit vendors specially the durian push cart vendors are a blatant cheat - showing almost twice the actual weight

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North Zen Basic Spaces

Health and Fitness

Davao hotel
Lounge One
Yoga Davao
Davao Yoga, gym, spa, salon
Holiday Gym & Spa
gym | spa | yoga
massage | salon
Alveo Herbal
Alveo Herbal
cleanse the body
boost immune system
Lucy Rivero
T 0917.660.9529

Food and Coffee

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Le Cafe Bar & Grill Restaurant
Mel's Davao Food Tour
Mel's Davao Food Tour
Davao hotel
FROG Kaffee


Van Rental

Davao Autism
Shine Life Skills Center
Davao hotel
Cinematheque Davao
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