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Nirvana Breathing Fitness with Lita C. Quisumbing Sep 21, 2016

Nirvana Breathing Fitness with Lita C. Quisumbing

Location: Metro Lifestyle Fitness Center, Davao City
GPS: 7°04'43.9"N 125°36'28.5"E

Body Detox
Fresh from her Nirvana Education Specialist certification in Singapore this May, Lita Quisumbing conducted a Nirvana Master Class in Davao which combines yoga, pilates, movement, up tempo music and rhythmic breathing to detox the body.

Lita C. Quisumbing
I met Lita back in Cebu where she runs the Living Fit Wellness Hub & Studio. She is one of Cebu's most respected and most experienced fitness trainer which spans decades covering strength-aerobic-flexibility-endurance disciplines from yoga, indoor cycling, group resistance traning, aerobic dance, pilates...and the list goes on...and on! She is one of a very few who personify a fitness pedigree.

We occupied a spacious studio at Metro Lifestyle where we gathered on our mats in a circular formation. Lita was at the center as she cued us on movement, breath and the breath count. We moved in rhythm to binaural beats and theta waves. Elements of yoga asanas and pilates were evident on the poses and breath synchronicity. Intention and affirmation were interspersed with dynamic movement.

Theta waves
The yoga poses and breath coordination were familiar to me. But I had to look-up Theta waves. Theta waves induce a state of very deep relaxation. The brain waves are slowed down allowing people to sink in a meditative state. Theta waves are creative, spiritual and evoke feelings of inspiration.

Nirvana Breathing Fitness with Lita C. Quisumbing
Nirvana Master Class by Lita C. Quisumbing

Ending Thoughts
I see Nirvana Fitness as the latest in a continuing trend of convergent disciplines and technology to cater to a growing fitness demographics in search of something new and exciting - but more importantly, something that works. That's why it's equally important to ground it in long-held and time-tested traditions like yoga and pilates.

While this may sound like "flavor of the month", it has its merits. I am a staunch proponent of evolving disciplines. I like 'connecting the dots' in ways compliant to my uniqueness - my DNA, pre-disposition, life experience, body anatomy, etc. In my personal yoga practice, I have incorporated burpees, elements of Vipassana meditation, pranayama, khumbaka and bandhas. People are unique and they have their own unique way of responding to any given fitness program. Personally, I would have liked a version of this session at the intermediate level - only when I reach my threshold can I begin to validate how my body adapts to the new challenge.

As far as Nirvana Breathing Fitness goes, confidence is high with Lita Quisimbing spearheading the program. Her professional competence and experience is a matter of public record. She has seen fads come and go, and ones that have taken roots. Time will tell how the public takes to this program.

Curious about Nirvana Breathing Fitness? Only one way to find out. Lita is based in Cebu where she conducts these classes. She has also taught 21 students (and counting) who are now registered teachers and can conduct these classes.

--- TheLoneRider

ps - If you want me to participate and write about your yoga studio or your yoga practice, email me. For my complete yoga profile, you can visit this page: YOGA by Gigit

pictures courtesy of Joy Ainz of Metro Lifestyle Davao
big studio space at Metro Lifestyle in Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose) seated forward bend twist
Lita C. Quisumbing

Lita C. Quisumbing

Tel: (+63) 908.820.7910

Facebook Users

Lita QuisumbingLita Quisumbing
(Sep 22, 2016) Thank you so much Gigit!!! WOW!!!

Chic EscalChic Escal
(Sep 22, 2016) Gigit, di ako natuloy :( sayang

Sep 21, 2016

Google Map Davao City, Philippines

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  • Apollo Van Rental Apollo Van Rental - Davao City tour, Samal Island tour, airport transfer
    0925.500.3211 |
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Great Things Going for Davao City

  • one of the cleanest potable water in the country
  • smoking is banned from commercial establishments
  • pineapple samurais are endemic here and nowhere else in the country (pineapple vendors who cut-up whole pineapples into chunks with just a few strokes of their carving knives)
  • public utility drivers conspicuously display their IDs
  • durian Mecca of the Philippines (not to mention Marang, Mangosteen and Sweet Pomelo)
  • you want to add some more? please submit on the form below

Not So Great Things Going Against Davao City

  • the weighing scale of fruit vendors specially the durian push cart vendors are a blatant cheat - showing almost twice the actual weight

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