Dec 19, 2012
Breakup Diaries: Chance Encounter in Davao City
Beach Resort Yoga While at Abreeza, an Ayala Mall in Davao City, I came upon a yoga poster - turns out its a free yoga offering at Davao's beach resort. Curious, I got a name from the front desk...just in case they want to look good on the internet. At some point, I decided not to pursue it...that it was best for me to leave Davao and continue my trip to Mati. That was the end of it for me.
Chance Encounter Two days later, I was at Abreeza again for a meeting with the mall's marketing group. Unfortunately, the person I was meeting was unavailable. I defaulted to National Bookstore where I accidentally rubbed elbows with a lady.
Lady and TheLoneRider: (almost in unison) ...sorry!
Upon glancing at her, I immediately noticed she was attractive with a cosmopolitan sophistication - obviously someone who's experienced culture beyond this shore. She picked up a book, "Breakup Diaries", read the back page and puts it back. Curious, I picked up the book after, and remarked to her,
TheLoneRider: I guess you now have my attention. (I was alluding to the book, but deeply, I actually meant her)
Lady: Excuse me?
TheLoneRider: Breakup Diaries...a book for people on the rebound?
Lady: oh...is that right?
TheLoneRider: ha-ha...it's what it says. Are you from here?
Lady: actually from Manila.
TheLoneRider: so am I. What brings you here?
Lady: I work for a resort. My name is ......
TheLoneRider: I'm .... Pleased to meet you. (pause) Wait a minute...why does that ring a bell?
I looked inside my backpack and took out the resort brochure with her hand-written name on it.
TheLoneRider: This is you. I initially planned on meeting you. What are the odds we'd meet here?
Lady: (surprised) Are you serious?
TheLoneRider: I don't believe in coincidences.
Lady: Neither do I.
TheLoneRider: There must be a good reason for this. Would you like to have coffee with me? I'm sure we have much to talk about.
Lady: I'm sorry. I have to attend to something now. Here's my card. Email me.
TheLoneRider: Definitely. I'll see you around.
I actually got excited about all that. I bought the book thinking I'll surprise her with it next time I see her. Later that night, I emailed:
TheLoneRider: ...lovely having that chance encounter with you earlier today. If you don't believe in coincidence like I do, then you're probably as curious as I am why we had to meet. I'm pushing my Mati trip in the hope you'll have time tomorrow to have coffee with me. I'll drop everything for that.
The following day, I got a reply:
Lady: Thanks for your invite, but you must have misunderstood. Sorry but I can't have coffee with you. Thank you!
TheLoneRider: (shocked) Indeed, I must have misunderstood. Apologies and best of the holidays to you.
Ending Thoughts Honestly, I didn't see that coming. Maybe I got too ahead of myself thinking my benovolent universe laid out something on the table for me. What are the odds I'd have a chance encounter with someone interesting whose handwritten name I had on a piece of paper in my backpack? Like I said, it was too much of a coincidence. When she said she didn't believe in coincidence and gave me her card telling me to email her, I thought I found the rare lady who thinks like me...that I didn't have to explain myself...that she understood the Flow. But it takes 2 to tango. It can't be a Flow if I'm the only one dancing. I guess this chance encounter is one of those rare moments when it's nothing more than pure coincidence.
--- TheLoneRider
ps - But what do I do with this book?
Davao City, Philippines
 tourist attractions
 - hotel
Bahay ni Tuding - central Poblacion location, wifi, hands-on owner
160 San Pedro Street, 8000 Davao City
0947 361 3544 | 7°03'57.6"N 125°36'28.3"E
The Pinnacle Hotel and Suites - central location, new management, newly renovated
Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City 8000, Philippines
(+63) 932-8708621 | 906-3185885 | 7°04'34.2"N 125°36'54.2"E
The Apo View Hotel - Davao's iconic hotel, old world charm, casino
150 J. Camus Street, Davao City Philippines 8000
+63 (82) 221-6430 to 40 | 7°04'09.2"N 125°36'27.4"E
North Zen Basic Spaces - great rooms at affordable prices
Sobrecarey St. (corner Lapu-Lapu St.), Davao City, 8000
(082) 295.3997 | 7°04'43.0"N 125°37'04.3"E
Urban Living Zen Hotel - newly opened - all NEW!
F.s. Dizon Bacaca, 8000 Davao City
(082) 287 3133 | 7°05'28.4"N 125°36'22.3"E
The Royal Mandaya Hotel - heart of downtown Davao City
J. Palma Gil Street, Davao City, 8000
(+63 82) 225.8888 | 7°04'09.4"N 125°36'36.8"E
Alu Hotel Davao - central downtown location
M. Roxas Avenue corner Padre Faura Street, Davao
+63 82 227 5232 | 7°04'07.7"N 125°36'51.7"E
One Oasis Davao - hotel accommodation in a condo unit
Eco-west Drive, Ecoland, Davao City
suki_tac@yahoo.com | 0925.500.3211 | 7°02'49.2"N 125°35'19.1"E
 van rental
Apollo Van Rental - Davao City tour, Samal Island tour, airport transfer
0925.500.3211 | suki_tac@yahoo.com
 yoga | health | fitness
 resto |  cafe
- one of the cleanest potable water in the country
- smoking is banned from commercial establishments
- pineapple samurais are endemic here and nowhere else in the country (pineapple vendors who cut-up whole pineapples into chunks with just a few strokes of their carving knives)
- public utility drivers conspicuously display their IDs
- durian Mecca of the Philippines (not to mention Marang, Mangosteen and Sweet Pomelo)
- you want to add some more? please submit on the form below
- the weighing scale of fruit vendors specially the durian push cart vendors are a blatant cheat - showing almost twice the actual weight
- Revisiting Davao Aug 22-Oct 31, 2016
- A Roof Over my Head in Davao Aug 22-Oct 31, 2016
- Davao Yoga Scene Oct 31, 2016
- Pranayama Oct 24, 2016
- Yoga Beyond the Mat Oct 21, 2016
- Grilled Tuna Overload in Davao Oct 13, 2016
- Duterte Mania in Davao Oct 12, 2016
- Sirsasana, Sarvangasana - Yoga Makaranda II Oct 7, 2016
- Tirumalai Krishnamacharya Oct 5, 2016
- Ashtanga Yoga with James Fritz Freire at Holiday Gym and Spa Oct 1, 2016
- There was a Bomb Explosion? Sep 30, 2016
- Jin in Davao Sep 29, 2016
- Scrubs and Hilot at Holiday Gym and Spa Sep 22-29, 2016
- The Fabulous Dabawenyos Aug 22-Sep 26, 2016
- Nirvana Breathing Fitness with Lita C. Quisumbing Sep 21, 2016
- Massage, Sauna and Ear Candling at Holiday Spa and Gym Sep 17-19, 2016
- Downpour in Davao Sep 18, 2016
- Lounge One Yoga Sequence by May Bel Le at North Zen Hotel Sep 16, 2016
- Celebrating Davao's King of Fruits - Durian! Sep 11, 2016
- The Blast that Rocked Davao Sep 2, 2016
- Hatha Flow Yoga with Joanna Lizares Co at Holiday Spa and Gym Aug. 31, 2016
- Conducting a Power Yoga Class at Yoga Davao Aug 29, 2016
- Good Eats with Mel Pangan's Davao Food Tour Aug 26, 2016
- Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) Aug 25, 2016
- A Gifted Dell Laptop from the Usual Suspect Aug. 24, 2016
- The Duterte Phenomenon Oct 21, 2015
- 20 Days in Davao City July 4- 24, 2014
- Goodbye Davao...Again! Sep 28, 2013
- Wine and Cheese at Malagos Farm House Sep 27, 2013
- Custom-made Peanut Butter at Davao City's Bankerohan Market Sep 27, 2013
- Yoga in Davao Sep 26, 2013
- Celebrating 25 Years of Habitat for Humanity Philippines Sep 18, 2013
- Clobbered in a Vicious Karate Match Sep 17, 2013
- Back Into the Black Sep 1, 2013
- No Reply Aug 30, 2013
- Full Body-Cavity Search without the Latex Aug 25, 2013
- Fun Day with Crocodile Sonny and Sports Unlimited Dynamic Duo, Dyan Castillejo and Marc Nelson Aug 15, 2013
- Fun! Fun! at Maxima AquaFun, Samal Island Aug 11, 2013
- Goodbye Davao Jan 22, 2013
- Davao City's Peace and Order Jan 21, 2013
- Holiday Spa Yoga, Davao City Jan 20, 2013
- Free Yoga at People's Park Jan 12, 2013
- Davao City: Family Ties Dec 15-22, 2012
- Breakup Diaries: Chance Encounter in Davao City Dec 19, 2012
- Davao City June 20-23, 2009
- Davao City March 18-20, 2008
- Mount Apo March 15-18, 2008
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"Serendipity...." -- Tony Ancheta (Dec 21, 2012) Hmmm...I dunno, men...from how I'm seeing it, I got 2 strikes and counting :( or perhaps, that I'm getting there. We'll see :)
Greg & Sally Tree Garden Cafe (Dec 21, 2012) Serendipity.... Looks like you have a bunch of them coming your way lately :)
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