a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

Learning Cebuano: July Learning

Learning Cebuano: July

(July 1-31, 2024) My last Cebuano lesson was still in October, 9 months ago in Siquijor. I'd been living now in Tagbilaran, still the Visayas, since March. This is another vain attempt to learn Bisaya...more »»

Taking a Free Online A.I. Course Technology Learning

Taking a Free Online A.I. Course

(May 18, 2024) I was having lunch with Kat when she deliberated on the many ways AI is more relevant and compelling - including having AI be the 'teacher' for home-schooled kids. I was blown away. I thought I was already proficient with AI, but now I realized I had to level-up my game. Where to start? From the bottom - what is AI?...more »»

Yoga Upanishad Yoga

Yoga Upanishad

(December 12, 2023) The Yoga Upanishad is a collection of ancient philosophical Hindu text that talks about the principles and practice of yoga - meditation, breath control, and subtle energy channels...more »»

Benjamin Franklin Peoplescape Book Review

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

(November 30, 2023) Benjamin Franklin became a recurring name thrown at me. First, while watching an interview of billionaire Charlie Munger, he said he kept 2 busts in his home of 2 people he admired the most - Benjamin Franklin and Lee Kuan Yew. On a '19 Recommended Books to Read in your Lifetime', I saw Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography. And while watching the American Revolution, Benjamin loomed larger than life. While watching an interview of celebrated author Walter Isaacson who was promoting his recent book about Elon Musk, I learned that he also authored a Benjamin Franklin biography! In my world-view of a benevolent universe blazing a path for me, this is a strong statement that I should roll up my sleeves and get to know Benjamin Franklin in an intimate way - by reading his autobiography...more »»

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Yoga Book Review

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

(Aug 8-???, 2023) The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali have been the classic reference and standard in the practice of Raja Yoga - yoga of the mind. Beyond asana, this book underscores the importance of ethics/morality (Yama/Niyama) and meditation. In this book, Sri Swami Satchidananda gives his commentary...more »»

The Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga by Srivatsa Ramaswami yoga book review

The Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga by Srivatsa Ramaswami

(datedate) Srivatsa Ramaswami was a direct one-on-one student of the legendary Tirumalai Krishnamacharya for 33 years. His experience with the Master encompassed yogic elements of asana, breathing, mindfulness, and therapy. With so many neo-yoga versions by self-styled revisionists nowadays, this practice takes us back to the source. A true gem!....more »»

2024: A Year in Review Lucid Thoughts

2024: A Year in Review

(Dec 31, 2024) 2024 started out with me wanting to leave Siquijor for interaction and stimulation in a small city (Cebu? Dumaguete? Bacolod? Iloilo?) - one year in an isolated island living a monk's life was enough.....more »»


2016 Travel Map: Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, & Singapore

2016 Travel Map

Camping Chair/Table

Camping Chair/Table

(July 12, 2024 Tagbilaran, Bohol, Philippines) I had this vision when I purchased the camping chair/table at Decathlon in Cebu - by the seashore awaiting the sunrise/sunset with coffee mug. Now in Bohol, it's a reality.

Food Odyssey
Carinderia food

Carinderia food

(May 4, 2024 Tagbilaran, Bohol, Philippines) I could be savouring Haute cuisine, Nouvelle cuisine, Molecular gastronomy, and Fusion cuisine, but at the end of the day, I would default to my comfort food - Carinderia food (cheap, traditional, homemade, accessible and yes, delicious).
...more Food Odyssey from March
Youtube pay videos
Yoga $10 Pay-Videos Youtube

Elon Musk Book Review Peoplescape

Elon Musk

(April 4 - July 22, 2024) This is a special book to me for its subject (Elon Musk) and its biographer (Walter Isaacson). Elon is perhaps one of the most fascinating guys who ever walked on this planet and nobody writes better than Walter Isaacson....more »»

Movie Review: The Matrix (1999) Movie Review

Movie Review: The Matrix (1999)

(July 15, 2024) The Matrix was released in 1999, 25 years ago. I saw it then and it blew my mind. However, young people attending my Yoga class in their early 20s have heard but have never seen it. I told them it was a must-see. Kat was gracious enough to allow us to view it in her place. Verdict? Did they like it? Is it still relevant to young people? Or is it too dated and passe?...more »»

Yoga Talk Community Yoga

Yoga Talk Community

(July 14, 2024) The first yoga talk finally happened with 8 of us from the yoga classes sharing experience and insight that began from yoga and extended to Quantum Mechanics and Simulated Realities. It was fun!...more »»

Mangaon ta sa Hangos Restaurant Review Food Odyssey

Mangaon ta sa Hangos

(July 9, 2024) My much-awaited sikwatehan has finally opened up - Mangaon ta sa Hangos. It's an upscale sikwatehan where you are comfortably seated in a garden like-ish setting and properly served. The menu is simple and the price is reasonably sound compared to a roadside sikwatehan. The food? That's where it shines!...more »»

Yoga Talk with BCBP Kids Yoga

Yoga Talk with BCBP Kids

(July 6, 2024) Mehul, a BCBP member, invited me one more time to give an inspirational talk about yoga to a group of 35 students ranging 10-25 year olds. I thought about telling something they didn't expect - they don't need yoga!...more »»

Bohol Gothic Wine Label Art

Bohol Gothic Wine Label

(July 5, 2024) The iconic painting, American Gothic, has been a staple for me when it comes to creating personalized wine labels for a select few. For Kat's parent's 46th wedding anniversary in Bohol, I defaulted to my old classic....more »»

Cebu for an R&R Traveling

Cebu for an R&R

(June 25 - July 1, 2024) With my boat ticket still usable until June 16, and with the completion of the Kid/Adults Yoga project, it seemed like a good idea to visit Cebu for a much-needed break....more »»

Revisiting Chu Un Temple Meditation

Revisiting Chu Un Temple

(June 27, 2024) After a long absence, I decided to visit Chu Un Temple for its weekly meditation. Nearly everyone was a new face. I welcome this fresh breeze of new energy....more »»

Yoga and Meditation for Kids Yoga Meditation Learning

Yoga and Meditation for Kids

(May 27 - June 20, 2024) One of the many things I'll be doing for Kat with her advocacy is yoga and meditation for kids. I have my competence with yoga and meditation, but teaching kids? This is new ground and I need help - AI, Youtube and yoga friends who are already doing this....more »»

First-Principles Thinking Learning

First-Principles Thinking

(June 11, 2024) As I read the book Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson, I kept coming across the concept of First Principles. I looked it up and realized that simply knowing the definition doesn't translate to do things using First Principles. You really need to wrap your mind around it until it becomes second nature...then you begin to think like Elon!...more »»

Yoga for Grown ups Yoga

Yoga for Grown ups

(May 27 - June 21, 2024) Concurrent with Kids Yoga, I was also conducting Adult Yoga for the working types. There wasn't much traffic, usually just 2 students, sometimes none. But it was a counter-balance for me after teaching kids. Teaching kids is draining while teaching grown-ups is invigorating. It was my playground....more »»

Making Masala Chai by ChatGPT Food Recipes

Making Masala Chai by ChatGPT

(May 29, 2024) In theory, ChatGPT should have already synthesized all permutations of the Masala Chai recipes that are available online. And from its mega-database of just Masala Chai, it produced this Food Recipes. Just how 'perfect' could this be? Let's find out....more »»

CRISPR-Cas9 Technology


(May 14, 2024) A ground-breaking technological breakthrough now allows for a simplified "cut and paste" of a precisely targeted DNA sequence to repair damaged DNA (curing disease) or upgrade normal DNA (Eugenics). The ramifications are profound and can change the genetic landscape. This technology is CRISPR-Cas9...more »»

Stuxnet: How WW III can be Fought and Won Technology

Stuxnet: How WW III can be Fought and Won

(April 30, 2024) In 2010, a new kind of cyber-weapon was accidentally stumbled upon by the cybersecurity researchers of VirusBlokAda. It's a powerful malware that raises the bar on warfare - even decide how WWIII can be fought and won. Instead of missiles and bombs, this is a computer code, yes, just lines of code that can cripple a country's electrical grid, financial markets, communications system and military infrastructure. This computer virus was given a name - Stuxnet...more »»


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