There are many paths from the muladhara (lowest chakra) to the ajna (third eye). But from Ajna to Sahasrara, there is no path. But once bridged, one becomes ecstatic about life requiring no reason whatsoever. But in this inebriated state, functionality in the physical world cannot be sustained. It is a fuzzy world between the world of the physical and the non-physical.
Sahasrara gives rise to pure consciousness. It is said that all the other chakras emanate from sahasrara, or that sahasrara is the collective of all the chakras. When a yogi reaches this state, he is said to be in samadhi (trance state of meditative absorption). In the yoga sutras of Patangali, it is the final 8th limb of yoga where the meditator becomes one with the object of his meditation - limitations and shackles are broken. This is where all the 72,000 nadis converge, in the same way that streams, creeks and rivers eventually find their way into the ocean.
On many levels, activating the sahasrara is a unification or a convergence. In the Hindu pantheon, Shakti (female deity) resides at the muladhara chakra and finds her way through the sushumna (central pathway of the nadi) to be reunited with Shiva (known as "The Destroyer" within the Hindu trinity of three major gods that includes Brahma and Vishnu) at the sahasrara where their union is the perfect divine consciousness and eternal.
For the everyday guy, reaching sahasrara is when his earthly self reunites with the divinity within him and he realizes he is both at the same time - that it took an arduous journey through life to realize this.
The asana emulates the journey of Shakti from the muladhara to the sahasrara to reunite with Shiva. With pranayama and kumbhaka, engage the mula bandha and envision the prana vayu reaching up through the sushumna until it reaches the sahasrara. Create and sustain the pressure inside the head by keeping the mula bandha engaged.
Because we need to activate the sahasrara on top of the head, a good asana is the sirsasana (headstand) to redirect energy to that part of the body.
Ending Thoughts
Because sahasrara chakra is the final of the 7 major chakras, it would be the culmination of many years of practice and devotion - perhaps not even in this lifetime. At best, it's a 'nice to know'. But it would be frustrating to keep that as an objective. I would simply stay focused on my current challenges and work on them, knowing fully well, that these small achievements ultimately lead to the sahasrara.
--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
YOGA by Gigit
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