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Hatha Yoga with Madhab Prasad Dhakal at Sawar Yoga Studio, Kathmandu Apr 17, 2018

Hatha Yoga with Madhab Prasad Dhakal at Sawar Yoga Studio, Kathmandu

Location: Sawar Yoga Studio, Kathmandu (city), Nepal
Teacher: Madhab Prasad Dhakal
Hours: 6:30am to 9:30am and 4pm to 7pm, daily
Services Offered: yoga, meditation, pranayama, reiki, astrology, ayurveda, teacher training
Tel: +977 98490 08223

Yoga in Kathmandu
Feeling settled in Kathmandu, I wrote to several yoga studios introducing myself and informing them what I can do for them - teach a class, write about a class, fix their yoga website, etc. One of the studios that replied was Madhab Prasad Dhakal of Sawar Yoga Studio.

Mahayogi Guru Gorakhnath
Madhab's Hatha Yoga is guru-based. We chanted with the guru's name and he said a lot invoking his guru. He explained the lineage of his yoga coming from a sage named - Mahayogi Guru Gorakhnath. I wish I understood everything he said, but English wasn't his first language.

Hatha Yoga with Madhab Prasad Dhakal at Sawar Yoga Studio, Kathmandu
Hatha Yoga class with Madhab Prasad Dhakal

Hatha Yoga
The session started with a lot of stretches to warm the body up. Breathing was integral into the poses. On a lot of poses where it was held, the breathing was also held - technically, a Kumbhaka. The session was easy perhaps due to a majority of the attendees being first timers. No difficult poses but more on stretching, limbering and a little cardio (high knee taps, butt kicks, etc.)I would be more interested in the intermediate level of Madhab's Hatha Yoga where I find myself a little out of my comfort zone. A few fumbling and stumbling on my part tells me I'm deepening my practice.

Big Plans
Madhab wanted to involve me in his ambitious project in propagating his yoga - a global presence for a global reach. I was confident how useful I could be, but begged off. It would have demanded a lot from me and for that kind of involvement, I would need more connection with him and his practice - which I didn't get.

Ending Thoughts
His yoga is a little different from what I've seen in the usual studios, but not necessarily different from what I do with my own practice. When not doing asana, I default to cardio workouts, calisthenics and isometrics, all of them synchronizing breath with movement. Madhab's yoga had a little of bit of those elements. More critically however, it was the language barrier that proved most challenging. With yoga cuing, what I find more important is the verbal articulation of the subtleties of breath, movement and mindfulness. This can only be achieved when language is not a barrier.

Thank you Madhab for accommodating me in your class.

--- TheLoneRider
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Next stop: Vinyasa Yoga with Dipendra at the Mandala Yoga Studio and Spa, Kathmandu

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Kathmandu (city), Nepal

important places in Kathmandu ESSENTIAL LANDMARKS
  • Tribhuvan International Airport Tribhuvan International Airport - Kathmandu's international airport
  • Ratna Park bus terminal Ratna Park bus terminal - one of the main bus terminals with buses going to the airport
  • Thamel Thamel - Kathmandu's tourist area for hotels, trekking tours, restos, cafes, money changers, cargo forwarders, etc.
  • Durbar Marg Durbar Marg - Kathmandu's upscale shopping area
  • Jhochhen Jhochhen - popular counter-culture neighborhood during the hippie era
tourist attractions in Kathmandu TOURIST ATTRACTIONS
  • Basantapur Durbar Square Basantapur Durbar Square - formerly the haunt of Nepalese royalty, now an UNESCO World Heritage site for its historical significance and traditional Nepalese architecture
  • Shechen Monastery Shechen Monastery - one of six mother Tibetan Buddhist monasteries from the late 17th century
  • Boudhanath Boudhanath - one of the biggest stupas in the world, once plied over as an ancient trade route over the centuries
  • Kopan Monastery - best to visit together with Boudhanath as they are not too far from each other. Foreigners come here to learn Buddhism. Open to the public Saturdays only
  • Pashupatinath Temple Pashupatinath Temple - a Hindu temple located on the banks of the Bagmati River. Another UNESCO World Heritage site. Maha Shivaratri festival late Feb or early March with more than 65,000 devotees
  • Harati Devi Temple Harati Devi Temple - devoted to the worship of Harati Devi. It houses a museum, stupa and library
hotels in Kathmandu HOTEL
  • 8848 Hostel 8848 Hostel - newly opened, backpacker friendly, resto/bar, central location, clean, wifi, a/c, full breakfast
    Thahity, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
trekking in Kathmandu TREKKING
  • Top of the World Adventure Top of the World Adventure - trekking, tours, jungle safari, river rafting, peak climbing, hiking, expedition
    Thamel Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal
meditation in Kathmandu MEDITATION
  • Meditation Dhamma Shringa - Vipassana Meditation Centre
  • Meditation Dhamma Kitti - Vipassana Meditation Centre

Travel Tips for Kathmandu

  1. Kathmandu is dusty and you'll need a mask
  2. if on a budget, cheap staple comfort food in Kathmandu is momo, local price in local eateries at NPR 60/10 pieces

How to get to Thamel (Kathmandu) from the Tribhuvan International Airport

  1. You can take a cab for about $7
  2. Ratna Park bus terminal Airport by bus to Thamel (Ratna Park Bus terminal)
    But if you want to save money and don't mind roughing it, you can take a bus. Walk out of the airport and turn left on the rotunda just outside the airport gate. This takes you to the main road where buses ply. The bus signs are in Nepali, but you can hear the bus conductor shouting, "Ratna Park". NPR 20, 30 minutes

Travel Tips for Nepal

Nepal Blogs by TheLoneRider


  1. Visiting Boudhanath, Nepal's Largest Stupa Apr 19, 2018
  2. Vinyasa Yoga with Dipendra at the Mandala Yoga Studio and Spa, Kathmandu Apr 18, 2018
  3. Hatha Yoga with Madhab Prasad Dhakal at Sawar Yoga Studio, Kathmandu Apr 17, 2018
  4. Fitness in Kathmandu Apr 15, 2018
  5. 7 Days In Kathmandu April 13-20, 2018
  6. The 18-Hour Trip from Kuantan, Malaysia to Kathmandu, Nepal April 12-13, 2018

  8. India Visa Snag May 9, 2018
  9. Exploring Lumbini - Buddha's Birthplace May 5, 2018
  10. Storming out of Dhamma Janani on the 4th Day May 1-5, 2018

  12. Visiting Gupteshwor Mahadev Cave, Pokhara Apr 26, 2018
  13. Exploring Devi's Falls, Pokhara Apr 26, 2018
  14. Trekking to the World Peace Pagoda Apr 26, 2018
  15. Exploring Pokhara, Nepal Apr 20, 2018
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