Greg Hutchinson, Boracay, SandCastles, Dalino, Meren Monday March 3, 2025 EST 
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Besieged at Boracay SandCastles Besieged at Boracay SandCastles
For a full and comprehensive report on the siege, please go to

If you can help out, here are the numbers of the besieged:
Viveca F Hutchinson 0920 558 7188, 63 917 819 3049,
Atty Oscar Tagamolila 0917 718 2108
Atty Julius Leonida 0921 352 2184
Atty Maya Mayor 0922 899 5087

Update: June 2, 2009
Interior Secretary in charge of the Philippine National Police Ronaldo Puno was the guest today at a forum with the Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines.

Long-standing FOCAP member Greg Hutchinson attended the meeting, joined from Boracay by wife Viveca and twins Jenet and Joshua.

Sec Puno has thrown his hat in the ring as a vice-presidential candidate in the 2010 national elections. He spoke about politics in the lead-up to the poll, scoffing at the notion peddled by his political opponents that there might not be an election next year: "We will lose credibility before the international community if there are no elections".

He also answered questions about police and security in the country. He said "the entire country is experiencing a period of relative calm," noting that two active kidnapping gangs in Luzon had been neutralised. He underscored that peace remains elusive in Mindanao, but that the Arroyo government would still wish to reach a comprehensive peace settlement with Muslim rebel groups before the end of its term in June 2010.

As an observer of the South, I was heartened to find out that the government is listening to Moro National Liberation Front leader Nur Misuari, particularly his idea of bringing former MNLF commander Radulan Sahiron to the negotiating table so as to undercut the armed support of the Abu Sayaf.

"I am told by Misuari that Radulan Sahiron is willing to talk," adding Sahiron hadn't been active in kidnapping for ransom recently. The one-armed leader reported has some 500 men under arms in an area around Patikul in Jolo who the Abu Sayaf have relied upon for sanctuary and support.

Sec Puno revealed however that the situation particularly in Sulu--with the continued captivity of a representative of the International Red Cross--is complicated by the presence of international terrorists in the southern archipelago. Omar Patek, a Jemaah Islamiya member involved in the Bali attacks, is there along with other Indonesian and Malaysian JI members.

Following the forum, the Secretary took time out from his busy schedule to talk with the Hutchinsons about their personal security and proper policing in Boracay SandCastles Beach Resort, illegally occupied by the invaders since last November. Hitherto the invaders led by Evangeline Dizon Dalino and Editha Cawaling Meren had the active assistance of police.

We received assurances from the Secretary of impartial policing at SandCastles going forward.

Viveca and I thanked the Secretary. -- Greg Hutchinson

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Chronology of the Hutchnson's Saga

  • 1989 Dec - Greg opened Boracay SandCastles Beach Resort on leased land for 20 years with option for Greg to renew another ten years
  • 1995 - Greg/Tribal Holdings Phils Inc bought 375 sqm land from Dr Onie & Eden Macavinta, former partners of Editha Cawaling Meren
  • 2004 - Greg built SandCastles The Apartments, the first absolute beachfront five star fully furnished accommodation in Boracay on the 375 sqm land
  • 2005 June - George Gaitanos and Michael Bailey sign a sublease contract using the "corporation" Boracay Dream Beach Resort (Evangeline Dalino was neither a signatory nor a witness)
  • 2005 Oct - Gaitanos and Bailey had an internal problem. Bailey supposedly was the investor and wanted to change the name Dream to another name. Gaitanos brings in an army led by the National Bureau of Investigation and overcame the staff of Bailey who was then in Sydney
  • 2005 Dec - Gaitanos refused to continue rental payments and committed 20-odd violations in the sublease contract; threats to the Hutchinson's life; 26Dec05 their goons were able to enter the kids' room through the glass doors adjacent to the main building occupied by them, luckily the Hutchinsons locked the kids' main door
  • 2006 Feb - Our lawyer sent them final notice to pay Gaitanos using girlfriend Evangeline Dalino and partner Michael Bailey filed nuisance cases:
    1. Estafa case - dismissed by the Dept of Justice Secretary; dismissed by Judge Sheila Cortes with finality the motion for reconsideration - in the Hutchinson's favour
    2. Grave coercion - dismissed by regional prosecutor
    3. Dept of Labour case using 2 disgruntled employees - the Hutchinsons won
  • 2006 Apr - Tribal Holdings made use of the provision in the contract of extrajudicial measure: Gaitanos' staff and Dalino's relatives were ejected from the property after repeated demands beyond Feb 06
  • 2006 Aug 23 - Six carload of armed men tried to abduct the Hutchinsons from their Manila home -- witnesses identified Dalino as the woman who was smoking cigarette pacing back and forth to the cars that were parked infront of the Hutchinson's home -- their kids were inside with only two staff members present.
  • 2006 Oct - Evangeline Dalino with armed goons tried to invade SandCastles: the Hutchinson's manager with his two blackbelt brothers overcame the armed goons and pushed them out of the resort
  • 2007 Oct - Editha Cawaling Meren wrote the Hutchinsons a letter terminating the contract. We filed a case against her immediately thereafter for Injunction and Specific Performance
  • 2007 Nov 6 - Court of Judge Biliran issued a status quo order in the Hutchinson's favour while the case was being heard
  • 2008 Jul 15 - all exhibits submitted for decision of Judge Biliran re Injunction
  • 2008 Nov 5 - Editha Meren and Evangeline Dalino lead a group of armed men in SandCastles without any court order to evict the Hutchinsons; Greg Hutchinson and family are holed up in the unit Hanuno'o. Meren and family now sleeping inside the ground floor units. The police hold the keys to the 2nd floor units except the Hutchinson's unit and an adjoining unit which is with the Hutchinsons. Dalino, sister, nephews, and goons are strategically placed in the 25 rooms of SandCastles.

Nov 2008

Reader Comments:

I was informed by friends privy to my friendship with the Hutchinsons that thugs led by Evangeline Dalino, stormed into the Hutchinson's Boracay SandCastles Resort with weapons and not with any court order, and have taken them hostage together with their 2 children, Joshua and Jenet. As of this writing, they are still held captive against their will. Their internet USB wire was cut, Joshua is now afflicted with a blocked bowel, Greg is suffering from a mild attack of Crohn's disease, their food is dependent upon others outside and the Emergency Exit of the Apartments is blocked by a gas cylinder. Their captors have the upper hand in being able to choose to shoo away or welcome visitors. The PNP is there but not doing anything to remove Dalino's thugs. The Hutchinson's sources tell them that General Cuevas, regional director, reversed his own order. Greg and his family were informed Cuevas was called up by a congressman and a governor.

The Hutchinsons are one of the most decent people I've met and I feel strongly against this crass and blatant show of force against them by lawless elements who take the law into their own hands with utmost impunity. We can't just sit down and watch this travesty take place.

I implore everyone out there to call their friends in 'high places' to help the Hutchinsons. React by writing on your blog, writing letters to newspapers, lobbying politicians; getting the Dept of Social Welfare and Devt to pressure the police to end the situation by arresting law breakers and removing the intruders. Copy-and-paste this blog and spread it around. This brazen act of lawlessness has to be stopped!!!!

Gaudencio Cordora Jr
(January 3, 2009) Sad to hear about the incident in Boracay Island particularly at sand Castles Beach resort. From what's happening their is no rule of law in Malay, Aklan. No man's land na. Imagine barging in to once property with any court order or legal basis. Assuming Merin owns the property, she has no rights whatsover in doing so. and the police is so helpless in preventing it. Crime has been committed in their very nose. How come no arrest was made? This is not civil in character my friends. Please be guided by your law book. That is basic. Anyway you cannot blame the low ranking police personnel for not doing their job. As reported and an open book here in Boracay, Evangeline Dalino one of the interested party in the take over is the girl friend of Col Decena who happens to be the OIC of Aklan Provincial office and later the Chief of Police of Boracay Island. Reportedly they were seen most of the time dating at D'mall in Boracay. Col Decena konting delikadesa sana sa police uniform. This incident will never happen in Metro-Manila. Dito agawan mo ng bahay ang nasa squatters gulo na. Nice thing about the Hutchinson's they are putting the law into their hands. They are very patient waiting for the court to decide on the matter. MAYOR CAWALING GISING NA. APEKTADO NA NASASAKUPAN MO. KAPATID MO ANG INVOLVED. EDITHA MERIN GISING NA RIN, ANG HINA NAMAN NG PAKIRAMDAM MO GINAGAMIT KA LANG NI EVANGELINE AT ATTY BIHAG. LATER ON IKAW NAMAN ANG SISIPAIN NILA. Pag dumanak ng dugo sa Boracay, fiesta ang international media.

Julienne Yee
(Dec 24, 2008) I just came back from Boracay and walked past the Sandcastles resort. I saw what was going on but didn't understand it so the minute I got home, I Googled and came across your blog. I really want to help out. I was thinking, perhaps we can start a petition via and then start emailing the information to people. Truthfully, I don't think the petition and signatures themselves would work against Dalino & Meren BUT I think that it would help get the word out a lot faster to people.

Stina Krone
(Dec 22, 2008) reading the Age tonight I read about your plight. I feel really sorry for your kids. No Christmas - that's not fair. I have attached some pictures I drew with my son. He is racy about Spiderman and Batman. I hope everything gets sorted out soon for all of you. Merry Christmas in spite of everything.

Judy and Andreas, Alysha and Frances (our 2 daughters)
(Dec 22, 2008) First of all, please give our hugs and big kisses to Joshua and Jenet, tell them we will ask Santa Claus to drop by in your place to bring them their wishes for Christmas, especially holy and peaceful Christmas without harm and violence as you're having now.

We, my husband and I, had the same with our restaurant Liebevoll, just a few minutes walk from your place, its after Gasthof. Our landlord together with his German son-in-law had tried to do the over-taking, and they are also in family circle with the Mayor, and still we are on-going the court trial since 2007. Liebevoll is still open now under our supervision but we have already transferred back to europe as this is more safe for our 2 kids ( 3 and 5 yo) who were also there on that Terrible night when the intruders savotaged our peaceful business. Like your twins, my 5 yr.old daughter still has until now the trauma of that night, and the succeeding terrorizing acts of our landlords. And this is very bad image for the island and dismaying for all the foreign investors who are already trapped after investing the most of their money particularly in that island.

We wish that this trouble/problem in your case will come to end very soon and give the good side of Santa Claus as present to your family.

Alyssa, Kelsey and Hannah
(Dec 22, 2008) Merry Christmas Joshua and Jenet,

Our names are Alyssa (11), Kelsey (7) and Hannah (4) and we live in Melbourne, Australia.

Our mum read about your family in the Phillipines and we wanted to send you a photo of us all. We have also sent a photo of Santa at a party and our little kitten 'Summer' who keeps climbing our christmas tree!

We hope you like our photos and that you have a Merry Christmas with your mum and dad.

Michael Bailey: the man who threatened to kill the Hutchinsons over the phone back in September 2006
(Dec 19, 2008) email:
hmmm You said greg hutchinsom was shot at? well it must have beena very bad shot. you should get your facts right. even greg did not suggest that, you are biased, and you certainly do not go by the facts shame on you, you contradict your self so many times, he is free\to come and go........ bad vey bad journalism, you only look and report on one side, ignorant philipino people, this is exactly why you are a 3rd world country, corrupt, wastefull shamefull people.

(December 20, 2008) Dear Viveca and Greg,

There have been numerous examples of freedom gained from a glimpse of the true meaning of Christmas. All men, including captors,(whether they know it or not) have one loving Father, one Mind, or God. Mental and spiritual freedom can be the pathway to physical freedom. The message of peace and love contained in the Christmas story can be felt by all men regardless of culture and religion, bringing justice and harmony to all. One scriptural message reminds us that perfect love casts out fear.

To access more ideas I would love you to go to

Also you may be interested in the developments in the Christian Science Monitor at

Loving support and Greetings to you all from all here

Joy HutchinsonJoy Hutchinson
(Greg's mother from Australia)
I am the 83 year old mother of Greg Hutchinson who is, with his wife and five year old twins, being held captive on his own property on Boracay Island. I am devastated for my son and his family. Having done so much to promote tourism in the Philippines, he deserves better. All he wants is fair play within the law!!!

He has suffered much from the group trying to corruptly take over his interests on Boracay. Is there no justice for my son and his wife and small children?

One expects behaviour such as this in the 3rd world, but not in a so called civilized country like the Philippines where I HAVE previously spent many happy times enjoying the Island of Boracay. I Plead with you to do what you can to help my SON!!!!!!

Stuart Smithies
(2008/11/28) To quote a WW2 general "Don't let the bastards grind you down" and to misquote another "An Australian's home is his Sandcastle. Keep fighting

Ate Baby
(Nov 23, 2008) It looks like the perpetrators are wearing you down. It's hard when the authorities refuse to honor the law. It's a travesty beyond compare. Money grabbers know a gold mine when they see one and like a petulant, spoiled child will not stop until he gets what he wants regardless of the cost. I don't think Boracay is the place for you to be after this is resolved. It seems everyone is only looking after oneself and to hell with everyone else.It's a total disappointment. Keep your chin up. Love you all.

Veronica MatthewsVeronica Matthews
Phoenix, AZ
(November 22, 2008) Thank you for supporting the Hutchinson's cause. There are still good people in this world.

Hang in there sister Viveca, brother-in-law Greg, nephew Joshua, niece Jenet, Ricci & Lerma,

My friends from Phoenix, Arizona are amazed by the hold Meren & Dalino have over the Boracay police, the Governor's office or the Aklan Regional Police. Otherwise the situation should be resolved by now.

I have told my friends from England, Australia, Korea, Japan, China, Colombia and the United States of America and they all seem to agree that the Philippines sad to say is not to be visited anytime soon.

This has gone on too long and the reputation of the Philippines, its government and the authorities is being undermined by blatant disregard for the law by those concerned.

I can't believe that there is no intervention from the Boracay Foundation or the Tourism Industry when what is happening right now is ruining the future of the Island.

To those who think this cannot happen to you, I advise you to be wary.

We love you Viveca, Greg, Joshua & Jenet. We will have happy times soon.

Chris and Debbie
Greg's nephew and partner from South Africa
(November 19, 2008)Mum has forwarded your recent e-mail's. We can't imagine how difficult and testing it must be for you all at the moment.

I'm not sure what Debbie and I could do to help, but if there is anything, please don't hesitate to ask.

I guess it's really a matter for you guys to keep strong and determined that justice prevails.

Our thoughts are with you.

Cora and Alan Robinson (Marks Point, NSW Australia)
(November 19, 2008) My husband and I never missed Boracay in our scheduled holidays. The place is truly wonderful and the people are warm and friendly.

In late August this year, we spent our 5-day holiday in Boracay where my husband Alan first met Viveca and the lovely twins. Greg wasn't there at that time. I met Greg on Viveca's parents golden anniversary in Cavite in the late 80's.

After visiting Boracay several times we were surprised to read of the trouble the Hutchinsons are experiencing there as all of the people we met Filipinos and Australians, American and British expats have only had good things to say about the Hutchinsons.

Our support and prayers to The Hutchinsons and hope that all these problems caused by some lawless, greedy elements can be sorted out smoothly and in favour of the Hutchinsons.

Hope we can visit with them when we finally settle in the Philippines.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Christine Legaspi
(Nov 17, 2008) What the Hutchisons are going through is no different from what my auntie and cousins went through in a different part of the Philippines - Malolos Bulacan. I'm actually surprised it happened to them since they are foreigners. Usually, things like this only happens to Filipinos. Foreigners are usually exempt from this abuse.

Anyway, this is what I know regarding what happened with my Auntie. The land that they own was a land that they have leased for more than 25 years. During the Marcos era, Marcos made it possible for people leasing land for more than 20-25 years to "own" the land by rewarding them the title/deed to the land.

Fast forward to the future, which was 2007. The land my aunt "owns" in Malolos, which has rental properties physically standing, as well as a small family hotel, got developed and increased in value. The mayor and governor started "eyeing" the property and it's "possibility". My aunt got a notice to vacate the property or else... straight from the mayor and governor. Word spread around that the mayor and governor wants to sell the land to Henry Sy and develop it and build a big SM mall.

My aunt, of course, did not budge, in spite of death threats and all, since she knows damn well her family has rights to that land. Was she so wrong!!! Whoa and behold, one day, a bunch of police or "goons" should I call it, came over to the property along with bulldozers and bull dozed the whole property - rental and the hotel!.

Imagine your asset and life savings being bulldozed to the ground! My auntie was helpless. We were helpless. Even though we were in the right, they had the guns, we don't.

anyway, It's been about a year and a half now and they are still in court as we speak. The matter I think is being taken up to the supreme court but who knows? In a Banana Republic like the Philippines, money talks in a big way. What's the use at this point right? They already destroyed my aunt's property to a point where she cannot make use of it. What's left is land and rubble.

I really feel bad for the Hutchisons since judging from the articles, they were one of the "original" entrepreneurs that really developed the island and made it known, without the government's help. i just find it again, shocking, that it happened to them.

If you're interested to know more details about my aunt, I can forward you to her and her family. She's still battling the goons and the bad people. Who knows? There's probably similar victims out there that needs to come out as well. They can all stick together and fight, like the Hutchisons. Just a thought.

Helen deLeon-CamarceHelen deLeon-Camarce GBGM Missionary Assigned as Area Financial Executive-Philippines
(November 17, 2008) In situations of injustices, the only reliable way to get result is thru the media, I don't have the connections, I may rally in front of the Australian Embassy or the Department of Justice, NBI or Malacanang but who will listen? And who among Greg's and Viveca's friends are willing to do this? If it will not be a big crowd they will just ignore it.

Thank you again. Please update me on any development.

GMA News and Public AffairsGMA News and Public Affairs
(November 17, 2008) Sounds like a really interesting story. I forwarded to News and to Imbestigador.

Helen deLeon-CamarceHelen deLeon-Camarce GBGM Missionary Assigned as Area Financial Executive-Philippines
(November 17, 2008) I am a close friend of the Hutchinsons especially Viveca, I've read the ongoing situation of the family in Boracay and I was really alarmed. The last time we talked was last year and she had told me about the harassment they experienced.

I think the best way we can help is through the media. And I think since you already had an access to these people (GMA7) maybe we can send your story to Imbestigador or other news program. This is already a life-threatening situation, and a violation of human rights. And the children don't deserve to be harassed as well. This is a violation of the bill on violence against women and children.

(Nov 15, 2008) You want a campaign? I checked the Inquirer and they have published some. Ikaw din ah, may mga media contacts ka na, maybe you can send it to honest, law-abiding foreign investor invested his hard earned money to our country and how local vultures are preying on him...the contribution of Boracay to tourism and to the economy, or how this could mar our public image and affect foreign business from investing here when now more than ever we need money to pour in our coffers to soften the impact of an impending's a national issue that should concern everyone. Are there politicians involved? Is there a trace of corruption? Would you know what public policies have been violated?

For a full and comprehensive report on the siege, please go to

Google Map Boracay, Philippines

tourist attractions in Boracay tourist attractions
  • Ariel's Point in Boracay Ariel's Point - cliff jumping
  • Puka Beach in Boracay Puka Beach - next to White Beach, Puka is a popular beach with white sand and palm groves
  • Bat Cave in Boracay Bat Cave - on the west side of the island, visitors hike through the forest
hotels in Boracay hotel restaurant in Boracay restaurant

Boracay Cost Index

(US$1 = PHP 49.73 as of Nov 30, 2016)
  • PHP 4,800k Air Juan flight from Coron (Palawan) to Boracay
  • PHP 500/night cheap lodging
  • PHP /night luxury lodging at SandCastles The Apartments
  • PHP 10 regular tricycle fare
  • PHP 25 tricycle fare from pier to Boat Station 2
  • PHP 25 ferry from Caticlan to Boracay
  • PHP 75 environmental fee paid in Caticlan together with the ferry fee
  • PHP 50 cheap carinderia meal for travelers on a budget

How to Get to Boracay

There are numerous flights to Boracay from Manila and Cebu. Upon arrival by plane, you will be transferred by van to the Arrival Section of the old airport. You can walk it to the pier (very short walk) or take the tricycle if you have heavy/bulky luggage. At the boat terminal you pay:
  • PHP 25/pax for ferry
  • PHP 75/pax for environmental fee

PHP 25 tricycle fare from Boracay Pier to your hotel on Boat Stations 1, 2 and 3

Currency Converter

Boracay Blogs by TheLoneRider

Suggested itinerary on the WEST coast of Panay Island from Boracay going south

  1. Boracay - most popular beach in the Philippines
  2. Malay - Nabaoy River, Pangihan Cave, Nagata Falls, Agnaga Falls, Naasug Point, Malay Ecological Park, Motag Living Museum
  3. Nabas - wind tubines, Hurom-Hurom Cold Springs
  4. Pandan - Malumpati Spring
  5. Libertad - Maanghit Cave, Ati Cave and Bungan-Bungan Spring
  6. Sebaste - Igpasungaw Waterfall
  7. Culasi - Malalison Island
  8. Tibiao - hot kawa-bath, white water river rafting, Bugtong Bato Waterfall, rice terraces, Tibiao Bakery, pottery, fish spa
  9. Anini-y - Nogas Island, scuba diving

Suggested itinerary on the EAST coast of Panay Island from Boracay going south

  1. Boracay - most popular beach in the Philippines
  2. Malay - Nabaoy River, Pangihan Cave, Nagata Falls, Agnaga Falls, Naasug Point, Malay Ecological Park, Motag Living Museum
  3. Nabas - wind tubines, Hurom-Hurom Cold Springs
  4. Kalibo - Bakhawan Eco-Park, Tigayon Hill
  5. Tambak - oysters
  6. Capiz - Roxas City
  7. Carles | Estancia - Gigantes Island Boat Tour, Lighthouse of Gigantes Island and Bakwitan Cave of Gigantes Island
  8. Iloilo - Batchoy Indulgence

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Boracay Beach Resort

SandCastles Boracay Beach Resort

Tribal Cafe

tribal adventures

Tibiao Essentials
Tribal Adventures Tours - river kayak, rice terraces tour, Tibiao Town tour, mountain biking, hiking
Kayak Inn - river kayak, native house, hot kawa bath


SandCastles Boracay Beach Resort
The Apartments

beach-front luxury suites

Tribal Cafe
Tribal Cafe
beach bar | cafe

Caticlan, Antique

S-E Hotel & Residence
walk to airport
parking lot

El Cielo Hotel
near airport, walk to Jetty Port

Nabas, Aklan

Nabas Business Center INN
central location
business center
travel agency

Roxas City, Capiz

Roxas City Hotel
central location
Roxas City Hotel

Estancia, Iloilo

Estancia Resort Hotel
packaged tours to
Gigantes Island
Estancia Resort Hotel

Pandan, Antique

Phaidon Beach Resort
white sand
beach house
scuba diving
resto and bar
house reef

Pandan Beach Resort
packaged tour to Malalison Island
floating gazebo
beachfront resto
souvenir shop

Culasi, Antique

LS Suites
LS Suites/Hotel
wifi hotel
bar & grill
cctv security

Tibiao, Antique

Kayak Inn
Kayak Inn
hot kawa bath
river kayaking
native lodging

Tribal Adventures Tribal Adventures
outdoor adventure tours
