Nap Fernando Monday March 3, 2025 EST 
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Nap Fernando CALLING ALL MOUNTAINEERS !!! A member of our tribe is in need of our help.
Jan 16, 2009

Nap Fernando

Nap Fernando, a member of the UP Mountaineers has been diagnosed to have stage 3 paranasal sinus cancer and currently undergoing radioactive therapy at the Far Eastern University. He needs 35 sessions of radioactive treatment each costing P4600. This is over and above other medication and care required to help him fight this cancer.

Nap has been active in the mountaineering community since 2000 and has been involved in the reforestation program at Ipo Dam.

Let us all band together for a fellow mountaineer !!!

--- TheLoneRider

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Reader Comments:

(Jan 9, 2009) happy new year LoneRider! i was reading your website and i came across the abs showdown. the money from the showdown will be given to nap fernando who has stage 3 paranasal cancer. i would like to anonymously give 5,000.00. how do i send the money to nap fernando? I do not know him. My heart just goes out to people stricken with cancer. Nap still has mountains to climb. i hope all is well. thank you.

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UP Mountaineers

UP Lakay Kalikasan Mountaineers


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