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Country > Philippines > Negros Oriental > Valencia
Date > 2023 > Feb
Activity > Traveling

Valencia Day Trip Feb 5, 2023

Valencia Day Trip

Location Google Map: Valencia, Negros Oriental, Philippines

Being in Dumaguete means I pay a visit to my beloved Valencia on the slope of Mount Talinis. I heard that its Sunday Market is now famous and a popular itinerary for locals and tourists. The place has become somewhat trendy.

I lived in Valencia for a good year back in 2010. I only have fond memories of the place. During that time, Valencia was only known to people from Dumaguete. It was also known for having subsidized electricity for having geothermal features. It has a cool climate, being 500 feet above sea level along the volcanic slopes of Mount Talinis. The soil was fertile so it was typical to find as many as 5 fruits in season at any given time. Fruits were cheap and life was leisurely coasting. Sure, it was a sleepy town, but Dumaguete (the big city) was only 30 minutes away by jeep.

Landlady Who Kicked Me Out
Now, it's funny to think that I was unceremoniously kicked out of my place by my landlady who seemed to suffer from some kind of mental imbalance. I suspect she ran out of medication and this sweet adorable granny turned into a fire-breathing dragon who just wanted body counts. I had to scramble for a new place to stay as I had to leave right there and then!

I went to my old address only to see the old house I lived in. It has been completely demolished and replaced by a garden - no sign there even was a house there. Not surprising - it was already falling apart during my time.

Sunday Market
Unfortunately, I arrive in Valencia after 1 pm. Nearly all the stalls and shops have already closed. I roamed around, checked out my old playground where I did my workouts, etc.

Manang Dina
I wanted to see 3 people in Valencia...I make it a point to say hello to them every single time I visit - Manang Tusay who owned an eatery by the market, Rachel who remained a friend after all these years and Manang Dina used to do laundry service for the neighborhood.

Manang Tusay already passed away - she was already sick and weak the last time I visited her. Rachel just got engaged and couldn't risk being seen with a man or be the talk of this small town - I understand that too well.

Manang Dina turned out to be a detective story since I had to track her down. I was told from her old address that she's already moved on near the Iglesia church. From there, I asked around and was pointed to a few directions which ultimately led me to her. It was great seeing her again together with all her kids. I think Manang Dina had a thing for me which explains why all her kids call me, Daddy!

Valencia Day Trip
with Manang Dina, her kids and in-law

Shaman Lando
Fortuitously, a shaman was going to Manang Dina's place. He was reputed to be a powerful shaman who even saved a few lives. Naturally, I asked him to take a look at me. I told him about my recent inguinal hernia injury. To my utter surprise, he said it wasn't an injury - I was hexed by a 48-year-old woman. Huh? I don't even know any 48-year-old woman! He warned me not to be trusting too much considering I was a new face in town. He treated me, did a little massaging on my belly with his oil, and ultimately offered me 'protection' for P800. I thought I'd support him so I gave him P1000 (I didn't have exact change and it was awkward to ask him for a P200 change). The protection came in the form of a DIY crucifix.

I noticed that every shaman who looked at me told me I was cursed by someone and that I need protection - every single one of them, no exception. I guess when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail to you.

Ending Thoughts
Valencia remains charming, still peaceful and quiet despite its increasing popularity. I asked myself if I would want to live here. Hmmm, maybe it's enough to pay a visit every once in a while.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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More on Valencia:

Valencia Map

Google Map Valencia, Philippines

tourist attractions in Valencia tourist attractions

Valencia Transport (as of Jan 2023)

Jeeps ply the Dumaguete-Valencia route. Last trip from Valencia to Dumaguete is 5pm.

Valencia Itinerary sightseeing Sightseeing / Activities
  1. Forest Camp in Valencia - a mountain resort fed by the Banica River. Great for getting wet and picnics (blog by Lakwatsero)
  2. Go to the Japanese Shrine and Casaroro Falls - 100 meter falls and site of a fierce WWII battle between Japanese, Americans and Filipinos
  3. Head out to Camp Lookout in Valencia for great views. Famous writers stay there for the Silliman University National Writers Workshop.
  4. Stop by The World War II Museum in Valencia and talk to curator/owner/collector, Constantino "Tantin" Cata-al.
  5. Splash on Pulangbato Falls and Hot Spring - via Palinpinon road towards PNOC. Great to dip-in after a day's hike or for hot lazy days
  6. Climb Mt. Talinis. At 1864 meters, it lords over Negros Oriental, and home to endemic and rare species of flora and fauna.


Valencia Valencia


  • Valencia Day Trip Feb 5, 2023
  • 2017

  • Valencia Revisited Apr 30, 2017
  • 2011

  • Summiting Mt. Talinis with Cuernos de Negros Sep 16-18, 2011
  • Goodbye Valencia Jul 31, 2011
  • Rebar Bike Frame Jul 31, 2011
  • Smoked Mamsa with Bearnaise Sauce Jul 17, 2011
  • Pulangbato Falls and Hot Spring Jul 16, 2011
  • Splashing in Pulangbato Falls with Cuernos de Negros Jun 5, 2011
  • Camping at the Japanese Shrine with Cuernos de Negros Jun 4-5, 2011
  • Grilled Lobster and Jumbo Tiger Prawns with Kale and Hitoshi Feb 28, 2011
  • Climbing Mt. Talinis with Cuernos de Negros Feb 17-20, 2011
  • Smoked Blue Marlin on a Cedar Plank Feb 5, 2011
  • 2010

  • When a Hero Comes Along Nov 18, 2010
  • The World War II Museum: Valencia, Negros Oriental Sep 21, 2010
  • The Ride to Camp Lookout, Valencia, Negros Oriental May 1, 2010
  • A Tale of Two Foreigners Apr 26, 2010
  • Hike to the Japanese Shrine and Casaroro Falls Apr 25, 2010

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