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Hydro-Colon Therapy February 18, 2006

Hydro-Colon Therapy

Location: Polarity Preventive Medical Clinic, Unit G-10 Tiffany Mansion, #21 Eisenhower Street, Greenhills, San Juan, Metro-Manila, Philippines (already closed for business)

Caution! Colonics is an invasive therapy. Don't do this too often. I know of people who died for overdoing this (like once a week). For me, I would have this done once a year if I were not looking after my gut. But since I do my water therapy/Nauli daily, there is no more need to do colonics.

Colon Cancer
Two of the leading cancer deaths amongst males in later life are prostate and colon cancer. This is brought to the forefront by celebrities suffering from such fate - Colin Powell and Gen. Swarchkopf. The common culprit for colon cancer is the use of Western-style seated toilets compared to the squat-style. The latter is a better anatomical method for efficiently removing waste. This can be addressed by simply squatting on the seats. Besides, who wants to sit down on a public toilet seat anyway? Another culprit is the massive and indiscriminate consumption of processed foods (hotdog? what shit really went into those ingredients? non-dairy butter? can the body metabolize this lab-manufactured food?). A carefully planned diet also addresses this issue. Being a fitness buff and health freak, I do my fair share of prudence along the lines of preventive maintenanceHydro-Colon Therapy

Space Clearing
I came upon a book on a specialized type of Feng Shui, called Space Clearing. I read that by clearing out things we don't need but persist to keep, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and move on. This applies across the board - from clothes we haven't used since our school days to impacted shit that has remained in our digestive system for years. They all need to be removed.

Skin Disorder
Through further reading, I came across an article saying that people who have skin disorders usually have digestive problems. From people I know of, I believe this to be empirically true. It further said that impacted waste that remain in our system are spread to our bodies through osmosis from our digestive system. Now, this waste needs to get out of our bodies and they are expelled through our skins - thus we have diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, etc. It made perfect sense to me. Waste is toxic and if that remains in our system, it's not surprising for it to cause skin issues, or worse, cancer.

Yogic Solution
Yoga offers alternatives from their traditional practices - Basti (natural enemas using a straw and a basin of water) and Varisara (water bloating to flush out everything inside the digestive system). It points out the same need to cleanse the colon of its impurities. The yogic approach however, takes years to perfect - it's more expedient to use present-day technology to get the job done.

The Obvious Conclusion
All these diverse disciplines all point to one thing - clean the colon. Through Mimsy's kindness (again!!!), I was introduced to the concept of hydro-colon therapy. It's more effective than a regular enema and it's not dehydrating unlike the use of laxatives. An appointment was set with a medical center in Greenhills, San Juan that will carry out the procedure - it's all they do.

Hydro-Colon Therapy - the Process
Let's face it. Colonics conjure vivid imagery of an invasive butt-plug...the unpleasant odor of shit and its disgusting pastie texture come to mind - so nobody talks about it in social circles. However, with this clinic, a registered nurse provides assistance under hygienic conditions that ensure privacy and comfort. In about an hour, the procedure was done. There was no need to rush to the washroom during the treatment. Everything was done while I was lying on my side. After the treatment, I was given Acidopolous to reactivate the beneficial organisms in my digestive system and I was off to resume a normal day.

Ending Thoughts
A lot of people take their health for granted...until symptoms show up and usually by that time, a pound of cure is required instead of an ounce of prevention. I see it all the time - people with dental coverage at work but never bother to get their teeth checked or even cleaned.

The adage "health is wealth" cannot be underscored enough. This is the only body I've got and I'll regard it like a temple that should be held inviolate. I treat it the way I treat my mountain bike - push it to its very edge to maximize its full potential but look after it with all the tender loving care I can provide. As part of my preventive maintenance routine, I'll make colonics an annual routine.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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Hydro-Colon Therapy Providers in the Philippines:

This is all I know. Please don't ask me for more sources.

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Reader Comments:

(May 8, 2024) This is a valuable discussion! Colon cancer is a serious concern, and taking steps to promote gut health is important. Appreciate you highlighting the potential benefits of a healthy diet and exercise, without going overboard on unproven claims. A balanced approach to wellness is key.

(Sep 23, 2009) I read your article about colonics and maintaining a healthy colon. I really want to have one done but I'm having trouble locating one in Manila. Do you know of others not in your list at the bottom of the article?

(Dec 23, 2007) I chanced upon your website and saw your entry on Hydro-Colon Therapy. I was wondering if you can share with me the medical center which provided you that service as I'm also interested to undergo such treatment soon. Thanks so much.

(Apr 11, 2007) Are you located in the Philippines? Do you know of anyone or a clinic at or near Binakayan? I would like to stay in touch with you as I too have a medical condition which I have been monitoring. You suggested the Yellow Pages...??? In the Philippines? They have a Yellow Pages? Never knew of one existing in the PI. I reside in the US therefore I may have wrongly presumed taht there is no Yellow Pages service for the Philippines. Can you help further by giving me another resource?

(Mar 21, 2007) Would you know if the clinic in Greenhills where you had your colonics is still open for business? I have been trying to contact the # however to no avail.

Blogs on digestion

  1. Yoga Class for Optimum Digestion July 29, 2020
  2. Yogic Morning Ritual: Structured Water, Water Therapy and Nauli May 1, 2020
  3. Hydro-Colon Therapy Feb 18, 2006

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