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Kundalini Awakening Through Chakra Meditation December 24, 2024

Kundalini Awakening Through Chakra Meditation

Kundalini Yoga
While reading up on Kundalini Yoga, I came upon a section talking about awakening Kundalini through chakra meditation - pure mind, visualizing and feeling. This is not new to me. I've come across this before but I didn't bother much about it - visualization was too difficult. Up until now, my Kundalini awakening practice was through pranayama, kumbhaka, bandha and mudra - this was along the Nath yogi tradition. This time however, I paid attention to chakra meditation and gave it time. I went back to my writings about the chakras and siddhi activation and applied the meditation techniques. I embarked on an ambitious 4 am 1-hour meditation a day. Guess what happened?

Kundalini Awakening Through Chakra Meditation
I would set my alarm to 4 am and begin my one hour chakra meditation

This one chakra per day approach is much more detailed and arduous than what the book prescribed.

  1. Day 1: Muladhara chakra - on the first day, I went back to my writings on the Muladhara chakra to ensure I was grounded on what it is. While seated on Siddhasana, on Prithvi mudra, on an inbreath hold, I then meditated on activating the Muladhara chakra while on a mild Mula bandha...visualizing on my perineum, a lotus flower with 4 red petals with an inverted triangle inside it and inside the triangle, a serpent coiled 3.5X facing down. Energy pulses from my Mula bandha trigger the awakening of the serpent. It goes erect from being coiled and blinding white light radiates from it. The light illuminated my whole body, then the room, then the whole universe. I'm still holding my breath. I then imagine all the siddhis from Muladhara chakra being activated - toughness of body, strength, grounding, survival instinct on red alert. Before I exhale, I release the bandha, empty my mind and chant LAM mantra on the exhale. I pause and repeat this cycle for the next one hour.
  2. Day 2: Svadisthana chakra - I read up on my Svadisthana chakra blog and find bearing. On my meditation, while on a breath-hold, I still begin with Kundalini awakening on Muladhara chakra, but this time, Kundalini leaves Muladhara, goes through the Sushumna nadi and into the Svadisthana chakra above the Muladhara, just below the navel. Svadisthana fires up into a blazing white light when Kundalini descends upon it. I visualize it...lotus flower with 6 vermillion colored petals, chakra activating and triggering siddhi activation - optimizing all the water within me, friends to all wild animals, a lord among yogis, sexually desirable, etc. I release and exhale with the seed mantra, VAM. I repeat this cycle for one hour.
  3. Day 3: Manipuraka chakra - the process continues with the same template, but using the features unique to the chakra. This goes on until the 7th day when I finally reached the Sahasrara chakra.
  4. Day 4: Anahatha chakra
  5. Day 5: Vishuddhi chakra
  6. Day 6: Ajna chakra
  7. Day 7: Sahasrara chakra

After the One Hour
It would be around 5 am when I finish. Ideally, I should now bike to CPG Park to do my yoga routine, but after this hour, I just feel that my body needs to lie down and reset itself. I fall back to sleep and wake up at 6 am. I then go to the park for my regular yoga...which could take another 2 hours.

Ending Thoughts
It's too early to say if this new routine works for me. I haven't totally given up on my Nath tradition of Siddhi activation. I do all of them daily...almost. So far, given all my effort for Kundalini awakening and Siddhi activation, I'm still not walking on water. But I continue to remain very strong, resilient, disease-free, and collected.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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