a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2023 archive

January 2023 Blogs

1:4:2:3 Nadi Shodana Yoga

1:4:2:3 Nadi Shodana

(Jan 26, 2023) In Hatha Yoga Pradipika, they talk about the importance of breathing ratios in pranayama. I downloaded a metronome app and pushed my limit to a 1:4:2:3 ratio with 5 seconds as one count...more »»

Lazi's Boulevard Traveling

Lazi's Boulevard

(Jan 22, 2023) The Boulevard at night is perhaps Lazi's strongest suite. It's a refreshing reminder that you are in a coastal town with fresh air, outdoor expanse and a harbor view...more »»

Lazi: A Monthly Stay Traveling

Lazi: A Monthly Stay

(Jan 21, 2023) After a frustrating 2-week search for a monthly stay in Siquijor Island, I finally found a suitable place in Lazi (my first choice) that was budget-friendly. Now, the pressure is gone, and I can finally resume a normal life and enjoy the offerings of Siquijor Island...more »»

7 Days in Maria, Siquijor Traveling

7 Days in Maria, Siquijor

(Jan 14-21, 2023) When I booked for 7 nights in an isolated resort in Maria, I prepared myself for the isolation. True enough, I was productive and covered much ground on my online work, plus being fit from all the cycling...more »»

Capilay Spring Traveling

Capilay Spring

(Jan 17, 2023) The biggest and best-known natural spring in Siquijor is in San Juan - Capilay Spring. Perhaps, it is also the most underrated. To me, it's one of the biggest draw - you bathe in natural spring water and a few steps out, you dip into the salty sea. How magical is that?..more »»

Siquijor: In Search of Resonance Traveling

Siquijor: In Search of Resonance

(Jan 9-14, 2023) After 3 months in Cebu City, despite the Shaman who advised me to settle in Cebu, I felt the need to move on in search of a place that resonates. Next stop? Siquijor!..more »»

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