a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2022 archive

Oct 2022 Blogs

Oct Snapshots snapshot

Oct Snapshots

(Oct 31, 2022) If you have a fast eye for passing moments, you spot interesting snapshots where art imitates life...more »»

TOPS Farewell Party Chilling Out

TOPS Farewell Party

(Oct 21, 2022) TOPS has always been an iconic destination in Cebu City for its view and micro-climate. It was sold and the new owners had more ambitious plans for the place. Before it was shut down, a party was thrown to celebrate TOPS and the role it played in the Cebuanos' lives...more »»

Cebu City Base: Hostel 7 Cebu traveling

Cebu City Base: Hostel 7 Cebu

(Oct 13 - Dec 4, 2022) Now that my travel is behind me and I'm comfortably chilling at Hostel 7 Cebu, I can begin to shift my thinking from 'getting there' to 'finding my bearing'. It's good to be back in Cebu and rediscover it all over again.....more »»

Manila - Cebu City: from Touch-down to my Hotel traveling

Manila - Cebu City: from Touch-down to my Hotel

(Oct 13, 2022) Constrained to leave Thailand after 4 years, I landed in Cebu City not knowing what happens next. I wanted to relax and get my bearings first before I embark on this new chapter. But before that, I have to manage getting to my hotel from the airport...more »»

3 Nights in Bangkok traveling

3 Nights in Bangkok

(Oct 11-13, 2022) En route to the Philippines from Chiang Mai, I had to take the train to Bangkok to catch my flight. I thought I'd stay a couple of nights. It won't be too soon until I see Bangkok again...more »»

Goodbye Chiang Mai lucid

Goodbye Chiang Mai

(Jan 24, 2019 - Oct 10, 2022) After nearly 4 years of staying here at the charming Nawa Saraan Hotel, it felt like I would be staying here in Chiang Mai forever. Despite my repeated expectation to leave, Covid-visa extension kept getting extended, 2 months at a time, with every issuance being 'the last'. But finally, Immigration stopped the extension and it came time to say goodbye.....more »»

Chiang Mai Peoplescape people

Chiang Mai Peoplescape

(Oct 10, 2022) From a dizzying 8 classes/week with 4 students with customized sequencing on every single class, it came down to one class. It got me time to catch up with my writing and catch up with friends as well - coffee, bread and yes, pancakes too. People who left are now back, and new people have come into my social orbit. Of course, the regulars are there providing a semblance of anchorage and rooting...more »»

Siamaya Chocolates chocolate

Siamaya Chocolates

(Oct 2, 2022) At first, it was Siamaya Chocolate's catchy art on the packaging that caught my attention. But diving into this syrupy chocolate rabbithole gave me a glimpse of unbridled passion, out-of-the-box innovation, exacting production tolerances and adherence to perfection. Abstract? Just buy any Siamaya Chocolate bar and you'll know what I mean.....more »»

Hatha Yoga Pradipika Yoga Book Review

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

(Oct 1, 2022 - Jul 5, 2023) While nearly every yogi I meet talks about Patanjali's Yoga Sutras as his/her basis for their practice (which is mostly asana), Patanjali's Sutras actually only mentions one asana - a seated pose that can be held long and comfortably. Obscured from the modern dissertation of yoga is the one book that actually focuses more about the asanas - Hatha Yoga Pradipika.....more »»

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